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(New Character Arrival) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Chiaroscuro) (Ur) 76: Eep!


33782 bytes
20 Feb, 1997

<+ E +>

New 17, 6097 RTR (18 Feb 1997) A mongoose arrives in Sinai and meets some of the fauna.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Chiaroscuro) (Ur) 77: In the Name of Rik'Tik'Tav


39160 bytes
12 Feb, 1998

<+ E +>

New 18, 6097 RTR (19 Feb 1997) Chiaroscuro finally reaches civilization.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Chiaroscuro) (Ur) 79: Snakes! Why'd It Have to be Snakes?


33946 bytes
12 Feb, 1998

<+ E +>

New 21, 6097 RTR (22 Feb 1997) Chiaroscuro makes some new acquaintances in Babel, and sets off for Rephidim.

GMed by Greywolf

(New Character Arrival) (Ashdod) (Roho) (Skiree) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) (Wynona) 87: The Pool of Master Zahirinee


52067 bytes
12 Feb, 1998

<+ E +>

15 Candlemass, 6097 RTR (28 Feb 1997) Roho and Wynona enter a mysterious forest.

GMed by Lynx

(Ashdod) (Roho) (Skiree) (Ur) (Wynona) 98: Stopping to Ask for Directions


27414 bytes
06 Mar, 1997

<+ E +>

11 Candlemass, 6097 RTR (4 Mar 1997) Wynona, Roho, and Skiree encounter a foxtauress in Ashdod.

GMed by Lynx

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) (Wynona) 99: A Visit to Master Eferee


27175 bytes
18 Mar, 1997

<+ E +>

10 Candlemass, 6097 RTR (5 Mar 1997) Wynona visits the Guild Hall in Babel.

GMed by Lynx

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Roho) (Ur) 120: House Call Troubles


13713 bytes
16 Mar, 1997

<+ E +>

Candlemass, 6097 RTR (15 Mar 1997) Roho pays a call to Babel to offer his help.

GMed by Greywolf & Lynx

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Roho) (Ur) 122: Good For What Ails You


32701 bytes
18 Mar, 1997

<+ E +>

Candlemass 2, 6097 RTR (17 Mar 1997) Roho and Flemm prescribe treatments for the Sabaoth.

GMed by Greywolf & Lynx

(Airship) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Roho) (Ur) 132: Rewards and Sacrifices


35224 bytes
22 Mar, 1997

<+ E +>

Candlemass 4 6097 RTR (19 Mar 1997) Roho attends a banquet in the Sabaoth's palace.

GMed by Greywolf

(Airship) (New Character Arrival) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Rory) (Skiree) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 139: Silhouette


19870 bytes
27 Mar, 1997

<+ E +>

Candlemass 13, 6097 RTR (26 Mar 1997) Rory and Skiree, young apprentices, meet each other.

GMed by Zoltan

(Airship) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Brishen) (Sabaoth's Wrath) (Ur) 522: Brishen's Homecoming


21116 bytes
28 Jan, 1998

<+ E +>

9 New, 6097 RTR (23 Jan 1998) Brishen returns to the City of Babel.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Brishen) (Sabaoth's Wrath) (Ur) 526: Thath's Sacrifice


14453 bytes
18 Mar, 1998

<+ E +>

7 New, 6097 RTR (16 Feb 1998) Thath "speaks out" against the Sabaoth.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Brishen) (Sabaoth's Wrath) (Ur) 532: The Sabaoth's War Room


20220 bytes
31 Jan, 1998

<+ E +>

5 New, 6097 RTR (27 Jan 1998) Brishen seeks out the Sabaoth, hoping to avert escalation of war.

GMed by Greywolf & John

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Brishen) (Ur) 552: Voice of a Goddess


5198 bytes
22 Feb, 1998

<+ E +>

New 9, 6098 RTR (10 Feb 1998) Brishen impresses her hairdressers.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Brishen) (Sabaoth's Wrath) (Ur) 560: Thath's Farewell


27292 bytes
22 Feb, 1998

<+ E +>

New 19, 6098 RTR (20 Feb 1998) Thath leaves Babel. Brishen meets a strange bat … and is reunited with another.

