18 Candlemass, 6107 RTR (28 Feb 2003) Tulani and Arkold visit Punja's curio shop.
(Abu Dhabi) (Arkold) (Himaat) (The Light of Nala) (Necropolis) (Tulani)

Tulani's wings rustle slightly as she walks towards the small shop, eyeing it curiously before turning to Arkold and motioning towards the door.

"What?" wuffs the Jupani as he runs his hands through his mangy blonde hair and steps forward. The glazed expression he had been wearing ever since he left the den has finally begun to wear off and he looks no better for it. He opens the door and squints as stray light reflects off the glass in the window. "Heh, ladies first. Ya?"

The black Sphynx leans towards the disoriented wolf, first frowning, then smirking as she steps inside. Private, she thinks, "I told you so."

There doesn't seem to be any organization to the store. Rickety shelves support dust-covered artifacts and piles of old junk, books lay about in jumbled piles atop old tables, while crates and boxes are stacked in no particular order. What little light penetrates the dusty air comes from a few cloudy skylights.

"Bah," grumbles Arkold, shielding his sensitive eyes as he follows Tulani inside, closing the door behind him. In the darker indoors, he lets his hand drop, and he looks around.

"Hello, hello!" cackles an ancient, haggard-looking Khatta. "Welcome to Punja's humble shop! Home of many fine curios and keepsakes, yes?"

Arkold steps forward and makes several strange hand gestures, "'Ey! Sand-old sand-cat, scoping the fossils, keeping the mystery-maker!"

Tulani looks around slowly at the dust-covered relics for a moment before sneezing violently.

"Oh my!" the old cat exclaims, shuffling forward and offering Tulani a ratty old handkerchief. He smiles wider to Arkold, displaying a disturbing lack of teeth. "Ah… fossils?" he asks.

The wolf places index fingers and thumbs together to form a triangle. "Snookin' the, uh … " Arkold blinks, trying to focus. "Tri … scopin' the angle!"

"Your friend, he is well being?" Punja asks Tulani in a lowered voice.

Tulani wipes her nose without looking too closely at the handkerchief, then looks at the merchant, handing back the rag. "Thank you," she says, then, somewhat surprised, "He's fine. It's Gigi speech. Rather hard to understand, yes."

"Ah, that is explaining it," Punja says, bobbing his head (which releases another cloud of particulate matter.) "Many come to Punja seeking antiques and rarities, or offering such in trade," the old cat tells Tulani. "Are you searching for something, perhaps? A fine gift for a relative, maybe? A lucky charm?"

Arkold grins lopsidedly, and privately gives the Sphynx a thumbs-up sign, then clears his throat. "Ah lookin' for somethin', sand-kitty. Keepin' the secrets for us, uh, ya?" he asks. He moves to nudge the old cat conspiratorially but seems to think better of it when he notices the clouds of dust the cat throws off.

Punja sweeps an emaciated arm towards the shelves and piles of … stuff. "Ah, many many fine things Punja is having! Honored sir is seeking something in particular?"

Arkold glances to Tulani and raises a brow. "Eh, boss?"

Tulani coughs quietly as another cloud of dust rolls by, dusting her black fur with gray. "We're looking for a small triangular piece of metal I believe one of my associates left here."

The wolf glances back to the old cat and makes that triangle symbol with his hands again just in case the feline happened to have forgotten what one looked like.

"Ah, jewelry, perhaps?" Punja asks. "Many fine pieces Punja is having from estate of Noble Gallee, yes!" he says, and shuffles over to a many-patched, dusty blanket. He casts the covering aside to reveal stacks of fancy lacquered boxes and crates, along with what appears to be an ornate wheelchair. He selects one of the boxes, and lugs it over to the countertop – perhaps the only bare surface in the entire store.

Looking over a pile of odds and ends, the Sylvanian Sphynx lightly dusts the edge of a wing across it, sending up another puff of dust, before turning her attention to the box, and gently reaching for the lid.

"Wonder what Sir Powder Puff the Fifty-Seventh's got 'ere eh?" whispers the wolf to the Sphynx as he joins her to look at the contents of the box.

