Jun 18. In Abu Dhabi, Demes Oresta entertains the Emir, and sends his servants out to fetch a suitable travelling gift.
(Abu Dhabi) (Chiri) (Himaat) (Josef) (Oresta) (X)

Suite in Abu Dhabi
The suite at the Wraventine had not originally been uncomfortable when Gwyneth and her friends began decorating, but now it has been converted to two floors of sumptuous Abu Dhabian luxury, large windows opening out onto the inner courtyard to admit the cool wind, while colored silks prevent the sunlight from being more than gentle shadows crossing the wooden floor. Statues of presumably famous Khattas, carved from marble, look down upon the musicians providing soft background noises; nearby a chef provided by Shosana has set out a tasty-smelling buffet of hors d'oeuvres and tiny glasses of sherbert to refresh the palate of the august visitors who will soon be here. For makeshift offices in Abu Dhabi, it seems that Gwyneth has done quite well.

At the moment however, Demes Oresta looks less than completely happy with the situation. "What do you mean, it's my brotherly duty to let you share this suite, Faresk, just because there's not a room to be had in all Abu Dhabi? I don't know what kind of brotherly duty it is when those Vartans of yours tried to jeopardize our trade expedition to Shkarkin Hive." The orange-and-white Khatta puts his hands on his hips. "If I were less forgiving, I'd have taken this up with the Temple."

X, a Savanite slave, stands about, trying not to be obvious about listening to this quarrel.

Chiri stands over by the munchie table, shoveling down a bowl of extra hot kyootcumber salsa like it was nothing at all.

Also, a cougar Khatta stands a short distance from Demes, his back turned to the ordeal and seemingly occupied.

Faresk spreads his hands. "I assure you, I had no such orders for those crew, only to pursue negotiations with the Zelaks about their excellent chitin goods. Obviously, they failed, and the Zelaks must have misinterpreted their actions and words. But please believe me, my brother, I would never wish you any harm." Behind him, servants bring in Faresk's luggage, and that of his entourage.

Demes eyes the servants. "You! Stop that. I haven't even said yes!"

( A shame he's not a fox… I wouldn't mind slipping those Skreeks another silver to sick the Gooshurms on Faresk's miserable hide, ) Chiri thinks to herself.

Josef turns around and watches the happenings, in case his master should need any assistance.

Faresk clasps Demes's hand. "But you wouldn't turn me away in my hour of need, would you? We'll share the profits to be made off of this mine – there is more than enough for both of us. My house is your house, my goods will be yours as well, and we'll show all of the rest of the miserable beggars in this town that Orestas are not to be trifled with."

Demes frowns, clearly moved by Faresk's words. "Hmmm… "

Chiri frowns even more. She crunches noisily on a chip, half hoping the sound will distract Demes.

A reddish-brown-furred Eeee behind Chiri taps her shoulder. "'Scuse me," she says. "Need space to move in this table."

"Pardon?" The Skreek says to the bat. "You bringing in more food?"

X looks knowingly at his former master, then regretfully at his new one's reaction to the sentimentality. He distracts himself by looking at the Eeee and entertaining notions of a bat trying to lug a table much of anywhere single-handedly…

The Eeee nods. "Just so." She steps aside to reveal the porters bringing a disassembled table, to be placed next to the buffet, and more trays upon trays of delicious meats and cheeses, and bowls of rich creamy soup.

X looks at the porters and for some reason looks disappointed, stubbornly clinging to the silly image in his head.

Chiri calls to Demes, "Hey BOSS! Are these squeakers with you?"

Josef pads over to the food table and helps himself, still keeping one eyes fixed on the two brothers.

Demes looks up. "Eh, what? Of course not – " but Faresk cuts in, "I hope you appreciate this gesture of goodwill on my part, dear brother. We both know that the Emir has gourmet tastes… And I know just where to go to satisfy those appetites." He grins and pats his own rotund stomach.

Chiri doesn't move.

Behind Josef, more musicians file into the suite. "'Scuse… " "Move it, fluffyrear." "Make way! Make way for the boota!"

X's shoulders droop a bit in resignation. He moves in to help carry things in, since it looks like that, after all, is that.

Chiri growls. "Captain… we seem to be getting crowded in here."

Three unlucky Skreeks struggle beneath the weight of a huge spiral-shaped chitinous instrument of some kind, starting at the center from a mouthpiece and ending in a huge bell-shaped muzzle.

Josef glares at the musicians, but gets out of the way as told.

Chiri thinks, . o O ( Crowded OUT, I fear… )

Demes's eyes glance over to X. Well, since he is helping, and it would be more trouble than it's worth to throw all these people out… "All right," the trading master says, throwing up his hands. "But this is my office, you remember that, brother Faresk. We're dealing on my behalf, and since you've come late, you'll just have to content yourself with second place. Got it?"

Faresk bows. "Of course, my dear brother." He flashes a grin. "We Orestas stick together, after all."

Josef leaves the food table, and takes a place behind Demes, as if to emphasize the point.

Chiri fehs, and sits in a corner … making herself conspicuously unhelpful.

X continues doing his share and then some with the moving and preparations for as long as he's a help and not a nuisance in the way. In the meantime, he does his best to take note of those present – especially any familiar faces that he might trust or have reason to distrust.

So the suite gets filled up twice over, looking ever more intimidatingly luxurious by the minute – one can't walk anywhere without tripping over a bolster or a pillow – and the hours of the early morning go by until a bell somewhere in the city strikes ten. Ah! It's time for the Emir to visit.

Chiri, who had been snoozing in the corner on one of the pillows, jumps awake by the sound. "Dagh blasted bell… "

Josef sticks close to Demes, awaiting any instructions that may be given.

Demes paces around some more, while Faresk lounges in a chair nibbling on a bit of Dromodon-pate wrapped up in a crepe-like pancake. "Where is he? Josef, go and keep a lookout in the courtyard for the Emir, would you? Not that it'll change anything, but I'd feel better," he mutters.

Josef nods the affirmative to Demes, and makes his way down the stairs to the courtyard. He eyes all of Faresk's help menacingly on the way.

The reddish-brown Eeee, whom Josef and X recognize as Kireesa, a ne'er-do-well maid, curtseys mockingly, and then takes up her place by the door.

Chiri sinks down in her pillow lazily.

Demes rubs his chin, looking over the accumulation of musicians who seem to be fighting to play their choice of music louder. He looks over at Chiri and then X, then calls them over. "Keep an eye on what's going on here, will you? X, you know the other servants, maybe you can pry something out of them, if 'dear brother' Faresk has something planned. Chiri, um… When the Emir's servants get here, keep an eye on them. If they say anything interesting, I want to know about it."

