The flip side of Rephidim Sky Island looks quite barren and angular compared to the rolling, forested hills that dominate so much of the top side. Here, mountainous stalactites plunge downward from the disc of Rephidim, glittering faintly where traces of the Procession's glow or of countless lamp lights reflect off of flakes of crystal in their surfaces. There are countless dwellings carved into the rock, though the largest dwelling of all by far would be the emerald dome of the Jade Palace, built on one side of the largest stalactite hanging down from the center of the sky island.
After Elise's adventures in Sylvania, she was called back to Rephidim for a very special assignment … one too special to be explained to her until she was brought into contact with Arch-Inquisitrix Esther's agents in Rephidim. It would seem that these are dark times indeed, for the rotting vine that has corrupted the Temple has its roots in Darkside Faraon the Friend, to be specific, has been behind several of the goings-on in recent years. And now, by decree of the Captain-Astromancer, the golden dragon's reign is about to come to an end.
A bounty was put out on Faraon's head, and word distributed to bounty hunters and mercenaries through the usual channels. Then, the Captain-Astromancer's decrees called for Rephidim's Air Fleet to be called together in a massive assault on the Jade Palace, should Faraon fail to surrender himself to the authorities.
Now is the time for the axe to come down upon the vine. Rephidim's Air Fleet has been mobilized, joined by a motley crew of mercenaries and bounty hunters, all seeking Faraon's head and the golden shekels promised as a reward for delivering him dead or alive to the Temple. Given Faraon's legendary size and strength, it's little secret that the hunters are counting on the former condition and not the latter.
Elise has been placed in charge of a small Destroyer-class airship taking part in the assault on the palace. A message was sent to the Palace, and there was no response from Faraon. All civilians were warned to clear the premises. The allotted time has passed. Now it is time to deal with the foes of Rephidim.
The Jade Palace glows a pale green on the side of the central stalactite, from a distance looking like a gaudy gem set on a ring about a great stone finger pointing downward. A number of airships can be seen floating about the Palace, limned by lanterns and running lights. A few are coasting away, or slowly descending toward Gallis below, though the rest float near the docking platforms on the stalactite. There are even a few rising up from Gallis, toward the Jade Palace.
Now, Elise is on the deck of the vessel she has temporarily been given charge of the Unyielding with a Rath'ani first mate by the name of Krenshaw by her side, and a female lupine Sergeant Sesko ready to command the small squad of Guards on the ship in the case that the airship might see some boarding action.
The Air Fleet is moving into position to form a circle around the rim of the sky island, while the gung-ho mercenaries and bounty hunter ships are moving in with the forces prepared to make an assault on the Jade Palace.
The Unyielding joins the assault group, taking its proper place in this moment of glory.
"Sergeant Sesko! I trust the Guard are well prepared? First mate Krenshaw, steady as she goes," says Elise, temporary captain of the Rephidim Destroyer Unyielding.
"Aye aye, Ma'am!" Sesko barks with a salute. The ship draws closer, and the vessels around the stalactite can be seen more clearly now. They are of varied designs … Chronotopian … Gallisian … perhaps some other minor Nordikan nationality. They are decked out with running lights that make them quite visible targets … lights that give them a very festive look, really.
In addition to Elise's own ship, there are at least two other Rephidim Air Fleet ships in the first wave: the Justifier and the Purifier.
Sky Captain Elise strides across the deck towards the front of the ship so that she may get a better view of the target. Pride surges through her, for today she will see a great enemy of Rephidim purged. She knows her father would be proud to see this day. "Dim the running lights, and keep watch for other ships that near us so you can signal them if they get too close. I do not want my ship to be a floating target. Prepare the cannons, but do not fire until I give the command," orders Elise.
"At once!" says the Rath'ani, as he salutes Elise, and he passes the orders on to the gunnery crew. The lights dim, and a careful watch is kept out for any of the overly enthusiastic and undisciplined mercenaries and bounty hunters, lest they get too close. A special watch is kept on the "blind spot" caused by the envelope … though the ceiling formed by Rephidim itself minimizes the chance of an airship cutting overhead Elise's own.
The poodle captain turns around to face her crew as they prepare their stations. She takes a step forward and folds her hands neatly behind her back. "Today we are here to see the greatest rot that clings to our city purged. Faraon the Friend, purported ruler of the Darkside, will evade us no longer. Stand proud, men, that you are here to see this day! First Ones bless you all," she tells her crew in a short speech as they go about what must be done.
