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(Abu Dhabi) (Chiri) (Gwyneth) (Josef) (Oresta) 233: Oresta: a Place to Stay in Abu Dhabi


31409 bytes
12 Jun, 1997

<+ E +>

June 12. In which several of the Oresta crew attempts to find a place to stay in Abu Dhabi.

GMed by Lynx

(Abu Dhabi) (Chiri) (Himaat) (Josef) (Oresta) (X) 239: Oresta: Emirgration


62914 bytes
20 Jun, 1997

<+ E +>

Jun 18. In Abu Dhabi, Demes Oresta entertains the Emir, and sends his servants out to fetch a suitable travelling gift.

GMed by Lynx

(Abu Dhabi) (Chiri) (Josef) (Oresta) (Sasta) 252: Oresta: the Fallen Sword


41842 bytes
12 Jul, 1997

<+ E +>

June 25. The Oresta crew discovers one reason the Emirate of Abu Dhabi has become so popular.

GMed by Lynx

(Abu Dhabi) (Arcadia) (Chiri) (Josef) (Oresta) (Sasta) (X) 294: Oresta: A Day in Abu Dhabi


56676 bytes
04 Aug, 1997

<+ E +>

July 24. Chiri, Josef, and Sasta try to amuse themselves in Abu Dhabi.

GMed by Lynx

(Abu Dhabi) (Oresta) (X) 345: Oresta: X's Quest for a Son


47541 bytes
28 Aug, 1997

<+ E +>

Aug. 23. In which X, the Savanite slave, seeks knowledge of one that might be his son.

GMed by Lynx

(Abu Dhabi) (Chiri) (Oresta) (Sasta) (X) 358: Oresta: The Search for X


64777 bytes
04 Dec, 1997

<+ E +>

Aug. 30, in which Chiri and Sasta go looking for the missing X.

GMed by Lynx

(Abu Dhabi) (Airship) (Brishen) 709: Gefiilt, Master Xocholatier of the Emir


32044 bytes
10 Feb, 1999

<+ E +>

8 Feb 1999. Brishen journeys to Abu Dhabi and performs for the Emir.

GMed by Greywolf & Lynx

(Aaron) (Abu Dhabi) (Necropolis) 814: Punja's Curios


17192 bytes
02 Jul, 1999

<+ E +>

1 Jul 1999. Aaron visits Abu Dhabi, seeking to get rid of an evil book.

GMed by Greywolf

(Abu Dhabi) (Himaat) (Willow) (X) 846: There is no Store


41811 bytes
11 Aug, 1999

<+ E +>

10 Aug 1999. Willow travels to Abu Dhabi, and encounters even more weirdness.

GMed by Greywolf

(Abu Dhabi) (Himaat) (Josef) 847: The Purple Rose of Abu Dhabi


21286 bytes
19 Aug, 1999

<+ E +>

10 Aug 1999. Josef tries to rescue a Savanite slave, but is betrayed!

GMed by Greywolf

(Abu Dhabi) (Legacy of Barabbas) (Envoy) (Himaat) (Lochinvar) 1033: Mage Envoy and Ranger Lochinvar at the Emir's Palace


41396 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New Year 2 (3 Feb 2000) Mage Envoy and Ranger Lochinvar are invited to the palace of the Emir.

GMed by Greywolf & Lynx

(Abu Dhabi) (Legacy of Barabbas) (Envoy) (Himaat) (Lochinvar) (Spheres of Magic) 1055: Triumphant Return from the Tower


24505 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New Year 16, 6104 RTR (17 Feb 2000) Envoy and Lochinvar receive heroes' welcomes in Abu Dhabi.

GMed by Greywolf & Lynx

(Abu Dhabi) (Envoy) (Himaat) (Ophelia) 1122: Planning a Wonder of the World


22185 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

9 Midsummer, 6104 RTR (6 Jun 2000) Envoy and Ophelia are present at a party for the unveiling of plans for a marvelous zoological garden in Abu Dhabi.

