Rory and Dinahzadze find each other at the Monument of Babel, bringing candy to offer to dead loved ones. Rory prematurely lets loose a bunch of candy-coated (still live) bugs, and unthinkingly interferes in a game played by some children (vengeful Spirits playing hide-and-seek with a Villain). Rory and Dinahzadze put candy in paper gliders that have prayers written on them for the dead (and a few deities, so they don't feel left out), and set them off but this activity is interrupted when a very sore "demon" (a kid who had to play the role of the Villain, and got trounced on when Rory pointed him out to the Spirits) comes and tells Rory that now he has to play the Villain!
Rory tosses off another glider, and gives his offerings to Dinahzadze to take care of, while he works on a ritual to make himself a little less conspicuous. (Not being an Eeee, after all, he can't fly, which makes his goal as Villain a little more difficult.)