June 12. In which several of the Oresta crew attempts to find a place to stay in Abu Dhabi.
(Abu Dhabi) (Chiri) (Gwyneth) (Josef) (Oresta)
Abu Dhabi
Welcome to Abu Dhabi, gleaming gem of the Khatthan Emirate – nestled at the junction of two rivers, bathed by the cool winds from the nearby Dragonback mountains, the city's ivory towers and smoothly-domed mosques rise from the orchards and farms that surround it, irrigated by canals dug by sweating Savanite slaves. Here in this city, the Emir oversees the vast financial and material concerns of his empire with a kindly and wise paw – the rich spice routes make its bazaar a wealthy place to visit. And few travelers leave Abu Dhabi without partaking of its signature drink, xhocolatl, a rich and darkly sweet beverage…

Demes Oresta has just received word of a fantastic new opportunity in the Khatthan Emirate – a new and rich vein of iron ore has been discovered, which means a great deal of money to be made both in expanding the mine and transporting the metal out. The informer assures him that of course, Demes is one of the few rich and privileged traders to be told of this opportunity… And so he has decided to send an expedition to Abu Dhabi to woo the Emir for any bargains and agreements that might be available.

The good news. Demes's messenger was well received and Demes is himself en route to keep an appointment with the Emir at his offices in Abu Dhabi tomorrow, at ten o' clock. Should he impress the Emir, he might stand a very good chance of winning the lucrative transport contracts.

The bad news. He doesn't HAVE any offices in Abu Dhabi.

So it is up to Oresta's associates in Abu Dhabi, namely, Trader-Apprentice Gwyneth, the linguist and healer Chiri, and the guide, Josef, to make sure that there ARE offices available for Demes Oresta by tomorrow, suitably appointed and furnished for the Emir's visit. Between them, they have roughly two gold left as their budget, and of course, their assorted pack-creatures and whatever useful equipments they might have thought to bring with them.

And so it is that our magnificent three find themselves standing outside the Gadalaskan Arms, one of Abu Dhabi's finest hotels, richly appointed with velvets and silks upon its near-white adobe walls, before the two Salukis who stand as apparent doormen. Expensively dressed maids and pages are briefly visible as they walk back and forth across the courtyard inside.

Chiri peers about the room. "I wonder if we can filch some of the silks for decorations. I used to get free towels that way all the time."

Josef, a brown cougar Khatta, looks back to Chiri and Gwyneth, "We can try in here," he handsigns to the Skreek.

Gwyneth looking around, bumps into Chiri carelessly. "How'd we get suckered into this, anyway?" She peers at Josef, "What's he saying, Chiri?"

Chiri says, "He wants us to try in the hotel. Dagh… just our luck to end up with a Khatta that thinks he's a slave."

The Skreek makes an 'after you' gesture to Gwyneth, motioning to the doorway.

Three Khattas (Siamese, Abyssinian, and tabby) walk down the street dressed in desert clothes: turbans, dust-veils pulled down to drape around their necks. They chatter between each other in fluent Khatthan, ( Ah! More outsiders. Dagh take it, all the good hotels are taken by those sand-fleas. Where are we supposed to sleep tonight, pillowed by dunes and blanketed by storms? ) They grumble as they look for a caravansery to drown their worries.

The cougar simply gives a distasteful glance at the Skreek, then follows them wordlessly inside.

Behind the desk, a Zerda looks up at the newcomers with a slightly harried look. He adjusts his spectacles and twitches his large fennec ears forward. "Ah! Welcome to the Gadalaskan Arms, travellers," he says. "How may I serve you today?"

The half Vartan looks around the inside, before stepping up to the Zerda. "What suites do you have available?" she asks him.

Josef, left carrying most of the supplies, waits for the other two to make arrangements. (If they can that is.)

The Zerda bows to Gwyneth. "Ah! Alas, may the rains pour down upon my miserable head, may the winds rise and blow dust into my tent, may the sands swallow my children as they play in the desert… " He continues in this vein for a small while.

Josef looks to Chiri. "He's saying he has no suites." he signs.

Chiri's left ear droops. "A simple 'no' would have sufficed." she grumbles to the Khatta. "Gwyneth, ask if he knows of any place where there ARE available suites?"

"… It is with greatest woe and deepest chagrin that I must regretfully suggest that my lords consider the Gadalaskan Arms another day," the Zerda finishes. He lifts his head from the bow and looks unperturbed. Business IS good, at least for him.

Josef shrugs, "That's how they are here."

