Abu Dhabi
Welcome to Abu Dhabi, gleaming gem of the KhatthanEmirate nestled at the junction of two rivers, bathed by the cool winds from the nearby Dragonback mountains, the city's ivory towers and smoothly-domed mosques rise from the orchards and farms that surround it, irrigated by canals dug by sweating Savanite slaves. Here in this city, the Emir oversees the vast financial and material concerns of his empire with a kindly and wise paw the rich spice routes make its bazaar a wealthy place to visit. And few travelers leave Abu Dhabi without partaking of its signature drink, xhocolatl, a rich and darkly sweet beverage…
Today is a holiday for the Oresta traders, as Demes Oresta concludes the negotiations of the contracts for shipping fresh supplies into the Abu Dhabi mines and bringing back loads of valuable metals to Rephidim. A very lucrative business, but also one that doesn't require Chiri's help, or that of Demes's other associates. So, with a smile, Demes Oresta shoos Chiri off to amuse herself in town. "I'm sure that there's plenty of things you can see and do in Abu Dhabi, milady," he says as he bows over Chiri's hand into which he has folded a few metallic-feeling shekels, the cold making her palm tingle.
Chiri squeals happily at the coins and stuffs them into the coinpouch she wears around her neck.
A sparkle glints from Chiri's ear, the earring that the Prince gave her. He was a dreadful lech, but at least he was good for something even if it's not the valuable bit of star-metal that she'd been hoping for. The earring is shaped roughly like a cylinder in several parts of varying diameters, winged with little bits of cut jewels to appear almost moth-like.
The Skreek quickly moves up to her quarters and strips off her 'fancy rags' as she calls them itchy cloth that impresses the rich kitties outside. Quickly, she dons a much more casual outfit, baggy breeches that fit her strange plantigrade legs, a loose cotton shirt dyed the color of the sky, and a belt sash made of red cotton. She wraps up her arms just as she would when working on the ship… just a little mark to let everyone know she's an airship hand… a tourist. Finally she ties the zolk handkerchirf over her head to hide the disfiguring scar on the back of her head.
Chiri pauses to examine herself in a mirror, she smoothes her outfit down in a couple of places, fluffs it up in others. She gives the little shock of bright red hair that pokes from out of her headgear a couple of passes with a brush, but nothing more. She examines the earring she wears, contemplating on wether she should wear it outside and risk it getting filched or if she should shor her new prize off a bit.
Outside of Chiri's quarters, several Savanites walk by carrying jugs of water. The males are dressed in simple cotton loincloths, the females in sarongs dyed to different colors, the day being fairly hot.
"Ah. I'll wear it. Not always that you get a present from the Emir's son." the Skreek squeaks to herself and then exits her room, waving goodbye to her reflection in the mirror.
At the entrance of the Emir's palace, a familiar-looking cougar-colored Khatta awaits Chiri's entrance… In fact, two of them do.
Leaning against a wall, theres one other person in the temple with some spare time and looking for trouble, or to cause trouble. Sasta props up a wall, bored, chewing on a sliver of wood. Watching the palace entrance, she's taken it upon herself to assist the regular guards in hassling people who pass near, and she's just recognized a few. She adjusts her weapon belt as she straightens, spitting out her piece of wood and starting to move.
Josef simply stands there, a few paces awa from the other couger. He seems a bit at a loss, having been given the day off. He's used to having a job to do, not just 'hanging around.'
The rat continues on her way to the exit. Her eyes fall on Sasta for a moment, and then fall back to Josef. ( I never get any breaks. Trouble stinks so strong in the air that I don't need a sense of smell to know it's there… )
Josef glances over at the Skreek, a look of relief crossing his face. "So, you're out and about too?" he signs.
Apart from the two cougar Khattas, only Savanites cross the heat of the afternoon courtyard; most are dressed similarly, wearing only discreet bits of scarves and wooden accoutrements one hesitates to call them jewelry to set them apart in the slightest way. A familiar Zerda leads a vanderat across and to the pastures for grazing.
"Yep." Chiri answers, not even bothering to sign. "I was planning on exploring the city at a much more lesiurely pace since we don't have to run anymore Star forsaken errands for Demes today."
The cougar looks around a bit awkwardly, since he's used to having someone to guide or protect. "Well, do you mind if I tag along? I don't have much to do as it is either."
Kella, the Zerda stablekeeper and vanderat trainer, stops to bow low to Chiri and Josef as if they were honored nobles. Sasta receives a brilliant smile and another bow, not quite as low, and then the fennec-eared fox continues.
The other cougar waves in a friendly manner at Kella, and smiles at Chiri and Josef in a not quite as friendly one. "City ah? You will neee guarre. No woule wants guests of the prrince get hurrt in strrange city."
Chiri returns Kella's bow. "He got the job I guess… good fellow, he deserved it." she whispers to Josef.
Josef simply gives the Zerda and the other cougar a nod, then an affirmative nod to Chiri.
The Skreek looks to Josef, then back to Sasta, her eyes narrow… not so much in the manner of someone angry as someone trying to remember something extremely important. "Yes… indeed. The prince would be most upset if something happened to us."
The white vanderat gronks, its furred lizardlike head tilting to the side to regard the others, fangs gleaming. Then snuffles and turns to follow Kella's lead with prancing steps. Orange 'socks' that appear almost flamelike billow trimmed fetlocks.
Chiri rubs her hands together. "Well, we've seen so much of Vanderats lately that I'm in the mood to see them from some otherplace besides the saddle. You up to trying the races, Josef?"
Josef simply shrugs, then signs "Its better than waiting around here."
Chiri lets out a sharp whistle, trying to get Kella's attention. "Hey! Do you know a place where a rat can try her hand at the races?"
Sasta says "Yaaa." back to Chiri as she looks the two of them over, almost sizing them up. She decides, moving to stand on Chiri's right, letting the other two on her blind side, so she can actually do the job she said she would, watch out for them.
Kella looks up. "Nah, nothing to it, s'where we met first, blessed First Ones smile on that moment." The old grizzle-furred fennec beams to Chiri.
