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(New Character Arrival) (Bambridge) (Elise) (Envoy) (Fenter) (Lakshmi) (Rephidim) (Skye) (Spheres of Magic) 926: Foxes, Oghnoighs and Vermites


71049 bytes
09 Nov, 1999

<+ E +>

Guy Fox Day, 6099 RTR (4 Nov 1999) Things go wild in Freedom Park during the celebration.

GMed by Greywolf

(Heir to Blackshire) (Elise) (Envoy) (Jynx) (Nordika) 941: Harvest Tide at Blackshire Keep


55051 bytes
19 Nov, 1999

<+ E +>

Harvest Tide, 6099 RTR (18 Nov 1999) Harvest Tide is celebrated at the castle of Count Kurai.

GMed by Greywolf

(Elise) (Rephidim) 948: Cadet Eustace


14782 bytes
24 Nov, 1999

<+ E +>

Harvest 7, 6099 RTR (22 Nov 1999) Elise avoids a duel with hot-headed Cadet Eustace do Varr.

GMed by Greywolf

(Heir to Blackshire) (Elise) (Melchizedek) (Rephidim) (Rephidim Temple) 951: Elise's Report on Jynx


6487 bytes
24 Nov, 1999

<+ E +>

Harvest 8, 6099 RTR (22 Nov 1999) Elise presents a report to the Temple on her experience at Blackshire Keep.

GMed by Greywolf

(Elise) (Rephidim) (Sword of the First Ones) 953: Revolutionary Cadet Elise


12375 bytes
04 Dec, 1999

<+ E +>

Harvest 16, 6099 RTR (2 Dec 1999) Elise witnesses a duel between two upperclassmen at the Academy.

GMed by Greywolf

(College Esoterica) (Elise) (Envoy) (Rephidim) (Spheres of Magic) 956: Ready to Rumble


46458 bytes
04 Dec, 1999

<+ E +>

Harvest 17, 6099 RTR (2 Dec 1999) Envoy and Elise fight off an earth golem.

GMed by Greywolf

(Elise) (Rephidim) (Sword of the First Ones) 961: Challenge to a Duel


25035 bytes
11 Dec, 1999

<+ E +>

16 Landing, 6099 RTR (9 Dec 1999) After fencing practice, Elise confronts an abusive upperclassman.

GMed by Greywolf

(Elise) (Rephidim) (Sword of the First Ones) 977: Duel at Sanguine Hall


12972 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

9 Landing, 6099 RTR (16 Dec 1999) Elise faces off against Jiraud at Sanguine Hall.

GMed by Greywolf

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 987: Mirror, Mirror in My Hand


11906 bytes
26 Dec, 1999

<+ E +>

2 Landing, 6099 RTR (23 Dec 1999) Envoy has a bizarre dream of … mirrors.

GMed by Greywolf

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 989: Mystico's Rescue


64360 bytes
26 Dec, 1999

<+ E +>

2 Landing, 6099 RTR (23 Dec 1999) Elise and Envoy meet up, fight undead, and rescue a rabbit mage.

GMed by Greywolf

(Elise) (Rephidim) (Sword of the First Ones) 994: Not Dead Yet


16771 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing 4, 6099 RTR (29 Dec 1999) Elise recuperates in bed, tended to by Cadet Sabel.

GMed by Greywolf

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (Lochinvar) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 995: Crossroads of the Seven Sisters


19005 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing 12, 6099 RTR (6 Jan 2000) Elise, Lochinvar and Envoy meet again in the Dream Realm, at a curious crossroads.

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (Lochinvar) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 996: Battle of Wits


44992 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing 12, 6099 RTR (6 Jan 2000) Envoy engages in a battle of wits with a Mystic in Inala's Carnival of Pleasure.

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 998: Tea with the Mystic


24223 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing 13, 6099 RTR (7 Jan 2000) Elise has tea with the Mystic, in Inala's Carnival.

GMed by Rowan

(Elise) (Rephidim) (Sword of the First Ones) 1000: Petition for Proper Veneration


11167 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing 19, 6099 RTR (13 Jan 2000) Elise signs a petition that the Temple should make veneration of the First Ones the official religion of Rephidim.

GMed by Greywolf

(Aaron) (Elise) (Rephidim) (Sword of the First Ones) (Rephidim Temple) (Wynona) 1003: Of Serpents and Swords


41763 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing 19, 6099 RTR (13 Jan 2000) Elise and Aaron show up for a rally, but get into a fight instead.

