Landing 12, 6099 RTR (6 Jan 2000) Envoy engages in a battle of wits with a Mystic in Inala's Carnival of Pleasure.
(Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (Lochinvar) (A Dream of Seven Sisters)
Carnival of Inala
Set on the side of the mountain is a carnival, complete with garishly-colored tents and makeshift booths, parked wagons, and poles from which fly brightly-colored flags, and posters advertising the various attractions. Hawkers advertise their particular games of chance and shows of wonders, and Eeee jesters engage in ridiculous antics. It seems quite a carnival, with so much to see … but with hardly anyone at all actually there to enjoy it.

Elise makes certain to hold on to Envoy's hand as she skips along. "Now be careful, we do not know what is waiting for us. Not that I believe in the Seven Sisters, mind you," says the poodle to the girl. She then makes the sign of the Star and Anchor across her chest at a distance to keep the torch comfortably away.

The coyote looks around at the stalls and people. "This seems almost reminiscent of the Bazaar," he comments, then looks over to Elise. "Whose sisters are these anyway?"

"They're each other's sisters of course," Envoy chirps. "Ooooo! I wonder where the Dream Mage is kept? And if they have cotton candy here?"

As the woman curiously looks about, she answers Lochinvar, "The Seven Sisters of Babelite mythology. If that stirs your recollection, take a moment to consider the significance. We are to face them."

Most of those working at the carnival are Eeee … though there are a few Nagas as well. "Sssstep right up!" hisses a Naga, in Eeee. (Nevermind how Lochinvar can understand this. He just can.) "Ring the bell, win a prizzzze! Ssssshow your sssstrength!"

"Guess the weight of the fat Eeee!" squeaks a skinny-looking bat. "Can you guess how many stones it takes to lift his weight?"

"Prizes!" the Child squeals. "We probably need to win them in order to find the Mage. That's how these things work you know."

A carnival barker beside one brilliant blue-and-red tent cries out, advertising his wares in a loud and inviting voice. "Stop! Look! How can this have Come to Be? See the Angel trapped in a Body with a Beast! Two heads, but only one Form!"

An Eeee on a unicycle wheels by, balancing a dagger on each ear-tip, and juggling flaming batons, his face marked up in garish fur-dyes, and dressed in equally garish attire, with chitin bells dangling all over and ringing with each move.

The winged Hekoye shakes his head. "Mythology is not a strong point of mine. As for Babel, I've never had much opportunity to go there," he says, glancing at the hawkers and trying to pay them no mind.

"A excellent suggestion," says the cadet. She gestures towards the blue-and-red tent and turns to face the others. "Perhaps the dream mage we need to find is one of the shows? Perhaps that one?"

"Spicy hot skedat on a stick! Come on up, eat it quick!" squeaks another hawker.

Envoy tugs Elise towards the sideshow tent. "Let's go see it! I like funny animals!"

A poster that the barker gestures to with his cane shows, perhaps, what he refers to: a creature with the lower half of a Naga, but split at the torso, one side Nagai, with only one arm, leering, lurid, and demonic, while the other half is of a beautiful and tortured-looking Eeee, perfectly formed, gazing hopelessly heavenwards.

Elise nods her head to Lochinvar. "I simply recall this from history class. Remember, do your best and we should be fine," she tries to assure him before being tugged off in that direction. "Yes, let's be off that way then."

Lochinvar nods, following Elise and Envoy towards the tent.

The barker smiles at Envoy and the others as they head towards him, gesturing, "Yes, step right up! Be the first today to see this Terrible Freak of Nature! Just two shekels apiece and you can Experience the Horror and Delight for yourselves!"

Envoy smiles to the barker and asks, "Is this a horrible trap by any chance? And do children get in for free?"

"See the exploding eeps! Only one performance a day!" squeaks another hawker from across the way.

"Dunk the joker!" squeaks yet another hawker. "Test your aim, and cause his shame!"

Readily the noble poodle reaches to pull out some shekels, which she hides in her hand for now. "Oh, and be careful Ranger, sir. There is danger and pain to be had here, despite it supposedly being a dream," whispers the Gallee off to Lochinvar.

The showman leans over to pinch Envoy's cheek with gentle affection, and looks for a moment mock-torn. "Should such Sights be Visited on Young and Innocent Eyes? Perhaps this Horror would be a Trap for one of such tender years," he muses aloud. "I could hardly charge you for an experience which might prove Damaging." He winks at the child. "But I might admit you anyway, accompanied by a responsible (and paying) adult." He now turns his attention inquiringly to Elise and Lochinvar.

Lochinvar raises an eyebrow at Elise's comment, and nods to the showman. "The young one will be okay with us," he tells the showman.

The hawker raps his cane against his podium. "Well then, Step Right Up and Step Right In!" He hops lithely down and prepares to pull open the flap with one hand, while he holds the other out for payment.

