Blaze of Glory
This small, light ship is one of the fastest in the Temple's fleet, brilliantly decked out with red, orange, and yellow sails. Though its registry and side-marks denote it as the 'Glorious Wildfire', it's known as the 'Blaze of Glory' by all sailors of the air.
Just before dawn, and the ship is quiet. Only the early risers stir belowdecks, and abovedecks, only Savanites serve to steer and watch.
Naomi rolls over in her bunk, mumbling, "Mmmph… g'way… sleepin'… "
Envoy pokes her head out of the cabin she shares with Chiaroscuro, and looks down the hall towards the knocking.
Pawtuxet is mercilessly torn from her dreams, by the audible intrusion. Somewhat confused, she sits up, uncertain wether she really did hear something, and listens.
*KNOCK* *KNOCK*, again, just as loud.
Naomi pulls the covers over her head. "Paxtuxet… would you see who that is?" mutters the Rath'ani from beneath her blanket. "Tell whoever it is to come back later… "
Pawtuxet wilts her ears as the thought of getting up, but nonetheless leaves her comfy position and moves towards the door. "Yes?", she inquires.
A huge, shaggy Jupani stands in the narrow hallway in front of Pawtuxet's door. He glances over at Envoy, then turns back to Pawtuxet's door, and *KNOCKS* again.
Pawtuxet tilts her head at the repeated knock, then opens the door.
"Is anything wrong?" Envoy asks the Jupani.
The Jupani looks to Pawtuxet. "Ey, Captain says you six report abovedecks soonquick, ey? Going to be at Paquebot."
A groan issues from the lump on Naomi's bunk. "It takes me at least an hour to shampoo my tail! Can't that nasty old captain wait until the sun is up a ways?"
Rapid headshaking from the Jupani. "Not unless you not hurry up, then Sendrick *wham!* atcha!". He grins at Envoy, laughing at his own joke, then heads down the hallway and abovedecks.
Pawtuxet looks towards her bunk, wondering if asking the captain to circle the paquebot a couple of time, while she catches another 5 minutes, would be appropriate. She decides against it and nods to the Jupani, "We'll be right up, thank you."
Envoy turns back into her cabin to wake up Chipper.
Chiaroscuro wakes up quickly when prodded… "Mmm? What? Rather early to awake, Envoy… "… he yawns widely, jaws gaping open.
Envoy, being already dressed and awake, heads over to the third cabin shared by Roho and Mircus, and taps on their door.
Chiaroscuro slips down from his bunk, changing quickly to his regular clothing before Envoy returns.
Naomi sits up finally, her eyes still sleep-squinted, barely discernable against her mask. Grumbling to herself, she steps into her slippers and shuffles behind the dressing screen. "I hope we can at least have breakfast first."
Envoy opens the cabin door a bit to peek inside, "Mircus? It's time to get up… do you know where Roho is?"
A dissheveled Mircus pokes his head out of a door and blinks blearily, "What's all the noise… ?"
Envoy says, "We're landing soon."
Chiaroscuro stretches, and begins his morning prayers… saying an abbreviated version to save time.
Envoy looks over the Rath'ani's head to confirm that Roho isn't in the cabin with him.
Naomi emerges in her skirt, blouse, and apron, in the process of pinning her hair up. She steps out of the cabin, and glances around at whomever is in the hall. "What's going on?" she asks, still rubbing one eye.
Mircus peers around, obviously not wide awake yet. "Landing? This early? Roho? No, I don't… "
Envoy smiles to Naomi, "We're landing soon. Wouldn't you like to see the paquebot during sunrise, having breakfast in the fresh air?"
Chiaroscuro mmms… "An excellent idea, Envoy… " he says as he steps out from his cabin. His headfur's a bit disheveled from the night's sleep, but otherwise, he seems ready and bright-eyed.
Naomi finally gets her hair up, and snorts a stray wisp out of her face. "Maybe if it were breakfast in bed. Hmph." She looks down the hall, and says, "I last saw Roho in the sickroom, when I was getting Mircus' niknikberries. I'll go check there."
Envoy says, "Thank you, Naomi. I'll go get see what's happening abovedeck."
Envoy pauses to straighten some of Chipper's headfur, then heads for the hatch.
Mircus yawns, and returns to his cabin for a moment, soon re-emerging in a different set of his usual (rumpled) brown clothes.