GMed by Greywolf

(Abu Dhabi) (Envoy) (Himaat) (Spheres of Magic) 1336: Abu Dhabi and Beyond


33106 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

14 Unity, 6105 RTR (10 May 2001) Envoy visits Barabbas and the Gateway Town.

GMed by Greywolf

(Abu Dhabi) (Airship) (Ashdod) (Envoy) (Himaat) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) 1445: Priestesses and Witch-Hunters


34082 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing Day, 6105 RTR (19 Dec 2001) Envoy faces yet more troubles on her way to Abu Dhabi.

GMed by Greywolf

(Abu Dhabi) (Envoy) (Himaat) (Spheres of Magic) 1446: Meeting Up With Old Friends in Abu Dhabi


15982 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing Day, 6105 RTR (20 Dec 2001) Envoy checks up on Barabbas and Vielanika.

GMed by Greywolf

(Abu Dhabi) (Envoy) (Himaat) (Jynx) (Spheres of Magic) 1447: Dodging Unwelcome Company


38282 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing Day, 6105 RTR (27 Dec 2001) Envoy meets Jynx at a party … and avoids a pursuer.

GMed by Greywolf

(Abu Dhabi) (Envoy) (Himaat) (Jynx) 1448: Yovne


12186 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Landing Day, 6105 RTR (2 Jan 2002) Jynx visits the Underground Gardens of the Emir.

GMed by Greywolf

(Abu Dhabi) (Rephidim Countryside) (Elise) (Himaat) (Himar) (Rephidim) (Rephidim Temple) 1495: Decisive Action


32522 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

Harvest 16, 6105 RTR – New 18, 6106 RTR (8 Jun 2002) Elise returns to Rephidim.

GMed by Rowan

(Aaron) (Abu Dhabi) (New Character Arrival) (Layth) (Tasha) 1553: A Golden-Furred Future


30317 bytes
15 Sep, 2006

<+ E +>

Reckoning 4, 6106 RTR (5 October 2005) Layth, a Lapi slave, faces a new future as his aging master introduces him to a prosperous Lapi household.

GMed by BoingDragon

(Aaron) (Abu Dhabi) (Layth) (Tasha) 1554: Negotiating with Trader Al-Hasbeen


25085 bytes
15 Sep, 2006

<+ E +>

Reckoning 4, 6106 RTR (7 October 2005) Calligenia confronts the trader who purchased her wool from Captain Grent.

GMed by BoingDragon

(Aaron) (Abu Dhabi) (Layth) (Tasha) 1555: An Evening with the Lightfoots


31051 bytes
15 Sep, 2006

<+ E +>

Reckoning 4, 6106 RTR (9 October 2005) Aaron brings everyone to the estate of his older brother, Alexander.

GMed by BoingDragon

(Aaron) (Abu Dhabi) (Tasha) 1556: Dream Street


39092 bytes
15 Sep, 2006

<+ E +>

Reckoning 4, 6106 RTR (13 October 2005) Aaron takes Tasha to Dream Street, where she gets her portrait done and becomes part of the entertainment at the Harem Club.

GMed by BoingDragon

(Abu Dhabi) (Layth) 1557: Layth lays it out


19292 bytes
16 Sep, 2006

<+ E +>

Reckoning 4, 6106 RTR (13 October 2005) Layth talks to Aisha and Calligenia about his Amazonian origins.

GMed by BoingDragon

(Abu Dhabi) (Layth) (Tasha) 1559: The Gloved Fist


42583 bytes
16 Sep, 2006

<+ E +>

Reckoning 5, 6106 RTR (16 October 2005) Layth takes Tasha to the fighting arena where guards train and compete.

GMed by Jared

(Aaron) (Abu Dhabi) (Airship) (Layth) (Tasha) 1561: Amazonia Bound


40621 bytes
16 Sep, 2006

<+ E +>

Reckoning 5, 6106 RTR (21 October 2005) The Rake departs for Olympia

GMed by BoingDragon

(Aaron) (Abu Dhabi) (Legacy of the Fenris) (Kensington) (Layth) (Tasha) 1705: Club Chaos!