Meanwhile, Josef is treated to the sight of several more foxes running out of the hotel screaming. "ARGH! Gooshurm-devils!" a Zerda yelps as he tries to shake out slithery, slimy snake-like things from his tunic.

X bows his head to his master, then sticks with Chiri for a little while.

Chiri whispers to Demes, "Can we throw Faresk out on his keister if we find out he's up to something?"

Josef stifle a laugh, and lets a rare smile creep across his face. He continues to make his way out to the courtyard, and waits patiently.

Several Skreeks run after the fox. "Sorry, sorry!" one of them yells – Josef recognizes Barthim. "We'll take care of the problem RIGHT away!" The other waves a butterfly-net contraption at the Gooshurms that go flying out of the fox's shirt.

Demes mutters to Chiri, "In front of the Emir? No, it would look terrible. Family's very important to us Khattas, you know."

Josef's ears wiggle a bit more, then he stops. o O ( The Emir might not be very pleased by all this… ) He makes his way over to the familiar Skreek.

A fanfare of trumpets sound from down the street. Ut oh. It looks like Gooshurms and Emirs wait for no Skreek. Nor Khattas. Barthim yells, "Can'tstoptotalk, gotta run!" as he chases the mini-gooshurms.

Chiri frowns, but nods.

X figures to himself that Chiri may have more to discuss with Demes and that it's not his place to listen in on such talk, so he meanders over to check on some of the help while there yet remains any time. The ne'er-do-well maid seems as bad a choice as any to at least pay a cordial visit to.

Demes thinks. "But, if he tries something," he whispers to Chiri. "Well, then fair play just went out the window, didn't it." He paces again.

At the sound of the trumpets, Josef stops short. With a grimace he quickly makes his way back up to the 'office'. "The Emir is on his way!" he signs to Demes.

Demes looks at Josef's signing, uncomprehending. "Hmm? What is it, Josef?"

Chiri whispers, "The fat cat is on his way."

Josef sighs, and repeats out loud, "Emir on way. Just down street."

Kireesa chatters to another Eeee nearby as X approaches, then falls silent as the Savanite's gruesomely marked face appears. She pastes on a bright smile and nods to X.

Demes nods to Josef. "Really, my dear boy," he says. "You'll need to do something about that habit. Well, get to places, everyone. Are we ready with the fanfare? Faresk! Do stop eating those hors d'oeuvres, if you would, I think it would annoy the Emir to find that we had been taking first choices."

Faresk dusts off crumbs. "Of course, of course, dear brother." Curiously, he's only been snacking from Demes's side of the buffet.

Josef takes his place in an unoccupied corner of the room, one that gives him a good view of the goings-on.

Chiri makes a point of sitting close to Faresk. ( I wonder how Demes' bro feels about stinky little rats… ) She keeps her ears tilted upwards and listens intently to every word in the room.

X inwardly frowns at the reaction from Kireesa, and snaps to attention at the orders, finding a place nearby to stand out of the way … and perhaps just listen, since he can't exactly strike up any conversations easily.

*Taran-tara!* *Taran-tara!* The bright brassy cheer of trumpets announces the presence of the Emir. A saluki appears at the door dressed in the tabard of the Emirate, a herald from his bearing. "My lord Demes Oresta, fearsome of the desert, may his Dromodon-herds swell beyond measure and his people be fruitful in all ways, may the wind ever be gentle on his back and the sand never creep into his food, and the mountains be small and the desert-seas be not hungry as he walks through them… " He takes a deep breath. Apparently this is some sort of greeting ritual.

Josef grimaces at the long-winded saluki, and crosses his arms. This may take a while.

Demes stands to attention, as does Faresk (though Faresk looks annoyed at Chiri's close proximity).

Chiri just folds her arms and sits back. Nobody ever pays attention to the rats anyhow … least of all the kitties.

"A humble desert traveler does most verily crave the boon of sheltering beneath your tent," the saluki continues, his ears flopping back as he lifts his muzzle. "For he craves the wisdom that flows like a fount from your lips and the water that gushes from your land's springs, without which he would surely perish alone and nameless in the desert. Will you grant right of guestship to him?"

Demes glances over to X as if to roll his eyes, but says, "Let him be admitted into my home as if he were one of my own family, let us break bread together, and salt them that we shall both live long," and continues to go on in this vein. The saluki appears moderately impressed.

Faresk mutters, "Family. Hah."

Josef smiles, glad his master knows proper Abu Dhabi etiquette.

Chiri sits quietly.

So, in due course, the Emir steps into the now quite crowded hotel suite with a small entourage – oh, only a few servants to fan away the heat, some bodyguards, pretty women to keep him company should he feel a bit lonely, and of course, his trusted Oracle, a bone-thin white Khatta wearing a veil over her piercing black eyes. The Oracle steps in first and gestures about with a staff, from which a single crystal orb of some sort dangles, twitching in every direction with a cat's eye of vermillion glaring out.

Near X, Kireesa mutters, "Oh my! I wonder what she thinks she's doing with that?" The Oracle's head turns instantly her way, causing the Eeee to blanch.

Josef, tail twitching, gives a lopsided grin at the Eeee's misfortune. She deserves it.

X is fascinated by the aged white Khatta and the … whatever it is she's carrying.

Chiri half-smiles. ( Maybe she's going to bonk one of the squeakers with her little sparkly. )

Faresk steps forward a moment before Demes does, causing Demes to close his mouth in startlement. "Ah! The noble Emir," he says. "On behalf of the Oresta family, I'd like to welcome you and your entourage to our humble suite – "

"Indeed, most welcome, I am Demes Oresta," Demes says. "And – "

"Your humble servant, Faresk – " Demes touches Faresk's shoulder, reminding him who is the negotiator here.

Chiri growls to herself. Faresk knows bloody well who the negotiator is.

It becomes rapidly clear as the morning progresses, just what Faresk has in mind. He is always the kindly older brother, encouraging his younger brother to indulge in trading, of course; no, never a discouragement from him, but he makes sure to stand next to his musicians, more numerous and better dressed than Demes's, next to his table and display of samples. At noontime, when dancing Khatta troupes are called in, both male and female, to entertain while the gathered traders and Emir's party eat, his troupe is larger and the women, ah, less encumbered by silks. Demes's frown deepens through the talks of trade.

Demes whispers to Chiri while everyone is putatively enjoying the sherberts, "Get Josef and X. I have a job for you all."

Josef watches the procession with a frown.

X's fascination with the elderly Khatta has given way to a case of the creepy-crawlies. His curiosity seems to have given out in regards to this one and whatever it is that her vocation may be.

