Ring 3, 6099 RTR (30 Sep 1999) Zoltan visits High Prince Boghaz, seeking information about the missing "boomer" weapon.
(Ashdod) (Babel) (Ur) (Zoltan)
Cascade Garden
This three-story tall, squarish chamber is mostly open to the sky, though one's view of it might be obscured by the leafy vines and branches that poke out from the rocky tiers that work their way down through the room. While the top-most part of the chamber may speak of Babelite architecture of ancient design, as one descends, it speaks more of some hidden grotto with a rippling pool in the center of the floor of the room, fed by numerous small waterfalls that crash and trickle from rock to mossy rock. Nestled within countless alcoves in the rock, some of them behind waterfalls, and in seemingly random arrangement, are little shrines to various gods and goddesses. The statues are "painted" by being made from many types of stone, chitin and ivory of a generous palette of colors.

Hanging by his feet from one of the branches of a massive flowering tree is the High Prince Boghaz, dressed in relatively casual attire compared to his usual raiment: billowy trousers and jerkin of dark colors, bound at the ankles, wrist and waist so that they hold just as well right-side-up or inverted. The bat's wings are held close about him, and his eyes are closed, though his hands pressed together at the tip of his muzzle suggest meditation or prayer rather than sleep.

A shadow traces across the open roof of the chamber and then hovers for a moment. Slowly the black shape descends into the garden, its wings stirring the plants and rustling through the branches as it descends upon the prince's meditation spot. The trees creak as the new arrival finally lands, a Vartan dressed in robes of red and violet with an even more ornately dressed cheetah in its arms. It carefully tests the sturdiness of its perch before releasing its companion part of the way to stand on the branch.

Jezebel looks more than a bit uneasy as she extricates herself from Zoltan's arms to alight upon the tree branch. However, it's evident that she's been up in trees before (even if that's not a Savanite's normal habitat), as she drops to a more stable crouch.

Not really expecting his Savanite companion to be the one to make any noise to attract the Prince's attention, Zoltan clears his throat a little before scrawking out, "Prince Boghaz? We are here."

The High Prince slips away from the branch, his wings sliding out, as he lets go with his feet. In a smooth motion, he descends, his wings expand … and then he arcs back up, beating them lightly, coming about to land on the branch. "Greetings Baron Cambio. I just had to finish up a supplication. Wouldn't do to rudely break off from communion with the gods."

The High Prince turns to the cheetah. "And greetings, Priest-Queen of the Savanites. I am most honored to have you as a guest in Babel."

Jezebel inclines her head.

"I hopes we no disturb." The Vartan tilts his head upwards, examining the idols around the chamber.

"Of course not. You are my honored guests. Normally, we would meet in the formality of a banquet this evening … but I had been given the impression – by some of my extra eyes and ears – upon your arrival here that there might be some urgency to this visit, and I wished not to make you wait," replies the noble Eeee.

Many of the idols are obscured from sight, but they are invariably representations of idealized Eeee, a good number of them female. Each one of them has been obviously hand-crafted, each surface a careful combination of separately crafted pieces of a variety of types of chitin and stone, made to fit together and form a multi-colored surface of the statue.

Zoltan nods, his expression sobering. "I recently returned to Paradys to see how lands were goings when I gots word that there were factions in Rephidim who seem interested in gettings another boomer likes one that went off over Himar. I nots know who want it, but I thinks that it no mean good for Rephidim or Babel. I also hear that there was one other boomer taken from Paradys that was no accounted for. Was wondering if you know where it is?"

The High Prince's near-smile fades into a serious grimace. "Ah. So, that has surfaced again, has it? I should be surprised that I have heard nothing of it for so long." He is then silent, looking as if gathering his thoughts or choosing his words, shaking his head slowly.

"I was delivered a note while in Paradys abouts an incident with Exile wolf who was telling stories abouts it. His stories say things that is too close to truth for comfort, and Krazuu tell me that two ships left Paradys, no just one. I no sure where other one go, so I come to you." The Vartan adjusts his footing on his branch. "I sorry I could no visits under better circumstances, Prince Boghaz."

