Atop Mount Dronnel, the turnout for Dinahzadze's party is far more than even Rory anticipated. He expresses his excitement when Silhouette brings this to his attention, and he runs into one of the volunteer workers a Sylvanian Eeee by the name of Alptraum.
The performance is carried out with the help of illusion magic (and some of Rory's own shadow magic), recounting the events of Rephath's Wild Hunt the year before, and the defeat (at least in the Dream Realm) of Rockmore. Meanwhile, Alptraum has a confrontation of his own, as he discovers some toughs trying to sabotage one of the poles serving to hold up cable perches for winged guests. Alptraum drives off one of the thugs, and when the other pulls a knife, subdues the other with a well-placed punch.
After the performance, Rory comes to the security tent to escape snowballs, and finds the trouble-maker laid out cold. Alptraum explains the story. Rory tries to use a cantrip to revive the unconscious bat, but fails miserably, and uses some "stinky powder" to revive him instead. The captured Eeee is unwilling to give up any information, so the mages at the tent decide to take him to see Mage Cyprian the real "Avenger".