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(Elise) (Rephidim) (Sword of the First Ones) (Rephidim Temple) (Writings) 1005: The Secret of Sanguine Hall


9130 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

14 New Year (18 Jan 2000) Elise spends several days and evenings researching the mysteries of Sanguine Hall.

GMed by Greywolf

(Elise) (Rephidim) (Sword of the First Ones) 1006: Servant of the Sword No More


41920 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

12 New Year (20 Jan 2000) Elise calls Jiraud and Seline to Sanguine Hall to present a "story" to them.

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1008: Elise in the Hall of Mirrors


27200 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

7 New Year's (25 Jan 2000) Elise, in the Dream Realm, passes through the Hall of Mirrors.

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(Elise) (Rephidim) 1009: Dream Dress


26170 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

6 New Year (26 Jan 2000) Elise and her sister go shopping for dresses.

GMed by Rowan

(Arkold) (Rephidim Bazaar) (Elise) (Envoy) (Esther) (Kensington) (Melchizedek) (Rephidim) (Roho) (Shadow) (Zsofi) 1012: Happy New Century!


74017 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New Year's Eve, 6099 RTR (27 Jan 2000) Several are gathered at a ball to celebrate the turn of the century in Rephidim.

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1014: Ballroom of Dreams


75576 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New Year's Day, 6100 RTR (31 Jan 2000) Elise dreams of the Mystic again, and dances with him.

GMed by Rowan

(Elise) (Esther) (Writings) 1024: Report on Corporal de Bellefeuille


10774 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

A report for Arch-Inquisitrix Esther yod Rahab on Corporal de Bellefeuille.

GMed by Greywolf

(Elise) (Esther) (Rephidim) (Rephidim Temple) 1034: Elise's Job Interview


32918 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New Year 2, 6104 RTR (3 Feb 2000) Sky Corporal Elise is interviewed for a position with the Inquisition.

GMed by Greywolf

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1037: The Empty Reflection


18872 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New Year 6, 6104 RTR (7 Feb 2000) Envoy ventures through the Hall of Mirrors in the Dream Carnival of Inala.

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(Rephidim Countryside) (Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (Kensington) (Rephidim) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1038: Writing Act Two


60814 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New Year 6, 6104 RTR (7 Feb 2000) Elise journeys through a new part of the Carnival of Inala, and backtracks to find herself.

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(Elise) (Gallis) (Nordika) 1041: Lady Ambassador Elise


20014 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New Year 9, 6104 RTR (10 Feb 2000) Elise reports for duty as an ambassador to Gallis.

GMed by Rowan

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1051: From Inala to Blakat


31018 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New Year 12, 6104 RTR (13 Feb 2000) Envoy and Elise leave Inala's realm and explore Blakat's instead.

GMed by Rowan

(Elise) (Gallis) (Nordika) 1054: En Route to Lesmysteaux's


24112 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New Year 16, 6104 RTR (17 Feb 2000) Elise travels with some nobles on a social outing.

GMed by Rowan

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1059: Realm of Madness and Murder


46333 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New Year 18, 6104 RTR (19 Feb 2000) Envoy and Elise explore Blakat's mad realm.

GMed by Rowan

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1061: Adrift on a Sea of Souls


36902 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New Year 19, 6104 RTR (20 Feb 2000) After being slain by a monster, Elise finds herself in Sunala's realm.

GMed by Rowan

(Elise) (Nordika) 1068: Roughing it in Gallis


36124 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

16 Candlemass, 6104 RTR (27 Feb 2000) Elise hobnobs with Gallisian nobility.

GMed by Rowan

(Elise) (Nordika) 1081: Hunters and Hunted


24566 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

3 Candlemass, 6104 RTR (12 Mar 2000) Elise accompanies a hunting expedition, and runs into some undead warriors.

GMed by Rowan

(Elise) (Rephidim) (Shadow) (Underside) 1084: Mercenaries in the Mix


22485 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 6, 6104 RTR (21 Mar 2000) Elise joins the assault on the Jade Palace.

GMed by Greywolf

(Darkside) (Elise) (Rephidim) (Sewers) (Shadow) (Spheres of Magic) (Underside) 1085: Jumping the Gun


40698 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 6, 6104 RTR (21 Mar 2000) The Champion of Shadows pre-empts Esther's planned raid of Faraon's Dome, and thwarts a sinister plan.