Cocking an ear back towards the wolf, Tulani whispers back "Let's just see, shall we?"

Removing the cover of the box, Punja shows off a collection of gaudy baubles, bracelets, chains and jewelry, along with several pieces of metal, wood and chitin that have the tell-tale edges of puzzle-key pieces. "Many fine things, for Lord Richeboy of Fleufeille is being very affluent man! Even when head is removed by guillotine, it is twitching for many many moments, as proof of his manly stamina!"

The Jupani reflexively rubs his neck. "With a name like Flooo-feee you'd think it'd be safer, heh. Makes me glad I'm a Jupani. A Jupani's Jupani," he whispers to his companion.

Suppressing the shudder that threatens to roll through her, the Sphynx searches the box, whispering grimly back to Arkold, "One of the many reasons I don't like Gallis."

Of the puzzle-pieces in the mix, only one looks like it is made from the same metal as the one recovered with the map, but it is shaped like a trapezoid.

"Eh, s'got its perks though. Mighty fine fruit 'o the vine out that way. Second prettiest race 'o people in the entire world. An', uh, great museum," comments Arkold. he leans forward to pick up one of the non-metal puzzle pieces and eyes it consideringly. "See anythin' like what we want?"

Lifting the metal piece from the box, Tulani mentally tries to match up any notches on the edges to a spot on the map before handing it to Arkold. "Think this might be it?"

"Lord Richebou is collecting many things!" Punja yammers on. "Is leading daring raids into dark land of Sylvania, defeating mighty vampire to retrieve this piece! Is traveling to Nagai Empire, too, finding many ancient artifacts and wonders, it is saying. Has lovely bride as well, with many fine clothes! Are you liking to be seeing them? Hardly any bloodstains are they having!"

The wolf puts his own piece down after he accepts Tulani's. "Huh." He lifts it to his eye and squints at it. "Kinda, uh, looks like the same metal, but, uh, ain't it the wrong shape?" He gives a shrug. "But, hey, you're Miss Mapmaster. Or wha'ever Dunky 'nomikered' ya. And, uh," he glances to the Sphynx curiously, "abou' these Vampire Lords?"

The black Sphynx blinks at the mention of her homeland, frowning and muttering to herself, "It's not that dark." She looks up curiously to the merchant. "Vampires? Do you have any idea what that might be about?"

"Is noble family of Tempest County," Punja says, winking with his good eye (the other scrunched up and nearly closed) in a conspiratorial way. "Humans, they are being, but many are saying they being more than human, yes?"

"Heh, some say tha' about the Captain A too, bu' blood suckin' is usually put to the Audit," quips the Jupani with a grin. He hands the map piece back to Tulani and gives her a nod. "If you think be it, uh, guess we can try it maybe, eh?"

Pasting on a fixed smile Tulani nods to the merchant. "What do you want for this piece?" she asks, holding up the metal trapezoid. "And where did you hear of these vampires, may I ask?"

The wolf clears his throat and eyes Tulani suspiciously. "Y' aren't goin' to bite my neck are ya', miss?" He grins widely.

"Oh, Punja is hearing many things from those who are coming to trade," the old cat says, waving a paw. "But surely you are not wanting just an old bit of metal, yes? Punja is having so many fine things that are being of great use to adventuresome young woman!" he claims, and shuffles back to the pile of boxes to rummage around some more.

Tulani chuckles and smiles, but the smile quickly dissolves as she turns to Arkold whispering seriously, "This could be bad. Vampires are dangerous and we might run into the ones who had this piece when we go back to Sylvania."

Arkold raises a brow. "Huh?" he wuffs uncertainly. "I was thinkin' 'e made it up – you too, eh? These 'ere vampires I mean. Bu' if y'er serious, ah, guess that's kinda ba – "

With a thump, Punja places another box on the table, and from it produces a cylindrical object made not of metal or chitin, but something neither Tulani or Arkold have seen before. "Behold!" the storekeeper announces. "Extremely rare, but is much coveted canteen of the legendary Expedition! Is keeping cold liquids cold and hot ones hot for many days."

The black Sphynx quirks an eyebrow at the "canteen", but continues in an insistent tone, "How much do you want for this metal piece?"