The poodle dips her head slightly as she searches through her pouch. She then leans down to whisper quietly to the others. "Apparently I am not as well off in dreams as I am in person. I only have ten shekels, so … this must be significant. We should be careful how we spend."

The Hekoye checks a pouch on his belt, and pulls out two shekel pieces. As he weighs them up in his hand he mutters to himself, "Funny, I thought I had more with me."

Envoy checks, and finds that she has ten shekels as well.

Lochinvar nods to Elise. "Think that this 'attraction' is worth trying then?" he asks.

Each of the shekels is strangely marked … definitely not of Rephidim coinage. Each has the image of an overly-gifted and under-attired female Eeee on the "heads" side. On the flip side is a runic symbol.

A trace of impatience shows in the bat's manner as he waits, and he tap his cane theatrically against the ground. "I Assure you, dear Friends, that what awaits you is Well Worth each insignificant shekel. Such Marvels are seldom available for Mere Purchase." He smiles, and his teeth glint in the firelight of the carnival.

"It may be, at least as a test. One never knows how this will go. This may give us an idea as to the other attractions. Anyway, we must start somewhere," answers Elise.

"I suppose we must," the coyote says while nodding, and hands over the two coins.

In the background, the hawkers continue to call out the names of their attractions, bidding people to try their games, or try culinary delights (most of them involving insects, of course), or to see other Strange and Disturbing Sights, while jesters and musicians make their rounds.

The shekels are whisked into the barker's palm and vanish among his shifting fingers. "Very Wise, Sir!" he praises Lochinvar. "You'll not Regret this! And you, Beautiful Lady? Will you Shrink from this Terrible Sight, and not enter?" he inquires solicitously of Elise before opening the curtain for the coyote and child.

Envoy smiles to Lochinvar. "Thanks! I promise to avenge your death if you get eaten, Mister Ranger!"

"Uh, thanks," the Hekoye replies to Envoy. "I hope that it won't come to that for quite a while however."

Likewise, the Gallee deposits her two shekels in the hand of the showman. "I expect there are no refunds?" she asks him.

Laughter only answers Elise's comment. "If you find a way to refund your memory, Fair Warrior, then I promise to refund your coins." The cane is used to sweep open the curtain flap, and the bat gestures for the guests to enter the darkened interior.

The showman gets an odd look from the armored poodle, though the effect is muted by the helmet covering her face. She then inclines her head to him and turns to step forward into the tent, brushing her cape out of her way with a hand and holding the torch out. "First Ones protect us."

A sudden gust of wind blows out the torch! The smoke puffs in Elise's face. The tent is only dimly illuminated now, by flickering candles.

Envoy squeezes Lochinvar's hand in the darkness of the tent, and stands a bit closer to the Ranger.

Inside, the tent is dark and slightly damp. As the newcomers' eyes adjust to the lowered candlelight within, they can hear a slithering sound, and faint scraping noises against wood. Dimly, the outline of bars is perceived at the far end of the enclosure, and a lumpy form of … something … beyond them.

The muffled sounds of the music coming from outside the tent seem lower and more subdued now. Ominous, even.

There's a thumping noise, and the whisper of two voices arguing for a moment, one high-pitched and female, the other low and masculine.

Lochinvar, as his hand is squeezed, looks down at Envoy. "So much for seeing this," he mutters.

"Hello?" Envoy says towards the voices.

The poodle coughs quietly in the dark, followed by the sound of the torch being dropped to the ground. "Yes, who is there?" asks the poodle as she waves the smoke out of her face.

The coyote looks towards the bars now, cocking his head slightly. "Anyone else apart from me making out what they're saying?" he asks both Envoy and Elise.

"I cannot hear them," responds the cadet.

Envoy shakes her head, and says, "Nope, I can't tell what they're saying."

"Well," Lochinvar says, "they appear to be arguing as to being able to see or not."

Envoy suggests, "Maybe we should try to re-light the torch?"

The figure lurches towards the bars, on a broad, serpentine tail, and then rests its upper … halves … awkwardly against the bars. The candlelight shines upon the monstrous form, illuminating it more clearly. One side is, indeed, that of a one armed Naga. His single arm is atrophied and weak-seeming, and he turns a slender head and neck this way and that as he gazes with curiosity at the visitors. The other side is the torso of an exhausted, worn-seeming female Eeee. She braces herself with one arm against the rails. "Well," she says, a trace of anger the only emotion in her flat voice, "have you seen enough?"

The armored canine takes a few steps forward. "Are they now? Interesting, perhaps they cannot see us either." She then waves her hand off towards where the torch fell, not turning to look at it. "I dropped it when it went out. It should be by your feet."

