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(New Character Arrival) (Roho) (Ur) 85: Buzz


12655 bytes
27 Feb, 1997

<+ E +>

Feb. 26. Roho the wandering healer rescues someone.

GMed by Greywolf

(New Character Arrival) (Ashdod) (Roho) (Skiree) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) (Wynona) 87: The Pool of Master Zahirinee


52067 bytes
12 Feb, 1998

<+ E +>

15 Candlemass, 6097 RTR (28 Feb 1997) Roho and Wynona enter a mysterious forest.

GMed by Lynx

(Ashdod) (Roho) (Skiree) (Ur) (Wynona) 98: Stopping to Ask for Directions


27414 bytes
06 Mar, 1997

<+ E +>

11 Candlemass, 6097 RTR (4 Mar 1997) Wynona, Roho, and Skiree encounter a foxtauress in Ashdod.

GMed by Lynx

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Roho) (Ur) 120: House Call Troubles


13713 bytes
16 Mar, 1997

<+ E +>

Candlemass, 6097 RTR (15 Mar 1997) Roho pays a call to Babel to offer his help.

GMed by Greywolf & Lynx

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Roho) (Ur) 122: Good For What Ails You


32701 bytes
18 Mar, 1997

<+ E +>

Candlemass 2, 6097 RTR (17 Mar 1997) Roho and Flemm prescribe treatments for the Sabaoth.

GMed by Greywolf & Lynx

(Airship) (Ashdod) (Babel) (Roho) (Ur) 132: Rewards and Sacrifices


35224 bytes
22 Mar, 1997

<+ E +>

Candlemass 4 6097 RTR (19 Mar 1997) Roho attends a banquet in the Sabaoth's palace.

GMed by Greywolf

(Airship) (Armani) (New Character Arrival) (Paradys Lost) (Roho) (Wynona) 134: Roho's Folly


39729 bytes
24 Mar, 1997

<+ E +>

Mar. 23. The Distant Star encounters a "Flying Khattaman".

GMed by Greywolf

(Arkold) (Envoy) (Jaundice) (Rephidim) (Roho) 140: Lunch Lesson


24785 bytes
04 Apr, 1997

<+ E +>

Mar 27. Jaundice has his first lesson in sign-language, with occasional interruptions from Roho and Arkold.

GMed by Zoltan

(Envoy) (Kaela) (Rephidim) (Roho) 149: Faint Hope


25016 bytes
02 Apr, 1997

<+ E +>

Apr. 1. Kaela enlists Roho and Envoy to help her mother.

GMed by Greywolf & Lynx

(Paradys Lost) (Rephidim) (Roho) (Zoltan) 151: Shokar's Silver Bell


15387 bytes
03 Apr, 1997

<+ E +>

Apr. 2. Zoltan walks on the decks of a legend.

GMed by Greywolf

(Airship) (Envoy) (City of Hands) (Paradys Lost) (Roho) (Wynona) (Zoltan) 161: Doctor Roho


20007 bytes
07 Apr, 1997

<+ E +>

Apr. 6. Roho is visited by several patients on the Freedom's Dream.

GMed by Greywolf

(Airship) (Envoy) (City of Hands) (Kaela) (Paradys Lost) (Roho) (Wynona) (Zoltan) 163: The Race is On


31301 bytes
08 Apr, 1997

<+ E +>

Apr. 7. The Freedom's Dream spots the Rocky Rogue.

GMed by Greywolf

(Airship) (Desert Rose) (City of Hands) (Himaat) (Roho) 165: Visions of a Blind Fox


16115 bytes
09 Apr, 1997

<+ E +>

Apr. 8. Roho has a strange dream on the way to the Savan.

GMed by Greywolf

(Airship) (Envoy) (City of Hands) (H'rral) (Kaela) (Paradys Lost) (Roho) (Savan) (Wynona) (Zoltan) 166: Familiar Ground


56162 bytes
09 Apr, 1997

<+ E +>

Apr. 8. The Freedom's Dream encounters a blockade and reaches an abandoned village in the Savan.

GMed by Greywolf

(Envoy) (City of Hands) (Kaela) (Roho) (Savan) (Zoltan) 168: Recovering at the Village


16629 bytes
11 Apr, 1997

<+ E +>

Apr. 10. Roho tends to Storm-Hand's wounds at her village.