"You are imagining having hot soup without needing to kindle a fire?" Punja asks, holding forth the cylindrical container. "Is being very convenient for one who is in a hurry, who wishes not to betray his presence in the night, yes? Is being part of the kit Lord Richeboy is traveling with in Sylvania. Many other things of value are being in kit as well." Finally, his attention wanders back to Tulani. "Ah! It is a very reasonable price! Is being only one hundred shekels for such finely worked metal … unless you are having something to offer in trade, yes?"

Tulani stifles a startled meep at the price and breaks into a coughing fit.

"But more is there being!" Punja says, ignoring Tulani's reaction for the moment as he pulls something else out of the box. "You are mentioning Sylvania, yes? Honored customer is thinking to be going there, yes?" He holds up a silvery metal pendant. It might be shaped like a nasty-looking Naga, with a dull blue stone for one eye. "Powerful charm is this being! Is keeping away all manner of dangerous beasts of the dark forests!"

Recovering quickly, the Sylvanian Sphynx takes the pendant, looking at it closely while rubbing her thumb over the eye stone.

Arkold frowns deeply. "One hundre' shekels for an 'old piece of metal,' eh, ol' man? Didn' seem to think much of it before, eh? Twenty shekels." His eyes wander to the amulet. "Dragons," he says. "Ain't any sort of good luck."

The pendant is lightweight, hinting that it is merely metal-coated, and suspended from a simple leather thong. The blue stone catches the light and shines momentarily as Tulani polishes it with her thumb. On the back are inscribed some unrecognizable symbols, and what might be a crude representation of the Sphere of Life rune.

Tulani turns to whisper to Arkold, "I think it's silver. Many creatures in Sylvania can be warded off with silver, and it would be better than carrying around a symbol of Amenlichtli."

The old cat's ears twitch at the mention of Amenlichtli, so perhaps his hearing is keener than one his age might normally possess. "It is being a fair price … but few are paying full price for items here, yes? Nobody is coming to Punja without something for trade. Perhaps honored customer is having something she is having no further use of, but is having hidden value? Or something she would rather be rid of, yes?"

"Lemme show yah a powerful tool fer jus' abou' anythin'," offers the Jupani. He reaches for his belt and draws his scimitar. "When I was in the Le-, uh, Left Unit this 'ere charm warded me jus' fine."

The old cat's grin widens a further notch at Arkold's action. "Perhaps Punja is having something of value for you, Young Master," he suggests.

Frowning deeply at the Jupani, Tulani flatly states, "Normal weapons don't work well against monsters of Sylvania either."

The wolf's ears twitch at being called "young master" but he quirks his head and nods. "Show me anythin'. Bu' nothin' yer got 'ere is goin' to make us pay one hundred shekels for an' old piece of metal." And with that declaration he thrusts his scimitar back into his sash, and whispers aside to Tulani, "Think so, eh? Maybe I could, uh, hit 'em with a Star-and-Anchor or somethin'?"

"You are being certain you have nothing of equal value to be wishing to trade instead?" the old cat asks Tulani, whiskers twitching as if somehow sensing her interest.

Reaching into her pocket, the black and white Sphynx pulls out the necromantic pendant. Calmly, she says, "I'll trade you this for the pendant and metal piece."

Punja reaches out a palm for the talisman, asking, "May Punja be examining it closer, dearest one? Punja's eyesight is not now being what it is being in ages past."

"Careful 'e don' switch it on yah, Tully," insists the wolf.

Eyeing the merchant suspiciously, the Sphynx holds out the talisman so Punja can get a better look, but does not let go.

Taking the hint, Punja uses a finger to guide Tulani's hand into one of the muddy beams of sunlight that penetrate the shop. "Oh, yes," the old cat cackles. "Yes, this Punja is gladly accepting in trade for the charm and metal piece."

"Throw in that weapon yah were goin' to show me an' we'll call it a deal, eh? Don' find things like that there pendant often, ya? I mean, uh, yeah?" The wolf grins again. "An', uh, the canteen too. Tell yah how it works."