Lochinvar translates what the creature just said for the benefit of his companions, and crouches down to pick up the torch.

"Hello!" Envoy says cheerily to the creature. "Do you have a name or names? How long have you been here? Were you always joined like this?"

As the eyes of the newcomers adjust to the lowered light, the details of the tent become clearer. There's a roped-off viewing area, which Elise and the others are standing in, and beyond that a large cage of wood and bone, where the Nagai-Eeee is imprisoned.

Seemingly not inclined to answer, the poodle simply folds her arms and gazes down the snout of her helmet at the creature, inspecting it.

The snake side turns his torso, lowering it to one side, so that the Eeee half may lean against him. This makes her marginally more comfortable. Their joined state is clearly a physically unpleasant one, as the lower half is not large enough to comfortably support both upper parts. The Naga answers, "My name is Seerath, and hers is Eira. We have always been this way. And you, Child? Have you a name, and have you always been that way?"

"I am Envoy!" the little Aeolun replies, "And technically I've never actually been a child. You don't seem very happy here, I must say."

Eira shifts her wings as her other half speaks. The wings are normally proportioned, clearly inadequate to allow a creature the size of this one any kind of flight. She looks away from Elise's interrogative glare, and smiles for a moment at Envoy's declamation. "No," she whispers softly, "we are not very happy here."

Lochinvar speaks up, "How did you come to be here then?"

"That seems a shame," Envoy says, "I mean, Inala is the Goddess of Pleasure, so shouldn't her creatures be happy?"

Despite turning away, Elise does not move her head. This in turn causes the somber gaze of her closed helmet to seems to stare on, never blinking.

Seerath brushes his nose against Eira's side; the gesture seems consoling. He parts his jaws in a Nagai smile for Envoy. "We're not Inala's creature. We're just part of Her entertainment."

Eira answers the coyote, "Where else should we be?"

Envoy looks confused and scratches one of her cheeks. "Pardon me for saying so, but you don't seem very entertaining. Is Inala like her sisters then, to find the suffering of others gratifying?"

The bat strokes the side of her companion's torso, and their form shifts towards one of the walls, so that Eira can lay her back against it. She sighs softly. "I think you are meant to be horrified, and to take pleasure in all the things that you are not … and we are," she answers quietly.

Lochinvar doesn't seem to be able to think of an answer to the snake, so shrugs apologetically.

The Child swishes her tail in thought, and looks at her two companions before whispering to Seerath and Eira, "We have a magic potion. Maybe it could help you be more comfortable at least."

Now the helmet finally moves, and the black armored figure with it. Elise turns to the side and keeps her head looking off, away from the creature. Otherwise her arms remain folded and she keeps silent.

Their lower body slinks against the floor of the cage, making S-shapes as it curls in closer to where the torsos rest. Eira's eyes, which had been closed, open at the Child's words. "Magic?" she whispers. The Naga's tongue flicks out, alert.

The Hekoye looks down at the Child. "Indeed. Do you even know that such a thing will work in a 'dream world'?" he asks.

Outside, the cane of the barker raps against the wood of his podium, and his strident voice echoes into the tent, "Time's almost up! I hope you've looked your fill, young Friends!"

"I think it is a healing potion," Envoy says, looking to Lochinvar. "It should work, since we found it in the dream world in the first place. It belonged to one of the Dream Mages that helped create all this. It's in the robe you're carrying. If we're going to try it, you'd better take it out quickly!"

Lochinvar offers Envoy the robe so that she can take out the potion herself.

The Eeee's body shifts suddenly, causing a strain against her lower half as she lunges her torso towards the bars. She grasps them in both hands. "What you have, you should not waste." Her voice seems to startle her, as if she is not entirely sure why she spoke as she just did.

Envoy unfolds the robe to get at the vial of liquid, then pauses at the Eeee-half's words. "But… what about you?"

Quickly the poodle whips around at the sound of the noise against the bars and pulls her sword out to the ready. "Careful, Envoy … "

The serpentine lower half slithers to get fully beneath the Eeee torso once more. Eira's knuckles are white against the bars, and her ears flatten against her head as she closes her eyes and tilts her head back, slender, ordinary body wracked with emotion.

"Maybe not using that magic might be good advice," Lochinvar says to Envoy. "Certainly, I'm all for keeping that potion untouched."

"I … I can't decide," Envoy says, and steps back from the robe. "I'm only the Child."

The Naga-half looks with guarded hope from around his Eeee-companion. Meanwhile, the sound of the barker's cane raps again. "All right, my good Companions, I trust you've found your shekels well-spent! Come out, do not Miss the rest of the Carnival!" He flings open the curtained flap, and the light of the festival floods in, along with the cheerful noises.

Lochinvar takes the robe back. "I think we've just had it decided for us," he tells Envoy.