Gwyneth of course, has no idea what Josef says. "Surely theres some way to accommodate someone who plans to entertain the very Emir himself. He so hoped to stay here. But if you're saying there is nothing, I suppose we will have to find some other place who can better please his Royal Highness."

Josef grins, "Emir be mad if he know he turned away." he says aloud.

"Hmm! That is an excellent and most puissant question, O most clever of Skreeks," the Zerda says to Chiri. "But alas! Try and strain my ears to the winds as much as I can… " He smiles apologetically. "They have not yet seen fit to grace my ears with some small morsel of help that I might give you. Please, look about the Gadalaskan Arm's most spacious and comfortable lobby. Do you see all of the richly dressed visitors? Their pretty and, ah, not quite so dressed companions, the large amounts of fineries which their porters and slaves are even now carrying to their rooms?"

A troupe of dancing harem cat girls giggle between themselves as they traipse across the room after a bored-looking Rhian.

Chiri says, "Yes yes yes… rooms that are unavailable to us."

Josef signs, "Now he's saying that we aren't upper class enough, or at least that's how I see it… " glares at the fennec.

Gwyneth nudges Josef, "Not so loud," she says. "Its high level meeting." She smiles, glancing at the rich guests. "What's their wealth, compared to *his*?" She yawns slightly.

Josef shrugs, "If fennec willing to take punishment for refusing Emir, that his business." Then he adds, "Emir probably take ears for not being good listener… "

"Well then, it is with grave regret that I must tell you that these gentlemen and ladies, ennobled of soul and fit to please the First Ones with their piety… " The Zerda blushes in his ears. "Also speak of – ah, I pray that I will not offend you with a little frank speech?"

Josef arches a brow at the Zerda.

The Zerda leans forward over the counter. "They also speak of important meetings with the gracious and magnaminous person of the Emir. How wonderful our ruler is, to make himself so available to the mundane and commercial concerns of our city's wondrous visitors! But, as infinite as his blessings may be, I am deeply sorry to tell you that the Gadalaskan Arm's rooms are, alas! Finite."

Gwyneth feels like saying she would be offended, but says nothing. Well, if she's going to be a trader one day, she's going to have to put up with long winded fellows like this one.

It looks as if the informant's understanding of the phrase 'a few people' leaves much to be desired.

Chiri impatiently taps a plantigrade foot, her mind contemplates booting the group of cats out of their room and holding it hostage until Demes is done with his chit-chat.

Josef sighs, and looks to Chiri, "Perhaps we should try elsewhere?"

Chiri gives Gwyneth a gentle poke in the back. "Try offering him one of those two gold shekels Demes gave us."

Gwyneth looks over at the Zerda. "And I suppose you'll tell us that no matter how much more infinitely important our meeting is compared to theirs – oh, surely the Emir is just humoring them – that you will not give us a room – even if we were to consider paying… more than the average rent?"

Behind the three bemused travellers, a Cervani grumbles to his doe companion, "There's not a good cinnamon bun to be found from here to the Thieves' Rest. Outsiders! What do they think they're doing? The Emir can only eat so many… "

Josef notices the conversation, and thinks…

The Zerda fidgets. "Ah – no insult is intended, good sirs, but should I accept such a generous and, I am sure, well intended offer, not underhanded at all, what would I say to those who wished to know why they were to be evicted from their room? There is only so much misfortune I can wish to be heaped upon my head, you understand, before they tire of apologies and wish more substantial recompense."

Chiri rolls her eyes, "I can think of quicker ways to evict some of the kitties here… " she signs to Josef.

Josef gets an idea, "Ask him if he likes exotic foods or sweets… "

Gwyneth says, "And how substantial of a recompense do you think they would need?"

Chiri nods to the Khatta and clears her throat, "*Ahem*… Sir, perhaps we could provide you with something useful… like exotic fruits or pastries?"

Across the room, a silk-dressed musician struggles valiantly against the loud conversation with her panpipe-playing. She looks like a Khattha save for the black-specked wings behind her back – no, she must be a Solu.

( Maybe I can just hide under some of the silks and scream "VERMITES!"… that would clear the place out pretty quickly. ) The Skreek thinks to herself.

The Zerda licks his muzzle. "A generous offer… but really, what would my manager think of my eating the profits?" He winks. "Well, there is… Ah, but the sands would creep into my underwear, the sun would burn my fine fur away, if I were to inflict such a miserable room upon you."

Josef looks to Chiri and shrugs.

Chiri brightens. "How miserable?"