53646 bytes
20 May, 2009

<+ E +>

Harvest 11 (Afternoon) 6106 RTR (May 16, 2008) Tasha, her pack of Karnors, and the Lapis head to Abu Dhabi on their way to the Abaddon Gateway.

GMed by BoingDragon

(Abu Dhabi) (Legacy of the Fenris) (Layth) 1706: Patience Has Limits


17558 bytes
20 May, 2009

<+ E +>

Harvest 12 (Early Morning) 6106 RTR (Jun 15, 2008) Layth returns in the early morning covered in deep scratches.

GMed by BoingDragon

(Abu Dhabi) (Legacy of the Fenris) (Layth) 1707: Interview With a Father


17120 bytes
19 Dec, 2009

<+ E +>

Harvest 12 (Morning) 6106 RTR (Aug 12, 2008) Layth is interviewed by Master Al-Firaih regarding his daughter.

GMed by BoingDragon

(Abu Dhabi) (Legacy of the Fenris) (Layth) 1711: Past and Future


13875 bytes
21 May, 2009

<+ E +>

Harvest 12 (Afternoon) 6106 RTR (Aug 13, 2008) Layth and Calligenia go to visit Layth's adoptive father.

GMed by BoingDragon

(Abu Dhabi) (Legacy of the Fenris) (Layth) 1729: Educating Aisha


21978 bytes
21 May, 2009

<+ E +>

Harvest 15 6106 RTR (Jan 27, 2009) Layth tries to teach the does skills that each of them lack.

GMed by BoingDragon

(Abu Dhabi) (Legacy of the Fenris) (Layth) 1732: Painted Ladies


17736 bytes
22 May, 2009

<+ E +>

Harvest 18 6106 RTR (Apr 01, 2009) Layth takes Calligenia, Aisha, and Spring Meadow to have some ink work done to their fur in an attempt to help them experience new things.

GMed by Jared

(Abu Dhabi) (Legacy of the Fenris) (Layth) 1733: Fear the Doe on the Hunt


59922 bytes
24 May, 2009

<+ E +>

Harvest 18 (Afternoon and Evening) 6106 RTR (Apr 17, 2009) Aisha takes Layth and the others shopping … and the following days the does enact their revenge against Layth.

GMed by BoingDragon

(Aaron) (Abu Dhabi) (Airship) (Legacy of the Fenris) (Layth) (Tasha) 1734: An Offer From Mage Latania


50765 bytes
20 Aug, 2009

<+ E +>

Harvest 19, 6106 RTR (Jul 10, 2009) Latania offers the Karnors and crew a free ride to Abaddon – which scares everyone!

GMed by BoingDragon

(Abu Dhabi) (Airship) (Arkold) (Himaat) (The Light of Nala) (Necropolis) (Tulani) 1865: Purple Rose by the Hour


21505 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

18 Candlemass, 6107 RTR (19 Feb 2003) Tulani and Arkold travel to Abu Dhabi in search of Punja.

GMed by BoingDragon

(Abu Dhabi) (Arkold) (Himaat) (The Light of Nala) (Necropolis) (Tulani) 1866: Bargaining with Punja


27031 bytes
14 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

18 Candlemass, 6107 RTR (28 Feb 2003) Tulani and Arkold visit Punja's curio shop.

GMed by BoingDragon

(Abu Dhabi) (Arkold) (Himaat) (The Light of Nala) (Necropolis) (Ocean) (Spheres of Magic) (Tulani) 1867: Swimming with the Fishes


25976 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

17-16 Candlemass, 6107 RTR (3 Mar 2003) Arkold, Tulani and Raneah book passage to Sylvania by sea.

GMed by BoingDragon

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Today is 18 days after New Year's Day, Year 30 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6129)