Chiri nods and rises from her seat on the floor. She cracks her back and quietly wanders over to the Savanite and the Khatta – giving them each a sharp poke in the back and signing for them to go to Demes.

The orange-and-white Khatta lashes his tail while pretending to pay attention to Faresk as he tells yet another 'fascinating' story about his father's trading. "Last in the protocol of our little 'audience with the Emir', you know, is a giving of travel-gifts. Beasts and food and the like. Well, I happen to know that the Emir is particularly fond of racing vanderats – and if my brother stays true to form, he's sure to have gone to some trouble to find very nice vanderats – just good enough to be better than the ones Gwyneth had ordered," Demes whispers angrily to Chiri, Josef, and X. He reaches forward and drops three gold coins into Josef's hand.

Josef follows the Skreek over to Demes, careful to be as quiet as possible.

"I want you to go out and get me the best vanderat in the city," Demes concludes. "A vanderat that will make the Emir sit up and take notice. Something to show up my brother for once and for all. And a vanderat that says, Demes Oresta knows how to get the very best. Got it?"

Josef nods to Demes, and motions for the other two to follow him out, being careful not to make a sound.

Chiri whispers, "Great… So, what is a vanderat?"

X obediently falls behind the Skreek and the Khatta-who-pretends-to-be-a-Savanite.

Demes grins. "Just ask Josef," he says. "He ought to know them."

Chiri nods and steps out, signing to Josef. "So what in Dagh's purple trousers is a vanderat?"

X looks on in awe at Chiri's command of Savanite sign to be able to manage a phrase like that. He nods, impressed.

Josef waits until the trio is out of the room, then signs to Chiri, "It's a racing beast, a sort of furry lizard that runs on two legs, with short front arms. They bet on them here."

The Emir laughs at the conclusion of Faresk's quote. "Ah, Demes sounds like he was quite the little hellion – Did you truly manage to sneak into an entire Eep menagerie, and they only exploded when your brother had just managed to find you and get you out?"

Demes squirms. "I was young," he mutters. "And I didn't know any better."

Josef winces as he hears Demes' ordeal back inside the suite. ( I never did like Faresk… )

The Emir slaps Demes on the back while the Oracle looks monumentally bored. "Well, lucky for you that you survived the little trip," he says.

Fortunately for Josef's sensibilities, their voices quickly dwindle into the noise of the street as he and his companions, Chiri and X, head down to the lower parts of Abu Dhabi where the tracks may be found… and the stables which house the vanderats.

Josef signs, "We can try the bazaars here, or some stables. We have to find the top quality."

Chiri says, "Maybe a racetrack?" She drops back to Standard now that she doesn't have to worry about her voice being heard. "Or perhaps you know of a good stable?"

X signs, "Bazaars may be the place to find what is nowhere else, but for the best – and to avoid tricks – the stables, I think. But if we want a fair deal, you shall have to act like a Khatta, sir." He looks meaningfully at Josef.

Chiri looks at X, then to Josef, then back to X.

Chiri thinks, ( We're doomed… )

Josef grimaces at X's words. "There are a few good stables near the tracks, but I don't know if any of the owners will be willing to give their beasts up."

Several ex-vanderat trainers – recognizable by the heavy scarring on their arms, sometimes missing hands – beg on the streets near where the heavy acrid smells of the vanderats themselves looms, the odors hanging over the dirt road like an almost palpable cloud. The sun beats down on the heads of the kadiban-wearing Khattas.

"Alms, sir," a Zerda calls as he holds up a wooden bowl to the crowd in his one good hand.

Josef shrugs at the Zerda, while looking for a possible seller, "Sorry, have no money."

Chiri hrms. She walks up to one of the beggars. "I'll give you something better for some information?"

Josef blinks at the rat. She always seems to be full of tricks.

The Zerda grimaces in what might be a smile at better times. "That's okay. Come back when you have some." He lolls his tongue in a laugh, then looks up at Chiri helpfully. "Alms, lady? Kella hears many things, maybe have good numbers for you. You like to bet on the races, no?"

X just drops his gaze appropriately. He is standing behind the Khatta rather than behind the Skreek.

Josef looks nervous; he dislikes large crowds, and even more dislikes appearing as a master.

Chiri says, "Yes… yes. … but a very very special race. One that could easily put me in your place should I lose it, and that'll be one less person to put pretty coins in your bowl. I'm looking for the best Vanderat in existence; do you know of such a beast?"

Sarong-clad Savanite women walk down the street, carrying large bowls piled high with multi-lobed fruits. The fruits don't look that good – somewhat wrinkled, thick-skinned black things, but who can tell what things people crave around here? They swish their tails in unison.

Chiri digs through her pocket. She still has that bonus Demes gave her. No sense in blowing a whole gold right now.

"Best vanderat. Hmm. Is very difficult question," Kella says as he gestures with his nearly-empty wooden bowl, the few shekels in it clinking once or twice.

X looks to the Savanites, but figures that bothering a troupe of workers that well organized (and laden with burdens) is probably not a good idea.

Josef twitches his tail as he waits on the rat, anxious to finish this errand and get back to the suite.

Chiri pulls a copper from her pocket, flashing it at the Zerda. "This will keep you fed for a month no, doubt… but I'll need to know about that vanderat first."

A vanderat goes by! This one is being led by its apparent master, a Khatta all black save for the white hands. It snorts and chuffles at Josef, its build appearing somewhat stockier than he's seen on good racers.

X's eyes widen at the copper, and he anxiously pays attention to whatever the Zerda has to say in response.

Chiri's hand hovers over the bowl.

Kella widens his eyes as well. Ooh! A metal coin! He sees very few of them these days. "For such a coin, Kella can show you best vanderat in whole city. But, you may not like answer. You want to know?"

Josef hmmms, that won't do. He hopes all the vanderats aren't like that; the stocky ones tend to be slower and cumbersome.

Chiri's eyes narrow. "Is it still alive?"

X's ears flick at Chiri's suspicion. He prepares to groan. Who can out-cynic the Skreek?

"Of course!" Kella gets to his feet slowly, then adjusts the sleeve of his robe to hide the missing hand. "Dead vanderat or sick one, hardly best at all, right?"

Josef looks to the Zerda, "You no get copper until we see, genoh?"

"Very well then," Chiri drops the coin into the bowl. "Lead on."

X moves forward, helping the fennec up.

The coin disappears almost instantly. The Zerda leans on X. "We go this way… " The direction appears to be away from the stables, however.

Chiri smirks to Josef. "If he tries to bolt or cheat us… we'll just TAKE it back from him." She elbows X.

X looks at how that coin disappeared so quickly … and doesn't seem so confident that retrieving it without making a scene would be an easy task.

Chiri follows behind, glancing back in the direction of the stables.