GMed by Greywolf & John

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Brishen) (Sabaoth's Wrath) (Ur) 573: Frisky Fritters


14222 bytes
15 Jun, 1998

<+ E +>

11 Candlemass, 6098 RTR (4 Mar 1998) Brishen sneaks out to have a snack with Reico

GMed by John

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Brishen) (Sabaoth's Wrath) (Ur) 576: Secret of the Tower


17774 bytes
18 Mar, 1998

<+ E +>

9 Candlemass, 6098 RTR (6 Mar 1998) Brishen enters the Tower of Babel.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Brishen) (Sabaoth's Wrath) (Ur) 586: Words of Inspiration


5512 bytes
18 Mar, 1998

<+ E +>

5 Candlemass, 6098 RTR (10 Mar 1998) Brishen addresses warriors of Clan Burning-Sea.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Brishen) (Sabaoth's Wrath) (Ur) 587: Lord Saskanar


13526 bytes
18 Mar, 1998

<+ E +>

5 Candlemass, 6098 RTR (10 Mar 1998) After a speech to Eeee warriors, Brishen visits an elderly lord.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Brishen) (Sabaoth's Wrath) (Ur) 605: Revolution, Part 1


8162 bytes
14 Apr, 1998

<+ E +>

Candlemass 8 6098 RTR (23 Mar 1998) Brishen leads a revolt against the Sabaoth.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Brishen) (Sabaoth's Wrath) (Ur) 606: Revolution, Part 2


20283 bytes
14 Apr, 1998

<+ E +>

Candlemass 8, 6098 RTR (23 Mar 1998) Brishen faces off against the Sabaoth.

GMed by Greywolf & Lynx

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Brishen) (Ur) 778: Undercover in Babel


18054 bytes
11 May, 1999

<+ E +>

14 Unity, 6099 RTR (9 May 1999) Brishen goes on a special mission in Ashdod.

GMed by Zoltan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Brishen) (Ur) 786: Two Leads for Brishen


12951 bytes
20 May, 1999

<+ E +>

5 Unity, 6099 RTR (18 May 1999) Brishen gets leads on the whereabouts of Degarde and Creencaller.

GMed by Zoltan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Scarlet) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 869: Judge Scarlet


19773 bytes
05 Sep, 1999

<+ E +>

23 Ring, 6099 RTR (4 Sep 1999) Scarlet is allowed to pass judgement on her attackers.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Scarlet) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 874: Ritual of Transference


15768 bytes
19 Sep, 1999

<+ E +>

18 Ring, 6099 RTR (9 Sep 1999) Scarlet gets a new body.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Roho) (Ur) 881: Roho at the Table of the High Prince


27040 bytes
21 Sep, 1999

<+ E +>

11 Ring, 6099 RTR (16 Sep 1999) Roho is a guest at the palace of the High Prince of Babel.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Roho) (Ur) 888: An Opportunity for Roho


9624 bytes
24 Sep, 1999

<+ E +>

7 Ring, 6099 RTR (20 Sep 1999) Roho is approached by a Thath with an opportunity.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Roho) (Skiree) (Ur) 896: Returning to the Pool of Zahirinee


19147 bytes
26 Sep, 1999

<+ E +>

3 Ring, 6099 RTR (24 Sep 1999) Roho travels to the abode of Master Zahirinee.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Envoy) (Roho) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) (Wynona) 901: Roho's Image


50191 bytes
07 Oct, 1999

<+ E +>

Ring Day, 6099 RTR (27 Sep 1999) Roho, Envoy and Wynona are reunited at Master Zahirinee's pool.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Ur) (Zoltan) 906: Loose Boomer


19664 bytes
07 Oct, 1999

<+ E +>

Ring 3, 6099 RTR (30 Sep 1999) Zoltan visits High Prince Boghaz, seeking information about the missing "boomer" weapon.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Envoy) (Roho) (Skiree) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) (Wynona) 909: The Magic Popsicle


52773 bytes
07 Oct, 1999

<+ E +>

Ring 7, 6099 RTR (4 Oct 1999) Things go awry at the ritual at Master Zahirinee's pool.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Envoy) (Roho) (Ur) 915: The Jig is Up


19098 bytes
09 Nov, 1999

<+ E +>

Reckoning 2, 6099 RTR (14 Oct 1999) Roho and Envoy have to fight with "Scarlet".

