Elise the Godslayer
2 Midsummer, 6105 RTR (23 Aug 2001) Elise confronts the elder de Ayde.
(Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Rephidim)

Elise is disturbed from a night's ride when her guard wrestles with an Eeee he found bragging in Darkside about capturing Elise's sister. The Eeee recognizes Elise as "Godslayer", and Elise plays up the Eeee's fears, getting him to confess to helping abduct her sister. She then pays a visit to the elder de Ayde – father of her sister's fiance – and accuses him of abducting Katherine. The elderly poodle insists upon his innocence, but Elise leaves two guards to keep watch over him as she leaves.


GMed by Rowan

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Today is 7 days before Candlemass, Year 30 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6129)