Alptraum and Autumn-Storm, accompanied by the mutant child rescued from the Tower of Babel, venture through the City Below, at last making their way to a hospice of the forbidden goddess of healing, Rinala. While they are there, they hear that some Yodhgorphat have detained one of the Yodhrinala nearby, and there is fear that the hospice will be discovered. Alptraum volunteers to do what he can to distract the Yodhgorphat, and he heads out there to do so. Phlagaea is among them, as well as Cessteria, the high priestess of Gorphat. Cessteria is ill, and a young Yodhrinala by the name of Rista is compelled to lend aid to her. The Yodhgorphat appear uncertain how to "dispose" of Rista, so Alptraum diplomatically takes it upon himself to deal with the girl and to let her go to the hospice with word that the Yodhgorphat have not yet learned of its location.