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Envoy) (Roho) (Ur) 917: Cryona Tells All


15597 bytes
09 Nov, 1999

<+ E +>

Reckoning 3, 6099 RTR (14 Oct 1999) Envoy and Roho question "Scarlet" about her actions.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Ur) (Writings) 1017: To My Most Esteemed and Secure Colleagues...


11380 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New Year 1, 6100 RTR – Mage Cyprian writes about the devastation in Babel.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Nordika) (Rephidim) (Savan) (Rephidim Temple) (Ur) (Writings) (X) 1020: Four Years


21687 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

6100-6103 RTR – Vignettes of events marking the passage of four years on Sinai.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Elijah's Quest) (Necropolis) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) 1207: Srinala


63357 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Guy Fox Day (30 Nov 2000) Elijah and others find a shrine dedicated to Sunala, along the Saskanar River.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Ur) (Writings) 1273: Creation Myths of the Babelites


19666 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

An article on three different creation myths of the origins of the Seven Sisters.

GMed by Greywolf, Uriel & Zoltan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Ur) (Writings) 1274: Etymology of the Seven Sisters


8808 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

A rambling essay on the origins of the names of the Seven Sisters, according to the perspective of a College Esoterica textbook.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Dream Realms) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Ur) 1276: Death, Despair and Defiance


37802 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New 14, 6105 RTR (15 Feb 2001) Envoy finds herself in Sunala's realm.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Ur) 1277: Ghaz-Kutsuk


18763 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New 15, 6105 RTR (16 Feb 2001) Envoy is questioned by the High Priestess, Gariazadze.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) (Wynona) 1279: Kyrieta


17017 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New 16, 6105 RTR (16 Feb 2001) Envoy, slowly recuperating, is paid a visit by a Yodhsunala.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1291: Recovering at the Guild Hall of Babel


41655 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

12 Candlemass, 6105 RTR (7 Mar 2001) Envoy is interrogated by a Yodhbarada and a mage of the College Esoterica at the Mages' Guild Hall of Babel.

GMed by Greywolf & Lynx

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Ur) (Wynona) 1292: Hall of Transgressions


18000 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

11 Candlemass, 6105 RTR (8 Mar 2001) Envoy accompanies a delegation to the Temple of Rephath, seeking to retrieve Wynona.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Ur) 1293: A Report from the Yodhbarada


19522 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

10 Candlemass, 6105 RTR (8 Mar 2001) Envoy is paid a visit by Tania, a young Yodhbarada acolyte.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1294: Matters of Probability


40215 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

10 Candlemass, 6105 RTR (9 Mar 2001) Elise (aka "Missy") is given a tough choice about her part in the mission.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1296: Consultation with Cyprian


13962 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

8 Candlemass, 6105 RTR (15 Mar 2001) Envoy meets with Cyprian to determine the state of her mind.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Ur) 1297: Elise's Mission in Babel


25664 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

8 Candlemass, 6105 RTR (15 Mar 2001) Elise is sent on a dangerous mission in Babel.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1298: Running an Errand at the Guild Hall


27626 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

8 Candlemass, 6105 RTR (20 Mar 2001) Elise visits the Guild Hall of Babel on an errand.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1299: Private Consultations


23481 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

8 Candlemass, 6105 RTR (26 Mar 2001) Elise converses telepathically with Cyprian.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Ur) 1300: Blakatball


40709 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass, 6105 RTR (22 Mar 2001) Envoy plays a game of Blakatball.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Dream Realms) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1302: The Eighth Goddess


43544 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 1, 6105 RTR (26 Mar 2001) Envoy dreams again, of Morpheus, and of a dream Tower of Babel.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Ur) 1303: Deep into the Undercity


38053 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 1, 6104 RTR (29 Mar 2001) Envoy takes a desperate maneuver to escape danger.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Ur) 1310: The Free Bazaar


32894 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 20, 6105 RTR (5 Apr 2001) Envoy runs into yet more trouble in the Streets Below.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1313: Planting the Disrupter


33704 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 20, 6105 RTR (3 Apr 2001) Elise sneaks in to disrupt the Dream Ritual.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Dream Realms) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1314: End of the Dream


48891 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 20, 6105 RTR (12 Apr 2001) The final showdown between Saraizadze and the Dream-Questers.

