The Princess of Stygia continues its westward voyage, and the calendar moves on, no longer being measured by days after Midsummer's, but now by days before First Ones' Day. And so it is, that four days before the next holiday, the vessel slows to a stop at an island that the maps indicate is just off the Gigi Coast, a paradise known as Nalalua an oasis of swaying palms, white sands, and thick greenery concealing it is said the ruins of some ancient culture predating the Gigi.
The Gigi, it turns out, are golden-furred Khattas who most certainly do not share the stereotypical aversion of felines for getting soaking wet, as they quite gleefully surf the waves and go diving in the waters, bringing up fish or pearls to the amazement and delight of tourists. It promises to be a day of relaxing in secluded pools of sparkling clear water, or clambering over fallen vine-choked statuary and ruined temples while looking for overlooked treasure, or simply sitting about and enjoying the cool breezes wafting off the ocean and the warm sunlight filtered through swaying palm fronds. And the night promises to be a time of feasting around campfires alongside the seashore of sweet bread, countless varieties of fish, and tropical fruits aplenty. (Well, at least Autumn-Storm is pretty excited about that part.)
Nekara, incidentally, shies away from all the merry-making, as she is typically wont to do. That leaves Alptraum to hang out with Autumn-Storm, occasionally dragging her this way, occasionally being dragged that. One of the large and muscular golden cats, a chatterbox (as they all seem inclined to be) by the name of Marvo, seems especially taken with Autumn-Storm, and just about any time Alptraum is away for a moment, when he comes back, there's Marvo, playing on his little lute for Autumn-Storm, or getting her to try out some new variety of fish or roast poultry, or trying to figure out what all that finger-wiggling means.
Alptraum has caught wind from one of the natives that there are, indeed, some ruins on the island, and that he need only go over yonder rise to find what little is left of one of the temples, next to what the native claims is a "spectacular waterfall", though surely the elevation on this island never gets high enough for any "waterfalls" to be that spectacular. When Alptraum comes back to fetch Autumn-Storm, he finds her sitting on the edge of a canoe, and Marvo's at it again, showing off some pearls he well, it's more colorful to let Marvo tell it in his own words. "So I was paddling for the break, when all of a split, WHOMPO! Here is a gnarking hugerific gnash-biter coming after me! So, I had to pull out my spiker and FOOSH!" He starts acting out his desperate fight with the nasty monster.
"Hey, Autumn!" Alptraum calls out as he approaches, eyeing Marvo. "I've found out where an old temple out in the jungle a bit. Figured I'd check it out and get a chance to really stretch my legs and wings. Thought you might want to come along, interested?"
Autumn-Storm looks up to Alptraum and nods vigorously, then looks to Marvo and makes a tentative "Come along?" gesture.
Alptraum frowns slightly at the thought of Marvo coming along, but says nothing.
Marvo catches on quick enough. "Splandramatic! I can show you the digs!" He hops up, offering Autumn-Storm a hand.
Alptraum takes in a long breath, but tries to mask his unease. "It's not too far," Alptraum explains, a definite loss of enthusiasm in his voice. "Supposed to be near some waterfall."
The cheetah smiles and takes Marvo's hand to get up, though she, not being the hand-holding sort apparently, let's go as she jogs over toward Alptraum. "Show the way?" she signs.
"Sure," Alptraum signs back. "This way." He then turns and heads off in the direction he was told. Surely it can't be too hard to spot. Waterfalls are usually obvious.
"MARVO!" calls out a young girl, who's dressed in similarly garish colors, and looks very much like a younger sister. "Stop goggling at the seabobbers and help papaman with the meat-skews!" she yowls, tagging along after the small group.
Marvo looks like he's about to dismiss the near-kitten, but at the mention of "papaman" he squashes it. "Oh, ragsamany down, but I gotta skedat, jiv?" He gives Autumn-Storm an apologetic look.
Alptraum turns, then says, "Autumn-Storm, if you'd rather go off with Marvo, I can head there myself. It's no problem. Just thought you'd like to check it out."
The cheetah pats Marvo on the shoulder, still smiling. She points to her eyes, then to Marvo, and curls one hand in a "later" sign.
