Guy Fox Day, 6104 RTR (12 Dec 2000) In the Dream Realm, Mage Ssrithiri's visit to Envoy/Inala is interrupted by Elise's arrival.
(Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic)
The Crossroads
A starry night shines brightly from above, devoid of other feature, but still somehow alive and vibrant. The ground is a rich gray, bathed in cool mist, sometimes stirred up by a gentle breeze carrying with it mysterious and enticing scents. At the intersection of seven roads paved in broken red stone is a broken stone gazebo with many pieces missing … and those that remain float in place, suspended by unseen forces. In each archway is a statue of an Eeee bat, of varying sizes and levels of detail … save for one. In this archway, which is fully formed of ivory and gold, there is a larger-than-life statue of a winged ki'rin, leaning against one side of the arch with her arm spread to block the other in a sultry pose. Seven roads radiate outward like spokes on a wheel, each leading to the same seven mountains.

A mist swirls in the center of the gazebo, and it fades away, revealing a large diamond-back serpent dressed in robes of gray, rising from his coils as if from a long slumber. He opens his eyes, and regards his surroundings, flicking his tongue to taste the air. His eyes pass across the statues … then stop at the one that most obviously stands out from the rest, by size and species.

The statue of the winged ki'rin seems more than merely a statue. It seems … alive. As if to punctuate this realization on the part of Ssrithiri, he shudders ecstatically as a wave of pleasure washes out over him. A dim light glimmers in the eyes of the statue.

Ssrithiri lowers himself to bow before the statue, spreading his coils behind him in a sine wave. "Inala, your servant pays homage, and bows in the presence of unfathomable beauty and wonder! It is with joy beyond the ability of words to express that I meet this glorious day, and witness this miracle of miracles! Praise be to Inala!"

Envoy, Avatar of InalaShowing a bit more animation now, the statue speaks, "I take it you are satisfied as to my identity now, Dean of Nightmares."

Ssrithiri is still upon the ground. "Please forgive your servant for any deceit. I was already satisfied of it, from the moment that your presence filled all of Caroban, for I felt it to the very core of my being, in a way beyond the most powerful of rituals, which would be a mere cantrip compared to you, Beauteous One. I merely sought to play the role of the skeptic, so as not to arouse undue concern amongst the others. There are many in Caroban who do not understand the Kindly Ones as your servant does."

"And just how do you understand Us, Mage?" Envoy-Inala asks, using her most persuasive Imperial accent. "Are you one of those who thinks to control Us for your own ends?"

Ssrithiri's scales ripple at the unthinkable sensation of discontent washing over him. "Of course not, She Who Inspires Lust in All, Shining Lady of the High Places, Bringer of Pleasure … Who can control the Kindly Ones? It is only my hope to serve to bring your glory to the realm of the mortals so that all may wonder at your glory, and that Babel might rise again to its proper place amongst the powers of Sinai!"

The statue smiles. "As is appropriate. How will you aid me in this goal?"

Ssrithiri hisses, "I can make arrangements for passage, so that you can go to Babel, where you can ascend the mountain that bears your name, and all of your children may serve you, Lady Who Does As She Pleases."

"My temple," the Avatar muses. "I may indeed wish to travel there, provided the journey is entertaining enough." Smiling down on the Naga, she moves her arm, no longer blocking the way to Paradise. "The reward for your faith is beyond this archway."

Ssrithiri lifts his head enough to look down the archway. "Your gregarious nature is unmatched by any, be they mortal or goddess!" He hesitates, however, looking momentarily uncomfortable, if that is possible for a snake. "I should let you know that Yffryn is also a loyal servant of yours, though she is not here at this moment, for she is diligently performing the ritual that allows me to remain here in your glorious realm."

"She too shall be rewarded," the figure says, lounging now against one support of the arch. "But you seem hesitant about something, Ssrithiri. What concerns you?"

Ssrithiri hisses, "In the physical realm, we are still at the Caroban Watch. If your servant does not return soon, they are likely to grow suspicious … or use it as an excuse … Begging your pardon, She Who is Surpassed By None, but your servant humbly suggests that, in order to best serve your interests, he must return to the others, with a tale that will satisfy their curiosity and assuage their suspicions."

"Of course, you may return now," Envoy-Inala grants, adding a slight nod to the Naga.

Lady Elise Antoine de BellefeuilleA outline of a figure appears, seemingly stepping out of the mist itself. After a few steps, the figure resolves itself into the form of a poodle woman in black armor with blue robes, a sword at her side.

Envoy smiles brightly to the figure. "Elise, I was hoping you'd come back," the Avatar welcomes. "Not many have made it so close to Paradise before."

The prostrate snake jerks as he realizes that another has appeared, and he slips/slides back away from the poodle. "What are you doing here?" he hisses angrily. "You … " He cuts himself off abruptly, as Envoy displays pleasure at Elise's arrival.

"I did not think Paradise welcomed me?" asks Elise, sounding none too hurt at the idea. The Templar steps forward from where she formed, walking within ten feet of the others. She levels her gaze on the prostrate mage and tilts her head curiously. "As for why I am here, why, consider it curiosity."

A cute pout forms on the Avatar's face. "Curiosity? I'm hurt … I thought you came to play."

"Actually, I came to protect you, Envoy. That rather does seem to be the way of things, does it not?" says the poodle. She moves her hands to rest on the hilt of her sword. "You know me."

The snake hisses, "You have no need to handle your sword like so, here. It might be considered threatening."