Josef follows the group, not entirely approving of Chiri's methods.

Kella explains, "Good vanderats, they not kept here like common ones. Must go to special places. Expensive ones. Kella been there few times." He flicks his ears about nervously as the niceness of the streets increases and the guards standing around begin to look suspiciously at the rags-clad vulpine.

X does his best to look properly humble and then some … hoping that it will make his companions look as if they're in the proper place by comparison.

Chiri catches up with Kella. "I take it that the fellow you're leading us to can probably eat someone like X for dinner?"

The cheetah's tail twitches.

Josef glances disapprovingly at Chiri, "Must be of best stock, or we no interested."

Trees line the canal along which Kella walks, carefully tended by Savanite gardeners. Two of them look up at X and then shudder at the sight of his scarred face. What sort of terrible thing could he have done to deserve being marked for life?

X pretends not to notice … but with his free hand he adjusts his cowl a bit to shade his eyes from the sun a little better…

Kella makes hushing motions at Chiri. "No, no. Kella is good Zerda, not like some scofflaws who get you robbed. This good part of town. See, that stable, that belongs to Wasir Havalot. Very nice vanderats, very fast, odds-on favorites in all Town Flag races."

Chiri looks back at Josef. "I'm not arguing that, Spot. But we also have to be able to get the monster back to Demes… and that's going to be hard if it turned out to be a screaming terror."

Josef grins, "Maybe Kella ride, he seem know a lot."

Chiri says, "He seems to have paid dearly for it as well." she glances at Kella's hand.

And so in due course, they arrive before the nicest stables of all, where the guards stand with steel-tipped spears, gold trim glinting in the harsh sunlight. Kella takes the three around the fence that lines the corrals, rather than heading for the entrance. "No can get in, very private, very exclusive," he mutters. "Ah! There. There is best vanderat in whole city." And indeed, there is a sight to behold…

Josef glances over at the beast, seeing what condition its in.

The Skreek peers out that the vanderat.

The vanderat stands eye-to-eye with X, its glossy white coat striated with gold and black as if it were animated marble, cut short to keep it from overheating; its powerful legs send it bounding across the corral in just a few steps as it tests the limits of the fences, and its fangs gleam razor-sharp.

It chuffles, looking over at one of the expensive-looking keepers who tosses another round of meat into its feeding trough. (A single round bone at the center of the meat suggests some sort of giant snake.)

X looks about for any signs as to just what name this beast might have, in any writing he can make any sense of.

Josef nods, it seems to be a fine beast. "So, how we get to owner? Looking not good enough, need to buy."

Chiri calls out to the keeper. "HELLOOOOOOO!!!!!"

"There," Kella says with some satisfaction. "Best vanderat in whole city. Named 'Wind-eater'." And then answering Josef's question, he says, "But you not likely to buy it. It owned by Emir."

Josef flinches – Well, that answers that question.

X grins.

Chiri smacks herself in the face. Ow.

The red-and-black Khatta in the corral looks up. "Hai-ya! What are you doing here? These are private grounds! Not a zoo for layabout lookers!"

Josef shakes his head, then glares angrily at the Zerda, "Owned by EMIR?"

X looks to Chiri. He doesn't sign anything. After all, she doesn't dislike him as much as she otherwise might on account of his being quiet, so at a time like this, it's probably best to have nothing to "say" anyway…

Chiri grumbles… then starts to ponder. "Kella… do you know if the emir has a female for Wind-eater? Perhaps we could impress his highness by providing him with an equally impressive partner for his little pet. If the Emir is so fond of the things, he'd probably jump at the chance to breed more champions."

Kella lolls his tongue in a grin. "You ask for best vanderat. There. Fastest, strongest vanderat. Trader gift to Emir three days ago. Used to belong to my master Hekamin before he sell it. And get rid of me. After all, Emir have plenty trainers… " He pauses to consider Chiri's suggestion.

Josef looks around nervously, "We need leave, already wasted too many time… "

Chiri snaps at Josef, "Better we return a little late than return empty handed. Unless you look forward to Demes canning us all."

X doesn't look too thrilled at the notion of getting 'canned' … especially since that has more dire meaning for a Savanite.

Chiri looks at X, "Except for you… he'll probably just sell you."

X doesn't look encouraged by Chiri's amendment.

Kella looks at Chiri. "So, is not for special race, eh? Is for gift for Emir?" The Zerda grins, ears perking, and then motions for the others to accompany him away from the corral. "You good Skreek. Trust Kella with coin. Maybe when you make gift, you mention nice Zerda, good trainer for young vanderats?"

The cougar looks agitated, "Well we hurry then, Faresk give present soon."

Chiri grins, "I do that AND give you another copper to boot! Especially if you can hustle us there."

X frees a hand to slowly sign, "Perhaps offer to have him present when we bring the vanderat? Who of us would know to handle it properly?" With just one hand free, though, X has to fake "vanderat" as "hairy lizard".

Josef hmmms, and nods to X. He then turns to Kella, "If you help quick, we might get you job with Emir."

Chiri grins and gives X another sharp poke in the ribs; she has a bad habit of doing that. "Very smart of you," she signs.

Kella looks encouraged. "Best vanderat," he explains carefully to the Skreek. "Never vanderat one has. Is always vanderat one dreams. Master Hekamin, he had child of Wind-Eater, sold off to some other stable as extra. Getting out of the business. Will be very fast runner in a few years. Maybe faster than Wind-Eater. Maybe not. But, is good gift maybe?" He swishes his tail, looking for approval.

X urks at the jab and signs, "… and, also, having him along is further incentive for him to do his best."

Josef twitches his tail in thought, and nods to the Zerda, "Yearling good idea. Have room to improve on."

Kella looks nervous at the signing going around.

Chiri says, "Sounds pretty good. And hopefully a younger one will be a little easier to manage as well."

X looks to the fennec and his nervousness … but he can't exactly do much about that besides put his hand to his side, which he does.

Chiri looks at X and smirks. "Pay the signs no mind, Kella. X here is just recommending allowing you to present the prize. You probably know how to handle the beasts… and the Emir might decide to hire you. Beneficial to both of us." She makes a point of NOT mentioning the 'incentive' bit X mentioned.

Kella nodnods. "You see! Do extra-special job for you." He takes the others down the road to stables on the edge of the 'nice' part of town, and points out the vanderat of which he speaks – "Is named Sparks. Is maybe get new name when on first race," he says with a sentimental voice. It's easy to see why the young lizard-like thing got its name, with its white fur chased by orange and red streaks from the clawed feet upward.

X smiles. Appearance counts for a lot…

Josef nods, satisfied. "Where we find owner?"