GMed by Greywolf

(New Character Arrival) (City of Hands) (H'rral) (Jynx) (Paradys Lost) (Roho) (Savan) (Zoltan) 172: Adding Fuel to the Fire


45886 bytes
15 Apr, 1997

<+ E +>

Apr. 15. Jezebel visits Storm-Hand's village. Trouble follows.

GMed by Greywolf

(Envoy) (City of Hands) (Roho) (Savan) 174: See No Evil, Speak No Evil


13055 bytes
15 Apr, 1997

<+ E +>

Apr. 14. Azhtar and Roho encounter a language barrier.

GMed by Greywolf

(Envoy) (City of Hands) (H'rral) (Jynx) (Roho) (Savan) 178: Chain Reaction


36218 bytes
18 Apr, 1997

<+ E +>

Apr. 16. Jynx displays his characteristic bad luck.

GMed by Greywolf

(Airship) (Paradys Lost) (Roho) (Zoltan) 183: Purrrrrrrrr...


24987 bytes
04 May, 1997

<+ E +>

Apr 21. Zoltan, Roho and Jezebel have some tea.

GMed by Greywolf

(Airship) (H'rral) (Paradys Lost) (Paradys) (Roho) (Zoltan) 192: Landfall


35870 bytes
09 May, 1997

<+ E +>

May 7. The Freedom's Dream encounters a vegetated sky island.

GMed by Greywolf

(Airship) (Paradys Lost) (Paradys) (Roho) (Zoltan) 197: Third Vision


23421 bytes
12 May, 1997

<+ E +>

May 11. Zoltan has a bizarre dream, then sets out with Roho to go exploring.

GMed by Greywolf

(Airship) (Paradys Lost) (Paradys) (Roho) 206: Different Perspectives


7914 bytes
25 May, 1997

<+ E +>

May. 19. Roho goes exploring on Paradys, and sees nothing.

GMed by Greywolf

(Airship) (H'rral) (Paradys Lost) (Paradys) (Roho) (Wynona) (Zoltan) 212: Unfriendly Natives


42840 bytes
27 May, 1997

<+ E +>

May 25. Paradys is explored … and the locals don't seem friendly.

GMed by Greywolf

(Paradys Lost) (Paradys) (Roho) 230: Underscoring Disadvantages


26229 bytes
09 Jun, 1997

<+ E +>

Jun 8. Roho goes exploring on Paradys again.

GMed by Greywolf

(Paradys Lost) (Paradys) (Roho) (Zoltan) 231: Shokar's Legacy


66420 bytes
21 Jun, 1997

<+ E +>

Jun 9. Zoltan and Roho find their way into the tower at the center of Paradys.

GMed by Greywolf

(Airship) (Paradys Lost) (Paradys) (Roho) (Wynona) 247: A Little Bird Told Me...


13364 bytes
24 Oct, 2006

<+ E +>

Jun 21. Wynona goes from jubilation to dismay over a message she relates to Zoltan.

GMed by Greywolf

(Airship) (Paradys Lost) (Paradys) (Roho) (Zoltan) 249: Stranger than Fiction


17926 bytes
24 Jun, 1997

<+ E +>

Jun 23. Roho and Zoltan have news for each other.

GMed by Zoltan

(Paradys Lost) (Paradys) (Roho) (Zoltan) 255: A Fine Mess


12314 bytes
29 Jun, 1997

<+ E +>

Jun 27. Zoltan and Roho, on the way back to the Tower, go over their options.

GMed by Greywolf

(Paradys Lost) (Paradys) (Roho) 257: Trees, Sounds and Psychic Imbalances


7562 bytes
02 Jul, 1997

<+ E +>

Jun 30. Roho risks his sanity by using the half-Vartans' helmet.

GMed by Greywolf

(Paradys Lost) (Paradys) (Roho) (Zoltan) 264: Success by Default


40090 bytes
12 Jul, 1997

<+ E +>

Jul. 2. Zoltan and Roho try to escape Paradys.

GMed by Greywolf

(City of Hands) (Necropolis) (Paradys Lost) (Paradys) (Roho) (Spheres of Magic) (Wynona) (Zoltan) 268: Twilight-Wing


21912 bytes
14 Jul, 1997

<+ E +>

Jul. 9. Zoltan confers with Twilight-Wing after a nasty incident.

GMed by Greywolf

(Paradys Lost) (Paradys) (Roho) (Wynona) (Zoltan) 270: This Close


46558 bytes
13 Jul, 1997

<+ E +>

Jul. 9. Zoltan and Roho go on a "recon" mission.