The Zerda makes vague gestures which apparently are to convey the directions to the racetracks. "But stay away from that old cheater, Wendigo! Bad vanderats. Very bad." He shakes his head.
( More like dumb luck. But that's better than no luck at all. ) Chiri muses. "Ah… very well then. If Demes wants to know where we are, that's where we'll be."
Josef starts off, motioning Chiri and Sasta to follow him, "Come with me, I know the way. It's alittle on the other side of town."
Several Savanites gather by a fountain where they dip their jugs into the sparkling waters. They gesture to each other with flickering handsigns, the idle chat of palace gossip.
Still, her trust is not as vast as the desert, so Sasta keeps glancing their way. On one such glance, the glint of sun off Chiri's new earring catches her eye. She watches it dangle and bounce from the Skreek's ear, and imagines how much better it would look on her own.
Abu Dhabi bustles with activity and cheerful chatter, the Khattas calling to the group, "A good day and may the sun be light on your ears!" Several times Josef leads them beneath shadowed walks, where civic-minded merchants have stretched clothes to shield them from the oppressive sunlight. (not coincidentally, they have also taken the opportunity to put down more clothes for the ground and many peddlers sit upon these, hawking their wares)
"Good luck charms," an Eeee yells in his high-pitched voice. "Buy a good-luck charm! Made with real fallen Sword metal!" The trinkets he holds up are of some hammered coppery foil, shaped into miniature swords.
Chiri walks along behind the male Khattha, although her eyes still dart towards Sasta… as if checking to make sure she's still there. She smirks at the merchant's hawking, guess the fallen sword isn't so much of a secret afterall.
Two pretty long-haired white Khattas offer skewers of meat and spicy vegetables. For two shekels, one gets a skewer; for three, two. "The finest shish kebabs in all Abu Dhabi," the first one calls out. "May the sand consume my wares and the waters rise to drown my sister if they are not!"
The second Khatta pokes the first one, who goes 'Oof!'
Josef flattens his ears at all the yelling and screeching back and forth, although he chuckles a bit at the antics of the sister Khattas. "It shouldn't be long now, just a few more turns"
"I really wish you'd stop that fingle wiggling." Chiri mumbles. "You're not a slave afterall."
Josef scowls at the rat but keeps quiet, continuing to lead the way.
Sasta says, "Nakes you looks like you gots palsy" from behind Chiri, a place that lets her keep Josef and the Skreek in view at least part of the time. "Whats wrrong with you hanes?" Her attention split between the Chiri's earring, and the rest of the street.
Josef frowns angrily, just staring ahead. "Nothing wrong, hands ele- egl-, better. Mouth clumsy."
The end of the walk takes them by several three-story shops where apparently small families live over their establishments signs hang from over the doors, emblazoned with the names of the proprietors and the types of their business. One is a cobbler's, the other, a tailor. A familiar-looking scar-faced Savanite pauses just outside of the tailor's, carrying an armful of some clothes that have just been mended. It seems that X has just gotten done with an errand of some sort…
"I thinks you talks lots gooe, you no prroue of how you soune?" Sasta asks, looking at the Khatta.
Chiri whistles sharply to X and waves, causing the earring to bounce against her ear. "Yo! Spottytail! Over here!"
X walks out into the street (after checking both ways for runaway Dromodons), then stops, noticing the Skreek addressing him. He looks around a bit before he notices Chiri … and is unable to do more than try a head nod, since his arms are full with the mended clothes.
Josef catches sight of X, and just ignores Sasta's comments. He turns the way to lead to the cheetah, smiling, happy to see a friendlt face.
Several other Savanites pass in the opposite direction, one a tall and striking looking woman with sharp scars across her cheekbones that make her seem almost striped, her sarong pulled tight against her sleek body. She carries a rolled bundle of cloth over a shoulder a tapestry, to judge from the shapes.
Sasta's attention is caught again by that earring. That the prince took her suggestion is flattering, that the Skreek now wears it, isn't. She also finally turns to watch the scarred Savanite.
The Skreek smirks. "Do you want to come to the races with us, spotspot? We could probably use someone who understands running to help us pick out the fastest vanderats."
The cheek-striped Savanite woman stops and looks at the face-scarred cheetah, as if wondering from where she remembers him…
"Hello X," Josef signs to the scarred Savanite, "So the master has you out today as well?"
X just stands there in the street, with his armful of clothes. He looks at Chiri, peering over his cargo, then looks over at the departing Savanite woman, then back…
X nods to Josef, at last.
Chiri gives Sasta a gentle nudge with her elbow and whispers something to the cougar Khattha.
The cheek-scarred Savanite notices the Skreek and the Khatta; she looks back to X, then thins her lips and hurries down the street with her burden, ears dipped back in some nameless emotion.
Josef blinks, noticing X's attention elsewhere, He turns to look, and sees the other scarred Savanite ( She looks familiar… )
The scar-faced Savanite's tail twitches in frustration. At last, he executes a handicapped bow to Chiri and company … and heads down the street with his burden.
Sasta nods back to Chiri, "Yaa… ", eyeing her earring again, "Oh, we no neees to go to the rraces, I k'n thinks of lots of otherr ways of betting withouts going therre."
Josef hmmms, then shrugs inwardly. "I guess he was too busy to join us"
The cheek-scarred Savanite glances back to see X following her with an armload of clothes. She turns the corner…
"Likes, how long it takes hin to gets back" The one-eyed cougar woman says.
Chiri lets out a pained groan. "What was that about? Stalking potential mates or something?"
Josef stares at the rat, "No, he knew her I think… a long time ago… "
The large Savanite pauses at the corner, looking about … then darts on around, his bundle of clothes bouncing on his arms.
The rat's ears flatten. "Bah… most of the people I know from long ago I'm trying to forget." She gestures with one hand. "Let's get back to the races, you can look at all the old mares you want to there."
"You wants bet how long it takes hin to gets back? I say to count of thirrty, 1 shekel." Sasta asks Chiri, "K'n starrt betting rrights now. No neee to lose noney to strrangerrs at trrack, k'n lose to frrienes rrights now." She smiles.