He shakes his head. "Please, forget that I have suggested anything, honorable travellers. I could not possibly force guests of the Emir himself to suffer such close confines. My manager, I fear, shall have my ears for the ignominy of naming a competitor, but… perhaps the Wraventine Hotel across the street might be able to help you? If they are not already booked up, of course."

Gwyneth nods, "That's why someone else should go in it and maybe we should get their room." she mutters.

Josef hmms, and looks out the door at the other hotel, to get an idea of what its like.

The Zerda lolls his tongue in foxish laughter. "I would think on it, most clever and devious of traders, milady," he says bowing to Gwyneth. "But alas! I have already given all the room keys out, and so there is no chance of exchanging one for another."

Chiri looks at the varhian, "What do you think? Would you like to go in there and bug their doorman for a bit?"

The Wraventine Hotel looks like the Gadalaskan Arms: adobe bricks plastered in white that is going slightly golden-yellow beneath the skin, silks draped here and there, a flag over the door to catch attention and announce its name and declare a coat of arms, and a similarly filled lobby.

Josef nods to the others, "We should try at least. It seems the same as this one."

Gwyneth looks at Chiri. "Its worth a try. We don't seem to be getting anywhere here."

Both hotels resemble hollow wedding cakes, formed around sun-exposed courtyards and rising three floors, with stairs of marble to bear travellers to the inner verandas where they may then stroll to the shaded comforts of their own rooms.

The Skreek nods and makes yet another 'after you' gesture to her winged companion. "They'll probably be more receptive to you than a rat… or a Khatta that thinks he's a spotty."

The Zerda bows. "Thank you for considering the Gadalaskan Arms. It is my great regret that we were not able to serve you today," he says. "Please try again another time, and let us demonstrate the excellence of our service."

Josef glares at the Skreek, then hefts the packs and leads the way across the street.

Gwyneth walks over to the other hotel, "We should just *buy* one of these hotels, and be done with it." she exaggerates.

Josef shakes his head, "Master Oresta not like that."

Chiri follows along behind, "Just being honest, spots. Don't take too much offense, I'm liable to get worse treatment than you here anyhow."

Josef just remains silent and stone faced.

A slender tawny-furred feline stands behind the counter of the Wraventine Hotel, her long ears ending in black tips; she wears a veil and lengths of silk wrapped around sarong-fashion. She bows in a fashion that suggests she's been doing it all day. "It is with greatest joy that I welcome you to the Wraventine, noble travelers," she says in a lilting voice, accented a little. "How may Sesane help you?"

Gwyneth goes up to the other hotel's front desk. She doesn't have high hopes for this place. "Do you have any suites available, good Sesane?" Her wings twitch a little bit.

Chiri makes a point of staying a bit back this time. She's not with Gwyneth… nah… just looking around.

Sesane's ears flicker. "Alas, milady, may the sands rise and fill my bed with uncomfortable particles, may the sun cause my nose to dry up… " She continues in this vein for a while.

Josef sighs, here we go again.

Josef nudges Gwyneth, and whispers, "Mention have sweets… "

Near Chiri, a pair of Skreeks chatter between themselves. "So, we're getting time and a half for carrying these traders' luggage?" "Yeah, they don't want to get THEIR hands dirty. Got to have help, eh?"

Gwyneth waves her hand. "So the Emir is entertaining here as well? I was just wondering if you had enough cinnamon buns and other sweets to offer to the Emir may-he-live-forever."

Chiri flops down amidst a pile of cushions and silks. Her ears perk at the sound of her own kin.

"Ah! Do the honorable travelers wish to purvey their most gracious and delectable of treats?" Sesane smiles widely, though with thin black lips held closed to avoid showing carnivorous fangs. "If you'll wait a moment, I'll speak to my manager. She would be most pleased to consider your generous offer."

"Hey!" Chiri says to the two other Skreeks. "Any chance you could help a kin in need? I just need to know if there's ANY suites available around here."

Gwyneth waits quietly, having backed away just a teensy weensy bit. She thinks quickly… where are we going to get sweets for these people?

Josef puts his packs on the floor, kneels down, and rummages through them…

The Skreeks continue talking, "But man, I feel like my arms are going to stretch like rubber… " He looks up at Chiri. "Eh, what? Suites? Hmm." He scratches behind an ear with a audible *skrtck* noise, shaking loose dirt.

Sesane bows again, and excuses herself to find the manager.

Chiri says, "Yeah. A nice suite if possible. I'll even offer up a kyootcumber, fresh from Rephidim, if you can help."