GMed by Greywolf

(Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Rephidim) 1098: Back at the Estate


22511 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

18 Unity, 6104 RTR (5 May 2000) Elise returns to Rephidim, and chats with her sister.

GMed by Rowan

(Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Rephidim) 1106: Interrogating a Suitor


25761 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

7 Unity, 6104 RTR (16 May 2000) Elise meets one of her sister's suitors.

GMed by Rowan

(Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Rephidim) 1109: Conflict of Interest


11833 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

3 Unity, 6104 RTR (20 May 2000) Elise meets with one of her sister's spurned suitors.

GMed by Rowan

(Elise) (Rephidim) 1120: Proper Breeding


31211 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

9 Midsummer, 6104 RTR (6 Jun 2000) Elise investigates Lord de Ayde's bloodline to see if he's a proper suitor for her sister, Katherine.

GMed by Rowan

(Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Rephidim) 1129: Numbering Game


24674 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Midsummer 5, 6104 RTR (20 Jun 2000) Elise presents her research to her sister, Katherine.

GMed by Rowan

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1135: Hypocrisy


12933 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Midsummer 15, 6104 RTR (30 Jun 2000) Elise is confronted with another way of looking at her issue with Katherine.

GMed by Rowan

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1136: Playing By The Rules


27510 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

14 First Ones, 6104 RTR (4 Jul 2000) Envoy and Elise meet again in the Dream Realm of Inala.

GMed by Rowan

(Elise) (Rephidim) (Rephidim Temple) 1156: Assignment to Caroban


9275 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

First Ones 23, 6104 RTR (10 Aug 2000) Elise receives an assignment that will take her to Caroban.

GMed by Rowan

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1160: The Flying Drokar


31188 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

27 Ring Day, 6104 RTR (31 Aug 2000) Envoy and Elise dream of a rollercoaster and magnificent flying drokars.

GMed by Rowan

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1172: Only One Will Make It


13991 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Ring Day, 6104 RTR (27 Sep 2000) Elise and Envoy continue their dream trek.

GMed by Rowan

(Airship) (Dream Realms) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1176: Vision of Battle, Dream of Death


22163 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Ring 7, 6104 RTR (4 Oct 2000) Elise dreams of Sunala's realm, then awakens to battle.

GMed by Rowan

(Airship) (Dream Realms) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1177: Repelling Boarders


17771 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

7 Ring, 6104 RTR (11 Oct 2000) Elise fights off raiders, then tells Jaskar about her dreams.

GMed by Rowan

(Airship) (Elise) 1178: Interrogating a Raider


19018 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

7 Ring, 6104 RTR (18 Oct 2000) Elise interrogates one of the captured attackers to find out why her ship was raided.

GMed by Rowan

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1189: Contemplating Death


20772 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

11 Fox, 6104 RTR (25 Oct 2000) Elise journeys to Sunala's realm, then reconsiders.

GMed by Rowan

(Airship) (Caroban) (Elise) 1195: Caroban at Last


14775 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

4 Fox 2000 (1 Nov 2000) Elise and the Vision of Battle make it to Caroban.

GMed by Rowan

(Airship) (Caroban) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1196: Converging upon Caroban


9605 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

4 Fox, 6104 RTR (1 Nov 2000) Envoy meets Cyprian in person, then watches as Elise's ship docks at Caroban.

GMed by Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1197: Dreams Made Flesh


10762 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

4 Fox, 6104 RTR (1 Nov 2000) Elise, Envoy and Cyprian are reunited in the real world.

GMed by Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1198: Chaos Soup Surprise


39247 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

4 Fox, 6104 RTR (9 Nov 2000) Envoy and Elise continue their dinner with Cyprian.

GMed by Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1199: A Moment Alone in the Garden


22053 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

4 Fox, 6104 RTR (15 Nov 2000) Elise and Cyprian discuss matters in the garden.

GMed by Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1202: Establishing a Link


20448 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

3 Fox, 6104 RTR (30 Nov 2000) Elise and Cyprian plot in the garden nook about how to deal with the Dean of Nightmares.

GMed by Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1208: Avatar of Inala


31184 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Guy Fox Day, 6104 RTR (7 Dec 2000) Envoy awakens in Caroban … as the Avatar of Inala.

GMed by Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1209: Caroban Watch


19564 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Guy Fox Day (12 Dec 2000) Ssrithiri and Cyprian compete over Envoy.