The sword is lowered and Elise takes a step forward. Closer now, she lifts her hand as if to reach for the creature but does not extend her hand all the way. "We should help them," the Gallee whispers to the others.

Envoy rubs her eyes at the sudden brightness.

At Lochinvar's words, the bat-side slumps against the bars, all energy drained suddenly from her. The Nagai half looms over her, and looks out from the cage with flat eyes, devoid of hope. The barker raps on the ground outside. "Come come, my fine fine fellows! So much to see, don't dally here!" The music beckons, speaking of brighter, happier things.

"Envoy, quickly … " beckons the poodle as she continues to watch the creature through the hiding mask of her helmet. "Give it to them."

Envoy blinks up at Elise's helmet. "But Lochinvar has it back now. We'll have to try later, maybe there's something else we can win that will help."

"Give what to them?" The barker frowns, squinting into the darkness. "No feeding the attraction, now!" His voice is still genial, but has an undercurrent of serious warning.

The Gallee straightens up and sheathes her sword. She stares at the creature for a second more before shaking her head. "I am sorry, but do not give up hope. We are not done here yet," she whispers to them before turning around and walking off.

The Naga curls his torso, awkwardly, protectively, about the form of the bat. As the barker comes in to usher the guests out, the monstrous form lurches to the back of its cage once again, and settles to the floor.

Lochinvar offers Envoy his hand again before leaving the tent.

Elise hesitates at the exit for a moment, glancing back over her shoulder before she walks out alone.

The showman bustles, beaming, as he motions about the guests. "Now, now, don't be Glum! There's much more to See and Do! A whole Host of Pleasures and Adventures await! No long Faces now!"

Envoy holds onto Lochinvar's hand and smiles to the barker.

As Lochinvar leads Envoy out of the tent, he nods a farewell to the showman.

The din of the carnival reaches the ears of the adventurers again. "Have your fortunes told! See into the future!" "See ladies of delight and mischief! Thrill to the dance of the twenty veils!" "Come to my tent of wonders, and partake of fine incense and spices to heighten the senses!" "There's still time to see the exploding eeps, wonder of the natural world!" "See Marvelo the Mighty break chains with his bare WINGS!" "Test your might and ring the bell, win a prize!" "Can you find your way through the Hall of Mirrors?"

Outside the tent, the world seems gay and aflame with noise and color once more. "Have a treat, dearie!" a passing vendor urges Elise, holding out a paper-wrapped pastry filled with spiced meat. "Just one shekel! It will put a smile even on that mournful helmet of yours!"

Envoy tugs on Lochinvar's hand, and says, "We should try to win prizes, or get our future told or something that can help us."

"I am not hungry, but thank you," replies Elise to the vendor. She stops a good few steps from the red-and-blue tent and folds her arms, staring at the ground thoughtfully.

"Watch it wiggle! See it jiggle! The inside's creamy, its crunch is just dreamy! Have a critter on a stick!" calls out another barker, waving around a wooden stake with a squirming bug impaled on its sharp tip.

"Can you cast your shekel into the bowl? Do so and you'll get a pass to a place of wonder!" calls out another barker. And then yet another cries, "Are you a better marksman than Longshot the Longbowman? Step up and see, only a shekel a play!"

The coyote nods a little. "I'm still a little unsure of what we are looking for here, though," he says. "Most stalls have prizes on display – do you see anything that would help us? If we see something, then sure, we can try and win it."

Envoy goes over to the bowl-toss booth, and tries to ask the hawker there about the "place of wonder" he mentioned.

"Come ride the Fearsome Dragon!" a hawker shouts. "No finer Adventure to be Found!" "'Bell the cat' and win a prize!" "Match your wits against the Mystic for a free Pass to Paradise!"

The canid helmet lifts now. "Envoy, Ranger Lochinvar, I have a thought. Perhaps they wish us to waste our shekels away for our enjoyment rather than spend them to assist those who need us at our expense?"

The hawker at the bowl-toss booth, a chocolate-brown bat, smiles widely as he looks down at the little Envoy. "Why, hello there, little missy! Just a shekel to try your skill. If you toss it into the bowl, you win a pass!"

"Possible," the Hekoye agrees. "You did say this Inala was the Goddess of Pleasure, didn't you? Maybe we just have to have a good time."

"But is it the same as the Pass to Paradise?" Envoy asks. "Where does it let me into?"

"Well, little one," says the hawker, "some roads lead the same place. But this pass will let you go into the fabled Hall of Mirrors. And if you can find your way through, maybe you'll find something else wonderful on the other side, on up the mountain! Paradise? Certainly! And wonders beyond your imagining!" The hawker bat gestures with his cane. "So many mysteries to explore, and adventures to have … and all you need is … " He pulls out a coin and flips it in his hand. "… one shekel to play!"

