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(College Esoterica) (Rephidim) (Spheres of Magic) (Wynona) 1: Air Mail


10589 bytes
05 Oct, 1997

<+ E +>

Ring 5, 6097 RTR (2 Oct 1997) Wynona recieves a package

GMed by John

(New Character Arrival) (Crista) (Himaat) (Zephyr) 2: Zephyr's Arrival


37286 bytes
01 Jan, 1997

<+ E +>

Dec. 27. First look upon a world more inclined to be hostile than not.

GMed by Lynx

(Crista) (Himaat) 3: Crista's Interview with Master Trader Hajeem


13959 bytes
02 Jan, 1997

<+ E +>

Dec. 29. In which Crista is given reason to be suspicious of Zephyr.

GMed by Lynx

(New Character Arrival) (Ben-zhamin) 4: Ben's Arrival


44508 bytes
02 Jan, 1997

<+ E +>

Dec. 28, in which Ben makes a good impression on a beautiful female feline airship captain.

GMed by Lynx

(New Character Arrival) (Rephidim) (Wyn) 5: Wyn's Arrival


42152 bytes
02 Jan, 1997

<+ E +>

Dec. 29. In which Wyn is welcomed by Solus, then sold into slavery.

GMed by Lynx

(Crista) (Melchizedek) (Rephidim) (Rephidim Temple) (Zephyr) 6: Zephyr's Interview with Inquisitor Melchizedek


53111 bytes
02 Jan, 1997

<+ E +>

Dec. 31. In which Zephyr is taken to Rephidim for processing.

GMed by Lynx

(Melchizedek) (Writings) (Zephyr) 7: A Report to the Arch Inquisitor Supreme


6013 bytes
15 Mar, 1997

<+ E +>

Melchizedek's report to his superior after Zephyr's "interview".

GMed by Greywolf

(Crista) (Iaskafa) (Rephidim) 8: A Friendly Chat with the Neighborhood K'hu'an


13408 bytes
07 Jan, 1997

<+ E +>

Landing 5, 6096 RTR (30 Dec 1996) Crista gives her report to Iaskafa, Hajeem's contact for sensitive information

GMed by Lynx

(New Character Arrival) (Jarik) (Melchizedek) (Rephidim) (Rephidim Temple) 9: Jarik's Arrival


55077 bytes
02 Jan, 1997

<+ E +>

Jan. 1, in which Jarik is welcomed by the Vykarin and brought to the Temple

GMed by Greywolf & Lynx

(Melchizedek) (Rephidim) (Shadow Kill) (Rephidim Temple) (Zephyr) 10: Out of the Dungeon, Into the Shadows


20919 bytes
06 Jan, 1997

<+ E +>

Jan. 5. Melchizedek learns disturbing things and interrogates Zephyr again.

GMed by Lynx

(Alyssa) (Jarik) (Rephidim) (Sword Gone Missing) (Tirro) 11: Out for a Walk in the City


53288 bytes
13 Feb, 1997

<+ E +>

Jan. 5, evening. Jarik is assigned to escort a noble lady and gets more than he expected.

GMed by Greywolf & Lynx

(Caesar) (Crista) (Darkside) (Rephidim) (Sword Gone Missing) (Tirro) 12: Welcomed with Open Arms


34869 bytes
08 Jan, 1997

<+ E +>

Jan. 7. Tirro goes to show his sword off to thieflord S'Lezan, and Crista delivers a message she will have cause to remember

GMed by Greywolf & Lynx

(Caesar) (Jarik) (Melchizedek) (Rephidim) (Shadow Kill) (Rephidim Temple) 13: Meditations


27506 bytes
22 Jan, 1997

<+ E +>

Jan. 8, 1997. Jarik thwarts an assassination attempt.

GMed by Greywolf

(New Character Arrival) (Vorgulremik) 14: The Boneyard


15536 bytes
07 Oct, 1997

<+ E +>

Jan. 8. Vorgulremik completes a necromantic ritual and fittingly arrives in another sort of graveyard…

GMed by Lynx

(Caesar) (Darkside) (Iaskafa) (Rephidim) (Shadow Kill) (Tirro) 15: Tea For Two


19613 bytes
13 Feb, 1997

<+ E +>

Jan 9, 1997. Iaskafa has a secret meeting at the Open Arms.

GMed by Lynx

(Rephidim) (Sword Gone Missing) (Tirro) 16: Achimed the Glove


10654 bytes
11 Jan, 1997

<+ E +>

Jan. 9, 1997. Tirro pawns off Jarik's sword.

GMed by Lynx

(Alyssa) (Ben-zhamin) (Darkside) (Jarik) (Rephidim) (Sword Gone Missing) (Tirro) 17: The Broken Arms


53609 bytes
13 Feb, 1997

<+ E +>

Jan. 9, 1997. Ben and Jarik are reunited, and seek out the Paladin's blade.

GMed by Lynx

(Writings) (Wyn) (Zephyr) 18: Shadow of a Dream


3015 bytes
10 Jan, 1997

<+ E +>

Zephyr, while dreaming, seems to somehow be in Wyn's presence

GMed by Wyn

(Alyssa) (Ben-zhamin) (Darkside) (Jarik) (Rephidim) (Sword Gone Missing) (Tirro) 19: A Close Shave


29445 bytes
22 Jan, 1997

<+ E +>

Jan. 10. Jarik is rescued from the Open Arms.

GMed by Lynx

(Jarik) (Melchizedek) (Rephidim) (Shadow Kill) (Rephidim Temple) 20: Scene of the Crime


17470 bytes
11 Jan, 1997

<+ E +>

Jan. 10, 1997. Jarik inspects the scene of the attempted assassination of Melchizedek.

GMed by Greywolf

(New Character Arrival) (Caesar) (Esther) (Jarik) (Rephidim) (Shadow Kill) (Sword Gone Missing) (Rephidim Temple) 21: Inquisitrix Esther


27984 bytes
11 Jan, 1997

<+ E +>

Jan. 11. Inquisitrix Esther is given an assignment.

GMed by Greywolf & Lynx

(Rephidim) (Sewers) (Shadow Kill) (Wyn) (Zephyr) 22: Flushing the Fox


34491 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing 17 6096 RTR (11 Jan 1997) Zephyr is released from captivity… And someone dies tonight.

GMed by Greywolf, Lynx & Wyn

(Rephidim Countryside) (Rephidim) (Shadow Kill) (Wyn) (Zephyr) 23: Tea and Choklit


13735 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing 17, 6096 RTR – Zephyr escapes to the Rephidim Countryside and almost encounters Wyn.

GMed by Wyn

(Jarik) (Melchizedek) (Rephidim) (Shadow Kill) (Rephidim Temple) 24: Ill Tidings


16095 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing 17 6096 RTR (11 Jan 1997) Melchizedek interrogates a small fox … and is brought some news of earthshaking proportions.

GMed by Lynx

(Jarik) (Rephidim) (Rephidim Temple) 25: They Don't Treat Heartache Here


8981 bytes
12 Jan, 1997

<+ E +>

Jan. 12. Jarik, in the infirmary, asks to see Azhtar. Conditions between them worsen… Or do they?

GMed by Greywolf & Lynx

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Today is 15 days before New Year's Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)