GMed by Greywolf

(Airship) (Necropolis) (Paradys Lost) (Paradys) (Roho) (Spheres of Magic) (Wynona) (Zoltan) 273: Trouble in Paradys


47306 bytes
13 Jul, 1997

<+ E +>

Jul 10. The Freedom's Dream goes to war.

GMed by Greywolf

(Paradys Lost) (Paradys) (Roho) (Spheres of Magic) (Wynona) (Zoltan) 316: Shokar's Cabin


26209 bytes
12 Aug, 1997

<+ E +>

Aug 3. Zoltan shows the cabin in the jungle to Wynona.

GMed by Greywolf

(New Character Arrival) (Envoy) (Leeta) (Paradys Lost) (Quicksilver) (Rephidim) (Roho) 332: It's always the crazy times...


23552 bytes
17 Aug, 1997

<+ E +>

Several people gather at the Shiny Mug.

GMed by Greywolf & Zoltan

(Envoy) (Rephidim) (Roho) (Taliamelle) (Zoltan) 348: Shinies, Scouts, and Secrets


30932 bytes
11 Sep, 1997

<+ E +>

Envoy visits the Shiny Shop, as do the Temple Scouts and an unwelcome spirit. Aug 25

GMed by Greywolf

(New Character Arrival) (Rephidim Bazaar) (Rephidim) (Roho) (Skrill) (Taliamelle) (Wynona) (Zoltan) 350: Meeting Skrill


15930 bytes
04 Dec, 1997

<+ E +>

Zoltan, Wynona, Taliamelle, Roho and Skrill get together in the Bazaar. Aug 26

GMed by Greywolf

(Rephidim Bazaar) (Chiaroscuro) (Envoy) (Pawtuxet) (Rephidim) (Roho) (Quest in the 354: Friends and Entities


16792 bytes
04 Dec, 1997

<+ E +>

In which Pawtuxet meets several friends unexpectedly

GMed by Chiaroscuro

(Rephidim) (Roho) (Rephidim Temple) (Quest in the 366: Old Timer's Sake


12477 bytes
16 Sep, 1997

<+ E +>

In which Roho meets Miriam, and signs on for a quest.

GMed by Chiaroscuro

(Rephidim Bazaar) (Jynx) (Natilie) (Rephidim) (Roho) 371: Beware of Yelf


15481 bytes
07 Sep, 1997

<+ E +>

6 Sep. Natilie slugs Roho. Jynx delivers a gift.

GMed by Greywolf

(Quicksilver) (Rephidim) (Roho) (Vorgulremik) (Wynona) 382: The Saboath's Dragon


41534 bytes
19 Sep, 1997

<+ E +>

Sep 14. A late-night Eeee concert in Freedom Park is crashed by a dragon.

GMed by Lynx

(Airship) (Chiaroscuro) (Envoy) (Mircus) (Pawtuxet) (Roho) (Quest in the 390: Westward Bound


25944 bytes
07 Dec, 2009

<+ E +>

17 Sep. The investigative team meets on the Glorious Wildfire and begin their mission.

GMed by Chiaroscuro

(Airship) (Chiaroscuro) (Envoy) (Mircus) (Roho) (Sabaoth's Wrath) (Quest in the 418: Signed, Sealed.. Delivered?


9014 bytes
06 Feb, 1998

<+ E +>

In which Captain Sendrick reads a letter to the questers.

GMed by Chiaroscuro

(Airship) (Chiaroscuro) (Envoy) (Mircus) (Ocean) (Pawtuxet) (Roho) (Quest in the 429: Return to Little Rephidim West


42242 bytes
29 Oct, 1997

<+ E +>

In which the first foray into Little Rephidim goes awry.

GMed by Chiaroscuro & Lynx

(Chiaroscuro) (Envoy) (Mircus) (Ocean) (Pawtuxet) (Roho) (Quest in the 430: Searches and Squids


37009 bytes
27 Feb, 1998

<+ E +>

In which the questers run into some unfriendly creatures.

GMed by Lynx

(Chiaroscuro) (Envoy) (Mircus) (Ocean) (Roho) (Quest in the 433: Eeee's a Survivor


45628 bytes
25 Nov, 1997

<+ E +>

In which the Questers find the weapons, and someone finds them.