A graceful Eeee figure, dressed in layers of translucent cloth that seem to be trying to conceal everything and nothing at the same time, dances through the crowd on bare feet, jingling a myriad of bells as she moves with seductive sways of her hips and shoulders.

Elise moves off towards the others now. "Yes, but the goddesses are petty, and they are most certainly not benevolent. I speculate Inala would want us to enjoy ourselves so much we forget what our mission is. And then we would have failed," she explains as she goes.

"See the Hall of Jewels! Priceless gems and crystals, glowing like the lights of the Procession! Lose yourself in visions of endless wealth!" cries a female Eeee in a glittering gown.

Envoy looks towards the mountain, and all of the various games of skill. "I think we need to try and get beyond the Carnival. I might be able to win something against the Mystic, but everything else needs strength or dexterity."

Lochinvar's eyes wander to the hawker calling about the jewels…

The lithe, sable-furred Eeee hawker in the glittering gown smiles as she catches the winged Hekoye's eye, gives him a flirting "come hither" look. "Just a shekel," she purrs, "to bathe in luxury." She sways, making the light glitter off of her gown in ripples with each of the folds.

"We should likely split up and find games we are suited to, and then each get a ticket. Also I would like to bring that potion to the creature we just saw, before we go." The poodle glances around at all the assorted games then back to Envoy. "I feel rather bad about keeping something we do not understand, when it could be someone's hope."

The dancer pauses near the trio, and she shimmies as she circles and twirls amongst them, displaying her not inconsiderable skills in controlling her body, making harmonic jingling noises with the myriad of glittering bells about her neck, arms, waist, and ankles.

"See, we're all being tempted to stay here," the little Aeolun points out, trying to catch Lochinvar's attention. "If we split up, we'll be more easily tempted."

Lochinvar mm-hmms at his companions' words, clearly not paying attention.

The Gallee glances at the woman dancing near her before she nods to Envoy. "Yes, you are quite right. If we do not get going soon, we may not be able to at all. Perhaps we could simply walk off towards the mountain or pay for a ride? Something dull."

Envoy says, "The bowl-toss man said the Hall of Mirrors could lead to the mountain. I bet the Dragon could out-wit the Mystic to get a free pass, too. Let's see what the strength contest offers?"

"Visit Candy Land! Just two shekels to visit … and drink of rivers of xocholatl and bite off a sweet-tree!" promises a jester Eeee.

The little Aeolun can't help but turn towards the voice offering candy.

The jester wiggles his floppy hat, sending bells jingling. "Hello, little one! Care for a sample? It's free!" He holds a little wrapped candy, then tosses it from one hand to the other, then bounces it off one wing, then the other, then bounces it off his head … sending the wrapped candy flipping through the air toward the little Envoy.

Elise nods her head again. "Very well. Perhaps the Dragon can get us three tickets and then we can leave this accursed place," she agrees. A hand is lifted and is promptly put on Envoy's shoulder. "Remember, temptation. Get Lochinvar's hand and we will head towards the Mystic."

Envoy reaches out, but lets the candy fall past her hands at Elise's words. "Oh, right. Come on, Lochinvar." She reaches to pull on the Ranger's hand.

This breaks the shiny-lusting Hekoye out of his trance just enough for him to "Huh?" at Envoy and look down at her.

Smiling, Envoy tells Lochinvar, "I'm an Earth Mage in the real world, I can make you all the shinies you want."

Lochinvar sighs slightly, nodding. "Somehow, magical shinies don't carry the same appeal."

"And I am a noble. Perhaps if we ever meet, I will show you to the Shiny Shoppe. I heard it is quite … well … shiny," offers Elise.

A tall, muscular, black-furred Jupani sits on a raised platform, before a table with an empty chair opposite. He watches the rest of the carnival with a cool, diffident eye, standing out by being neither frantic nor jaded. Before him, an Eeee hawker looks for a taker to arm-wrestle with him.

"This would be Nicodemus' shop?" Lochinvar asks of the cadet. "I do know of it," he finishes, grinning a little.

"There's plenty more candy where that came from!" calls out the jester. "And the candy is shiny, too!"

Envoy whispers to Elise, "Maybe you should give me the mirror with the hair wrapped around it now, before something else distracts us."

Lochinvar turns his head towards the jester at the mention of his favorite word.

The bustle of the carnival continues unbroken even as the trio deliberates more serious action. Acrobatic tumblers fly, leap, and roll past and through the little group. A tiny, fluffy kitten (of the non-anthropomorphic sort) follows in their wake, and pauses at Envoy's and Elise's feet. It looks up at them and mews? inquisitively.

Another wrapped candy sails toward Lochinvar, tossed by the jester. "See if you like it, then only two shekels to have your fill in a land of candy!"