"Is owned by Wasir Kenohavit. Rich man, big in trading… He not very smart about vanderats, though," the Zerda says scornfully. "One vanderat, two vanderats, just more of same to him. Feh." He points up the road to the nearby mansion, more of Abu Dhabi's white-washed adobe construction.

Chiri heads off towards the mansion. "No sense in wasting time."

Josef hmms, the fennec's words give him an idea. He starts his way to the mansion, following Chiri.

Josef signs to Chiri, "We need to act as if the hairy lizard is below quality, and that we can take it off his hands."

At the door, a sniffy-looking grayhound looks down his muzzle at Chiri. A Skreek! "I'm sorry, madam," he says disdainfully. "But the tradesman entrance is around the side. Whatever you're selling, do take it there."

X surreptitiously taps on Chiri's shoulder when he's close by, and tries to direct her attention down the street.

Josef glares up at the grayhound.

Chiri glances at Josef and nods, then represses a snarl at the doorman. "Sir… I am NOT selling a thing. I am in fact here to buy one of your ragged lizards."

Chiri looks in the direction X was pointing.

Josef nods for emphasis, "They bad health. You need get rid of."

Whatever X is pointing at, it must be some of the people in the thinning crowd – a mix of Savanites, Khattas, some Jupanis, Eeees, and more kadibanned Khattas. Most of them are hurrying this way and that, but some seem to be looking around as if for someone.

X puts his hand where he hopes Chiri can see, and signs, "Trouble comes; I will decoy." With that, he tries as politely as he can to find the fennec something else to support on, while he slips away from the scene.

The hound butler raises an eyebrow. "Such matters are below the attention of the master. Perhaps you should speak with our stablekeeper?… " He starts to close the door.

Chiri jams her foot in the door. "Then bring the stablekeeper out; I'll wait here as long as it takes."

Josef shrugs, "Then if epidemic kill whole household, then you master know who to blame."

Kella mutters as he stands upright by himself. "See? Not good vanderat owner," he whispers to Chiri. "No care. Must love vanderats to really race good ones."

Josef signs, "The stablekeeper will know we're lying, we need to avoid him."

The butler looks down at the foot in the door, then sighs. "Very well, if you must speak with him… "

Chiri nervously looks in the direction X left. ( Faresk wouldn't sink so low as to hunt them down and stop them… would he? )

X heads away, gauging what opportunities the street offers – places to hide, various items which might provide for useful implements, various places to avoid, things that look like they might fall down easily … that sort of thing. Oh yes. And if the Star were smiling upon him, a Skreek and a Khatta to follow? No, that wouldn't be fair to the persons in question…

Chiri says, "Does the stablehand have the AUTHORITY to sell the beasts? I don't want to chit-chat, I want to buy and be done with it."

Chiri signs to Josef, "The stablekeeper will probably be willing to sell us one at a cheap price as well, so not to see his charges mistreated. These handlers seem to love their animals."

Josef hmms, and nods. Perhaps.

The butler hmfs. "Of course he does," the grayhound says to Chiri. "Just a moment. I will have him fetched." A bell rings inside the mansion, and then some more bells ring at the side of the house, in a certain pattern. A young white-and-black Khatta boy runs from the house to go to the stables. A primitive sort of communication system… but evidently it works.

( Meanwhile, down the street … )

As the marked Savanite walks, he notices a few carts, some piled high with more of the black-lobed wrinkly fruits – they look somehow medicinal, in the sense of the sort of medicine where one gets well faster to avoid having to eat more of them – and some open shops with ceramics on display. The familiar faces that the Savanite noticed, two of the Khattas and two Jupanis from Faresk's personal servants and guards, continue to move on as they look about for something… or someone. One glances toward the cowled Savanite, trying to see beneath his hood.

X very obviously avoids the servant's attempt to look beneath his hood … and scoots along, away from (though not DIRECTLY away) the bargaining attempts down the street.

Faresk's servants pause. Was that X, trying to look so furtive? It might be… They begin to approach, two moving forward of X to anticipate him, one to his side and one to the back, where they should be able to press him against a pushcart that rests on its two legs and two wheels. The bittersweet smell of the megalune fruits rises to his noses as X gets closer to the cart.

X hovers near the cart. He can't just ASSUME he's about to get pounded into mincemeat, and throw the first punch. Whoops. He so unfortunately manages to accidentally drop his hood as he turns to look at those approaching him, once he reaches the cart.

Faresk's servants look at each other. The first Khatta hisses, "There he goes! Don't let him go!" He starts moving around to the side, to try and box X in, while the others move in at front, right, and back.

X just stands beside the cart, watching those closing in on him, especially eyeing for any sign of a weapon.

( Back at the manor … )

Josef signs, "We need to hurry; even if we get the best vanderat in Abu Dhabi, and we're late, Faresk may be awarded the contract."

Chiri waits at the door, her foot still firmly planted in the opening.

After due course, a panting red-kadibanned abyssinian-marked Khatta walks up to Chiri. "There a problem, boy?" he says to Josef. "Tall-an'-sniffy says you wanted to see me."

The stablekeeper keeps his gaze on Josef, apparently thinking the Skreek is just some sort of assistant.

Josef nods, "We need buy vanderat, best you got. Pay well."

Chiri just rolls her eyes. She's gotten used to this treatment.

The stablekeeper huhs. "'ol Hairraiser, eh? He'll cost you a pretty shekel, yes, he will." He motions for Josef to follow him to the stables.

Josef says, "Hairraiser?" The cougar follows behind, "Thought name was Spark."

Chiri looks towards X nervously. ( Hopefully we'll have the blasted thing in time… maybe soon enough to feed Faresk's puppies to it. ) She looks at the Zerda, and follows behind Josef.

"You wanted our best," the stablekeeper says. "Hairraiser, he's run a few good races. Got good breeding prospects. Now Sparks, he's just a runt… Name's Titian, what's yours? I like to know who I'm dealing with. Got to know who to make the papers to, after all."

Chiri clears her throat. "Then you wouldn't mind selling us Sparks for a reduced price, would you?"

Kella sputters as he follows Josef. "Just a runt?"

"Yeah, old timer, prolly never grow bigger than oh, yeah high," Titian replies. He considers the offer, rubbing his chin. "Huh. Dunno, Master's very particular about his beasts… "

Josef says, "My name Josef, but we buy for… other party. We interested in Sparks, if he runt, you sell?"

"Who's going to miss a little old runt though?" Chiri says… her tone almost purring.

Josef blinks, "Old timer?" He looks back at the Zerda questioningly.

Kella's worn clothes are evidence that he's seen much better days. A natural assumption on Titian's part.