Josef hmphs, some friend. The cougar crosses his arms.
Chiri looks in the direction of the departing X and rubs her chin. "You're on. Count of thirty."
Josef simply sighs and sits down on one of the many baskets lining the streets, placing his chin in his paws.
The rat digs in her picket and pulls out a grimy ceramic coin. "Josef… start counting."
Josef rolls his eyes, takes one of his hands out from under his chin leaving the other in place, and annoyedly begins to count with his fingers.
The cougar Khattha pulls out her own coin, watching where the scarred Savanite last disappeared.
And around the corner… X approaches the slave that he remembers fromlong ago. Has it been seven years? He remembers the lines that are drawnacross her cheek, that came not from the attack of some vicious beasts, but the fiendish instincts of slavers. He remembers wishing that he could set her free, for she was like a caged wild thing… Who is this woman now?
The cheek-scarred cheetah woman looks back at X, then down the street where it disappears into a crooked maze of alleys and walls. She stops, but her tailtip lashes back and forth.
Josef counts "4… 5… 6… 7… 8… "
Sasta says, "Out loue, I no k'n watch two things at once."
X stops where he is, lowering his bundle enough so that his face shows plainly. His tail lashes slowly, and he gives the woman a questioning look. As for what question he's asking, who can tell?
Sasta says, "Starrt overr so we k'n boths hearr you."
"What do you want?" She forms the signs carefully with one hand.
Josef glares at the other cougar, letting out a small annoyed growl, "Nine… ten… ele-, elv-, er, el… " He then sighs, and starts from the beginning, "One… two… thur-, tree, er… " the Khatta scratches his head, clumsy with words.
X bites his lip, trying to figure out some way to hold his bundle without dropping it to the ground. He looks for somewhere to temporarily set it down to free his hands or at least one.
Chiri leans against the closest wall, cupping her hand over the ear that wears the sparkling bit of jewlelry. She groans and twirls the coin between her fingers.
"… eit-… eigg-… eiyut… ninteen-, er, nine… "
X tries to find a clean spot on the wall, and just presses the pile of clothes between him and the wall, so he can awkwardly free up his hands. And then, it's a while before he can think of what to sign. He settles for "Forgiveness?"
The Savanite woman's eyes stare into X's piercingly. She lifts her bundle onto a shoulder, then frees both hands to sign, "What should I forgive you for? Have you done anything wrong?" Her tailtip continues to flip back and forth agitatedly.
… Twelve… " Josef stops to think, brow furrowed, then counts on his fingers to remember the spoken word for thirteen.
X's hand drops. At her question, he doesn't know how to respond to that. He's supposed to smash things or carry things, not think … And he's not much of one for small talk. "How have you been?"
Josef continues, "Thurdeen… forty… fifdeen… "
The Savanite woman was her name Windwillow? The innkeeper called her Stripes, X remembers casts her eyes down. "I am a good slave. That is all. Is there something your master needs of me?" The clothes begin to tip down her shoulder, and she scowls as she rolls the bundle up again.
The X-marked cat shakes his head, coughing drily. "My master needs nothing. I only wished to know… " His fingers fumble, and he grabs for the clothes to keep them from sliding down the wall.
Surprisingly, or perhaps not so surprisingly, the cougar Khattha doesn't seem to mind Josef's slow count. She just smiles, watching where X dissappeared to. "He will be backs, those spottee ones rrun fast."
"… Twenny… Onetwenny… Twotwenny… "
The Savanite woman frowns again, her eyes shadowed as she looks down, then back up at X.
Chiri flips her coin up into the air. "Fast runners… yeah. They just count slow."
"Is twenty one ah? then Twentytwos," Sasta says.
X adjusts the clothes again, then signs, his grammar flying to the wind. "Sorry. Know not responsibility or not my business," He looks down at his hands as if in disbelief that they could be so clumsy and incompetent.
The Savanite woman's thin mane of black hair drapes down, half-masking an eye. Little clay beads have been braided into a single lock that hangs past her neck. "There is nothing to ask about," she signs.
X just stares into space for a time. A cloth drops to the ground, and then another, and he just doesn't notice. His hands weakly fumble something to the effect of, "Sorry to trouble you."
"… Twennyfifdeen… eleventytwo… er… " Josef looks frustrated, then gives a snarl and a sigh, "One… two… three… "
The Savanite woman turns and begins to walk down the street. But just at the end of the alley, a young Savanite boy steps out of a building and hurries over to her side. He takes some of the clothes from her arms and bounds after her enthusiastically.
The rest of X's cargo drops to the ground. "Nothing?" he signs.
The boy looks back at X, evidently not recognizing him, then signs to Windwillow excitedly as she walks with him down the alley. "Who is that?"
"Someone I knew a long time ago," the Savanite woman replies, her hand not quite masked from view and a good imagination.
The ex-pit-fighter just watches the two walk away.
"Is he nice?" The boy's statement can only be inferred, but his tail flicks back and forth with boundless energy.
Windwillow stops. Then deliberately turns to sign so that both the boy and X can see, her tail slowing. "It doesn't matter any more. He has his own life to lead. And we have ours. And Master won't be pleased if we are late. Come, Little Reed." She casts one look back to X, then takes the boy's arm and moves on.
X waits until the other two Savanites are out of sight, and a little bit longer before he slowly returns to reality, and looks to the clothes on the ground at his feet.
Before picking up the clothes, X looks at his own hands as they sign, "Little Reed." Then, he absently picks up his neglected cargo again.
Sasta looks hopefully at the corner that X went around, wondering which is more likely to happen, that the slave will return, or that Josef will make it to thirty. "He shoule be showings up any secone now." She smiles at Chiri, flipping her shekel.
X finishes picking up his bundle … and then starts heading down the alley the direction he saw the two depart, though he knows in his heart he won't see them again.
"I'll be gray and toothless before the Khatta reaches thirty." Chiri grumbles.
Josef stops for the umpteenth billion times, an angry look on his face. He stares the other two down, then just says, "Thirty!"