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Elise) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1315: Diphath's Chamber of Horrors


23121 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 20, 6105 RTR (26 Apr 2001) Elise awakens to find herself in a new nightmare, as Diphath is manifested by magic gone wild.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Ur) 1316: Escape from the Streets Below


26777 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 20, 6105 RTR (10 Apr 2001) Envoy escapes a Yodhgorphat purge!

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Ur) 1317: Morning After Chaos


24248 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 21, 6105 RTR (14 Apr 2001) Envoy returns to "civilization", so to speak.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1320: A Message from Faust


11144 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 22, 6105 RTR (14 Apr 2001) Envoy, rested up from her ordeal, receives a message from Mage Faust.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1321: A Secret for Barada


16623 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 23, 6105 RTR (17 Apr 2001) Envoy delivers a message to the Yodhbarada.

GMed by Greywolf, Lynx & Rowan

(Ashdod) (Envoy) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1322: Deciphering the Oracle's Riddle


34851 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 24, 6105 RTR (19 Apr 2001) Envoy visits Master Zahirinee for advice.

GMed by Greywolf & Lynx

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Envoy) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1323: Second Opinion on the Riddle


25341 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 26, 6105 RTR (24 Apr 2001) Envoy visits Cyprian for his take on the oracle's riddle.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Caroban) (Elise) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1332: Secrets and Mystery


33018 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

20 Unity, 6105 RTR (3 May 2001) Elise's fate is revealed.

GMed by Rowan

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Ocean) (Ur) 1371: Nalalua


35620 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

4 First Ones, 6105 RTR (21 Feb 2002) The Princess of Stygia, nearing completion of its voyage, stops at the island of Nalalua, off the Gigi Coast.

GMed by Greywolf

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Necropolis) (Ur) 1372: Breaking Taboos


10141 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

4 First, 6105 RTR (22 Feb 2002) Alptraum breaks a Gigi taboo by visiting the temple ruins after sundown.

GMed by Greywolf

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1379: A Premium on Friends


32958 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

First Ones 7-13, 6105 RTR (27 Feb 2002) Alptraum finds himself captive aboard a barge.

GMed by Greywolf

(Airship) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Envoy) (Rory) (Spheres of Magic) (Wynona) 1409: Never a Dull Day in Babel


56893 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

1 Reckoning, 6105 RTR (14 Nov 2001) Envoy returns to a not-so-warm welcome in Babel.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Envoy) (Rory) (Spheres of Magic) 1410: Envoy Speaks Out


45100 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Reckoning Eve, 6105 RTR (21 Nov 2001) Envoy makes a speech that could put her in hot water with the Mages' Guild.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Envoy) (Spheres of Magic) (Wynona) 1412: Forgiving Mood


44216 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Reckoning Day, 6105 (29 Nov 2001) Rephath demonstrates her "forgiveness".

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Rory) (Spheres of Magic) 1413: Goodbye, Skiree


36535 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Reckoning Day, 6105 RTR (29 Nov 2001) Rory bids farewell to Skiree.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Rory) (Spheres of Magic) 1414: Messenger Reer-er-shock


12831 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Reckoning Day, 6105 RTR (30 Nov 2001) Rory meets Dinah, a fellow mourner at the Monument in Babel.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Rory) (Writings) 1415: Writing a Letter to Skiree


12038 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Reckoning 1, 6105 RTR (31 Dec 2001) Rory writes a letter to Skiree.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Envoy) (Spheres of Magic) (Wynona) 1416: Interesting Times Around Me


8489 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Reckoning 4, 6105 RTR (30 Nov 2001) Envoy secretly meets with Wynona.