Meanwhile, across the street and down a way, X faces two Khattas approaching from front and side, the stink of the Jupanis behind him a reminder of their approach. "Just want to ask you a few questions," the first Khatta says. The second laughs as he reaches out to take X's hand. "You don't even have to talk to answer… Just point."

X grins like an idiot and takes the Khatta's hand.

The second Khatta pulls on X to drag him along and glances over at the first one, "Thought you said this one was some sort of real scrapper? He's coming along without even a fight… Heh. C'mon, Spots. We just want to know where the others Demes sent off went… "

The cheetah 'scrapper' grins like he's met old buddies, putting one arm over the shoulder of one Khatta, and another around the other's – Yep, good ol' buddies! He starts steering them off across the street toward some other interesting-looking piles of goodies.

The first Khatta mutters, "Must be right what Faresk said, he had his glory days but now they're past. Way past… " The two Khattas walk in a comradely fashion with X, urging him to take them to his friends.

X nods his head and begins working along the street in a direction that would eventually take them (barring unforeseen obstacles) back toward the Oresta clan and their guests, in a roundabout sort of way.

The Khattas and the Jupanis go along with X for a while, out of sight… And then stop. "Hey, you got awfully split off from your friends," the first one complains as he resists X's urgings. "Are you sure this is the right way? What are they doing?"

X smiles and nods, and then starts waving his hands about to answer the Khatta's question about what they're doing.

The Khattas grumble. "I don't suppose you know sign?" the second says to the first, who shakes his head. They continue.

X smiles. He's being perfectly honest, after all. Barring any unforeseen disasters which he has no power over – and would very much like to avoid – they ARE going to meet up with his friends in this direction anyway…

( Meanwhile, back at the stables … )

Josef says, "We buy Spark. He good prospect for our field."

"Yeah." Chiri adds. "There's a lot of business for runts like him in fuff'nar chow now that they've stopped putting vermites in it."

Josef glares at the Skreek, since the stablemaster may be partial to the animals.

Titian hmms and glances over to the fields where various vanderats are sunning themselves. "You're awfully eager," he says thoughtfully. "But hey, maybe we can work something out. And we don't need to tell Master about our little deal, right?" His face falls as he considers the 'fuff'nar chow' statement. Maybe it's not that good a deal after all…

Chiri smirks. "Just a joke, I assure you."

Josef smiles widely at Titian, "She only joke, what you expect from Skreeks."

Chiri smiles… although it's more of her gritting her teeth. "Yesh… just a stupid rat… that's me."

Titian scowls. "I don't take jokes from Skreeks," he tells Josef. "You're wise, you won't either. They get uppity. So… Tell you what, little sprite like Sparks, he's maybe got racing potential. Nice lines. You have an eye for quality, you saw that right off, didn't you?"

Kella chokes and coughs. He looks like he's about to rip the smirk off of Titian's face.

Josef's ears can't help but wiggle a bit from Chiri's reaction, "Yes, he got good build, and be fine beast one day. Best to get when young, that way not try and eat you."

Chiri scoots closer to the Zerda. "Don't worry, if this pans out… you'll end up with a better job than he could ever dream for," she whispers ever so faintly into one of those big ears.

Kella subsides and just fixes Titian with a glare, which makes the patronizing Khatta uncomfortable.

Titian coughs. "Right. Well, I figure I could let him go for… two gold shekels and a couple coppers. Good blood will tell, and all that, but it doesn't come cheap, eh?"

Josef shakes his head, "I give you one gold. Yearling chancy, not proven absolute worth yet."

Chiri's tail swats Josef's ankles to get his attention. "Get what we need to take it back to Emir as well," she signs with one hand.

Titian hmms. "Well, Master might not be pleased if he comes back and finds Sparks gone. He likes Sparks's looks… One and a half?"

Chiri thinks, ( We'll need a muzzle and such as well most likely. )

Josef jumps a bit at the swat, "I give one and half for Sparks, plus food and equipment for him. Vanderats not easy to lead unbridled."

Titian hmms. "All right… Give me a few minutes, I'll have him saddled up for you."

Josef nods.

Titian grins. "All right, so Sparks, harness, saddle, muzzle, and all that… One gold, two silvers, an iron. Got the money, friend Josef?"

Josef feels in his pocket, and remembers he has three solid golds, no change. "Please wait for bit," he smiles to Titian. He then turns to Chiri "What should I do? I have no change!"

Chiri signs, "Tip him… a lot."

Kella pets one of the vanderats on the muzzle, using just that gesture that has Titian looking at him suspiciously. The stripey vanderat purrs.

Josef sighs, and nods, not happy that he spent more than needed (And making a mental note not to tell Demes). "I decide be generous today, give you two gold."

Titian looks up suspiciously, then grins. "All right. I was going to give you some old tackle, but I guess I can spare an extra set of some parade gear." He takes the coins and starts saddling up Sparks, making a show of brushing the little yearling's fur out, while Kella mutters to Chiri about what an incompetent Titian is.

Chiri sighs as well. One of those shiny coins could get her a healing from a life mage and maybe recover her lost sense of smell and taste. A bit of a shame to see such a thing vanish on a lizard.

Josef nods to the Khatta, "That very generous of you as well, thank you."

Chiri pats Kella's shoulder. "Hopefully we'll have time for you to right the wrongs before the Emir see Sparks," she whispers.

And so… In a few minutes, Kella stands next to Sparks, scritching him in just the right way to elicit a vanderat-purr. The bronze-looking leather straps on the white-furred beast make a startling contrast to Kella's own poor clothes. Titian scowls at the care Kella is lavishing on the 'runt'. "Heh. All right, anything else?… If not, get outta here with that mutt before Master comes back."

Chiri seems quite eager to leave. ( I hope X is okay… )

Josef bows in a Savanite type fashion to the Khatta, "Thank you much. We go now, remember generosity."

Josef leads the way out, anxious to get back himself.

Josef motions to Kella, "You stay here, we need go tell master we back."

( )

Just outside the Wraventine Arms, a black-eyed Khatta rubs his head as another Khatta and two Jupanis surround X. The street-sweeping Savanite nearby drops his broom and steps back from the impending fight. "They're not here, and we're not going back in there," the second Khatta growls at X. "Now we're going to make you tell us where your friends went. You'd better hope you can find a voice or at least a finger to point in the right way… "

Kella looks at the argument going on and at X, and seems quite okay with the idea of staying back while Josef goes to talk to his master.

Sparks chuffles, looking distrustfully at the activities.

Josef grimaces at the impending fight, "Also try and hide lizard, not let them know."

X looks as if he has suddenly been hit by a revelation. He points up at the suite where the Orestas are staying and smiles, nodding his head up and down vigorously.