The hair-wrapped mirror is offered to the Child. "You should change now. We will need the dragon for this and they are tempting us more strongly now," Elise tells her. The never changing gaze of the helmet now turns towards Lochinvar. "Yes, it may very well be. I had heard mention of it some time ago, but … we really should be moving."

Lochinvar reaches towards his pouch containing his shekels.

A tall, velvet-furred Eeee in an archaic-looking uniform looks at the group. "Now, what is this I see with mine eyes? A radiant vision, an angelic warrior from the realms of the gods! Not even such thick armor can hide the beauty caged within!"

The armored cadet turns around towards the velvet-furred Eeee and stares at him for a moment. She then reaches to gesture at herself. "Are you referring to me?"

Envoy doesn't look into the mirror immediately. First, she calls out, "Hark! Come see the amazing shape-shifting Aeolun! What will we she turn into next? Only one shekel to watch!"

The kitten pads at the shiny armor of Elise's foot, and then switches to licking at Envoy's ankle.

The velvet-furred Eeee smiles suavely at Elise, then says, "But of course! Do I lie? Is there not great beauty masked by the harsh, austere exterior of your armor?"

Envoy looks down at the kitten, and guesses the carnies are too sharp to part with any shekels themselves.

The kitten sits back on its haunches and looks attentively up at Envoy. It does not, however, offer any shekels.


Elise's gaze shifts away from the warrior, and she drops her hands to fold them neatly behind her back. "Well, I would not say I am that … well, perhaps I … oh … " She giggles a little as she loses track of what she was saying.

The velvet Eeee says, "Say … I'm off in a few minutes. What say you come with me, and I'll show you the sights?"

Lochinvar keeps hold of his money for the moment, trying the candy.

The candy looks like a piece of colored crystal, and tastes like it's more than half composed of sugar.

"Oh! Well I, really should … should … what am I supposed to be doing again? Oh, well bother. When do I have any fun?" replies Elise. She reaches up and removes her helmet which she tucks under her arm before folding her hands in front of her this time. "I … I believe I should ask my party though. Is that fine?"

Shrugging, the Child looks into the mirror.

A Dragon looks back from the mirror. And, there happens to be a Dragon now looking into it.

Envoy tucks away the mirror into her robe, then reaches out to pinch first Elise's ear, and then Lochinvar's.

The winged Hekoye looks around at the dragon and blinks, still holding the candy half in his muzzle.

The handsome Eeee smiles winningly at Elise, then takes a step back as she removes her helmet. His smile loses some of its practiced ease, changing to an expression of sincere pleasure. "Breathtaking," he murmurs, entranced by Elise's face.

There is a loud yelp from the poodle as her ear is pinched. "Oww! Why ever did you do that? You embarrassed me in front of this man, and we were just about to go and … oh." The ear is rubbed a little before the helmet is put back on. She then nods to the Eeee. "I am afraid I must be going. I do thank you for your compliment, however," she tells him.

"Had enough candy?" the Dragon asks the winged Hekoye.

Lochinvar takes out the remainder of the candy from his mouth, looks at it, then Envoy, and nods. "I think so."

At Elise's words, the attractive bat looks crestfallen. "Are you all right, fair lady? I hope your companion did not harm you, at least not on my account. I cannot bear to think that I might have caused you displeasure. The thought pains me almost as much as that you might leave so soon, before I have even had the pleasure of learning your name."

"And you, Cadet, can do better than a smooth-talking stranger," Envoy tells the poodle. "Let us be on our way. Paradise awaits."

Looking up at Envoy, Lochinvar asks, "Another aspect?"

"I think we need to go now," says the poodle to the others in a shaken voice. Her head averts from looking at the Eeee and she turns to walk off. "They will be most displeased if I do not follow. I must be going. Thank you again," she calls back to the Eeee.

Envoy arches her eye-ridges. "I had heard that Rangers are chosen for the powers of perception. Yes, I am another aspect." She heads towards the Mystic.

Suddenly, Elise's suitor flushes beneath his supple fur. "And let me beg your pardon for not having introduced myself, so taken aback was I by your surpassing beauty. I am Lios, fair lady." He sweeps a low bow, and then hurries off after Elise. "Please, fair one … would you deny me even your name?"

Elise reaches up to cover her ears, but before she does so she answers, "It is … only proper to give one's name. I am Lady Elise Antoine de Bellefeuille." And with that, she covers her ears with her hands.

Lochinvar stays close to the dragon, should he get distracted again.

Lios folds his hands over his heart. "Elise," he murmurs reverently. "A name as fair as its owner." He lets the others outdistance him, but says softly, settling his hat once more on his head. "We'll meet again." His eyes glint.

Envoy whispers to Elise, "Keep in mind that not everyone we meet is necessarily a dream creature. There are Eeee Mages behind all of this, after all."

