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(Caroban) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1226: Then I Will Hurt You


18843 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Harvest 5, 6104 RTR (1 Jan 2001) Elise sees a new side of Cyprian when she offers to comfort him after the Test of Truth.

GMed by Rowan

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1227: Love, Guilt, Fear: Reprise


31980 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Harvest 6, 6104 RTR (Jan 2000) Elise and Cyprian re-live in dreams their encounter after the Test of Truth, but this time the outcome is different.

GMed by Rowan

(Alptraum) (Sylvania) 1228: Hunting the Blood Beast


13340 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Harvest 7, 6104 RTR (20 Dec 2001) Alptraum and companions combat the blood-beast.

GMed by Greywolf

(Caroban) (Dream Realms) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1229: Dragon in Command


20830 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Harvest 10, 6104 RTR (28 Dec 2000) Dragon bargains with Mother for control of Envoy.

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(Caroban) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1230: Permission to Possess


29159 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Harvest 15, 6104 RTR (4 Jan 2001) Envoy comes before a group of mages to determine her fate.

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1231: Placebos and Conspiracies


43191 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Harvest 16, 6104 RTR (11 Jan 2001) Elise and Cyprian confront Yffryn about a false amulet.

GMed by Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1232: First Ones Preserve Us Both


20719 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Harvest 16, 6104 RTR (15 Jan 2001) Elise and Cyprian discuss weighty matters.

GMed by Rowan

(Caroban) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1233: Vacation to Zahirinee


12104 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Harvest 19, 6104 RTR (11 Jan 2001) Envoy plans a trip to visit Master Zahirinee to find answers.

GMed by Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1234: Farewell to Cyprian


16535 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

8 Landing, 6104 RTR (19 Jan 2001) Elise meets Cyprian one last time on Caroban in the garden nook.

GMed by Rowan

(Chronotopia) (Nordika) (Qing) (Spheres of Magic) 1235: Shades of Berghang


29090 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

5 Landing, 6104 RTR (20 Dec 2000) Qing is summoned to visit a deserted Chronotopian town.

GMed by Brenna

(Anisa) (Rephidim Bazaar) (Dream Realms) (Rephidim) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1236: Dream Within The Dream


26092 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

5 Landing, 6104 RTR (20 Dec 2000) Reality and fiction are blurred as Anisa's quest through Barada's realm continues.

GMed by Zoltan

(Elijah's Quest) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1237: Whither Knights Templar


43486 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing Eve, 6104 RTR (28 Dec 2000) Elijah arrives at the Amber Sanctuary, to learn that the fate of the Knights Templar is in question.

GMed by Greywolf

(Dream Realms) (Lochinvar) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1238: Path of Vengeance


24111 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing 3, 6104 RTR (28 Dec 2000) Lochinvar finds himself in the Dream Realm again, and chooses the path of Rephath.

GMed by Greywolf

(Dream Realms) (Lochinvar) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1239: Off the Beaten Path


14435 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing 3, 6104 RTR (29 Dec 2000) Lochinvar fails to please Rephath with his actions.

GMed by Greywolf

(Elise) (Writings) 1240: Dearest Elise...


7032 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing 10, 6104 RTR (Dec 2000) A letter from Katherine to Elise.

GMed by Rowan

(Dream Realms) (Himar) (Lochinvar) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1241: Dreams of Vengeance


17080 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

18 New, 6104 RTR (14 Jan 2001) Lochinvar awakens to find that he is betrayed!

GMed by Rowan

(Elise) (Writings) 1242: Where Do I Begin?


3951 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

17 New, 6104 RTR (January 2001) Elise's letter back to Katherine.

GMed by Brenna

(Anisa) (Rephidim Bazaar) (Dream Realms) (Rephidim) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1243: Sacrifices and Secrets


31329 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

15 New, 6104 RTR (17 Jan 2001) Anisa faces off against Barada, Goddess of Secrets.

GMed by Zoltan

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1244: The Path of Gorphat


37123 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

15 New, 6104 RTR (18 Jan 2001) Envoy and Elise journey into Gorphat's realm.

GMed by Rowan

(Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) 1245: Gorphat's Carriage


43772 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

15 New, 6104 RTR (24 Jan 2001) Envoy and Elise ride a carriage up the mountain to visit Gorphat … and run into an obstacle on the way.

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(Airship) (Elijah's Quest) (Necropolis) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1246: Southward Journey of the Eternal Vigilance


57589 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

14 New, 6104 RTR (18 Jan 2001) Elijah bids farewell to his friends and family, then travels southward toward the Sanctuary of Ice.

GMed by Greywolf

(Aaron) (Jynx) (Nordika) 1247: Better Than Coach


27411 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

13 New, 6104 RTR (19 Jan 2001) Aaron and Jynx travel on Eve's train.

GMed by Greywolf

(Caroban) (Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1248: Foul Protection


37157 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

15 New, 6104 RTR (1 Feb 2001) Elise and Envoy resort to drastic means to protect themselves in Gorphat's realm.

GMed by Rowan

(Dream Realms) (Lochinvar) (Rephidim) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1249: Vengeance and Justice


40669 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

13 New, 6104 RTR (19 Jan 2001) Lochinvar resists Rephath's urgings to act in a vengeful manner.

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(Caroban) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1250: Defending Against Magic


38144 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

9 New, 6104 RTR (3 Feb 2001) Elise consults Fyiara about how to defend herself against magic.

GMed by Rowan

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Today is 15 days before New Year's Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)