GMed by Lynx

(Chiaroscuro) (Envoy) (Mircus) (Ocean) (Roho) (Quest in the 435: Mazy Motions, Hazy Notions


57169 bytes
25 Nov, 1997

<+ E +>

In which the Questers divide, and… conquer?

GMed by Lynx

(Chiaroscuro) (Envoy) (Mircus) (Ocean) (Pawtuxet) (Roho) (Quest in the 438: In The Drink


56039 bytes
25 Nov, 1997

<+ E +>

In which the questers come face to face with squids for the last time.

GMed by Lynx

(Airship) (Chiaroscuro) (Envoy) (Mircus) (Pawtuxet) (Roho) (Sabaoth's Wrath) (Quest in the 468: White and Blue


44006 bytes
19 Mar, 1998

<+ E +>

Captain Sendrick duels with the Eeee captain for the fate of both ships.

GMed by Chiaroscuro

(Chiaroscuro) (Envoy) (Mircus) (Pawtuxet) (Rephidim) (Roho) (Rephidim Temple) (Quest in the 479: Review Session


28916 bytes
20 Mar, 1998

<+ E +>

Dec 12. The expedition members are debriefed by Venerable Officer Miriam

GMed by Chiaroscuro

(Brishen) (Envoy) (Quicksilver) (Rephidim) (Roho) (Skrill) 484: Deal of the Day


42792 bytes
23 Dec, 1997

<+ E +>

Dec 19: Several items go on auction as the Temple has its 'Ballast Sale'

GMed by Greywolf, John & Lynx

(New Character Arrival) (Galand) (Lochinvar) (Mira) (Rephidim) (Roho) (Wynona) (X) (Zsofi) 496: Landing Day at Roho's Pital


63547 bytes
09 Feb, 1998

<+ E +>

Landing Day, 6097 RTR (Dec 1997) Almost all of Rephidim arrives to help the Healer open his hospice.

GMed by Greywolf

(Arcadia) (Brishen) (Rephidim) (Roho) (Sabaoth's Wrath) 516: Uncommon Colds


21518 bytes
26 Jan, 1998

<+ E +>

Jan 16: Roho treats several patients for various illnesses

GMed by Greywolf

(Buran) (Envoy) (Rephidim) (Roho) (Sabaoth's Wrath) 577: Howl If You're From Himar


23191 bytes
15 Jun, 1998

<+ E +>

6 Mar, 98. The Jupani of Rephidim and survivors of Himar get worked up into an anti-Temple fervor, with the voice of reason coming from an unexpected source.

GMed by Greywolf

(Jynx) (Mircus) (Rephidim) (Roho) (Sabaoth's Wrath) 611: A Day at Doctor Roho's


18078 bytes
12 Apr, 1998

<+ E +>

5 Apr 1998. Roho's break is interrupted by visiting patients.

GMed by Greywolf

(Brishen) (Darkside) (Ophelia) (Rephidim) (Roho) (Wynona) 654: Beware the Tides of Harvest


29129 bytes
02 Jan, 1999

<+ E +>

15 Nov 1998. Brishen throws a Harvest Tide party at the Babelite Embassy. Many attend, and trouble abounds.

GMed by Greywolf & Lynx

(Envoy) (Rephidim) (Roho) (Quest in the 711: The Doctor is In


9426 bytes
10 Feb, 1999

<+ E +>

8 Feb 1999. Envoy pays Roho a visit, and a couple of silver shekels.

GMed by Greywolf & Roho

(Rephidim Bazaar) (Envoy) (Fenter) (Rephidim) (Roho) (Spheres of Magic) 714: Death by Xocholatl


51975 bytes
22 Feb, 1999

<+ E +>

15 Feb 1999. Fenter and his sidekick (Envoy) thwart Wyckyd's nefarious plans.

GMed by Greywolf

(Aelfhem) (Airship) (Kensington) (Kira) (Roho) (Scarlet) (Spheres of Magic) 862: Aelfhem Relief Effort


18638 bytes
27 Aug, 1999

<+ E +>

32 Ring, 6099 RTR (26 Aug 1999) Scarlet and others travel to Aelfhem to aid the Aelfin.

GMed by Greywolf

(Aelfhem) (The Wand of F) (Kensington) (Kira) (Roho) (Scarlet) (Spheres of Magic) 863: Blind Fighting