GMed by Greywolf

(Airship) (Ashdod) (Envoy) (Spheres of Magic) 1419: Seeker of Balance


54662 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Fox 2, 6105 RTR (5 Dec 2001) Envoy's ride out of Babel is not uneventful.

GMed by Greywolf

(Airship) (Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1420: Babel at Last


38415 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Fox 3, 6105 RTR (7 Mar 2002) Alptraum finally makes it to Babel.

GMed by Greywolf

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Ur) 1421: Prince Rikat


48233 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Fox 4, 6105 RTR (13 Mar 2002) Alptraum has unexpected adventures at the Coalition Tower.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Rory) (Ur) 1435: Paying Respects at the House of the Dead


29504 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

11 Landing, 6105 RTR (5 Jan 2002) Rory pays a visit to the home of Skiree's parents.

GMed by Rowan

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Ur) 1436: Reunions at Mount Sunala


44960 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

7 Landing, 6105 RTR (27 Mar 2002) Alptraum has visitors on Mount Sunala.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Rory) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1439: Hospice of Rinala


21402 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

4 Landing, 6105 RTR (10 Jan 2002) Rory and Tanieta help the wounded at a hospice.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Rory) (Spheres of Magic) 1441: Nuri bar Emmanuel


19230 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

4 Landing, 6105 RTR (17 Jan 2002) A brave fire mage holds off a mob intent on murder.

GMed by Rowan

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Ur) 1443: Coalition Party


41671 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing Eve, 6105 RTR (17 Apr 2002) Alptraum is invited to a party.

GMed by Greywolf

(Abu Dhabi) (Airship) (Ashdod) (Envoy) (Himaat) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1445: Priestesses and Witch-Hunters


34082 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing Day, 6105 RTR (19 Dec 2001) Envoy faces yet more troubles on her way to Abu Dhabi.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Rory) (Ur) 1454: Worth a Celebration


26214 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing 2, 6105 RTR (30 Jan 2002) Dinahzadze pays Rory a visit, and has a party planned.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Rory) (Ur) 1455: Deciding the Fate of the Mages' Guild Hall of Babel


21457 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing 4, 6105 RTR (6 Feb 2002) The mages at the Guild Hall gather to determine whether to stay or leave.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Rory) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1456: Shadows and Illusions


34115 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing 4, 6105 RTR (27 Mar 2002) Rory visits the site of preparations for the New Year's party.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Rory) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1457: After the Meeting of Mages


21713 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing 4, 6105 RTR (14 Feb 2002) Rory speaks with a few mages after the meeting.

GMed by Rowan

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Reynard) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1458: Happy Birthday, Alptraum


52908 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing 5, 6105 RTR (1 May 2002) Alptraum has a very weird birthday.

GMed by Greywolf

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Ur) 1459: Visiting Zana


11775 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing 6, 6105 RTR (2 May 2002) Alptraum pays a visit to a young acolyte of Sunala.

GMed by Greywolf

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Ur) 1460: Briefly with Mariamara


15806 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing 6, 6105 RTR (6 May 2002) Alptraum briefly gets to chat with his old caretaker.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (On the Grapevine) (Rephidim) (Ur) (Writings) 1471: Rumors in Babel and Rephidim


13224 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

9 New 6105 RTR (25 Jan 2002) Some chatter in Rephidim and Babel about recent rumors.

GMed by Greywolf

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Rory) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1479: New Year's on Mount Dronnel


41474 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New Year's Eve, 6105 RTR (24 Apr 2002) A grand party is thrown on Mount Dronnel to celebrate the victory over Rockmore.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Rory) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1502: Two Pairs


35367 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New 1 – 14 Candlemass, 6106 RTR (26 Jun 2002) Rory plays games with Mages Cyprian and Flutenote.

GMed by Rowan

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Ur) 1503: The General of the Tower


49200 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass, 6106 RTR (8 May 2002) Alptraum gets a tour of the Tower of Babel.