The High Prince at last continues, "My father had acquired a second of the 'boomers', yes, or so came back the word. The effect of dropping the boomer over Himar was observed, and it was noticed that the boomer 'detonated' before it actually hit the ground. It was therefore determined that my father's original plan of taking the boomer directly back to Babel could be … ill-advised."

The High Prince holds up a hand. "Of course, what I am relating to you is hardly first-hand information. I was not in Babel at the time, naturally, to hear any of this for myself. In any case, my father's plan was to keep the 'boomer' on an airship, and when it would be needed, it could be sent where it could do the most damage."

"Hrrr, yes." Zoltan taps his beak with a polished talon. "So it could be anywheres? I hope it no a danger to Rephidim still."

The High Prince says, "It has been one of my objectives, to find out how to contact the ship. I am confident that if the ship had simply dropped the 'boomer', we would have heard about it by now." He frowns. "I suspect that someone else in Babel may have succeeded in contacting the airship. I am not happy about the thought of this weapon being in someone else's hands. It has been kept quiet, since it was determined that it wouldn't be worth the panic it would cause if this became public … and, from a personal standpoint, I can't use the added appearance of weakness by demonstrating yet another danger to Babel that I don't have under control."

"I doubt it would be of danger to Rephidim … though I would not rule that out entirely," adds the prince. "At the very least, it might have a different effect at that altitude."

The black Vartan sets his beak. "I thinks my time is limited until I must return to Rephidim and start trainings again, but if I can be of any helps to you in locating the ship, I am at you disposal. I would very much like to get such a dangerous weapon and put it backs in tower on Paradys where nobody can find as easily if possible."

The High Prince nods. "If there is anything that can be done, I will accept whatever help I can get. I must confess, I have no leads at the present. I have had the best seers in the land at work on this … but their efforts have been frustrated. I do not believe that the 'boomer' is unattended."

Jezebel signs, "Might I lend the aid of the Twelve-times-Twelve as well? They have considerable experience."

"If they can be trusted to no use this for they own devices," Zoltan scrawks. "Is also help if we could finds out more about ship and crew. Maybe knowing where they loyalties lie might helps in finding out where they is."

The High Prince takes some time to decipher the signs, no doubt filling in some blanks on the context by Zoltan's comments. "Ah. Twelve-times-Twelve. Sorry. It took me a moment. I'm a bit squeaky with the Silent Tongue. Yes, I will most certainly accept any help I can get."

"What make you think that someone been talkings to other ship, High Prince?" The Vartan adjusts an itchy part of his robe.

"Babelite politics. I wouldn't put it past someone who might have been in a position to reach the ship at the time of the fall of the Sabaoth to take advantage of that, and see to it that they got special orders. Whomever is aboard that ship might not even be aware that the war is over," replies the prince. "… let alone that I am the new ruler of Babel."

Jezebel signs, "Have you any suspects?"

"I shoulds send word to the Rephidim Temple abouts this, but I no think that anything I send from here would go unread," the Vartan whistles to himself. He perks his ears (even though it's somewhat pointless) as he catches Jezebel's signs out of the corner of his eye.

High Prince Boghaz nods, taking a while to digest the signs. "I have plenty suspects. I can even imagine that one of my allies might have the weapon … someone, 'acting out of my best interests', might be holding on to it, so that I needn't sacrifice 'plausible deniability' … and then bring it forth in a time of 'need'. I can conjure up many scenarios in my mind. But … here … I actually have something which might be of use."

Zoltan's head tilts sideways just a bit. "Could Scrying Mage with you help find it? Or this look like job for bigger group? You know who you can trust and no trust better than I," he signs to the cheetah.