Punja turns his eye on Arkold, and rubs his chin in thought. "This is quite a trade young master is proposing. Young master is not yet seeing what Punja is offering him."

"Don' need to. I know s'expensive eh?" The wolf's brows waggle and he taps his head. "Got I mind fer these things."

Tulani nods, still holding the pendant in her outstretched fist, inquiring, "So, do we have a trade?"

Smiling, Punja notes, "It is not a weapon Punja is having in mind, but something to be easing the … pains and torments … that many soldiers are suffering." He holds up his left paw, and opens it. A silver ball dangles down on a thong, catching one of the beams of light. A serpentine form is engraved in the silver, coiling around the sphere, and there is a line of fine holes near the top.

Arkold's grin seems to suffer a momentary malfunction.

"It is being a rare balm from the Nagai wilderness," Punja whispers. "Perhaps young master is wanting to take a sniff, yes, to be seeing its worth?"

"No' much for jewelry," the wolf explains, disparagingly, but he eyes the trinket uncertainly, then gives in to curiosity and extends his left hand for it. "Time's precious, eh? Waste our time and the price goes up. Sure you don' have a … ah … vampire slayer sword of slicin' or something? Axe o' doom, maybe?"

Taking a brief sniff of the sphere, Tulani turns to Arkold, smirking, and says, "More silver!"

"Silver axe 'o doom?" corrects the wolf.

Punja places the sphere into Arkold's palm, and says, "Ah, it is enhancing the weapons you are possessing, as Punja humbly suggests young master is finding."

The wolf clears his throat again. "Well I am a livin' weapon, y'see," he mentions as he holds the pendant under his nose and takes a whiff. He blinks several times, and then his cocky grin fades and his muzzle parts as if to utter a comment which never issues forth. Then he blinks again, and nods. "I see yer point," he says quietly. "Right then. I'll take it. Uh, and the canteen."

The old cat seems to consider the deal a moment longer, but finally grins and says, "Alas, but old Punja is being robbed, surely, but must agree. The metal, charm, balm and canteen are being yours for the strange talisman – and a promise that should you be coming across any more interesting artifacts in your travels, you will be not forgetting old Punja, yes?"

"Uh, yeah," agrees the wolf distractedly.

Tulani hands over the necromantic talisman, heaving an internal sigh of relief, thinking, Good riddance. One last thing to worry about.

The Jupani runs his thumb over the silver amulet in his hand as he walks across the room and picks up the canteen. "Cold drinks, 'ere I come," he says with a hint of a laugh. Then he turns back to Tulani and asks, "Ready to go, eh, chief? Don' forget yer metal thinger."

Punja makes the talisman vanish behind his counter, and bows to the pair. "Punja wishes you his blessings in your travels, young masters!"

Picking up the trapezoidal puzzle piece, the black Sphynx murmurs her quiet thanks to the merchant before turning andheading out the door. Her wings brush against a couple of objects, sending out a few final dust clouds.

Arkold takes his "legendary canteen" and new pendant on out the door … but not before giving Tulani a grin and saluting her with the canteen.

Tulani chuckles slightly at the wolf's salute and rolls her eyes.

The door closes behind Arkold with a bang, as if someone slammed it from the inside.

"Heh heh heh. Hope 'e's happy with 's new, uh, spirit? Soul? 'Ey, Tulani?" The wolf pauses half way down the alley and turns to regard the woman. "Think sellin' someone's s-, oh, ah … nevermin'. Sure 'e deserved it anyway, eh? Wanna 'ead back? Was thinkin' of, heh, relaxin' some with the local rec's. But now I'm thinkin' I'll pass. Stuff's bad for yeh, eh? So, the rooms? Kind'a rentin' by the 'our 'ere. Might wanna think about where we gotta go, an' get goin' there."

The Sphynx simply nods tiredly and says, "Yeah, I wonder how Raneah's doing," adding, "We can talk about the next step when we get back."

He nods. "Yeah, I'm kind'o worried about 'er too. Let's go."

The trip back to the Purple Rose goes much faster, despite the interminable twists and turns through the alleys. Back at the room shared by the Sphynx and Siren, Raneah looks up from her book and removes her reading spectacles. "Did you have good hunting?" she asks.

