Elise awakens to find herself still invisible, in the torture chamber of the ancient shrine of Diphath, on Mount Rephath. However, magic has gone wild as a result of a five-year-old ritual being disrupted, and it has resulted in Diphath an evil Babelite goddess being manifested temporarily in corporeal form, accompanied by several grabbit/Eeee demons. Diphath busies herself torturing the mages and guards to death, while Elise listens for a while, then sneaks off. She encounters an Aelfin/Eeee "demon", who apparently is the same Aelfin who was being offered up as sacrifice earlier. Elise tries to pass herself off as some sort of spirit, trying to fool the girl into leaving, but time is short, and the temple begins to collapse as the magic continues to destabilize. As Elise at last tries to leave, she just makes it to the steps when the ceiling collapses, pinning her legs.