Brishen, fretting over the idea that she may have encouraged the Sabaoth to step up his war against Rephidim, asks to have an audience with him. She is taken to his war room, but he is evidently busy planning an attack on Rephidim. Battle plans are proposed, and Thath, the Sabaoth's advisor, suggests a three-pronged attack … and also that he sacrifice his own public standing by appearing to "oppose" the plan and allowing the Sabaoth to easily counter his arguments, in a bid to silence detractors.
Brishen leaves the meeting with Thath, touring the gardens of the palace, when they are interrupted by a courier Eeee with a message that prompts Thath to take his leave of Brishen. The courier Eeee turns out to be Reico, Brishen's boyfriend, who has relocated to Babel, it seems.