Smiling, Tulani pulls the new puzzle piece out of her pocket and says, "Very good hunting! We picked up a bunch of extra stuff too."

In response the wolf holds up the canteen. "Keeps col' drinks col', an' 'ot drinks 'ot," he tells her with a grin. Then he walks across the room and drops down to sit next to the mercat. The pendant he tied around his neck sways from the sudden movement, making its presence obvious. "Glad yer okay, Raneah. 'Ate leavin' you 'ere alone."

"That is another piece of the key?" the mercat asks. "We can soon leave this overly-hot land then?"

Tulani says, "We need to check; did you leave 'Dunky' in your room, Arkold?"

"I have the map," Raneah says, and removes the scrollcase from under her thin mattress. "I was to guard it, after all."

"No' in a dump like this. Raneah 'ere can fight back but Dunky jus' ask for a tearin'," answers the wolf. He reaches over and pats Raneah on the back. "Ain't she terrific?" He hands her the mug. "Go on, tell me what 's made o'."

The Sphynx smiles at Raneah and dumps "Dunky" out of the scrollcase to take "him" over to her mattress and see if she can match up the new puzzle piece.

Sharp claws tap on the material of the canteen, and Raneah unscrews the cap to sniff at it as well. "It feels the sameas Sutaranakh," she reports.

Glancing back at Raneah, Tulani asks, "Sutara-what?"

"Been thinkin', too," continues the wolf to his siren sidekick. "I'm no' goin' over t' that room tonight. No' takin' any with me either, eh? Thinkin' I'll jus' leave it behind this time." He smiles at her response and nods. "Yeah, kind'o like the Temple too. Steel, but, uh, not." He reaches up and settles the pendant at the nape of his neck and leans back against the wall with his eyes closed, his expression contented.

The trapezoidal piece lines up with the triangular one along its angled side. It looks like the third piece is the same shape, and would fit on the opposite side to create a large triangular key with a chunk missing from one tip.

Raneah seems momentarily stunned by Arkold's revelation, but she soon smiles and hugs the wolf. "That is good to hear, Arkold! Very good!"

"Oh," explains the Jupani, "Ever see the Temple, huh? Sutaranakh is kind'o like that only, ah, sunk. An' crawlin' with monsters an' such. Made my treasure th-" He breaks off when hugged and his expression goes from content to well pleased. In a uncustomary show of overt affection he scoops Raneah up and hugs her as he draws her to him. "Yeah," he agrees. "Was kind of gettin' to me anyway."

Tulani looks up in surprise, and smiling warmly, pats Arkold on the shoulder and says, " I totally agree."

The wolf's shoulder shakes as he muffles a laugh. Then he opens an eye and (while still loosely hugging the siren) offers, "How 'bout it eh? You wanna hear somethin' funny, Tulani? This might be my last adventure, so, uh, may as well get it off my chest. Oh, uh, Raneah pretty much knows this stuff too."

Raneah gives Tulani a suddenly serious look, perhaps hinting that whatever Arkold is about to say had better be kept secret. Or else.

"Er," says Arkold as he shares glances with Raneah, "Well uh, maybe no', eh? Heh. Nevermind. How tha' map lookin' Tully?"

The Sylvanian Sphynx crosses her arms and calmly says, "It's alright. I'd like to hear whatever it is, unless you really don't want to talk about it?"

This time Arkold looks to Raneah before offering. "Eh?"

The Siren relaxes a bit. "Forgive me. I can be very protective of my friend at times. I trust you, Tulani."

Smiling, Tulani says, "That means a lot to me Raneah."

The wolf grins at that. He perches his muzzle on Raneah's shoulder and nods slightly. "No' much to an' old wolf anyway, eh? Jus' me an' my, uh … siren." He clears his throat. "Yeah. Well, this is 'ow it is. Used to be in the Off-World Legion. Prolly don' know 'em, but they're shakin'up with the Emir 'ere for off-world exploration. An' they take, ah, questionable types when the Emir gives them the ol' two choices. No' where I got the 'abit, but, didn't help any. Where I met Raneah too. So, uh, if you see any o' them, I'll be goin' the other way. Emir's folks, too."