Josef grimaces a bit, obviously not finding what he's looking for. He throws a few nick-knacks from the pack and continues to search.

The first Skreek says, "May Gooshurms frolic in my bathtub if I tell a lie, miss, but you're gonna have a real tough time finding a suite in town. These traders, they're all mad over the mines they're workin' up inna mountains. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, wants a piece of da action. Suites, suites… Hmm, Yosen, what do you think?"

Gwyneth glances over at Josef. What in … She gives up. Josef is mostly a mystery to her. Sort of how she's going to pull this off.

The second Skreek grumbles. "Dagh, but I think they'd rent out the roof if they could get away with it. Only thing they haven't rented out is the laundry room. Pfft!"

Chiri runs a hand through the shock of red hair poking out from her bandana as she ponders. "I wonder if there's an alternative to a suite anywhere."

Chiri says, "Dagh… at this point I'm almost willing to see if we can rent two small rooms and then knock out the walls between them."

Chiri suddenly gets a sinister glint in her eye…

The cougar searches some more, then his ears wiggle as he finally comes across what he was looking for. Out from the pack he produces several tightly wrapped bundles, placing them side by side.

Before long, Sesane returns with an older-looking caracal, who bows to the newcomers. Several tiny gold hoops thread through her large ears, each one dangling a little bell that rings pleasantly as she walks. "Ah! May the sun be kind to your fur and the winds cool upon your nose," she says by way of greeting.

Chiri stands, brushes herself off delicately, and walks closer to the other two Skreeks, making a point to press herself in between them. "You know, by dear kinsmen… " she mumbles softly, "That there are ways for you to earn more money… and for us to find a suite at the same time? Afterall… you only move the bags once for the customers. but what if you had multiple customers moving in and out of a room in the same day?"

The Skreeks perk their ears up. "Yeah? Sounds like you're onto somethin' there. What do you think, Barthim?" Yosen says. Barthim agrees. "But how're you gonna run it by Shosana there?"

Josef looks up from the pack, then walks over to the older cat, "How you on sweets?" he asks, a bundle in each hand.

Chiri continues softly, "Who would notice… one of the less important dwellers here. Perhaps set some interesting little sand bugs into his room, a vermite or two and off he goes… " she looks at the manager. "Oh… she need not know. after all… what does the cunning of a cat compare to the great skill and cunning of a Skreek. Why… I'll bet that you might even get extra pay for helping the 'unfortunate' boarders with their luggage on their way out."

Yosen gets out what looks like a pocket abacus and starts sliding discs back and forth. "Figurin' in rest periods… Time to clean up an' move things in an' out… The glorious Emir's tax, may he sit on boils… Cost of vermites… "

Gwyneth says, "Ah, good manager, allow me to introduce myself. Gwyneth Herbir, Trader with the Demes Orestes company. I was just wondering if you had enough stock of sweets and other find goods to satisfy the very busy and, dare I say, hungry Emir."

Shosana says with a faint blush to her ears. "Truly, milady Gwyneth, this rush of business is quite an embarrassment of wealth. If you had any sweets to sell, or spices for our chefs to use in baking pastries, well, may the sands e soft beneath your paws were you to grace us with the honor of purchasing some of your stock." She looks speculatively at Gwyneth. "We would pay much better than those scoundrels across the street, of course, rather than squabble over every little quarter-shekel… "

Josef hands the two bundles to Gwyneth, and motions for her to open them.

Chiri suddenly turns and looks at Gwyneth… staring at her for a good long while. she shakes her head… filing something away for later times to talk about and then looks back to the Skreeks.

Barthim looks over Chiri's shoulder at Shosana, then back at her. "She have my neck for it if she catch us putting vermites *in* rooms. She pay lots to get them out of here already. You give us thousand shekels, we make sure 'accident' happen to someone's room, right?"

Gwyneth opens what Josef has given her, looking inside while saying, "We've spoken to your fine but misguided opponents across the street," she beings, "But I do not think they can possibly match the honor of doing business with your fine hotel." She looks to see what she's opened. Hopefully it's notsomething horrid.

Shosana sniffs curiously and leans over to look at the contents as well.

Chiri's eyes narrow just a bit. "Just make sure that my companions and I are the benefactors of this 'accident', I would rather not throw a silver away for nothing."

Barthim nods. "Sure, sure. You get you name on waiting list," he says in a hushed whisper. "We make sure few rooms get freed up. Tragic accident. Someone have pet mini-gooshurms, get everywhere. Real good pets, real affectionate, you know? They *like* foxes."