The slinky Eeee in the glittery gown blows a kiss at Lochinvar as he passes. "Come by on your way back!" she coos.

The entrance to the Mystic's tent features a poster of a pair of glowing Eeee eyes and large ears on an otherwise shadowed background. The by-now ubiquitous barker is looking for takers on this game, continuing a steady patter.

The poodle quickens her pace to keep her close to the dragon, ears still covered. A faint whine escapes her when the dragon whispers. "Oh, no. Then, maybe they know who I am now. I … I am such a fool!"

"Eeee mages?" Lochinvar asks Envoy, ignoring the slinky Eeee.

The patter pauses as Envoy and the others come to stand before the barker, and the Eeee looks at the Dragon. "Now," the bat says, "You look like an individual worthy to match wits with the Mystic."

"'What fools these mortals be,'" Envoy quotes. To the barker, she asks, "If I win a pass, will it be valid for my companions as well?"

Meanwhile the poodle drops her hands from her ears. At Envoy's comment she folds her arms and gives an indignant huff.

The barker smiles at Envoy winningly. "One pass per person, Wise One. You would not want another to ride on your coattails, would you? And deprive them of their own chances to win?"

Envoy considers this, then asks, "How is this game played?"

Nearby, some crystal shards dangle from thin cords, turning back and forth, glittering as they catch what light there is.

The Eeee showman adjusts his hat. "The fun, after all, is in playing, not just winning." He looks at Envoy from beneath the brim, with a sharp-toothed smile. "It's a common enough game. You start by saying what shape you assume. The Mystic will then tell you what shape he assumes to best you. You may, in turn, transform to best him … and so on, until you – or the Mystic – cannot think of a new form to take."

The Dragon blinks twice. "And does this require an innate ability to physically transform?"

"Given this place," starts Elise shaking her head, "one may very well actually transform."

Lochinvar shrugs to Elise. "So far, Envoy seems to be the only one who can do that," he notes.

The barker laughs at Envoy's question. "Perhaps you wouldn't be as good a challenge as you look. No magical powers required, my friend. Just a few shekels."

"Very well then," Envoy says, "Two shekels to play?"

Elise returns Lochinvar's comment with silence, and simply continues to watch Envoy.

The barker smiles. "Three." He taps on a locked wooden box with a slot on top.

A curl of smoke escapes one of Envoy's nostrils. "The others only cost two," she points out, her draconic stinginess asserting itself.

The Eeee shrugs and turns to one side nonchalantly. "The 'others' do not all offer a route to Paradise. Some ways are more expensive than others." He glances aslant at Envoy. "And sometimes that which looks cheapest proves most costly."

Envoy withdraws three of the altered shekels from her pouch, but doesn't turn them over just yet. "And what, beyond these coins, is the cost of losing this game?"

The other's eyes glint at the sight of the coins. "The Mystic's price is three coins, and you'll be charged nothing more, win or lose." His grin shows fangs. "Whether or not there's a further cost to losing will be for you to judge. We do not recompense for lost pride."

Envoy hmphs, and hands over the coins.

Like a statue, Elise stands quite motionless as she watches Envoy.

Lochinvar watches on also, but seems content to lean against a pole of one of the booths.

There's a faint rustle as the Eeee in the glittering gown purrs to Lochinvar, "If you like contests, there's a contest in the Hall of Jewels as well, you know. Can you find the priceless treasure without being dazzled by your eyes?"

The showman listens for the clink of inserted coins, and on the third one, swoops into motion, doffing his hat and offering an elaborate bow, which he concludes by drawing back the curtain on the front of the tent. Unlike how it was with the freak show, this motion opens the tent to the carnival, letting everyone see clearly what's within.

The Hekoye crosses his arms at the Eeee, deciding not to reply for the moment.

The Dragon steps forward into the tent, looking around.

Elise tilts her head to the side so that she can peer at what is within without actually moving from where she stands.

"Come now," whispers the glittery bat, "surely a big strong woodsy fellow like you can handle a simple little challenge, hmm?"

Just inside is a raised dais, upon which stands a black-furred Eeee of average height. He is dressed entirely in black, his wings swept up behind him with inherent drama as he holds a motionless position on the dais. Green eyes are almost as intense as the ones on the poster as he gazes evenly at Envoy.

Envoy bows her head to her opponent.

"I'm not going to count it out," replies the coyote. "But I'll wait to see the result of the Dragon's game first."

About the Mystic's throat is a thin gold chain, hung with a heavy green gem-cut stone. He matches the nod of his opponent, and waits.

The glittery bat runs her dainty fingers across the winged coyote's leather-covered shoulder, then brushes some feathers as she sashays off. "Don't take long!"

Envoy begins the round by saying, simply, "Dragon."