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1210: Paying Homage to Envoy-Inala


13396 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Guy Fox Day, 6104 RTR (12 Dec 2000) In the Dream Realm, Mage Ssrithiri's visit to Envoy/Inala is interrupted by Elise's arrival.

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) 1213: New World Order


27868 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Fox 1, 6104 RTR (21 Dec 2000) Elise learns of a new plan connected to her adventures in the Officers' Academy of Rephidim.

GMed by Greywolf

(Caroban) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1214: A Council of Five


31390 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Fox 1, 6104 RTR (21 Dec 2000) Mages deliberate on Envoy's fate.

GMed by Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1215: The Council of Water


19801 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Fox 1, 6104 RTR (25 Dec 2000) A conspiracy is revealed within the College Esoterica!

GMed by Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1225: Plans for the Future


24393 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Harvest 1, 6104 RTR (28 Dec 2000) Elise and Cyprian have some private time together.

GMed by Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1226: Then I Will Hurt You


18843 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Harvest 5, 6104 RTR (1 Jan 2001) Elise sees a new side of Cyprian when she offers to comfort him after the Test of Truth.

GMed by Rowan

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1227: Love, Guilt, Fear: Reprise


31980 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Harvest 6, 6104 RTR (Jan 2000) Elise and Cyprian re-live in dreams their encounter after the Test of Truth, but this time the outcome is different.

GMed by Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1231: Placebos and Conspiracies


43191 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Harvest 16, 6104 RTR (11 Jan 2001) Elise and Cyprian confront Yffryn about a false amulet.

GMed by Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1232: First Ones Preserve Us Both


20719 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Harvest 16, 6104 RTR (15 Jan 2001) Elise and Cyprian discuss weighty matters.

GMed by Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1234: Farewell to Cyprian


16535 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

8 Landing, 6104 RTR (19 Jan 2001) Elise meets Cyprian one last time on Caroban in the garden nook.

GMed by Rowan

(Elise) (Writings) 1240: Dearest Elise...


7032 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing 10, 6104 RTR (Dec 2000) A letter from Katherine to Elise.

GMed by Rowan

(Elise) (Writings) 1242: Where Do I Begin?


3951 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

17 New, 6104 RTR (January 2001) Elise's letter back to Katherine.

GMed by Brenna

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1244: The Path of Gorphat


37123 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

15 New, 6104 RTR (18 Jan 2001) Envoy and Elise journey into Gorphat's realm.

GMed by Rowan

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1245: Gorphat's Carriage


43772 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

15 New, 6104 RTR (24 Jan 2001) Envoy and Elise ride a carriage up the mountain to visit Gorphat … and run into an obstacle on the way.

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(Caroban) (Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1248: Foul Protection


37157 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

15 New, 6104 RTR (1 Feb 2001) Elise and Envoy resort to drastic means to protect themselves in Gorphat's realm.

GMed by Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1250: Defending Against Magic


38144 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

9 New, 6104 RTR (3 Feb 2001) Elise consults Fyiara about how to defend herself against magic.

GMed by Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1259: Ingratitude


16576 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

5 New, 6104 RTR (12 Feb 2001) Ambassador Dunbarre rages about negotiations with Caroban, and Elise offers her insights.

GMed by Rowan

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (Lochinvar) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1262: Rephath's Wild Hunt


41073 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New Year's Eve, 6104 RTR (2 Feb 2001) Elise, Envoy and Lochinvar chase Captain Rockmore in the Dream Realm.

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1267: Abode of Gorphat


57049 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New Year's Day, 6105 RTR (8 Feb 2001) Elise and Envoy confront Gorphat, Goddess of Affliction.

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1275: Manipulating Improbability


27955 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New 13, 6105 RTR (15 Feb 2001) Elise happens upon Dean Fyiara in the rain, and they have a chat.

GMed by Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1283: A Convincing Gallah


19940 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New 21, 6105 RTR (22 Feb 2001) Elise disguises herself for a special mission.