Inside the first bundle is a heap of candied nuts, crystalized with sugar. "From Safar," says Josef. The second bundle contains a bunch of red fruits, resembling large cherries, "Babel Red Fruit, make good drink."

Josef motions back to the packs, "Have more too."

Chiri nods, "Just give me a moment. And you won't get the whole amount unless I'm in a suite when this is all over." She quietly excuses herself and walks up to Gwyneth, purposely bumping into her side.

Shosana's eyes brighten. "Ah! Marvelous, indeed. How many boxes can you supply? If you have spices as well, my chef would be most pleased. Indeed, I venture to say, he would name you among his prayers to the First Ones every day, and inscribe your name upon the Emir's list of those who are specially blessed."

The older caracal twitches her ears as she looks at Gwyneth hopefully.

Josef goes back to his pack, and produces seven more bundles, "Have more when master arrive."

Gwyneth offers both the candied goods to the manager. "A free sample, courtesy of the company. We might be able to supply a few boxes, but alas – things are difficult as we have no where to stay currently, and most of our time is going to be spent looking for a good place to sleep instead of bringing in the goods." She gets bumpbed by Chiri in the middle of her speech, whereupon she looks down at the rat.

"Give me two irons, quickly… and if they don't have a room… have our name put on the waiting list as soon as you can." the rat squawks to Gwyneth in the Vartan tongue. "I think I've found a way to get us a room."

Josef looks over at the Skreek, his intuition telling him that she's up to some scheme…

Shosana looks over the stock. "Very well, then; perhaps, hmm… Eight coppers for what you have here?" she suggests. "A more than fair price; indeed, I should have to starve my kittens and beggar my most loyal bellboys, sending them out on the street to ask for gratuities from the passerbies – " she calls to Yosen and Barthim. "Get to work, you lazy Skreeks, we have guests waiting! – " Then turning back to Gwyneth, she continues, "But out of the gratitude of my heart for your timely arrival, I hope you will find it enough to win your favor?"

Josef nudges Gwyneth again, "No! Room! Ask for room!" he whispers.

Gwyneth squawks back to Chiri in Vartan, "Two irons? What… " but she's learned at least to trust her friend, at least a little bit. "Just a bit," she squawks. "Good Shosana, these goods are in such desperate supply. I had to turn down an offer of a silver and five coppers from your noble competitors. But, so desperate are we, we are willing to trade for just a room for a couple of days – or at least a Silver and 5." She tries to count out two coins for the rat meanwhile. She's not so great at trading and paying simultaneously.

Sesane pads across the room to help an elderly-looking Rath'ani out of the sun, along with his escort of several Temple guards. He waves an iron wrench about, "Miserable place to take a vacation. Whyever did my worthless grandson suggest it? I'm sure my joints are going to crunch when I walk, what with all this sand."

Chiri quietly takes up the coins and steps back… waiting to hear the outcome on a potential room before blowing a silver on what might be just a gamble.

Shosana glances over at Chiri with small but well hidden distaste, then taps a fingerclaw aginst her chin. "Mmm. Gracious traders, please understand, a well-reputed hotel does not simply evict its guests from its rooms… But, there is a waiting list. Perhaps if I were to write your name onto it, then you might find, say… A full silver a most acceptable price for your fruits and spices here?"

Gwyneth looks over at Shosana. "Oh but that's just not acceptab… Well," she makes a show of reconsidering. "Perhaps if you were to place us at the TOP of the waiting list and gave us a silver and a copper, well, I think we could strike a fine bargain."

"Naturally, I could not promise that you would be served immediately, but there are always late cancellations," Shosana murmurs.

Josef sighs, and looks to the others.

The caracal looks at the fruits again, tempted. "May I try one?" she asks.

Gwyneth holds back the fruits, "Do we have a deal?"

Chiri quietly excuses herself… she walks across the lobby and brushes against one of the other Skreeks, palming an iron into his hand. "Other half comes as soon as we have the room" she whispers.

The caracal eyes the fruit, wondering. "Show me the rest of these," she says to Josef, indicating the wrapped bundles. "I'm not paying a silver and a copper *and* putting you on the top of the waiting list if these contain nothing but dried up prunes."

Chiri sits in a pile of cushions again, making a point to flash the other iron to the rat… just to prove that she does indeed have it. Then she leans herself back and settles in.

Yosen winks at Chiri. "Sure thing," he says. He makes the iron vanish into his clothes (at which it does not do one good to look too closely, lest one begin to think Yosen might make a good vermite sanctuary) and goes off with Barthim.