Marvo hides a look of disappointment with a smile, glancing to Alptraum, then jogs off after his little sister insistently tugs at his arm.
Autumn-Storm looks back to Alptraum. "I've no interest in helping 'papaman' with 'meat-skews'," she signs, having to take a longer time to build up the 'phonetic' signs for these odd Gigi "words" for which no special signs already exist, in addition to Marvo's own name. "I'd like to see some ruins now. I can see more of Marvo later."
"Well, it's this way, then," Alptraum signs. "And yeah, he really likes you. I bet he'll ask you to stay."
Autumn-Storm rolls her eyes. "You're probably right," she agrees, following after Alptraum, ducking under some low-hanging palm fronds and stepping over a jumble of rocks, as the sandy beach gives way to thick jungle foliage and choking vines.
Alptraum continues on for a bit in silence, trying to follow the directions he was given. Shouldn't be far, right? Right. After a bit, he signs, "Would you stay?"
Autumn-Storm blinks at Alptraum, then signs back, "What, are you worried that I might?"
Up ahead, there's an irregular stone choked by vines that Ah yes, those are actually feet. Goodness, but that must have been a big statue that they belonged to. Each of the toes is as large as Alptraum's foot … though, granted, a lot of the statuary around here is kind of short and squat, unlike the felines they're supposed to represent.
Alptraum fidgets some, then signs, "A bit." He then continues moving, feeling his ears heat up. "Does it actually bother me if she does?" he ponders, his thoughts then interrupted by the statues. "Hey, I think we're near."
Before Autumn-Storm has a chance to sign a response to that or perhaps she didn't even catch the sign she turns to look at the first sign of the ruins. She sprints up to the stone feet, holding up one foot for comparison, and wiggling her ears in amusement. Broken bits of stone are strewn about, though none immediately are identifiable as other body parts, all gray but seemingly "bleached" by whitish mossy growths pocking the surfaces.
Alptraum doesn't bother trying to sprint. He just wanders over and looks at it, then comments, "That is one big foot. The whole thing must've been massive." He walks around it, then starts sounding out the foliage, in an attempt to see if other solid structures might be masked.
Suddenly, there are several sharp cries from the trees, as several feather-winged serpentine lizards with rainbow plumage Creens take to the air, sounding the alarm as they flee the intruder into their domain.
Autumn-Storm starts at the sudden flight of the Creens, but then hides her face with her hands, as her ears wiggle furiously.
Alptraum jumps backwards and squeaks! He then realizes he probably spooked them by sounding. He stands there, one ear tipping to the side slightly and looking really embarrassed. "Ooops," he says.
"I wonder why they were all hiding there?" Autumn-Storm signs, coming up beside Alptraum to try to peer into the foliage from which all the Creens fled.
Alptraum's ears pick up the sound of running water perhaps that 'waterfall' he was promised.
Alptraum reaches outward and tries to push aside from of the foliage. With his free hand he signs, "I was trying to see if maybe other solid objects were back there. I hear water now. I think we're near the old temple."
As Alptraum pushes at the foliage, he finds that in some places, it refuses to move, clinging to stone blocks, barely one atop the other. However, there's a distinct gap, and as he pushes aside a curtain of hanging vines, he can see that there's a clearing beyond, ringed by what remains of three walls and a short bluff, into which another statue has been partially carved from the rock, partially erected, of a female feline quite possibly of the same species as the Gigis, though stylized enough that it's hard to tell for sure with somewhat more "squat" proportions than would be realistic, giving her somewhat of a cartoony appearance.
Water trickles down from the top of the bluff, where it has eroded a channel in the wall, and pours into a flooded depression at the feet of the statue, before trickling off from there toward a gap in one of the other walls.
Alptraum steps to the side and says, "After you."
Thick tangles of vines and overhanging fronds form a ceiling of sorts, though not one that would promise much protection from rain just enough, rather, to block out some of the sun, and lend this area an even more mysterious air about it one that Autumn-Storm evidently appreciates as she pushes her way through the curtain with some trepidation, only to let her jaw slack in awe as she takes in the view beyond. She tentatively steps down on a fallen block on the other side, avoiding a puddle waiting on the other side of the curtain, and gingerly works her way along, tracing with her fingers eroded reliefs and symbols carved into the stone.