The sounds of popping ring out as Elise finishes her speech. It sounds as if the firing has begun!
The Rephidimite poodle takes a moment to salute her men before she turns around and examines the battlefield. "Gun fire can you locate it?" she asks the first mate and sergeant standing near her. "I need to know if it is from the enemy, or from those reckless mercenaries."
The Rath'ani says, "I'm not sure! I think I might have seen a shot from one of the moored ships … but why would they fire while they're moored? They're sitting crickhens! Oh!" The Chronotopian and Gallisian ships moored at the Palace soon burst aflame, easy targets for the mercenary advance group.
The captain of the Unyielding grabs up the nearest spy-scope and directs it towards the moored ships at the Jade Palace in an attempt to check if they are military vessels or not. "Keep an eye on the mercenary ships until I can determine if those moored ships are military vessels."
It's hard to tell at first … since so many of the ships are going down in flames … but, no, these are not military vessels. They're pleasure yachts of the nobility. Civilian ships are being destroyed.
"Civilian ships are being attacked. They were ordered to evacuate, and unfortunately it would seem they have not. Let the hired vessels remove them; we will await orders," barks Elise to the two next to her. "Also have someone keep track of the markings of those ships, and their descriptions. It could prove useful."
The Rath'ani's ears droop, as he glances over at the flaming wreckage of the ships. "Ah … yes, ma'am. We'll … do our best."
Captain Elise glances at her first mate. "Keep in mind we gave them time to evacuate, and they did not. Now their refusal to leave could mean they are in league with Faraon, dressed as allied vessels in order to fool us. I understand your feelings in this, however. It brings me no pleasure to watch those ships burn," she tells him quietly.
"Of course, Captain," the Rath'ani says, dipping his head. He goes back to the business of watching the destruction.
"Have we had any word from command?" asks Elise. She too watches the ships burn and fall to Gallis below, arms folded and a look of dismay crossing her muzzle.
The Rath'ani says, "No word yet! The assault appears to be going … as planned, Captain!"
"Excellent. Keep a running list on the ships being destroyed. There could possibly be a political problem regarding this later, and I want ample proof they refused to leave and were destroyed by non-Rephidimite vessels. Also keep an eye on those mercenaries. I want to be informed of anything out of the ordinary that occurs," orders the poodle as she continues to watch the siege.
The Rath'ani says, "Oh. Of course. Yes, non-Rephidimite vessels. As you command!"
With a nod, Elise returns to observing the siege ahead. She keeps a careful eye on the other Rephidim vessels in the assault group as well the palace itself. Her ear twitches every so often, a subtle sign of the discomfort she holds. Watching allied civilian vessels fall from the sky, no matter how cool about it she pretends to be, still bothers her. A silent prayer to the First Ones runs through her mind as each vessel goes down in flames.
The last of the civilian ships is destroyed, and it looks like the mercenaries and bounty hunters are forcing their way into the Jade Palace, by means of a large flat ledge built above the dome itself, at which there is a large passageway that opens into a huge vertical shaft that descends downward into the grand hall inside.
"Bring us close to the docking platform, and relight some of the running lights. We will wait for the platform to become secure. Ready weapons to provide fire support to the mercenaries down below should they need it," barks Elise as she lifts a hand to gesture towards the dock. "Also, give me the status on the assault fleet."
"No casualties on our side yet, Captain," answers the Rath'ani. "Seems we're having a pretty easy time of it, really, so far. But I imagine things'll get ugly once we get inside." The ship glides toward the landing platform, where the mercenaries are already docked.
Elise checks her Rephidim flintlock and nods once again. "Have the assault team assemble on deck now. As soon as the way below is clear dock the ship, I will lead the assault team into the Jade Palace," she tells Sergeant Sesko.
"At once, Captain!" barks Sergeant Sesko, her tail wagging slightly at the chance for some real action.
The ship continues to drift in. By the time it reaches the dock, the assault team is ready on the deck, and prepared to disembark at Elise's command.
Captain Elise stands in front of the assembled assault team and paces back and forth in front of them. "Our mission is to bring Faraon the Friend, dead or alive, to justice. We are to meet any hostilities with deadly force, but those who surrender will be allowed to live. I want you to know that even before this mission truly begins, I am proud of each and every one of you." She stops her pacing and turns to face her squad. "First Ones bless you all. Assault party, move out." With those words she leads her group down to the Jade Palace.
The warriors salute Elise, then, led by Sergeant Sesko, the mostly lupine warriors charge into the interior, and secure rappelling hooks and ropes to make their descent down the central shaft, side-stepping the occasional dead Vartan or Eeee along the way.