Jezebel dips her head. "I will see what can be done. But if all of the High Prince's seers could not find this ship, I doubt that just one of my seers – as skilled as they are – would be able to locate this during our stay here. I will need to gather the Twelve and make arrangements for a major ritual."

"Best thing to do is be sharp. I just hope this ship no panic and drop boomer like last time." The Vartan turns back to look at the prince.

The prince has gone over to a spot where he has opened up a concealed cache, and pulls out a writing board and some supplies. He unlocks a compartment on the underside of the portable lap desk, and pulls out some parchment, then heads back to the branch. "Here. These papers document my search patterns so far, and theorized flight paths for a ship like this. There's quite an amount of material, and we haven't explored all the possible leads … since it's a big world, and there are only so many I can send on these missions without stirring up suspicions, or running the risk of scaring my prey by sending someone unprepared and uninformed."

Some of the parchments show maps of major flight routes … and marked off areas that appear to be chosen for the fact that they are out of major trading lanes (thus having a lower chance that someone might investigate), but still close enough that, in a pinch, emergency supplies might be fetched from the surface. Not all of the locations are so chosen, however, as there is always the possibility that the ship may never draw close to civilization at all, instead relying upon refueling vessels to replenish its supplies of gas, water and food.

The Vartan's brow pinches together as he studies the papers. "Would they risk hidings in Forbidden Zones? Paradys might be best vessel to use if that a chance; in facts we may have ship that good for search in another few weeks."

One of the "low likelihood" areas is over Aeztepa (presuming that someone would find a way to stay in the air over there despite the dangers presented by Forbidden Zones to airships). Ironically, another location is marked over the Red Cliffs. Yet another would be up in the Vykarin Wastes or the Wandering Roams.

The High Prince nods, pointing to a spot on the map that corresponds to Aeztepa. "However unlikely it may be, we have heard how it has now become possible to travel into the Forbidden Zone of the Himaat, whereas once it was considered suicide. We cannot rule out the possibility that someone might have access to some knowledge that we do not … and might be able to hide a ship within a Forbidden Zone. I have heard rumors of 'eyes' within Forbidden Zones. For a weapon of this sort, someone might be willing to take an extreme risk to put the ship inside such an 'eye'."

"You know if they woulds sit still in one spot or move around?" The Vartan studies the papers further. "Knowing what been searched and what not been searched coulds maybe help us find them."

The High Prince nods. "There is always that possibility, yes. We have been focusing on areas close to Ashdod first, in case someone might choose to keep the ship close at hand, and within easy contact from within Babel or an outlying territory. Next, we have been keeping close watch on areas close to Rephidim's most recent journeys. Although the Red Cliffs are listed as a possibility, we have checked that location. However, due to the peculiar nature of magic in that area, it hasn't been checked with the aid of magic. The Vykarin Wastes have been searched, and they would be taxing on an Eeee crew to stay there for long. The Wandering Roams have been explored as shown here… " He points out several shaded areas. "… but not in their entirety."

"We think we have done a fairly thorough job of patrolling the oceans," adds the High Prince. "Due to various concerns, we can tentatively rule out those for now."

"Concerns?" Zoltan arches an eyebrow.

The High Prince counts off on his fingers, "Traffic lanes, waashu schools, being far from land, bad weather."

"Ahh." The Vartan relaxes a little. "What spots is left? You mention Aeztepa… although I know that land is harsh for peoples. Unless Sabaoth know of secret way in, I no see an airship finding safe skies there."

The High Prince nods. "Needless to say, it's an area that hasn't been searched … and I have no intention of sending search parties there. If it is safely tucked away there, I would far rather intercept it on its way out than to try to go in after it."

"As for areas that are left … there are some patches of the Wandering Roams … a few spots here in the Savan … That would summarize the areas we aren't covering already that are worth considering," answers the High Prince.

Zoltan nods. "With you permission, I mights be able to get word to Knights Templar and have them help in search, and maybe Twelve-times-Twelve could helps as well." His expression sobers. "The fact that they is able to hide from scryers worries me. Mean they gots magic on they side somehow."