Sasta glares back at Josef, scanning the corner one last time for a spotted appearance. "Well, you wins that one." She hands the shekel to Chiri, "But gots give Sasta chance win it back ah? How abouts we fine gooe place have sone wine, nake a few norre bets insteae of go to trrack."
Josef crosses his arms and stares angrily at the ground, his pride a bit damaged.
"I'm not the drinking type." the Skreek says as she slowly pulls herself upright. "What good is wine if you can't enjoy the taste."
A procession passes down the street… A spice merchant accompanied by several Dromodons each carrying baskets of some nutmeg-smelling stuff. A few days too late to take advantage of the rush on spices, the Rathani calls out despondently, "Buy my spices! Very cheap. Very good quality! May Gooshurms eat my fez if I lie!"
"So naybe we just go strraights to the betting then." Sasta looks around the street, "How abouts nunberr of erronoeons to cone by next, in k'rrivan. I say… hnn… Less than 5, ane bets you 5 shekels."
Josef looks up to Chiri, a bit calmed now, "So, are we going to continue on to the track, or play this overgrown kitten's games?"
Two Skreeks follow the merchant, apparently just travellers walking the same way. They wear chitin swords at their hips and wear light cotton blouses and baggy pants, and their boots have soft cleats typical airship crewman's wear, designed to give better traction on tilting decks.
Chiri itches at the back of her head absently as the procession ambles past. She glances at Josef. "I think I'd rather bet on something that moves a bit swifter."
Josef nods, and stands up from the basket. He waits for the others, then continues to lead the way to the tracks.
Chiri watches the Skreeks. "J-Josef. Could you find an alternate way to the track. Th-this path is too crowded for my tastes."
Josef stops and looks back at the rat, an eyebrow arched. He nods, then leads the trio down an access alleyway, a bit longer walk, but less populated.
Sasta follows, "Why no interrestee? Wants play forr norre? Nabye 20, naybe 50?" Her eye watching the other two Skreeks. As they glance at her and Chiri, she flashes a gesture at them, then turns after her prey, the earing.
The two Skreek airship crew don't appear to have noticed Chiri and Sasta and Josef at first, as they whistle tunelessly, one wearing several bits of metal in a notched ear, the other fiddling with the pommel of a knife. They look up with some surprise, stopping, one of them with mouth agape as he looks after Chiri.
Josef doesn't even notice the other Skreeks, and continues walking, oblivious to Chiri's nervousness.
Notched-ear whispers to the knifeman and then they head down the street, diverging from the alleyway.
The female Skreek keeps her head down as she walks. ( Oh scrud… I think he saw me… )
Away from the main streets of Abu Dhabi, the alleyways turn darker, the whitewashed buildings casting long yellowing shadows across the packed dirt ground. Occasional Savanites pass the Skreek and the two Khattas (though technically, one is a Kattha by the bend of her legs).
The smell of vanderat gets thicker.
Chiri begins walking slightly slower. Her ears are perked high and her eyes dart accusingly at every shadow. "How close are we, Josef."
Sasta follows from behind, "Whats the natterr? No likes skrreeks, I woule thinks you gets along best with then." … and not with princes, is the rest of what she half says.
"Not those kinds of rats… " Chiri hisses softly.
"Pretty close," the cougar Khatta signs, "the smaell is stronger, so it won't be very far."
"You so keen to lose at trrack." The cougar Khattha states, "Sasta's noney no gooe enough forr you orr sonething?"
The alleyway bends a few more time, now going behind the back of stables. The smell thickens… Groundpounder-stew, as those who've been on airships for any length of time have learned to say.
"The money isn't my concern right now," Chiri says… her voice having taking on a higher pitched nervous tone. "Just finding a big crowd to lose myself in is all I want right now."
Josef looks curiously at the Skreek, "Are you alright? We don't need to go back to the suite, do we?"
Chiri, having no sence of smell, doesn't notice the scent of the stables in the air. "I don't know." she signs to Josef.
"No worrry" The ex-raider says, her hands dropping to both hilts, and just resting there as she walks, "You safe. You saferr if you frriene k'n fight too. We gets you soneplace you no feel frrighten."
And the alleyway opens into the brilliant light of the afternoon track… From the back. This area is given over to stables for the vanderats that are due to compete in the races of the upcoming hours, bales and bales of hay stacked up to one side and trainers passing back and forth. Some wave over to the newcomers curiously. "'Ey! Lookin' fer werk? You be new aroun' here."
"We here for bet," Josef yells back up, "Came in wrong way, apologize."
"Noo, is okaay." Sasta ducks around a worker with a pitchfork, "Just trryings fine way thrrough, to nakes sone bets."
The Skreek wordlessly follows along, she looks around for any signs of persuers.
No signs of other Skreeks following them in the alley… Of course, that's not to say they mightn't be sneakier than Chiri can detect.
Josef looks to the Skreek, "We go sit on bleacher, get better see that way." The cougar then leads the way over to the viewing portion of the track, out of the way of the vanderats.
One of the beast-keepers laughs. "Ah! Bet on Himmagery's Horn for the fifth race then," he says as the two cougar Khattas and the Skreek pass by. Another Zerda chimes in, "No, it'll be Danderbat's Nine Fangs for that one! He'll put the bite on them others, I tell you."
Vanderats pace back and forth in their stalls, which have been built well out of snapping range of each other. Their fangs have been capped with thick leather hoods, presumably to keep them from sinking them into someone accidentally in the heat of the moment.
( And seen better no doubt. Well, they know I'm about… no use in hiding now. ) Chiri mumbles something to herself and takes her seat in the bleachers, her eyes seem to take more of an interest in the assembled people than in the actual race.
"Bets here," an orange-dressed Kavi shouts as he walks down the aisle. "Get yer bettin' slips here! Can't win a fortune without a bettin' slip an' a bookie!"
Josef sits besides the Skreek, casting a sideways glance at her periodically.
"If you want to bet on the racem you'll have to get one of those" Josef points over to the Kavi.
Chiri says, "I think I'll just watch for a bit."
Josef nods and does likewise, since he's not much of a better.