GMed by Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1286: Missy


26137 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

20 Candlemass, 6105 RTR (24 Feb 2001) A banquet is held to honor High Ambassador Dunbarre, who is returning to Rephidim.

GMed by Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1287: Scrying vs. Shadows


27911 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

19 Candlemass, 6105 RTR (7 Mar 2001) During a meeting to make plans for a mission to Babel, Elise witnesses something of a contest between a shadow mage and a scryer.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1294: Matters of Probability


40215 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

10 Candlemass, 6105 RTR (9 Mar 2001) Elise (aka "Missy") is given a tough choice about her part in the mission.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Ur) 1297: Elise's Mission in Babel


25664 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

8 Candlemass, 6105 RTR (15 Mar 2001) Elise is sent on a dangerous mission in Babel.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1298: Running an Errand at the Guild Hall


27626 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

8 Candlemass, 6105 RTR (20 Mar 2001) Elise visits the Guild Hall of Babel on an errand.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1299: Private Consultations


23481 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

8 Candlemass, 6105 RTR (26 Mar 2001) Elise converses telepathically with Cyprian.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1313: Planting the Disrupter


33704 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 20, 6105 RTR (3 Apr 2001) Elise sneaks in to disrupt the Dream Ritual.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1314: End of the Dream


48891 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 20, 6105 RTR (12 Apr 2001) The final showdown between Saraizadze and the Dream-Questers.

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1315: Diphath's Chamber of Horrors


23121 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 20, 6105 RTR (26 Apr 2001) Elise awakens to find herself in a new nightmare, as Diphath is manifested by magic gone wild.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Caroban) (Elise) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1332: Secrets and Mystery


33018 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

20 Unity, 6105 RTR (3 May 2001) Elise's fate is revealed.

GMed by Rowan

(Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Rephidim) 1337: Romantic Hypocrisy


38939 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

7 Unity, 6105 RTR (16 May 2001) Elise returns home to Rephidim.

GMed by Rowan

(Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Rephidim) 1340: Making Peace with Katherine


12013 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

6 Unity, 6105 RTR (23 May 2001) Elise attempts to get through to her younger sister.

GMed by Rowan

(Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Rephidim) 1346: Definitely Certainly Undeniably Yes


28917 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Unity 9, 6105 RTR (1 Jun 2001) Elise's sister, Katherine, receives a special visitor.

GMed by Rowan

(Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Rephidim) 1349: Swept Off Her Feet


24190 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

3 Midsummer, 6105 RTR (13 Jun 2001) Elise has company at the de Bellefeuille Estate.

GMed by Rowan

(Rephidim Bazaar) (Rephidim Countryside) (Darkside) (Elise) (Rephidim) 1351: The Search for Katherine


22790 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

3 Midsummer, 6105 RTR (29 Jun 2001) Elise desperately hunts for her missing sister.

GMed by Rowan

(Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Rephidim) 1354: The Elder de Ayde


21118 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

2 Midsummer, 6105 RTR (31 Jul 2001) Elise's suspicions are aroused about the father of her sister's fiance.

GMed by Rowan

(Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Rephidim) 1355: Elise the Godslayer


24522 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

2 Midsummer, 6105 RTR (23 Aug 2001) Elise confronts the elder de Ayde.

GMed by Rowan

(Rephidim Countryside) (Darkside) (Elise) (Rephidim) 1356: Desperate Measures


25573 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

1 Midsummer, 6105 RTR (26 Aug 2001) Elise questions her captive about his involvement in Katherine's disappearance.

GMed by Rowan

(Airship) (Elise) (Rephidim) (Rephidim Temple) 1357: In Pursuit of the Siren's Tail


34144 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

1 Midsummer, 6105 RTR (2 Sep 2001) Elise tries to catch up with her sister's abductors.

GMed by Rowan

(Airship) (Elise) 1362: Siren's Tail


29548 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Midsummer 6, 6105 RTR (10 Sep 2001) The Sweet Destiny catches up with the Siren's Tail.

GMed by Rowan

(Airship) (Elise) 1363: Battle on the Siren's Tail


18847 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Midsummers 6, 6105 (16 Sep 2001) Elise battles Katherine's abductors.

GMed by Rowan

(Airship) (Elise) 1367: Who Would Wear the Sword?


23998 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Midsummer 13, 6105 RTR (30 Sep 2001) Elise discusses marriage with Katherine.

GMed by Rowan

(Elise) (Rephidim) (Rephidim Temple) 1374: Elise's Weary Return


7843 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

2 First Ones, 6105 RTR (18 Oct 2001) Elise returns to Rephidim – barely.

GMed by Rowan

(Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Rephidim) 1382: Elise Under Investigation


18996 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

First Ones 20, 6105 RTR (25 Oct 2001) Elise speaks with Inquisitrix Faith.

GMed by Rowan

(Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Rephidim) (Rephidim Temple) 1389: Saint Trinia


32851 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

35 Ring, 6105 RTR (16 Nov 2001) Priest Threadar tells the tale of a Kavi Saint of the Temple.

GMed by Rowan

(Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Rephidim) 1407: Ring Day at the di Medici Estate


20707 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Ring Day, 6105 RTR (19 Nov 2001) Elise is invited to a Ring Day celebration.