Alptraum follows shortly after, minding the path and trying to step where Autumn-Storm stepped. "More beautiful than I expected," he says, then looks all around. Occasionally, he emits a short sounding burst to try and locate any other possible breaks that might hide a doorway.
Sure enough, what appears to be an impenetrable wall of vegetation hides another wing of the temple and, judging from the clusters of wild berries (perhaps some wild relative of pala fruit) on the ground, and a great many Creen droppings, it would seem this is a favorite hideout of the local flying fauna.
Autumn-Storm works her way over to the feline statue, smiling as she looks up at it. It shows eroded seams, and several breaks, and quite probably it had fallen down before just like whatever was atop the "feet" outside, but someone has taken the trouble to put it back together, even if the rest of the temple is in total ruin.
"There's more that way," Alptraum says and points. "Another doorway." He makes his way along, pausing to watch Autumn-Storm smile up at the statue. "You really like this place, don't you?" he asks. "You seem very happy here."
Autumn-Storm grins, and ducks under a low-hanging draping vine as she works her way back over to Alptraum. She signs, "Of course! It's new!"
"And here I thought it was because it's populated with felines," Alptraum signs back and smirks. "I wonder who build all this and who put it back together?" He now makes his way over to the statue and runs his fingertips over the rock lightly.
"I figure someone put it back together so wealthy tourists like us would stay longer!" Autumn-Storm signs once Alptraum's looking her way again, and she pokes her head into the other wing, only to be repulsed by the signs of far too many Creens eating and doing their business there.
"What's in there?" Alptraum asks. "Anything interesting?"
As Alptraum examines the statue, he finds a couple of pieces of dried fruit wedged into a crack the sort the Creens like to eat, but perhaps they couldn't get at these pieces. There's a bowl-like depression near the feet where there are bits of … well, straw or rope, or something like that; Alptraum can't be sure.
Autumn-Storm pulls her head back into the main room and shakes her head. "Just signs of a Creen party, that's all. They must be very well fed here."
"Ew," Alptraum comments, then looks at the statue again and hmms. "Did you notice it looks like there's some old rope over here?" he asks, then kneels down to get a better look.
Autumn-Storm comes over to investigate. There are some other bits some golden fur, some other signs that this temple isn't completely abandoned. (But then, if it were, the natives perhaps wouldn't be so quick to tell the tourists exactly where to find it.) It looks as if some sort of bundle may have been set down here at some time … perhaps some fruit on a piece of cloth, or perhaps in a basket or both, just at different times.
"I bet people picnic here. Or maybe it's a popular spot with, ah, young couples," Alptraum signs. He then looks around for the writing again, wondering if its pictographic in any sort of way.
There are a number of images to accompany sections of writing, representing various felines and, oddly enough, most of them have what appear to represent spots chiseled into their forms, though they stand on plantigrade legs, like Eeee, or like the Gigis, and not on the oddly-gaited digitigrade legs of Savanites. The images are greatly worn, however, and in many places, it looks as if there has been some deliberate vandalism, with sections chiseled or scoured away.
Autumn-Storm signs, "I heard there was a temple here from Marvo. He said that it's taboo to visit after sundown. I guess that's Nala." She points at the female feline statue. "That's their deity. They have a fairly small pantheon, as religions go."
"I wonder what the original purpose of this place was for. Did you notice the figures in the pictures are spotted like you?" Alptraum signs. "Did he say what Nala is? Or why you shouldn't visit after sundown?"
Autumn-Storm investigates the figures herself, but then shrugs. "Looks pretty marked up. Maybe somebody added them as a joke." She looks back to the statue. "Nala is a sort of sun-goddess, but she does a little of everything good, I guess. Makes the coconuts and lovan grow, makes the pearls grow big, makes women have healthy cubs, makes the rain fall, and so forth. I guess if she's a sun god, then the idea is you only see her when it's sunlight out." Autumn-Storm shrugs. "Or else 'it's just taboo'. My tribe was like that. Lots of rules, taboos, and nobody had any idea where they came from, except from our ancestors' ancestors some while back. And don't you dare question your ancestors' ancestors!"