"We no have to bets with then, k'n bets with each otherr forr prractice." Sasta smiles at Chiri, "Whats you say? Frrienely bets, slightly biggerr announts?"
The kavi collects betting slips and shekels, tears the papers and gives half back to the people wagering with the official bookies, so that they'll have a record of their bets, then scampers up the stands and down the back. The first round of vanderats are brought up to the start of the race, champing and snuffling excitedly at the air…
"I woule figurre you frron shipboarre, you woule be usee to thats kine of thing, no have to go to forrnal place like this." The ex-privateer cougar says, "Guess you spene norre tine in floating city than airrship."
"If she no bet, she no bet," Josef scowls at the other cougar, "Leave her be."
Each jockey gets up onto his mount, their shirts marked with numbers to show who they are, then slips the leather hoods off of their vanderat's head, exposing the deadly fangs… Evidently, vanderat racing is not a sport for the timid.
Sasta nods, "Oooh… we just herre to watch the blooe. I k'n appreciates that."
Which the audience demonstrates, continuing to wager with each other even though the 'official' betting has closed. "Ten on number four fanging number five," a knowledgeable-sounding Rathani says as he adjusts his vest to fit his portly bulk. "He's got that look."
The Skreek relaxes a bit against the back of her bench. "I simply don't bet all that often. I save my money as much as I can… for a… rainy day so to speak."
"You're on," his seatmate says.
The referee drops his flag! Red-and-white silk billows through the air, the bar drops, and the vanderats charge out of the gates.
"Yaa… well, naybe bet forr sonething otherr than noney ah? One of Sasta's earrrings forr one of yourrs. Is just ecorrations, no like it rreally worrrth sonething." She reaches over and gives the Sword and Chiri's ear a flick, "Naybe bet forr this one."
Someone next to Josef nudges him a black-furred Khatta. "Hey, wanna bet a little? A shekel says that number three's the first to fang someone."
Josef flares his nostrils at the cat, "I no bet, is quick way to lose money." He turns his attention back to the race.
Chiri quickly shoots a hand up and closes it around the earring. "Sorry… but I have plans for this." ( Like a trip to the life mage… )
Sasta says, "Likes the prrince that nuch ah? Yaa… I k'n unnerrstane why you woule wants keep a token of his affection. Prrobably verry rrarre you gets those." She flicks one of her ring earrings, a heavy gold ring earring, "Just no wants these ones get lonely ah? Is too bae you no feel like takings a rrisk."
Josef eye's are pointed towards the race, but his attention is focused on the two beside him. ( If I bet right now, I'd be on which one of them throws the first punch… )
The black Khatta next to Josef looks disappointed. "Well, iffen you want to be a stick-in-de-mud, allright." He turns to his neighbor on the other side and makes the same offer.
The cougaress Khattha sits back to watch the race, with her ear flicking occasionally, to rattle it's decoration. She has a few empty holes on the edge of the ear, and a few ripped ones, but a couple impressive ring or stud earrings remain.
"Pah. Affection." Chiri chuckles. "After working with all the slimy pi-… airshipmen I have, I've had my fill of men… thankyouverymuch."
And as they close the bet… Number two darts his neck across lanes and bites at number one's rump, causing the rider to fall! Blood streaks across the pounded dirt, and the rider of number one chases after the wildly swerving vanderat, trying to get back on.
The black Khatta grumps. "I have the worst luck," he mutters as he hands a grimy ceramic coin over to the grinning fox.
Josef's ears shoot up at this, his attention changed out to the track. ( And they call the Savanites barbarians… )
That superstition must be right… black Khattas are bad luck! Josef scoots a bit away from the one next to him.
The other vanderats thunder around the curve of the track, their jockeys trying to keep their steeds' attention on the path in front of them and not on their neighbors.
Sasta checks her blindside, which seems to be a matter of habit rather than a conscious thought, then looks at Chiri again. "You holeing onto it prretty tight forr sonething you no interrestee in sentinentally. I thinks you afrraie of losing, orr naybe just afrraie."
Chiri shoots a glance at Sasta. "And you seem to be awfully anxious to peel something of value from me. What's the matter… princie-wincie doesn't pay you well enough to babysit folks like us for him?"
The rider of number one finally catches up with his steed and leaps onto his back, then gallops after the rest of the pack. But having lost his place, it looks like it won't be easy for him to push back into it… And the other vanderats are looking increasingly fractious as they push against each other for the next turn.
"No." Is all the cougaress Khattha says, turning sharply back to the race. Finally saying, "Nunberr 6, is goings eo well. He gots the fattest looking legs. That neans he was starrvee beforre rrace, so he goings be able rrun fasterr."
Above and behind Sasta and Chiri, a highbred-looking saluki sniffs disdainfully at the sight, sitting next to an unusual sight… A purple draconoid whose height forces the others behind her to crane their necks around her wings. "Really! Such a barbaric scene," the saluki comments to the draconoid.
"No think starving vanderat be smart for trainer, make him more hunry," comments Josef.
Number six indeed seems to be pulling ahead of the pack a little… His jockey, a thin-looking gray Khatta, whips him on and on, thumping a little leather-tipped quirt against his back.
Arcadia blinks! and does her best to sink down lower so she isn't such an obstacle… she even folds her wings over her shoulders like a cape toget them out of the way.
"Hey, watch where you're going," a fox yelps as Arcadia's wings brush against his legs. He bats at her ineffectively.
Chiri glances behind her at the commotion. "Dagh's toenails," she whispers. "A dragon!"
Arcadia rrps! she whispers "oh so sorry… " she looks rather silly now, her tail curled close, her neck craned down, her wings wrapped about her… a dragon trying to look small is truly an oxymoron.
"Hungrry is betterr, wants rrip the otherrs up norre." Sasta states, "You will see." Then looks where Chiri faces, her hands rushing to her hips.
"Yeah, but he maybe eat rider instead-," Josef joins the others in lookinng up, ( What in the… ? )
The fox grumps. "I should make ye pay fer blockin' my view," he says. He is rather overdressed for the hot sunny day, a trim velvet vest fitting over loose silk.