GMed by Greywolf

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Reynard) (Ur) 1504: Tar and Feathers


21568 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 4, 6106 RTR (8 May 2002) Alptraum is paid a visit by the foppish fox.

GMed by Greywolf

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Ur) 1505: Rinala and Sunala


54682 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 21, 6106 RTR (13 May 2002) Alptraum gets a visit from an old friend and a new one.

GMed by Greywolf

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Rory) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1506: Gorphat Versus Blakat


38867 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 22, 6106 RTR (20 May 2002) Alptraum attends a Blakatball game at Bashek Coliseum.

GMed by Greywolf

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Ur) 1507: Raid on the Tower of Babel


45757 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 33, 6106 RTR (5 Jun 2002) Alptraum and Autumn-Storm embark on a daring mission.

GMed by Greywolf

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Ur) 1508: Distractions


37352 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 33, 6106 RTR (12 Jun 2002) Alptraum and Autumn-Storm try to escape the Tower.

GMed by Greywolf

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Ur) 1509: Uneasy Alliances in Babel


30591 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Candlemass 34 – 33 Unity, 6106 RTR (26 Jun 2002) Alptraum seeks help from the Yodhrinala.

GMed by Greywolf

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Ur) 1510: Truth at Great Price


32983 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

33 Unity, 6106 RTR (10 Jul 2002) Alptraum finally learns of his true parentage.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Elise) (Ur) 1511: Vengeance of the Temple


14725 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

33 Unity, 6106 RTR (10 Jul 2002) Elise exacts vengeance upon the Yodhbarada for crimes against Rephidim.

GMed by Greywolf

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Dream Realms) (Rory) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1512: House Cenesta


27611 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

33-32 Unity, 6106 RTR (31 Jul 2002) Alptraum visits House Cenesta.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Elise) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1513: Investigating Barada's Threat


20474 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

32 Unity, 6106 RTR (10 Oct 2002) Elise visits the Guild Hall to find out what magic may have been put on her.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Elise) (Ur) 1514: Fear of Gossip


27270 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

32 Unity, 6106 RTR (14 Oct 2002) Elise stays a little longer to talk with Cyprian.

GMed by Rowan

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Rory) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1515: Looking for Trouble


29402 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

27 Unity, 6106 RTR (17 Sep 2002) Rory goes to pay his respects to Skiree.

GMed by Rowan

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Dream Realms) (Rory) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1516: Traversing the Wound


34656 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

25 Unity, 6106 RTR (7 Aug 2002) Alptraum embarks on a risky adventure to the Coalition Tower.

GMed by Greywolf

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Rory) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1517: Almost Invisible


37296 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

24 Unity, 6106 RTR (15 Aug 2002) Alptraum makes his way into hostile territory.

GMed by Greywolf

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Ur) 1518: Grandmother Aryadne


31963 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

24 Unity, 6106 RTR (28 Sep 2002) Alptraum is reunited with his grandmother.

GMed by Greywolf

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Ur) 1519: Getting the Jump


15211 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

24 Unity, 6106 RTR (4 Sep 2002) Alptraum works his way through the Coalition Tower, to find Thath's private office.

GMed by Greywolf

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Ur) 1520: Trouble of Many Sorts


13592 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

24 Unity, 6106 RTR (23 Oct 2002) Alptraum tries to escape from Thath's guards.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Ur) (Writings) 1524: Daughter of Shadows


22439 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

18 Unity, 6106 RTR (23 Oct 2002) Pouncer visits her friend in Babel.

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Rory) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1529: Guest of the Coalition


38262 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Unity 6 – Midsummer 5, 6106 RTR (30 Oct 2002) Alptraum stays a while at the Coalition Tower.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Rory) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1530: Gliders


25605 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Midsummer's Eve, 6106 RTR (14 Nov 2002) Rory and Dinahzadze celebrate the holiday.

GMed by Rowan

(Alptraum) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Ur) 1531: Completing the Journey


21879 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Midsummer 9, 6106 RTR (6 Nov 2002) Alptraum journeys to Mount Sunala after leaving the Coalition Tower.

GMed by Greywolf

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Today is 18 days after New Year's Day, Year 30 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6129)