"Nekara is a lot like that too," Alptraum signs, "Can't question anything. And having spots doesn't make something a joke." He then shrugs and signs, "Sorry. Now that I know we're not supposed to come here after sundown, I want to."
Autumn-Storm rolls her eyes and smacks her forehead. "That, and he told me that if I got any ideas, the Tribal Mother would slap us silly with fines for breaking any taboos the sort of fines they probably make money off of. You know, this could just be a scam."
"True. Of course, they can't squeeze water from a rock. Like we have any money." Alptraum signs.
Autumn-Storm signs, "Could force me to marry the chieftain's son, and make you wash clam shells." She wiggles her ears.
Alptraum laughs. "/You could bat your eyelashes at Marvo and get him to bring you here at night," Alptraum signs.
Autumn-Storm signs, "I probably could!"
"I'm certain you could," Alptraum signs, then dropping the topic. The Eeee heads over towards the waterfall, then sticks one hand into the flowing water.
The water is cool to the touch, and about as fresh as one could hope for certainly not salty like the water down at the beach, and not stagnant, either (though there are patches of pungent-smelling stuff here and there in the puddles along the floor of the ruined temple that one would be best not to go lapping up).
Autumn-Storm frowns. "You know, I could almost think you were jealous," she signs.
Alptraum's body tenses some, then immediately relaxes. He looks at Autumn-Storm for some time, starting to respond, then stopping several times. At last he signs, "I don't know how to answer that. I'm not even sure."
Autumn-Storm gives Alptraum a look that's hard to read a mixture of worry, and who knows what else then just shakes her head. "Well, then don't. Listen, we've got to keep clear heads here. I think you're a great guy, really I do … but there just wouldn't be a future… " She throws up her hands, then signs, "And, frankly, Marvo's not got a future, either. I like being treated like visiting royalty by a big muscle-bound golden-furred lunk, okay? I can't say that it'd be as much fun doing his laundry."
"I know, I know. This is why I've not said anything. I don't think I have much of a future with anyone, to be honest. Being what I am, well. I want to just see you happy, I guess. If you were happy staying here and wanted to, I'd want you to stay. I'd miss you, yes; I'm not going to lie. But what you want matters more," Alptraum replies. He then shakes his head and sighs, signing, "You know, I used to tease Hexen about this sort of stuff all the time. It's not so funny being on this end."
"Hey, it's great having you as a friend, okay? I'm not even sure if I've called you a friend before but … goodness, I can't think of a better friend I've ever had," Autumn-Storm signs, "and I really really don't want to lose that. We've stuck together through some really hard times, and we've had some great times, too. I hope we can have a little more of the latter than the former." She wiggles her ears. "Just don't take it too seriously, okay?"
"I haven't had many friends either. I guess I just want to hang on to the ones I've got," Alptraum signs, then smiles a little bit. "And I'm always a little worried about screwing that up somehow, I guess. Bah, why can't emotions make more sense? I am glad you're traveling with me, and I hope most times will be good," he continues. "But, as for taking it too seriously, well… " The Eeee's eyes narrow and his lips pull back in a small and evil grin. One of his wings flick out and into the nearby waterfall, hopefully at just the right angle to send a small burst of water toward Autumn-Storm.
The cheetah lets out an alarmed squeak, at the sudden change of mood and influx of water. "No fair!" she hastily signs, and makes a hasty and ineffectual attempt to scoop up some water from the floor of the temple to splash back at Alptraum.
"Who said life was fair? Alptraum signs back, grinning line an idiot. He snaps his wings around his body to act like a water shield to deflect what meager amounts Autumn-Storm manages to chuck back his way. "Come on, let's head back. I'm sure the sun will dry you out in no time," he signs, trying to look serious. He realizes he'll pay for it later, but, it was worth it.