At the edge of the vertical shaft leading down Elise stops and turns towards Sergeant Sesko. "I want you to send a messenger back to the airship, telling them to prepare a net. If the ship does not have one, tell them to find one. The net will be secured at the exit from this shaft, in case Faraon attempts to escape through this passage. Keep the airship close to the docks and the guns readied for the exit to deter escape as well," she tells her. The poodle then turns and joins her squad in the descent down, getting some assistance with the rappelling gear from some Jupani Guards.
Sesko grabs one of the Guards and sends him back to act as Elise's messenger, and then she joins Elise on the descent down the shaft.
Elise makes a careful descent into the giant shaft. Being only recently trained how to rappel, she keeps a tight grip on the rope with both hands as she leads her squad downwards.
At last, Elise and her group reach the bottom. They find themselves on a grassy plateau within a beautiful expanse … an enclosed microcosm of waterfalls and stepped hills, all enclosed within a somewhat spherical shell, with glassy panes opening out to show a panoramic view of the underside of Rephidim, and the landscape of Sinai below.
There are vines clinging to the ceiling and walls, with softly glowing flowers that provide illumination, in addition to braziers and torches.
The poodle drops to one knee and draws her pistol. She waves the Guard to spread out. "Assemble in a circular pattern, see if the area is clear before we proceed. Do not let them sneak up on us," she orders as she scans the area.
It's then that the full impact of the scene around them hits Elise … and surely the guards with her. Nearby is a poodle in an ornate "uniform" … a popular design of the Gallisian nobility … he has a fancily designed sword … still in its scabbard. There are several craters at the bottom of the shaft, with smoke still rising … and a number of bodies scattered about, some male, some female, some in torn, beautiful gowns, some looking more like hired hands and muscle … but it looks like there has been a great deal of carnage dealt out indiscriminately by the mercenaries while Elise was holding back. A good thing that Rephidim didn't do this.
"By the First Ones! The ships were one thing, but not innocent civilians! Those who surrendered were to be spared! This is going too far. Sergeant Sesko! We are going after the mercenaries. They are to be removed from this operation. If they refuse, they will be put under arrest," growls Elise. She stands up and heads off in the direction they were likely to go. "Leave a group here to take care of those here; order them to put down their weapons. Send someone back up to get a medic for these people. Go!"
Sesko shakes herself out of her appalled stupor, and repeats the orders to her wolves. Some of them begin scaling back up the cables, though it's a much slower process by far than their descent.
To one of the nobility still alive, Elise inquires as to the location of the mercenaries. "Sir, where have the mercenaries gotten to? We will deal with them, I assure you!"
Alas, Elise is mistaken, and the body she addresses does not respond. She is unable to find any nobility still alive nearby.
Finding no response and no one left alive, Elise just shakes her head in disbelief. "No one, no one at all," she tells Sergeant Sesko. Her left hand clenches and she shakes her head once more. "Keep the small group here. We will send prisoners and wounded this way. The rest of us are going after the mercenaries." Elise searches for the path of the most carnage, what looks to be the mercenary path, and begins heading off that way at a quick pace.
It takes a bit of work to scale down from the plateau that Elise is on, as, lacking wings, she is required to follow the winding stairways and walkways that head through the interior of the Dome. It, after all, is not a place built for convenience and expedience for those on foot, but rather for grandeur and opulence … and grandeur and opulence marred, of course, by the sight of dead bodies here and there.
"Keep a careful eye out for traps as well as civilians still left alive," orders Elise as she continues down the stairway with he pistol drawn and ready.
Up ahead, a couple of Kavis can be seen playing tug of war with some bracelets on a fallen black Khatta, trying to wrench them off. One of them pulls out a knife. "Here, I'll cut it off," the Kavi offers, brandishing his weapon.
The Khatta, a female in a dress of Chronotopian design, smells of blood, and seems to present no resistance at all to the Kavis' efforts, either unconscious or dead.
"Stop at once! Your unrepentant butchery of civilians stops here. You are to drop your weapons and move to the top of the plateau immediately, where you will no longer be part of this operation. Failure to do so would make you in violation of Rephidim law. Resistance will be met with deadly force," barks Elise. She lifts her weapon to point it at the Kavi with the knife to show she is quite serious.
The Kavi drops his knife immediately, and his eyes go wide. "Hey! Hey, we're on the same side!" He drops the wrist, and the Khatta groans.