"You were much more pleasant before you returned to the Hall of Mirrors," Envoy chides, but certainly not showing any concern. "And who is it you think to protect me from, Elise?"

The poodle glances at her sword, then inclines her head to Envoy. "That is the quite the question now, is it not? Of course," she looks between the two and then curtsies, hand on sword, before stepping back, "I should not interrupt what it is you were … doing?"

The Avatar turns to the Naga mage and arches an eyebrow, inviting him to explain rather than lower herself to lying to the warrior poodle.

Ssrithiri rises to a "standing" position. "At the moment, I was leaving. I have learned quite enough through this ritual – not the least of which being that you have absolutely no respect for the sanctity of magic. You, and the one who sent you here. With your leave… " He bows to Envoy.

Envoy returns the bow … well, she nods anyway, and grins. Naga pride and indignation, always reliable.

Ssrithiri mutters some arcane phrases, closing his eyes, and gesturing with his hands. A mist gathers about him.

"It rather appeared you were on your knees, Dean. Such an interesting way to gather information. Taken to worshipping the Babelite pantheon, have we?" asks Elise as she once again walks forward. She gives the Dean a suspicious look, even as he fades.

"Do you talk to Cyprian that way about his beliefs, Lady Elise?" Envoy jokes, leaving the archway to approach the Templar.

The snake doesn't respond to Elise, save to vanish entirely, as the mist disperses.

"Mage Cyprian and I do not share similar beliefs, no. And we are both quite aware of it," replies Elise. Finding the Avatar is actually approaching her, the poodle woman lifts her gaze to follow her, left ear flicking nervously.

Envoy puts an arm around Elise's shoulder, and waves the other to take in the other archways. "Really, are things so bad now? Would you rather have one of the other Sisters be dominant?"

With Envoy's hand on her shoulder, Elise is even more nervous, though it seems that she's doing her best to try and at least appear calm. "Perhaps not. But the lesser of many evils is still an evil," replies the poodle.

"I'm happy now, Elise," Envoy says, sounding a bit more like herself, with perhaps a touch of the Child's tone of voice. "I even know what happiness means now. How is that evil? What do you fear will happen?"

"I … am glad you have discovered happiness, Envoy. But you must understand … the goddesses are not the friends of mortals. They may give, but you willregret it. Have you not studied the stories? Do you truly believe what is given to you does not come with a price?" answers Elise. She shifts her head to look up at the Avatar, freeing her hands from her sword so that she might make the sign of the Star and Anchor across her chest.

"Everything in life comes with a price," Envoy says, turning to face Elise. "And what is joy without regret? But I'm not mortal, remember. And happiness is very rare for immortals. I was reconciled to a long life full of pain and regret before Inala opened my eyes."

Elise doesn't place her hands back on her sword; instead, she reaches to take Envoy's hand in hers. "I cannot say what it is to be an immortal, but I can speak of my own life. My parents died in war. I vowed that I would follow in the footsteps of my father because it was important and, yes, I even believe it was expected of me. I gave up the life I desired for this, as you see me. I too believed that it meant giving up happiness … but happiness does not remain. It never remains. It must be pursued not by another, but by yourself. I found happiness in my work. Envoy … are you truly so miserable that you need a goddess to manipulateyou to be happy?" says Elise in something of a speech. She shakes her head and sighs, tapping her hands on Envoy's. "I am not often a happy woman, but I tell you now, whatever you get here is fleeting. You must find happiness on your own."

"And I will, in time," Envoy says, raising up Elise's clamped hands to give them a little kiss on the knuckles. "One happiness does not supercede another, and Inala will help me find one that is unique to me." Raising up her other hand to Elise's cheek, she softly sings, "Is it the pride in you that won't let go? Is it the fool that won't let it show? Free yourself, if only you could see yourself … if only you could see yourself."

The Templar steps back away from Envoy, but does not release her hand. "I will pray you can find your way. That you might wake up. In life, here, it is a dream. Remember who you are, Envoy." She inclines her head again and frees one hand to gesture behind her. "I must go."

Circling around behind the Gallee, the Avatar continues to sing. "When the heavens open up, and the walls come tumbling down, and nowhere is the only place to go. When you've had enough of fighting, and every mean trick under the sun, and still you fear the worst is yet to come." Keeping the poodle from retreating for the moment, Envoy wraps her other arm over her shoulder to join the clasped hands before her, and leans in close to Elise's ear to whisper, "Why not take the money and run?"

The poodle shifts in the Avatar's embrace, not quite struggling, but certainly obviously uncomfortable about it. "I cannot be anything but myself, Envoy. Though I may seem quite serious and pleasureless, this is who I am. And I am comfortable with that. Let me go, I must depart," she says.

Envoy releases the poodle, and says, "Of course, dear Elise. I would not want you to go against your beliefs. I just want you to know that there are alternatives to being ruled by them."

Now free, Elise begins walking off toward where she arrived at, though she pauses a few steps away from Envoy. "Is that what you have done?" she asks, glancing over her shoulder.

"I'm not being held back or controlled by the rules I inherited anymore," Envoy says, smiling. "But I'm still aware of them. And I haven't actually broken any of them, either, merely stopped living as if they were the only guide I should follow."

"I see. I am certain we will speak again. Until then, Mage Envoy." The poodle again begins walking and when she reaches the spot where she arrived she turns to the Avatar and gives a military curtsey, one hand on her sword, before departing into the mist.

Envoy resumes her pose guarding the road to Paradise.


GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

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