Arcadia frowns… "I am *really* sorry Sir… " again she scrunches lower… any more and she will be doing a rather nice impression of an accordion.
"Hey dragon! If the fox complains anymore… just toast his head real good!" Chiri yells up.
"Wow." breathes the cougaress, "A erragon. It a sign, firrst the sworre falls, ane now the erragons stalk again."
Josef blinks at Chiri, then quickly loses interest in the dragon, "Well, it's adragon, not much more to be seen I guess" He turns his attention back to the race.
The fox looks startled and then peers at the dragon, edging away a bit. "You don't breath flame, right?" he yips.
Arcadia opens eyes wide , both long ears flicking up, likely blocking some other poor soul's view… "Oh no I just couldn't not without any sugary treats to toast with it… " she smiles mischeviously.
The vanderats continue to pound the sand with their massive hindlegs, now spreading out a little. Number six is in the lead, followed closely by number four and seven, and number one is trying to push through the crowd. Blood flies as several more of the furry reptiles attack each other!
The fox clears his throat. "Well. Yes, of course." Then turns his attention to his neighbor on the other side. "Move it, fat-hips! You're taking too much space!"
The Rathani matron yelps. "Well, I never!"
Arcadia turns her head then to the sounds of the race… her tail uncurling just a bit as she watches with interest… "Oh my how exciting this all is! "
The black Khatta near Josef whispers to him, "Number six. Looks like a clear winner. Bet you, maybe ten shekels?"
Josef hmmms, actually getting an interest now, "Is on," he says with a nod.
Chiri looks back at the race. "Sign? Sign for what?" she asks the cougar Khattha.
"Shoule have bet I see a erragon toeay" Sasta says quietly to herself, "Anyone woule have takes that." She just stares up at the dragon, then turns back to Chiri, "Sign forr rreturrn of Firrst Ones. Is just past the celebrrations, naybe they late."
The cougaress winks at the Skreek, "Sign you shoule bet with Sasta, afterr all, eay you see a erragon, anythings k'n happen."
And the race presses on… They're three quarter of the way to the finish line, when number eight lunges forward and sinks his fangs deep into number six's rump! The rider yelps as he tumbles over along with his mount heavily, throwing his arms up as the other vanderats and their riders charge on ahead.
Arcadia smiles as she raises her head to see past a few hats…
The black Khatta yelps, and then whimpers. "Why me?"
The Skreek leans back in the bench. "I don't believe in the First Ones. And if they do exist… they don't give a flip about any of us… "
Arcadia ohhhs! "Oh bad goe for the poor thing… "
A small smile crosses the cougar Khatta's lips as he holds his hand out to the black Khatta, "Ten shekels."
The fox grumps as his view is again blocked. "Move it," he yelps. "An' I don't believe you could toast a match even if it was already going!"
The black Khatta rummages around his clothes. "Um… " His hands come up empty. "Can I pay ya later?"
Arcadia erks! and looks down at him… "Ooh sorry… " she tries looking around for another place to sit…
Chiri looks at Sasta. "You know more about the races than I do, so you'll probably pound me into the dirt… but what the hay. A copper on the next race… we'll bet on who gets gored first."
Josef hmmms, and eyes the Khatta, "Just this once, but do again, I sick Templar knight on you."
Sasta snarls up at the fox, "Leave erragon alone! No you gots any sense, you will brring bae luck on us all." She glares, leaning towards him, finding a focus for her frustration.
And as Chiri speaks, number seven crosses the finish line! A loud roar around the stands drowns out any speech for the next minute, and then people get up almost in unison to go claim their bets, those that won.
The fox eeps. Then pretends to look down at his betting slip. "Er. Igottagocollectreallybyebyeniceknowingya."
The fox hurries out, disappearing into the anonymity of the crowds.
The black Khatta looks down at his betting slip, then throws the parchment away. He grumps.
The annoyed cougaress turns back to the Skreek, "Fine, next rrace, a copperr. Nunberr 3 gets cut firrst."
Arcadia gryns and gazes at Sasta "Thank you!" she gives the skittering fox a slight tail wavie.
The keepers come onto the track and lead the vanderats away, some having to wrestle and restrain the overexcited and overheated creatures away… Others sweep dirt over bloodstains.
The Skreek pulls out the dull reddish copper. "You're on. Ohh… the dragon thanked you, must be a good omen. I say that number… oh… five will get gored first."
And the next race finds another lineup of the vanderats waiting in the gates. A Kavi comes by offering betting slips, followed by another with a tray of snacks. "Best sesame seed cookies here," he calls. "Getcher sugary special treats here! Five for a shekel, getcher bigtime special here, thirty, yes, *thirty!* cookies for a fiver!"
Arcadia blushes as she impolitely eavesdrops… even so she openly preens at the thought of being good luck… oh! her head swings around and her tail flicks up "Oh Here here good sir! " she calls out to the Kavi with the cookies!
Sasta genuinely smiles back at the dragon, "Is okaay nistrres Erragon, you honourr us with you prresence. I wish you happy stay in the Abu'habian." Hoping her luck is good, she then looks at Chiri, "Yaa, a copperr."
"I bet coper number seven," Josef pipes in at the last moment, eyes fixed at the track.
The Kavi pushes his way through the crowd. "Ooh! Dragon!" He bows and then holds up bags of the cookies, five in each. "How many you want, mistress?"
Chiri's mouth forms an 'o'. "You got it, Josef?"
Arcadia fiddles with her small pouch… oh decisions decisions! best to check her pockets first…
Josef nods, and looks at the black cat next to him, "And if I not have, he pay for. That right?" The cougar grins a toothy grin at the Khatta.
Arcadia smiles brightly as she produces the right amount for two bags… she offers her hand to the Kavi… "Here you go!" she pratically purrs in delight over the thought of yummis.
The black Khatta yelps. "Hey! I haven't got shekels, you pay your own bets! I'm just watching now." He grumbles some more.
Josef chuckles, then nods back to Chiri, "I got."