GMed by Rowan

(Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Rephidim) 1411: Case Closed


24520 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Reckoning Day, 6105 RTR (26 Nov 2001) Elise receives word of the conclusion of Inquisitrix Faith's investigation.

GMed by Rowan

(Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Rephidim) 1422: Shooting with Lord Pink


19441 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Fox 4, 6105 RTR (9 Dec 2001) Elise expresses to Lord Pink that she no longer desires to be a knight.

GMed by Rowan

(Elise) (Rephidim) (Rephidim Temple) 1423: What is an Executor?


29208 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Fox 5, 6105 RTR (10 Dec 2001) Elise pays a visit to the Arch Inquisitor Supreme, Maleficos Dunbarre.

GMed by Lynx & Rowan

(Airship) (Elise) (Rephidim) (Rephidim Temple) 1424: Executor Secundus


30577 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

1 Harvest, 6105 RTR (13 Dec 2001) Elise has a new position and a new mission.

GMed by Rowan

(Airship) (Elise) 1428: Al Bawaba


15278 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Harvest 8, 6105 RTR (17 Dec 2001) Elise arrives in the Golden Peninsula.

GMed by Rowan

(Elise) (Himaat) 1429: Rose Sweet Dialogue


30374 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Harvest 8, 6105 RTR (24 Dec 2001) Elise continues her hunt for Ordway in Al Bawaba

GMed by Rowan

(Elise) (Himaat) 1430: News From Home


21024 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Harvest 9, 6105 RTR (8 Jan 2002) Elise receives word of Lord Pink's death.

GMed by Rowan

(Elise) (Himaat) 1431: The Abaddon Hogs


17549 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Harvest 15, 6105 RTR (14 Jan 2002) Elise and Kaalaas encounter reports of Abaddon hogs plaguing the Golden Peninsula.

GMed by Rowan

(Elise) (Himaat) 1432: Charge of the Mohra


10845 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Harvest 15, 6105 RTR (22 Feb 2002) Kaalaas and Elise encounter some hostile creatures while pursuing their quarry.

GMed by Rowan

(Elise) (Himaat) 1433: The Fate of Ordway


13988 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Harvest 15, 6105 RTR (13 Mar 2002) Elise and Kaalaas deal with the mohra and their prey.

GMed by Rowan

(Abu Dhabi) (Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Himaat) (Himar) (Rephidim) (Rephidim Temple) 1495: Decisive Action


32522 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Harvest 16, 6105 RTR – New 18, 6106 RTR (8 Jun 2002) Elise returns to Rephidim.

GMed by Rowan

(Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Rephidim) (Rephidim Temple) 1497: Work Evaluation


14051 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New 19-23, 6106 RTR (21 Jun 2002) Elise visits an Tsagairt again to continue her work evaluation.

GMed by Rowan

(Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Rephidim) (Underside) 1501: Sky's Delight


33515 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New 23, 6106 RTR (30 Aug 2002) Elise goes out with Jean Dunbarre to the flip side of Rephidim.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Elise) (Ur) 1511: Vengeance of the Temple


14725 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

33 Unity, 6106 RTR (10 Jul 2002) Elise exacts vengeance upon the Yodhbarada for crimes against Rephidim.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Elise) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1513: Investigating Barada's Threat


20474 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

32 Unity, 6106 RTR (10 Oct 2002) Elise visits the Guild Hall to find out what magic may have been put on her.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Elise) (Ur) 1514: Fear of Gossip


27270 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

32 Unity, 6106 RTR (14 Oct 2002) Elise stays a little longer to talk with Cyprian.

GMed by Rowan

(Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Rephidim) 1521: The Fate of Lord Pink


31818 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

23-21 Unity, 6106 RTR (29 Nov 2002) Elise returns to Rephidim.

GMed by Rowan

(Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Rephidim) 1522: A Crisis of Faith


18135 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

21 Unity, 6106 RTR (9 Dec 2002) Lord Pink gives his advice to Elise.

GMed by Rowan

(Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Rephidim) 1523: Misunderstanding Katherine


19200 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

21 Unity, 6106 RTR (23 Dec 2002) Elise talks with her sister about the matter of "Mrs." Krodos and son.

GMed by Rowan

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Today is 18 days after New Year's Day, Year 30 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6129)