The Kavi jumps. "Well, whaddya know, she's still alive!"
The poodle officer points at the fallen Khatta. "See to her wounds," she orders before turning to the Kavi who spoke. "Those who surrender are not to be harmed. I saw quite clearly the dead above, not a single sword drawn. You butchered these people to loot their corpses under the pretense of being on 'our side'. You are murderers, and I will not have murderers in our ranks. Do as you are told. I have no time to argue with you."
The Kavi begin chattering lame excuses at a rapid-fire pace too quick to be followed … not that it would make any real sense regardless.
Two of the Guards drop down to tend to the Chronotopian Khatta, pulling out a bandage kit.
Sesko barks, "There they are!" She raises her sword and charges off. "STOP IMMEDIATELY!" she shouts, and several of her Guards charge after her. On a raised plateau, a contingent of mercenaries can be seen … and they break and run immediately at the sight of the Guards.
Or, that is, upon the plateau can be seen a contingent of armed warriors. It's hard to really tell who would be a mercenary and who might just be a random thug. It's not like mercenaries have to wear Temple uniforms.
Back at the central shaft, several more warriors rappel downward. It would seem that the rest of the assault force is landing.
Hearing Sergeant Sesko's shout, Elise too turns and dashes off with the group. "Lay down your weapons at once and surrender! Resistance will be met with deadly force!" she shouts at the fleeing band of rogues. "Only fire on those who present a imminent threat," she says off to her squad.
Elise's forces converge upon the fleeing mercenaries. There are several confused shouts … and what follows in the next several, horror-filled minutes, is what seems for all the world like a free-for-all, as the Guards fire upon mercenaries and some of the remaining defenders of the Dome. A panicked noble who managed to pick up a gun gets shot down in the crossfire.
The poodle officer's jaw simply drops at the carnage. She levels her own weapon and chooses targets she can confirm to be hostile, but for all the world it doesn't appear to her to make any difference.
"Temple TRAITORS!" shrieks a Skreek behind some bushes, taking pot shots with a crossbow. "Have us do the dirty work and you kill us off so you don't have to pay us!"
"You slaughtered innocent civilians to loot their bodies! The Temple does not pay murderers! Surrender now, drop your weapons!" yells Elise as she drops behind a rock to reload her pistol.
"Blast you!" says the Skreek. "I've been fightin' Faraon's hordes m'self! Far as I can tell, you were the ones killin' the civilians, so's you wouldn't have any witnesses!"
"Take cover, cease firing!" shouts Elise to the Rephidim combatants.
The Guards scramble to defensive positions. A few signs of conflict can be heard elsewhere in the massive complex, but here … things grow quiet quickly, save for the panting of those seeking cover, and the groans of the wounded and dying.
Several more warriors can be seen pouring in through the central shaft, as Guards move out to secure various portions of the Dome. They're still quite a distance away, though.
From behind her rock, Elise waits for the quiet and then speaks up to a nearby Guard. "Go check on the Khatta woman; see if she can speak. Ask her who attacked her." She takes a deep breath and shakes her head a little. "Your claims are being investigated," she yells off to the mercenary group.
"Investigated? Well, la dee da! Hey, Jo! They're investigating! Guess we're Oh, whoop, Jo, you're dead, sorry!" the rat calls out. "I'm sure yer next of kin will be so happy!"
Sesko comes back. "It was a Kavi band, she says. It's going to be a mess sorting this out. It sounds like several of the mercenary groups held back and preyed on the civilians while the main force pressed forward."
Captain Elise nods her head slightly. "It is an excellent plan. Rephidim invades the Jade Palace, civilians of our allies die … we kill off the mercenaries, the witnesses, thinking they were at fault. I am certain Faraon is laughing at us right now. Get word back to command about this incident and warn them. I will deal with these mercenaries."
Sesko nods, then sends off one of the Guards that is only lightly wounded to deliver the message.
"Your claims cannot be verified, but I am inclined to believe you. You and I have likely been used as a trap to tarnish the honor of Rephidim. Put down your weapons and the wounded will be seen to," calls Elise off to the mercenary group. After a moment of thought, she adds something. "If you do not believe me, I will tell you this. Fighting us assures your death. If you put down your arms and trust me, you may live to see yourself avenged here."
There are some curses from the rat, and a bit of a pause, but then, "All right, all right! I'm bleedin' … Call a healer!"
Across the distance, several heavily armored forms can be seen climbing out of a portal … could that be the Champion of Shadows?
The armored black Vartan seems to be rushing over this way!