Kella nods. "Kella hide Sparks for you real well," he says. "Come, Sparks!" The Zerda leads Sparks off to the stables swiftly.

Chiri follows after Kella. She doesn't trust the Zerda THAT much.

"That's a lie," the first Khatta says. "You didn't go out just to come back… " He balls a hand up in a fist, advancing on X.

The Jupanis wurf their agreement as they move in to try and grab X's arms.

Josef nonchalantly walks towards the hotel, leaving Chiri with Kella. He stops just short of the coming brawl. "What problem here?"

X, still pointing, looks very apologetic as he … yanks down the trousers of the Jupani standing next to him, and pull-pushes him into the other.

"ACK!" The Jupani tumbles and falls, trying to pull up his trousers and stay upright at the same time, as he gets swung around by X and into the other one. Needless to say, he doesn't do very well at either task.

X ducks and charges the one advancing with the fist, yanking off his own cowl as he does so.

The second Khatta says, "Keep your nose out of this," to Josef as he bares his own fists to get involved.

The first Khatta lunges for X!

Josef shrugs, "Alright, I no get involved." Whistling a small tune, he walks into the hotel, and up the stairs to the suite.

X aims to dodge, using his own removed cowl/drape … to put on the first Khatta's head instead. Backwards, that is.

The first Khatta yelps startledly, then rips at the cowl as he tries to yank it off. The Jupanis growl, the first one trying to pull up his pants while the second one moves in with exaggerated care, one hand on his belt.

While the second one is so protective of his belt, X reaches in and grabs the back of the Jupani's loose tunic … and pulls up on it.

Meanwhilst, in the stables, Kella shows Chiri how he plans to keep Sparks out of sight… He stables Sparks right next to the other vanderats and picks up one of the pitchforks, then starts looking as if he were just one more of the help here at the Wraventine. "You do too?" Kella suggests to the Skreek.

Josef enter the suite, and looks for his master. Hopefully the contracts haven't been awarded yet.

Chiri nods and scoops up a pitchfork as well, mimicking Kella.

The second Jupani yelps at the sudden lifting… But all of this fooling about with clothes gives the second Khatta enough time to lay hands on X's arms from behind. He wraps his arms around, trying to trap X in a bear hug…

X is not particularly impressed. He flexes his muscles, slips his digitigrade leg back to snake behind the Khatta's … and falls backward.


"Ow ow ow! Mercy!" the flattened Khatta pleads.

The shirted Jupani howls as he jumps around, trying to get his shirt off of his head… And falls over the Jupani working on his trousers. *thump* This doesn't look like a good day for Faresk's finest.

X pries himself up, and dashes over to the cowl-wearer, grabbing at it as he hurries past.

The first Khatta growls! at X, as the Savanite walks by… and smacks into Shosana, the mistress of the Wraventine. "What in the names of the First Ones is going on here?" she demands to know as the Savanite thumps against her aproned front.

X gives a quick glance at the combatants and their respective capabilities of maiming him before deigning to "reply".

The shirted Jupani whines as he finally gets his shirt off. Ut oh. Caught.

Chiri keeps an ear perked to the noise outside. They'll have to get Sparks out of hiding as soon as Demes or Josef pops out.

Josef, once upstairs, makes his way over to Demes. "We have gift," he whispers.

Shosana hmfs. "Well, if you all have not enough to do that you must play about like kittens, then you can help my poor Skreeks catch these Gooshurms some inconsiderate person seems to have gotten scattered all over," she says in a no-nonsense voice. She hands X a thin-meshed butterfly-net and gestures for him to go inside.

X signs, "Shrug" to his "friends", and goes along, adjusting his (somewhat worse for the wear) cowl as he takes the butterfly net inside.

Demes perks his ears while Faresk makes another long and dry speech. He nods to Josef with a sharp grin. "Very good… Very good. Is all ready to present it outside?"

The Emir appears to be nodding off – perhaps not unreasonable after a large lunch and long speeches.

The two Jupanis give X 'we'll get you, yet' looks as they file past, followed by Khattas with their ears folded back.

Josef stammers, "Uh, somewhat. Faresk send men after us, have to hide lizard."

X looks around, hoping dearly that SOMEONE saw this little incident. A shame to waste a moment like this.

A white Khatta face peers down at X from the balcony of the suite. Light glints off of the crystal orb that she carries on the tip of her staff.

X looks around, sees no one … except for the imaginary crowd cheering for him, champion of the day. He bows to the crowd. The crowd goes wild. The … uh oh. Didn't see her. X sobers upon seeing the elderly Khatta, his ears flushing pink.

The Oracle raises her eyebrows … then wiggles her ears as she turns to walk back into the suite.

"And so in closing," Faresk drones, "I'm sure you can see that the wealth of the Oresta house means that we can procure virtually any sort of thing you might want for your mines… "

The Emir, appearing to be nearly asleep, comes back awake. "Mines?" he says with a sudden raising of eyebrow. "Who has spoken of mines? I am merely a friend, visiting other friends," he says with a sly smile. "Let us not bring tedious business into what should be a pleasant social occasion… "

X lowers his head properly, as a slave ought, and heads on into the building, brandishing no gladiator weapon save for a butterfly net to do battle with the dreaded baby Gooshurms.

"Should I tell Chiri to get lizard ready sir?" the cougar asks Demes.

Demes nods as he stands. "Quite," he says. "I am quite sorry that my brother has seen fit to intrude upon our enjoyable conversation with such trivialities – but it is time now, I think, to present to you our travelling gifts for our noble desert wanderer." He nods to Josef, then continues, fixing Faresk with his gaze. "My brother, perhaps you would care to present yours first?"

Faresk hmfs. "Of course." He stands with somewhat more difficulty than Demes, having eaten more heartily, and then the party begins to file out of the suite to the stables…

Josef catches the nod, and quickly makes his way back down to the street before the others do.

Kella looks up at Josef's entrance from where he has been currying out Sparks's fur. "Eh?" he says.

The cougar sprints to the stables, "Get the lizard ready! The master and Emir are on their way!"

Chiri says, "Finally! Kella, they're coming. We must hurry."

Kella looks at Josef waving his fingers around, then nods to Chiri. "Oh! No problem." He scratches at that itchy spot under Sparks's throat, eliciting another thunderous purr.

Chiri quickly arranges the straw around Sparks as neatly as she can. She wishes she'd asked Josef to snitch a more decent robe for the Zerda, but hopefully the emir will be able to appreciate Kella for his abilities, and not for his outward appearance.

Faresk sweeps into view in the stables first, followed by Demes and the Emir, and his numerous attendants. "Witness," Faresk says proudly, "the magnificence of these fine racing vanderats. Truly they would be fit to bear you a thousand leagues through the harshest desert!" The stablekeeper brings out a fine and hot-looking black vanderat with stripes of white down its flanks. "Noble Emir, I give you Lightning!"