The Kavi takes the shekels and gives Arcadia two bags of five cookies each. Each cookie is two inches wide and a half-inch thick, covered with a thick gooey sugary sauce into which sesame seeds have been sprinkled. The Kavi bows again, then scampers off to sell more treats.
The referee watches the riders ready their vanderats, and then raises his flag…
Arcadia unties the first bag almost ignorant of the race… she looks up during the last moment… still she manages to stuffa cookie in her long toothy muzzle. CHOMP.
The seats crowd again quickly as more Khattas come by, betting slips held firmly in their hands. They watch the animals with eager eyes.
And the flag drops! With a howl, the vanderats lunge out of their stalls and charge forward down the track. Number two snaps at number three… But misses, and number three snarls back at it.
Number five and six bumps against each other heavily, their riders shoving to try and gain precedence for the upcoming curve. The saluki looks excited as she bounces up and down next to Arcadia. "Oh! Win for me, Hesty!"
"GoGoGoGoGo!" Chiri hoots from the stands,
Sasta pulls out a copper, and rolls it around between her fingers, wishing the bet was a little higher, and the object at stake a little shinier. Her eye stays on the race. "Cone on, sonething bleeee."
Arcadia twitches her ears… up down… left right… the rest of the bag of cookies soon follows the ones before it… crumbs inevitably fall about as she crunches.
Number seven butts his head firmly against number five, but… no blood is apparent. Amazingly, now that they are betting on who shall get gored first, none of them are the anticipation gets thicker by the minute, and the crowd murmurs in between cheers and shouts of encouragement.
The purple draconoid discovers an interesting sensation… Now she's quite thirsty after those sweet, but rather dry cookies.
A Kavi goes up the aisles… The same one that sold Arcadia the cookies. "Buy your fresh Gavaber juice here! Gavaber juice, best thing to quench your thirst!" he barks.
The Skreek folds her arms. "Don't tell me this race is going to be dry… bah."
"Shoule have bet forr then to fall eown asleep on the trrack" Sasta grumbles, "They behaving everry way cept how they shoule."
Arcadia mrrrrrs… and soon that tail of hers is waving to the new Kavi "Yoohooo Over here ! " something tells her this is going to be a rather expensive but fun outting.
"BITE!" Sasta screams at the vanderats.
Number six roars as he tries to press fruitlessly against the pack… And then draws back, fangs gaping!
The Kavi tries to push down the aisle, but is abruptly blocked by eager attendants roaring for blood. "Hey! Catch you on other side," he yells through the crowd.
"BITE THRREE" The cougaress scream-snarls.
Chiri stands up in her chair, trying to get a better look at the race.
Arcadia grrrrs softly more worried about the precious drinks than the race… she rocks her neck back and forth to keep an eye on the Kavi…
And with a snarl, number six sinks his fangs into number three's right hindquarter… At the same time that number four rearrs up and gouges at number five! Six of the vanderats thump against the dirt with howls of rage and pain.
The crowd continues to cheer and shout, causing the Kavi to be practically invisible to Arcadia…
Chiri blinks. She looks at Sasta. "That looked like a tie to me… except… " She looks at Josef. "Looks like you owe each of us half a copper."
Arcadia rrrks! looking rather… impatient… No crowd is going to stop her from quenching her thirst! Where where is he?
Josef arches a brow, "Who got knife then? Need to cut." He grins.
"YAA! Ya! Allrights, I win." Sasta looks covetously at Chiri's earring, then at Josef, "Yaa… you owe us."
Chiri sits back down in her chair. "Sasta has a knife I think." She sighs. "Oh… go ahead and let Sasta have the copper. I didn't win or lose anything."
Josef shrugs, pulling a copper from his pocket. He flips it over to the other cougar.
The crowd finally subsides again, in time to let Arcadia see that the Kavi has disappeared from view. Where could he have gone?
The Skreek puts a hand to her earring again indeed, at least she didn't lose anything.
Sasta snatches at the coin, an action more reflex than planned, and seems almost surprised when she feels it in her hand. She puts it with the other one.
Arcadia eeeemmmrrrs! no no… her eyes seem to bulge slightly… cookies… ah to die a death caused from cookies! Ah what a cruel cruel world!
"So, you think Sasta k'n win twice in rrow?" The cougaress asks, eyeing the earring once again, "Orr you willing to rreally bet now."
Heat from the ground makes the air wavy as the vanderats continue to rampage across the track. The fighting is even more vicious between the creatures, their riders desperately trying to control their beasts and keep from getting attacked themselves…
Arcadia paces where she stands… her head swinging to te left and right… She WILL find him… "Hello? vender? " she calls.
A nearby Jupani lolls his tongue, shedding heat.
"Down in " A fox covers his muzzle as he realizes it's Arcadia that's blocking his view.
Chiri stands and brushes herself off. "Actually, I think I'm going to call it quits while I have the chance." She glances at the front exit, just in case someone there might be 'waiting' for her.
Arcadia is just standing there currently. No plans to move.
And down at the front exit is…
Josef stands with Chiri, signing, "You ready to go?"
A Kavi selling Gavaber juice! He looks almost like a speck from here.
Arcadia rrps! upon seeing the Kavi sooo far far away… she begins to try to move towards him… she steps carefully… her tail raised up so one hand may hold the end to keep it out of others' ways.
Sasta loosens a few straps on her armour, watching the race, "Well no points staying if everyone too nousey to bets." She turns and bows to the dragon, "A pleasurre seeing you, is sight neverr beforre seen forr Sasta."
The fox clamps his paws firmly over his muzzle as Arcadia nearly knocks him over. But with a bit of a struggle… And a flying foxtail… the dragoness manages to get out to the aisle.
Arcadia manages to catch Sasta's comment and she nods hastily to her… "Aye… … "
"Let's follow the dragon… she seems to be doing a pretty good job of clearing a path out." Chiri squeaks.
Josef nods.
The screams of vanderats continue to ring from the racetrack far below as Chiri and Josef follow Arcadia. The fox grumbles. "Good luck my fat tail," he mutters. "I hope she runs into something bigger than SHE is."