Kittens and pups splash about in the surf, or try to make sand castles (in one case, a poodle pup tries to make a "sand-Rephidim") or knock them over (sometimes both), occasionally stopping to squeal upon discovering a "sand-shekel" or some other treasure washed ashore. The adults, by contrast, are more subdued in their enjoyment of the day, with some nobles strolling by the seashore in their finery while others with less concern for personal dignity "go native," buying samples of the garishly multi-colored loose-hanging local garb, and trying (and generally failing) to pick up on such sports as surfing and the like, or just bobbing in the water. (The plump Khatta merchant, for instance, bobs in the water despite the normal Khatta dislike for getting so wet, and his folds of fat curiously spread out. Fat does float! Meanwhile, his wives, wrapped up head to toe in black, stay on the shore, watching the kittens.)
At one point, while Autumn-Storm has slipped off somewhere, Alptraum is more or less by himself, though he happens across a familiar blue-grey feline though at first he almost doesn't recognize her, as she's adopted native swimwear as she suns herself on the beach, rather than the bulky white robes she's worn for the length of the journey. She has a cloth blindfold wrapped around her head, blocking out the sunlight, as she soaks up the rays.
Alptraum takes in a breath and walks towards the sunning Khatta. "I better apologize for interrupting her job back on that paquebot. I just … I doubt she'd understand," he thinks. When he gets close, he says, "This place is beautiful, isn't it?"
"Mmmm," Ariel agrees, then frowns slightly. "Ah. Mister Reisender, I presume." She reaches up to the blindfold to lift it up from one eye, squinting in the now-bright (for her) sunlight as she tries to see who's speaking.
"Avralie, it's me," Alptraum says. "I'm not very good at this, but. I'm sorry I interfered in your job back on the paquebot. I was out of line for doing so. I guess I'm just used to spirits coming up and talking to me now that I treat them like people."
"Mmmm," Ariel says, and lowers the blindfold again. "Apology accepted. Tizhan upbringing would demand that I offer you many florid apologies of my own, but it is only my duty. If anything, I should have shown more discretion; ghosts on that paquebot would have been of the victims, who died tragically and thus garnering sympathy from the living. It is not easy, to look past the facade of 'life' presented by a ghost. I have been hesitant myself when faced with a 'friendly' ghost. If you indeed are an attractant of paranormal activity, for your own sake, please be careful."
"It's not that I see them as alive. It's that I've many times seen their pain. Sometimes even through their own eyes, their memories. I guess I've just wanted to ease it somehow. I wish I could explain what I've been through. I wish it all made sense but it doesn't. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your vacation. Thank you for the company you have shown me during the trip. It made it more enjoyable," Alptraum says, then moves away.
Whatever Ariel has to say in response is lost in the surf, as perhaps lacking Eeee ears she is unable to tell that Alptraum has so quickly moved off after speaking. In any case, he is not far before he sees Nekara … or, no, scratch that, she wouldn't be out and about in the robes of a Yodhsunala so blatantly as this. It's a different Eeee entirely, as he sees when he approaches female, yes, black-furred, yes, but not quite white-haired. Her hair, rather, is of a white that is strangely tinted faintly blue in the shadows, and her black-furred face is marked by twining white patterns spiraling on her cheeks and brow. Her robes are unmistakably of a Yodhsunala, being black and with blood red trim, with a bronze-colored symbol of the 'Corpse' at her nape, though her robe is of lighter fabric, more adapted to the warmer weather in thickness if not in color, and she walks across the sand in bare feet, carrying a pair of sandals in one hand as she looks out across the water
Alptraum double-takes. He can't believe what he's seeing. He's not even sure if what he's seeing is real. He makes his way over toward this Eeee, eyes never leaving her on the off-chance she might vanish. "Um, hello?" he says to her when he thinks he's close enough.
The woman turns to look from the water to Alptraum, looking slightly down her nose at him, pausing a moment as if determining whether it is worth her while to bother replying. "Greetings," she says, offering nothing more.
"Pardon my interruption, but you're a Yodhsunala, are you not?" Alptraum asks.
"Yes. That I am," the woman answers. "And what would you be?"
"Something I wish I could answer with solidly. I'm not sure," Alptraum replies. "I'm, um, traveling with Yodhsunala Nekara; if you know of her."
At this, the woman's expression tightens. "Yes, I know of her. Where might I find her?"