Lightning gnuffs, its fangs catching the sunlight as it looks about with a wild temper. The Emir nods politely. "Ah! A fine steed indeed," he says. "Truly, such a beast will serve me well."

Demes looks at Josef, as if to ask 'Where is my gift?'

Chiri whispers to Kella, "What's your opinion of Lightning?"

Josef nudges Demes, and nods his head over to Sparks.

Kella hmfs. "All flash, no thunder," he whispers to Chiri.

A moment of silence. Demes gives Josef a 'WHAT?' look.

Chiri nods. "Please… you be the one to present Sparks to the emir. You've earned it." She steps back.

Josef frowns, and gives a shrug to his master.

Kella laughs, wheezing, and then nods. "Honorable masters, may I present to you, Sparks, son of Wind-Eater, born of Steppe Cloud… " He continues in this way, reciting a lineage. The Emir looks at the white vanderat curiously, and then smiles. "Wind-Eater, as you know, great Emir, may you live forever," Kella says, "is finest vanderat in your own stables. Master Hekamin, he not think Sparks worth your time. I think different."

Josef looks to the Emir, then to Demes, hoping for a favorable reaction.

Sparks trots forward, looking bright and eager, youthful energy showing as he peers up at the Emir and then snuffles his outstretched hand. His furred spike of a tail flicks back and forth rapidly.

Demes gives Josef this incredulous 'You gave me a BABY vanderat?' look.

The Emir's ears wiggle as he draws his hand back before the vanderat's snapping of fangs.

Josef whispers closely to Demes, "Kella know what good, he say this one of best."

Chiri just stands there and smiles, although it looks more like a pained grimace.

Faresk says in an oily tone, "Like my brother, perhaps his offering is a trifle bit young, a bit untried… "

Demes glares. "Not untried. Growing. Testing his strength."

Sparks leans in… Then *SLURP!*s the Emir up the side of his face. Demes winces.

Faresk adds, "Perhaps he needs house-breaking?" with a sweet smile.

Josef rolls his eyes at the Oresta Khatta.

Chiri looks at Faresk… breaking things… Yeah…

The Emir laughs and then pats Sparks in just that way that Kella showed before, so that the vanderat purrs. "A fine gift," he says to Demes. "Of all the traders whom I have spoken with, none have yet had the temerity to give me a vanderat not yet grown up… "

( Hopefully this is a good thing, ) the Skreek thinks to herself.

"But then, none have yet seen that what is to come may be greater than that which is," he says. "A growing city needs trading houses that will grow with it." He turns his look toward Faresk, growing a little colder. "And a growing trading house grows better in the sunlight, does it not?"

Josef grins. Inwardly he heaves a sigh of relief.

Chiri relaxes a bit. She digs around in her pocket.

The Emir claps his hands. "We will speak when you come again to my own home in your turn, Demes Oresta. You will be as welcome as you have made me, as close to my heart as a son, as cherished as water in the distanceless sand." He beams, patting Sparks one last time.

Demes grins and tries to look like he had no doubt at all. He nods to Josef and Chiri quietly. An excellent job.

Chiri gives Kella a pat on the shoulder and hands him the second copper. "Thank you… You saved our bacon."

Kella laughs and makes the copper vanish likewise – then yelps! as a mini-gooshurm scoots right beneath his feet and into the hay.

Josef nudges Demes, "Also recommend Kella, he good with vanderat."

X dashes into the stables, butterfly net in hand … then skids to a stop, and snaps to attention, sliding the net behind him. His ears turn pink again, as he steals furtive glances at the hay the Gooshurm disappeared into.

Chiri nodnods, very much in agreement with Josef, but doesn't speak it aloud, fearing that a Skreek's recommendation might not amount to much.

Demes listens to Josef. "Of course," he says with a smile. "He has that look of someone who cares about this Sparks. Sparks must be special to him… And perhaps, he as well to Sparks." He leans over to whisper to one of the Emir's staff.

Kella looks over at X, raising his eyebrows in turn… then grins. He lowers his hand to the hay and beckons with his other for the Savanite to approach in a 'look-and-see' gesture.

Chiri brightens. "Glad to see you're still in one piece, Spotty, she signs. "I'm sure you'd hate to have me patch you up again." The Skreek winks.

X smiles and bows and bows again as he scoots sideways over, making his way toward Kella, on the watch for rampant Gooshurms.

*pounce!* The mini-gooshurm springs out of the hay and wraps in a coil around the old Zerda's wrist. It starts slobbering away happily on Kella's fingers.

Chiri erks!

Kella offers the Gooshurm to X, looking quite amused.

X cringes at the sight, and slips the net around Kella's wrist, trying to extract the disgusting little beastie with his other hand.

The Emir's ears wiggle as he watches the goings-on. He nods to a whisper from his staff.

Kella wipes his hands on his shirt after getting rid of the Gooshurm. "So, so. All things lost, are found again. In time."

Demes claps X on the back. "Well done, all of you," he says as the Emir's staff begins to file out. "I think we can look forward to good things when I go to visit the Emir at home. So… Do I want to know how you did it?"

X looks at the netted Gooshurm, trying to plumb the depths of this experience for anything quite so profound to be found in this incident. He jolts at Demes' unexpected clap, but holds a firm grip on the net.

Faresk… is gone amidst a cloud of unspoken oaths. Perhaps he's not a very good loser.

Josef looks to Chiri, "You can tell him."

Chiri quietly ambles out. "Does it matter? As long as we get the job done and the authorities aren't after our tails. Although you owe a LOT to our Zerda friend here."

Kella grins.

"Hmm," Demes says. "The Emir was just saying he had an opening for a good instructor to train young vanderats to race well… " He grins. "I think we can arrange something. Yes indeed."

"… including the two coppers I paid him to help us… " Chiri adds, a bit softer.

Josef catches up to Demes, and slips the leftover gold into his paw.

X looks about, then strides out of the stable, searching for the mistress to bring his "catch" to for further instructions on just … what to do with it.

The Khatta laughs at the 'hint', and hands Chiri two copper coins… then a silver to all three of them, and another silver for Kella. "To buy you better clothes when you go to interview at the Emir's palace," he suggests. "He recognizes ability, but perhaps his stablekeeper won't be so sharp-eyed… "

Josef follows behind Demes, just glad that he doesn't have to be the spokescat anymore.

Chiri quietly pockets her coins. Oresta isn't as profitable as her previous job… but it's no less adventurous.


GMed by Lynx

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Today is 7 days after Reckoning Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)