"Josef, show the rest to her," Gwyneth says confidently.

Josef nods, and proceeds to open the rest of the bundles. All of Sinai it seems is represented in the samples: Rephidim spices, Eeee peppermints, sweet dried meats from the finest shops around, and much more.

Josef says, "Just samples, master bring more."

Chiri idly picks her teeth with a blunted clawtip.

Shosana's eyebrows rise. "Well… A little of everything. I think that your silver and copper will be well earned, honorable traders," she says. She reaches beneath the counter and counts out an iron and six coppers, making eleven hundred shekels, then takes out a scroll. "And, may I hope that your master will consider us first among many when he brings more of these spices and fruits?" She holds her quill meaningfully just over the top of the waiting list.

Josef nods wildly to the caracal.

Shosana's eyes sparkle as she sees Josef's reaction, but she waits for Gwyneth's word.

Gwyneth says, "I think, noble manager of the finest hotel in Abu Dhabi, that my master will be greatly pleased and will come calling to this hotel first before any.""

Shosana smiles. "Ah! It is a pleasure to deal with traders who recognize quality and excellence of service," she says. "How may I write your reservation?"

Gwyneth says, "To Gwyneth Herbir.""

Gwyneth says, "And Demes Orestes." she adds."

The caracal writes the names in and then initials after it with a flourish. "Well! If a room is freed up, then you will be the first I shall contact. Where may I find you when one does – "

Some loud screams come from the veranda just outside the lobby.

Gwyneth says, "I'll come calling… "

Gwyneth is interrupted by loud screaming. "What is that?"

Josef's ears perk up wildly.

A fox runs from the veranda and out of the hotel. "Snakes! I am attacked by snakes!" he yells. "I'm staying somewhere else! Get my bags, James!"

A swarm of little Gooshurms slither across the floor after the fox excitedly.

Chiri continues picking at her teeth, making a point to draw her feet in and out of the path of the fox and the Gooshurms.

Josef watches the fox run by, a confused expression on his face.

Gwyneth jumps backwards a small step in mock fright, hoping its convincing enough.

Shosana blinks. Then takes out another scroll and uses a small grainy rock to scrub out the chalked-in name for room 207. "Well, it seems that Master Vesta won't be staying with us… All right. YOSEN!" she yells.

A Skreek shows up promptly. "Yes, mistress?" he says with a big grin.

Josef looks over to Chiri, and signs, "Perhaps we shouldn't stay here, it seems to be infested."

"Please, get Vesta's room key back," Shosana says. "And where DID those Gooshurms come from?"

Chiri rises to her feet, ambling back up to her companions. "Accidents happen." she signs.

"I wonder if the other hotel has little snakes like that, too," she mutters under her breath.

Josef hmmms at the Skreek, then returns the packs to his back.

Yosen shrugs. "Barthim bumped into someone who not look where he going, while carrying big boxes… Bang! Little Gooshurms fall over. Not our fault," he says.

Chiri 'accidentally' bumps into the Skreek as he walks up to gwyneth, dropping the second iron into his pocket and giving him a soft pat.

Shosana growls. "YOSEN! Call the exterminators at ONCE!" Then turns a sweet smile to Gwyneth. "I assure you, the problem will be taken care of in a few hours. Your sleep won't be disturbed by the flicker of little tongues in your ears, may the sands be gritty in my food and the sun drink my water before my lips touch it if I lie. But for you, I will charge a mere… Three hundred shekels the night. Half of what I charge everyone else." Her smile looks forced.

Yosen winks to Chiri and then nods to Shosana. "Right away, mistress. Your wish is my command, my lady."

Gwyneth says, "Well, I suppose it could have happened to anyone. Three hundred shekels a night? It pains me to literally take food out of the mouths of the children our trading concern feeds, but seeing as how we need a room, three hundred it is.""

Shosana bows, then takes the room key that Yosen swiftly hands her and gives it to Gwyneth. "Your room, honored trader. I'll send Barthim to move the unfortunate Master Vesta's things out, of course… "

Josef, with packs in tow, waits for the others to lead the way.

Gwyneth takes the key, "You are too kind." She smiles and begins to go up to her room. In Vartan, she squawks to Chiri, "I think a large tip was in order." She grins.

Chiri thinks, ( Sometimes it's nice to be scum… people think you're too scummy to trick them. Demes better give me one Dagh impressive bonus for this though… )


GMed by Lynx

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Today is 3 days before Landing Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)