Lochinvar notes which way the glitterbat leaves by, then watches what is happening inside the tent.

The somber gaze of the lifeless helmet turns to regard Lochinvar for a moment before it turns back to watch Envoy and the Eeee.

"I am the assassins, everywhere and hidden, that surround your stronghold and threaten your every action, making you prisoner in your own home."

The noise of the carnival grows muted in the immediate vicinity, and a few carnies pause in their usual routines to watch the contest.

Envoy counters with, "I am the gold, which buys their loyalty and fuels their desire."

A breeze blows down the mountainside, causing dangling prizes in some of the booths to sway on cords. Various trinkets clink against each other like chimes as they turn and toss in the wind.

A single raised eyebrow from the Mystic. "I am anarchy, which renders gold worthless, when you cannot eat it and it will not keep you safe."

"I am mortality," the Dragon says, "which renders strength and weakness, poverty and wealth, equally futile."

There are a few murmurs amongst those gathered to watch the contest.

Quietly the armored cadet walks over to Lochinvar and whispers to him, "I have an idea. Would you mind if I were to go next?"

The winged coyote shakes his head. "Not at all," he replies.

The barker looks skeptical at this last, and moves towards a bell, but the Mystic holds up his hand. "I am Faith, which holds the soul immortal and conquers even death."

Envoy considers her answer more carefully.

"I am Truth," she says, "which makes faith unnecessary, and exists independent of life or death."

There's more murmuring and nodding of heads, while others shake theirs.

The Mystic smiles at this one, nodding slightly in approval. "I am Subjectivity, which colors all perception and makes Truth impossible to learn."

There are a few "ooos" and "ahhhs" from the crowd, and several sage head-nods.

Envoy smiles as well at this challenge, and thinks.

A tail tipped in a puff-ball sways beneath Elise's cape as she watches the exchange. Occasionally her head tilts at a interesting response before straightening while the other thinks of a counter.

Finally, the dragon says, "I am Experience, which guides the interpretations of subjective perception."

The Mystic narrows his eyes thoughtfully, flickering his wings as he considers that.

There's a "Boo!" from the back of the crowd, and quite a bit of murmuring at this.

Lochinvar watches this contest with a frown, thinking that the shiny maze might be a little more suited to him after all.

"I am Prejudice, which will not learn from Experience and so makes it irrelevant." The Mystic delivers his response coolly, looking evenly into Envoy's eyes.

Several head-nods follow this response, and then the eyes of the crowd shift to fall upon Envoy.

"I am Rationality," Envoy says, "which cuts through prejudice with reality."

A sharp-fanged smile from the Mystic. "I am the dream-world, which makes mock of all rationality." The wind stirs sourcelessly, and the light that suffuses the carnival flickers in a manner bearing no connection to its many torches. The crossroads echoes even here, with its paths that head in opposite directions but lead to the same destination.

Envoy cocks her head, and says, "I am Morpheus."

"I am the mages."

"I am their defeat," the Dragon says, "as I have defeated them before."

This prompts more murmuring in the crowd.

The Mystic gives long and careful consideration to Envoy's response, while the barker looks skeptical. The black Eeee finally responds, in simple words, "I am the trial, and if you do not best me, you have lost, and if you do best me, you are serving the side that you seek to defeat."

The poodle shifts her weight on to one leg, having been standing straight longer than she seems comfortable with.

Envoy rubs her chin, considering her next answer.

"I am," the Dragon says, smiling, "the winner of this trial."

At this answer, the Mystic throws back his head and laughs. "That will suffice for me." He uncrosses his arms from his chest and gestures to the barker in good humor. Somewhat sulkily, the showman hands Envoy a piece of gold-foiled paper.

There are a few hisses and dark murmurs in the crowd, and the audience quickly disperses.

"Might I go next?" asks Elise, stepping forward.

Envoy bows to the Mystic and sighs. "One down, two to go."

Lochinvar hrms, and adjusts his posture against the post he's chosen to lean on, watching the cadet now.

The Mystic smiles at Elise pleasantly. "Allow me a brief respite, noble warrior, and a drink, then we may engage anew." He steps down from his dais and into the depths of his tent, with a glance over his shoulder at Envoy. "Do keep right on winning, my friend," he murmurs, fangs glinting. "Right on winning."

And then … the surroundings begin to fade. The torches dim. The sounds quiet. It would seem that the reality of this realm is becoming less so…

Envoy ponders the Mystic's claim that by winning she is aiding the enemy, as she begins to awaken.

"Very well," replies Elise to the Mystic. As the surroundings begin to fade she shakes her head and frowns beyond her armor. "So it ends for now. I see. Well then, I will see you all again I imagine."

And then the dream realm fades into darkness as the adventurers part ways, returning to their own realities back in the waking world.


GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

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