The black Sphynx watches the Jupani for a moment afterlistening to his tale before shrugging, saying, "That's perfectly understandable. No problem." She smiles.

Raneah smiles too, but says, "I would feel better if we did not linger in this land over long, though. Not just for Arkold's sake, but because the dryness is oppressive."

The wolf grins and gives Tulani the thumbs up without moving his head. He looks comfortable. "Great, though I coul' count on you, eh? Guess I was just thinkin' I ought to tell someone, eh? Raneah knows, sure, but I was thinkin' someone else. Makes me feel a bit lighter, it does. Maybe I'll tell yah s'more sometime when the hour's slow." His eyes flick to regard Raneah as she speaks and then he nods. "We need one more piece, eh? Or was it two, Mapmaster?"

"Yeah, I think it's time to get going," Tulani says, "One piece to go. Dunky said two pieces got stolen, and the last one should be in Blackshire." She grins. "Guess it's time to visit home."

"So, uh, tell us abou' Sylvani eh?" prompts the wolf curiously. "Never been that way. Went to Gallis for a bit, bu' that's as close as I got. Can' say I know much about it. S'not even on the maps anymore."

"Well," the Sphynx murmurs, thinking, "There are a couple wayswe can get there. There's the possibility of taking a ship from Abu Dhabi to the Northern Shore, or we could go straight through Gallis." She frowns unhappily at this last. "Definitely not recommended. A new train route that goes around Bosch and straight to Blackshire was developed recently also and we could take that too." Smilingdreamily, Tulani says, "As for Sylvania itself, it's a lot of forested wilderness, and can be quite beautiful, so long as you keep an eye out for danger." Then, her eyes widen. "Oh yes! There's also an airship to the capitol, Justininople, but that gets … rather expensive."

Raneah perks up at the possibility of a sea voyage.

Arkold's brows furrow and he seems to consider the options quietly. After a moment he offers, "Gallis ain't much for old Sylvanians. No' much for wolves, either, bu' not more than anyone else really. Might be worse now'days. Been years since I was last there. Uh, Raneah'd like the sea trip," he tilts his head towards hers, "an' the air an' … train, yah say? … seem, ah, viable but expensive. The ship we can' take around 'ere. No' sure about the rest."

The Sylvanian hmms. "I'd suggest the train or sea-ship. The train would be faster, but the ship would probably cost less." She turns to Raneah, smiling. "I think you'll likeSylvania. It rains a lot."

"There are lakes and rivers and lots of fish?" Raneah asks hopefully.

"If a train s'what I think it is then it might be pushin' our luck to try an' get Raneah aboard," offers the Jupani. "I can 'andle a ship, too. Sea ship I mean. Had my own for a while."

Tulani nods to Raneah. "We have some nice lakes and rivers" she says, speaking rather possessively of her home. "But okay, let's try for a ship, then."

The wolf nudges the mercat. "'Ear that? Back to the ocean. I hate this sand-land anyway, an' the cats 'ere too. Keep gettin' sand in my boots," he tells her. "And it'd be nice to 'ave my hand at another ocean-goin' vessel."

"And you wouldn't have to pay for my passage," Raneah offers. "I could swim along instead."

"You sure, eh?" asks the wolf concernedly. "I'm always thinkin' one of them gung-ho sailors is goin' to spot you and throw a harpoon your way. Then I'd 'ave to kill 'im." He tries to grin at the bit of levity but it comes out forced and worried anyway.

Raneah elbows Arkold in the stomach (maybe a little harder than necessary) and says, "You know I only let the cute ones harpoon me."

The wolf winces, then hunches over a bit and rubs his side. "'Ey, ow," he mutters. "Tha' wasn't even you anyway. Not tha' you didn't give me the old guilt trip." He gives her a firm punch in the shoulder … and winces again, flexing his hand. "Gah, shoulda paid more attention to the danger card."

Tulani chuckles happily, clapping both of her companions on the shoulders. "Of course, of course. Let's get going! It'll feel great to be on my way home."


GMed by BoingDragon

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Today is 7 days after Reckoning Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)