"I'm Alptraum Reisender," Alptraum says. "She's on the ship. I could take you to her if you like."
"That … " In that instant, the woman regards Alptraum again, glancing at his eyes, then up at his hair, as if several things are going through her head during the pause before she continues, "… will not be necessary. Enjoy your time on Nalalua, Alptraum Reisender." And then she begins walking past Alptraum, toward the ship, at a determined pace.
Alptraum follows after her saying, "It's not a problem. I'll show you to her room. I … I'm sorry, I'm a bit nervous. Yodhsunala Nekara did say I would meet another of my sisters, but." He sighs softly, feeling the fool.
The woman doesn't even respond to Alptraum, doesn't even acknowledge his presence. She stops momentarily, lifting one foot, smacking away some of the sand with a sandal, then putting it on, and repeating the process with the other foot and sandal, then spreads her wings and takes flight toward the vessel.
Alptraum goes airborne after her. He can't help it. Another one. If this involves him, he has the right to know.
If the Yodhsunala shares Alptraum's feelings on the matter, she doesn't show it. When she lands on the deck, she tersely calls out to one of the deck hands and demands directions. She speaks with a voice of authority that demands obedience and gets it, and in short order, a porter is leading her below decks, down the hall, even though Alptraum of course could have just as easily shown her the way.
Alptraum continues to follow along. Why is she not even acknowledging him? Something feels wrong.
At the door to Nekara's room, the porter stops, looking uncertain, as he had not been informed that Nekara was a Yodhsunala and she had not been going about advertising the fact and afraid that there might be a case of mistaken identity. "That will be my concern if I should be mistaken," the Yodhsunala says, dismissing him, and he goes. At her knock, Nekara comes to the door, peeking out, and, upon seeing the other Yodhsunala, opens the door the rest of the way, bowing, and then looking up and briefly past the visitor to Alptraum.
Alptraum shrugs unknowingly at Nekara, looking really worried. "If you need me, I'll be out here," he says.
"Sister Sutrana," Nekara says, "it is an honor to receive you."
Alptraum shifts his weight, looking more uncomfortable by the second.
Sutrana seems little impressed by the deference shown by Nekara. "I will be riding along on this vessel to the mainland," she announces. She then turns and leaves without further word, leaving Nekara in her wake, head still bowed.
Alptraum watches Sutrana leave and says nothing. The thought of just flying to the mainland suddenly seems a welcome idea.
Only once Sutrana is gone does Nekara lift her head again. "She is my superior," she says quietly to Alptraum. "She is very talented in the ways of mortal magicks, as well as being blessed by the favor of our Lady through miracles. I am very surprised that she came out here to Nalalua to meet us, rather than waiting to receive us in Gigi."
"Is that why she's here? She seemed surprised that you were here," Alptraum replies, then hangs his head. "It's my fault she knew you were on the ship. I greeted her on the beach. I was shocked meet another."
Nekara looks as if she's pondering this, then shakes her head. "I do not think that her being here on Nalalua would just be an accident but I expect she will want to speak to me during the trip back to the mainland, and I will find out." She looks to Alptraum. "I do not think she would want you present to listen in. You may be our Brother, but in matters of faith and business of the temple, the Yodhsunala do not speak to each other with outsiders present or, at least, there many within the order who are particular about such things. I can tell you do not like her manner, but you will find it not uncommon in Babel, until others are given reason to respect you, and that will come in due time."
"If I make it that far," Alptraum mutters. "She'll probably want to speak with me, won't she?""
"I do not know," Nekara says. "She is how do I put it? of the 'hard-line' school of our temple, and may think it beneath her station to have to deal with a man. That, she may leave to an underling such as myself."
"She knows about me, I assume? She knew you were sent for me, right? If she's your superior… " Alptraum clarifies.
"I have many superiors," Nekara says. "I do not even know why she was sent here to receive me. It must be because of the terrible state of things in Babel. Normally, she would not be bothered to be sent even into the city, let alone out here to an island. She serves as an emissary of sorts between the temples, to be our representative in dealings with each other. She is a very hard negotiator. She concerns herself mostly with fellow priestesses, not laymen."