The High Prince shakes his head. "It is not as hard to hide from scryers as one might suppose. They are not as omniscient as they might lead others to believe. There are plenty of 'holes' in the areas they can observe – such as Forbidden Zones, sometimes – and if we do not know what location to focus on … or have a 'connection' to the boomer somehow, or the crew with it, or the ship … it is very hard to search a whole world, especially if they have even a novice Shadow Mage cloaking the ship against prying eyes."

The Vartan scratches at his neck. "Either way, it seem like someone gettings a new interest in ship. Maybe knowing how great they hidden tell us how great power is hiding them and help us find them better. May I make copy of you notes, Prince Boghaz?"

The High Prince nods. "Of course. And … that reminds me … I also have a certain painting that I was intending to give you when you should come to visit me. I'll make arrangements to have it placed on your airship."

Zoltan brightens considerably. "Thank you! I should tell you what I learn of Shokar sometime; I still not know what became of him in end – but I know more than I did before." He clears his throat and looks down at Jezebel. "I thinks we all done then, unless there anything else we shoulds know?"

The High Prince says, "Much to my chagrin, that is all I know to tell at this time. And I'll certainly look forward to hearing more of Shokar … perhaps over dinner tonight?"

Jezebel signs, "I will study the papers. Perhaps the Twelve will have some advice, once they have had time to study."

"I look forward to its, Prince Boghaz. Some of it a bit unpleasant, and I not sure how it end yets… but it still make for interesting story." The Vartan looks back down to the cheetah. "Is been awhiles since I had Babelite food. Gots to tell Pouncer abouts it sometime when I get back, I thinks."

Boghaz bows his head. "Very good. I shall be honored to have the Baron of Paradys and the Priest-Queen of the Savanites as guests at my table tonight."

Zoltan bows in return. "And I look forward to dinner with High Prince of Babel." He straightens. "You was a good captain, and I honored to know you as a ruler now, Prince Boghaz."

"Thank you, Baron Cambio," replies the Eeee. He looks to Jezebel. "And, I must say, I'm rather surprised at your change in station. I congratulate you."

The Priest-Queen signs, "The world is full of many surprises and twists of fate."

The edges of Zoltan's beak turn up in a smirk. "Until dinner then. Woulds it be bad form if I carry a sword with me? I little concerned abouts enemies I mights have here after Plaguebringer battle."

The High Prince smiles. "Oh, as long as it's only ceremonial. The guards might require you to tie it in its scabbard in a 'friendship binding', but I'm certain that, should an emergency arise, you could simply tear the ribbon with brute strength alone to draw your weapon. Just don't brag about that to the guards, and I won't bother reminding them."

"A good warrior never brags, Prince Boghaz." Zoltan bows again and crouches down, offering Jezebel a chance to arrange herself properly to be carried back to their chambers.

Jezebel gets up and checks her robes, then readies herself to be carried off. It may not be the most dignified and ceremonious means of transport … but it certainly gets the job done.

The Vartan gently gathers his passenger up and then takes a few steps back on the branch… not wishing to blow the High Prince backwards with his updraft. "I see you at dinner, you highness!" And a moment later he's flying upwards toward the canopy.

Several hours later, stuffed with bugs and bearing a delicate shed skin of fist-sized cicada for his daughter and a portrait of his daughter's grandfather, Zoltan returns to the Priest-Queen's airship and strips himself of his fineries. The ribbon on his sword did not need to be cut, thankfully – although the Vartan could feel a few glares his way as he ate. Still, he knows more now than he did previously and feels a bit more hopeful… but a measure of dread also occupies his thoughts. If the ship carrying the boomer is over the Savan, they might pose a threat to the City of Hands, and if they managed to find a place to conceal themselves in Aeztepa, then the most powerful weapon he knows of might be in the hands of his most hated enemy.


GMed by Greywolf

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Today is 3 days before Landing Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)