The rat jumps from her spot on the bench and follows after the dragon… hanging back far enough to dodge that swinging tail.
Sasta follows after the rat, her eye on the earring, and her hopes of getting it staying behind.
Josef follows behind Chiri, also dodging the tail, but enjoying the shade due to the dragon's shadow.
Arcadia stops in her tracks… the faster she goes… the further the vender gets… the more she pushes aside the more the crowds increase… she whimpers… the vender getting so far away… Now is the time for action! She puffs up… inhailing deeply… and then… she bellows so loud it's almost a roar… 'QUUUUUUUIIIIEEEEETTTTTT!!!!!!!!"
Josef winces, clapping his paws to his ears.
A sudden hushed silence falls upon the crowd in this section of the bleachers. Everyone looks at Arcadia and Chiri and Josef and Sasta.
Sasta cringes, then glares back at anyone who saw that.
Chiri mimics Josef. Sometimes having good hearing isn't all that good. "Owowowowowowwwww!"
Arcadia sighs softly, looking just a shade embarrassed… 'Ah excuse me, " she calls to the vender now that he can hear her "Over here please. " She gives him a slight wave.
"Maybe we should pick a different route?" Josef signs to Chiri, amid all the stares.
The Kavi looks up at the noise, then salutes to Arcadia. He whisks his gavaber juice cart out of sight and, presumably, begins pushing it through the back corridors.
Arcadia nothing, not rain, nor snow, nor crowds shall stop a dragon from it's apointed ah… drinks!
Everyone nearby keeps looking at Arcadia and her friends.
Chiri shrinks down, cursing. Everyone knows exactly where she is now. "Yes… let's get out of here fast." she says, hands still clapsed over her ears.
Arcadia whimpers… "Ack no don't leave!" she cries, her tone agonizing.
The crowd gradually returns their attention to the bloody vanderats, some lying prone on the tracks…
Josef darts out from behind the dragon, heading for a sideway out of the track. He moves fast, but not to fast that the others can't follow.
Arcadia grumbles "I'm just going to *die*! " One wing flicks up and out… watch out!
And just as Arcadia begins to consider going after the Kavi, a familiar gavaber juice cart trundles out of a nearby entrance, the Kavi wheeling it toward her. "Gavaber juice," he shouts. "Get your gavaber juice here! Best thing to quench that undying thirst!"
Sasta doesn't like all the attention. She moves after the other two, glancing back just in case the 'don't leave' was meant for her. Seeing it isn't, she continues.
… And it seems like Arcadia's actions have attracted so much attention that everyone nearby just *has* to try some of the juice that gets a dragon interested in it.
( If they're here… they saw me. I should have gine home the instant… argh! ) The rat grumbles quietly as she follows Josef.
Arcadia pratically jumps for joy! and without much thought dives for the cart! gangway!
Thus, Josef, Chiri, and Sasta are forced to press through the crowd… Just ahead of a pouncing dragon!
"Five shekels," the Kavi gasps between pouring cups and serving them out to customers.
"NOVE!" Sasta yowls, seeing the bounding dragon behind her, and pushing on Chiri and Josef's backs.
Josef glares back at the other cougar, but quickens his pace, eager to get back to the suite and back to work.
Arcadia charges forth upon all fours, her wings upon her back slightly raised, her tail swinging wildly behind her… "Out of the way! Beep ! Pardon! 'Scuse me! In comming!" she calls.
Chiri stumbles as she's shoved forward but quickly recovers.
The Kavi blinks up at the purple dragon and then beams. "Last one! Five shekels!" He holds up a large cup brimming with purple juice for her.
And through the dwindling crowd, where disappointed would-be juice purchasers are turning away and going back to their seats, Josef pushes through into the safety of the tunnels, with Chiri and Sasta close behind.
Arcadia ssskkkkiiiiiddds to a dusty stop right before the cart! She returns a brilliant smile as she offers the shekels. "thank goodness! "
The Kavi peddler hands Arcadia the cup and collects the shekels. "All gone! Sorry," he says to the others, then screeches the cart and starts pushing it back the way he came.
Josef pushes his way out of the track entrance, giving a stern face to any who are angry at being pushed.
Arcadia sighs happily as she sits back on her haunches and downs the drink.
The cougaress pants as she enters the shade of the tunnels. "Gah! No feel like that since ness up rranning the Blooey Shekel." Sasta adjusts her armour and checks her weapons.
Chiri pants as she bursts out into the open air. "Whew… almost crushed by a dragon. Is that a good omen-AAACK!"
The rat STARES at Sasta.
Sasta stares back at the Skreek, "Whats now?"
"R-r-raiding?" the Skreek asks. "Er… I thought you were just a guard type."
The cougaress snorts, "Just a guarre, yeesh! I usee hunt rraieerrs! I hae own airrship."
"I grrounee. I gets anotherr ship soon." Sasta states, "When I was captain the Long Claw, everryone was rrun sk'rree."
The Skreek nonchalantly begins unbuttoning the front of her blouse, just enough to allow her to expose her left shoulder. A scar rests there, but if one were to use their imagination a bit they might be able to make out the shape of a dagger and a bone crossed into an 'x' symbol. "I'm reformed myself… "
The entrance of the racetrack is not so busy just now, while the race is going on. Kavis count up betting slips and chatter back and forth between themselves, adjusting the odds for the next race.
Chiri quickly rebuttons her shirt, just in case someone might be watching.
Sasta stares, "You no rreforrn, you just leave feet firrst orr overr the siee."
"I left head first myself." Chiri grins, rubbing that particular spot on her head again. "After it almost got split open by the deck of a ship I decided that a change of career was in order."
The cougaress smiles, "Well… we gots sone talkings to eo then. You no soft cityskrreek I thinks you was."
The rat punches Sasta lightly in the shoulder. "And you aren't some jealous city guard. How about I buy you dinner? I know a place that has the nicest Waashu dumplings… "
"Haa! You wants burrn out ny tongue ah? Okaay, we go trry thats." The ex-privateer grins, "You k'n tell ne all you pirrate hieeing places, I tell you how I nanage to fine then ah?"