16654 bytes
27 Aug, 1999

<+ E +>

32 Ring, 6099 RTR (26 Aug 1999) Scarlet's adventuring party is ambushed by Eeee pirates.

GMed by Greywolf

(Aelfhem) (The Wand of F) (Kensington) (Kira) (Roho) (Scarlet) (Spheres of Magic) 864: The Trouble with Dragons and Magic Wands


32133 bytes
27 Aug, 1999

<+ E +>

32 Ring, 6099 RTR (26 Aug 1999) Scarlet tries to pacify the dragon. She gets squished. It goes downhill from there.

GMed by Greywolf

(Aelfhem) (The Wand of F) (Kensington) (Roho) (Scarlet) (Ur) 865: Sinai's Largest Belly-Flop Ever


8356 bytes
27 Aug, 1999

<+ E +>

32 Ring, 6099 RTR (26 Aug 1999) Roho and Kensington pursue the floating ball of Aelfin.

GMed by Greywolf

(Aelfhem) (The Wand of F) (Kensington) (Roho) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) (Zoltan) 866: Kenny Sugarseed


56591 bytes
25 Sep, 1999

<+ E +>

29 Ring, 6099 RTR (29 Aug 1999) Kensington tries to undo the damage to the sugarfir forest.

GMed by Greywolf & Zoltan

(Envoy) (Roho) (Space) (Wynona) 873: Improbability Storm


34352 bytes
19 Sep, 1999

<+ E +>

18 Ring, 6099 RTR (9 Sep 1999) Envoy explores Fortunatis and encounters a bizarre storm.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Roho) (Ur) 881: Roho at the Table of the High Prince


27040 bytes
21 Sep, 1999

<+ E +>

11 Ring, 6099 RTR (16 Sep 1999) Roho is a guest at the palace of the High Prince of Babel.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Babel) (Roho) (Ur) 888: An Opportunity for Roho


9624 bytes
24 Sep, 1999

<+ E +>

7 Ring, 6099 RTR (20 Sep 1999) Roho is approached by a Thath with an opportunity.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Roho) (Skiree) (Ur) 896: Returning to the Pool of Zahirinee


19147 bytes
26 Sep, 1999

<+ E +>

3 Ring, 6099 RTR (24 Sep 1999) Roho travels to the abode of Master Zahirinee.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Envoy) (Roho) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) (Wynona) 901: Roho's Image


50191 bytes
07 Oct, 1999

<+ E +>

Ring Day, 6099 RTR (27 Sep 1999) Roho, Envoy and Wynona are reunited at Master Zahirinee's pool.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Envoy) (Roho) (Skiree) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) (Wynona) 909: The Magic Popsicle


52773 bytes
07 Oct, 1999

<+ E +>

Ring 7, 6099 RTR (4 Oct 1999) Things go awry at the ritual at Master Zahirinee's pool.

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Envoy) (Roho) (Ur) 915: The Jig is Up


19098 bytes
09 Nov, 1999

<+ E +>

Reckoning 2, 6099 RTR (14 Oct 1999) Roho and Envoy have to fight with "Scarlet".

GMed by Greywolf

(Ashdod) (Envoy) (Roho) (Ur) 917: Cryona Tells All


15597 bytes
09 Nov, 1999

<+ E +>

Reckoning 3, 6099 RTR (14 Oct 1999) Envoy and Roho question "Scarlet" about her actions.

GMed by Greywolf

(Airship) (Envoy) (Qing) (Roho) (Spheres of Magic) 919: Death by Proxy


27562 bytes
30 Oct, 1999

<+ E +>

Fools' Day, 6099 RTR (21 Oct 1999) Roho, Envoy and Qing rush to save the life of "Scarlet".

GMed by Greywolf

(Arkold) (Rephidim Bazaar) (Elise) (Envoy) (Esther) (Kensington) (Melchizedek) (Rephidim) (Roho) (Shadow) (Zsofi) 1012: Happy New Century!


74017 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New Year's Eve, 6099 RTR (27 Jan 2000) Several are gathered at a ball to celebrate the turn of the century in Rephidim.

GMed by Greywolf & Rowan

(New Character Arrival) (Rephidim Bazaar) (Piper) (Rephidim) (Roho) (Sewers) 1044: Piper the Vermite Hunter


24289 bytes
15 Jun, 2005

<+ E +>

New Year 11, 6104 RTR (12 Feb 2000) Piper, a young vermite hunter, finds a young lady abandoned in the sewers.

GMed by Rowan

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Today is 16 days before Ring Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)