Alptraum then frowns at the description of the attitude towards men. "And if I'm going to be treated as worthless, well, we might part ways on mainland. I mean, I may not be due any special respect, but to just ignore me. I'm sorry, I can't live like that," he says.
Nekara's expression sours. "Your ego is too easily bruised. Sutrana is Sutrana. If you are really so important as this mission would dictate that you are, you may well have her groveling at your feet and running errands for you before the year is through. But from what I know, Babel is in disarray, and I can only suppose she was sent away from her usual duties because there was no choice, and no doubt she is seething with anger at being sent out to fetch a man, and will do her utmost to make everyone around her know she is displeased. But until we get to Babel, we shall simply have to bear it. I doubt she will trouble herself with accompanying us any further than Gigi and that is only a day or two away at most, unless we are beset upon by some freak storm."
"With me around? Count on something freaky to come up. I attract it," Alptraum comments. "It's not my ego, Nekara. I know I'm nothing, all right?! I've known that for as long as I've been alive! But I do exist and at least deserve to be recognized. I came of my own free will. And here's a lovely thought, what if she finds out what I am, hm? One or two days I can probably go without eating. You Yodh don't seem to ever sleep and frankly, with her around, I'm frightened to try to eat."
Nekara puts a hand to her head, and looks like she's desperately trying to fight an oncoming headache. "Can't you just hold on a little while longer? We're so close to Babel. You talked about not wanting to run away because you were afraid my life would be forfeit if I came to Babel empty-handed … and now Sutrana looks down her nose at you, and you want to run away. If you can just bear the rest of the trip to Babel, I'm sure it will be worth your while. By the Procession, you and your family in Sylvania could be set for life. I could be well set, too, and perhaps Sutrana will be running errands for me. After all, did we not go to Rephidim ourselves at the direct bidding of our Lady, to rescue the Srinala? Such doings will not go unnoticed. Alptraum, all you must do is be quiet around her, and let her pretend you are not there, and I am sure all will be fine. And, for the love of all that's living, whatever you do, do not try to eavesdrop on her."
"I don't care about money, Nekara. It's just a means to get by. What if my dream-power decides to wake up again? I don't know what will happen next around me. Back on that paquebot a few days ago another ghost approached me. I'm a magnet for spirits. I'm a danger to you if she's that powerful in magic," Alptraum says. "Look, I won't bother her. I'm not sure I'll even leave my room much. I just hope she doesn't come to talk to me. No matter how polite I am, I'm sure she'll find fault."
"I'm sure she already has," Nekara says quietly, massaging her temples.
Alptraum nods in agreement. "Well, I did try, anyway. I haven't forgotten what you taught me," he says.
"Good," Nekara says. "Just keep a low profile, and it'll all be fine."
"Can you tell me one thing? My mother wasn't like her, was she?" Alptraum asks.
Just then, rapid footsteps pad down the hallway, and Autumn-Storm looking a bit wetter than usual jogs up to the doorway and grabs Alptraum's arm, signing with her free hand, "Looked all over!" She's all grins, despite the somber tone of the conversation she's just interrupted.
Nekara looks to Autumn-Storm, then back to Alptraum. "If she were, she wouldn't have bothered to save you."
Alptraum erps. "Looks like I'm getting summoned. I'll ask Autumn-Storm to avoid her as well," Alptraum says. He then looks at Autumn-Storm and signs, "First off, there's another sister onboard. Avoid her. Second, what's up?"
The cheetah pulls Alptraum to some better light in the hallway to form her signs, and Nekara takes that opportunity to close the door to her room. Meanwhile, Autumn-Storm signs, "They have a local sport called a 'water-burster fight'. They make these bubbles out of stretchy sky melon skin or something like that and fill them with water … then throw them at each other! It's a riot! I need you for my team!"
Alptraum laughs! then quickly sobers. He signs, "All right. I'll join your team as long as we can make sure the other sister isn't watching. She wouldn't approve and well, we only have to be around her for a day or two. But, hey, sounds like fun." He grins.
"All right!" Autumn storms, then makes a triumphant, "YES!" sign, and starts to drag the bat down the hall. "Now, here are the rules… "