Chiaroscuro holds still under the grooming, and then follows Envoy up abovedecks…
Mircus shrugs and plods after Envoy and Chipper. Might as well see what's going on.
Abovedecks, a thin drizzle of rain is just ending, as the Blaze of Glory sails towards Little Rephidim West. Savanites are heading belowdecks, as the day crew rises, furling the outer yellow sails.
Envoy signs her usual greetings to the Savanites as they pass her.
The Savanites sign back politely, but not as formally as 'normal' city Savanites might. Most seem weary after the night shift, and eager to sleep.
Pawtuxet, once clothed, hophops energetically out from her cabin, apparently convincing herself, that she isn't really sleepy anymore.
Naomi nods, and pitterpatters down the hall. She opens the door to the sickroom and pokes her head in. "Doctor? Are you in here?"
Roho's snoozing peacefully with his head on his arm, sitting at the wooden table in the center of the room. There's a burned-out candle in the center of the table, and several mixtures of herbs around. He lifts his head and blinks sleepily, "Huh? Can I help you?"
Naomi steps over to Roho, placing a paw on his shoulder. "It's Naomi, Doctor. We'll be landing shortly." She shakes her head, clucking her tongue. "Were you in the infirmary all night? This isn't good for you, you know."
Roho stands and does a few stretches, grimacing at a small *krik* his back makes, "Yeah, I think you're right… a bed's a little more comfy. Guess I kinda' dozed off." He smoothes his headfur down, and picks up his walking stick, "Landing?"
Naomi tsks at the melted candle before chirping, "Yes, we've reached the Paquebot. The brute… er, captain wants us on deck. Hmph, can you believe it? We haven't even had breakfast yet!"
Naomi huffs, "If my tail frizzes, it'll be that crabby Sendrick's fault too." She offers Roho her arm. "Shall we go meet the Mighty Cranky One?"
back abovedecks… Envoy looks around for Captain Sendrick…
The Captain's at the very bow of the ship, barking out orders to a few crew members…
Envoy smiles and goes forward to tap the black poodle on the shoulder.
Chiaroscuro settles by a railing, watching the ship sail towards the dock…
Roho emerges a few moments later from the hatch, taking a deep breath of the air before heading towards one of the deck railings.
Naomi follows after Roho, her nose twitching at the smell of rain.
Mircus just leans against the relatively immobile object and closes his eyes. .
The captain turns at Envoy's tap. "What?", he grumbles. "Oh, it's the curious one… I suppose you have a question?" he says, arms folded over his chest.
Envoy smiles, "Is everything alright?"
Pawtuxet follows Roho and Naomi onto the deck, shuddering slightly at the rain.
The Captain hmpphs… "Yes, yes, just fine. Anything else?" he says, eyes flicking up to watch a crewman on the rigging.
Naomi's tail immediately puffs out in the damp air. The Rath'ani shoots as nasty a glare at the Captain as she can muster.
Little Rephidim West expands from a tiny dot barely visible through the waves as a flower washed by the foaming ocean. The central core, made of some kind of ceramic material, is grayish and washed by lengths of trailing green, its surface eroded by time, and the outlying arms of the paquebot are made of wood, timbers weathered and warped, containing warehouses and living quarters and craft shops. At this distance it seems virtually untouched…
Envoy says, "Are we going to have breakfast on deck, or wait until we've docked?"
Sendrick doesn't seem to notice the glare from the Rath'ani, as he mutters, "No breakfast until after we're secure," to Envoy. He turns suddenly upwards to the rigging… "Edhani! Careful with that! You know any broken ropes come out fo your pay!"
Long pylons extend from the arms for dockings, providing plenty of room between ships; under normal conditions, an airship would throw down lines and waiting crew on the paquebot would tie them down. These are not normal conditions, and the paquebot appears completely deserted, the tattered cloth flags of the Temple and of Rephidim flapping from more central flagpoles.
Envoy walks back to the others, and says, "We'll have breakfast after the ship is secured."
Mircus makes no reaction to the comment. Either he's fallen asleep standing up, or he's doing a very good impression.
Dark shapes are barely discernable beneath the waves, one or two breaching the surface to reveal slim gray cetaceans that spout into the air with a low booming sound.
Envoy oos, leaning over the railing to wave at the whales.
Naomi nervously approaches a railing to have a look at the paquebot. He fear melts away, her face lighting up. "Ohh, how pretty! But I thought it would be… busier than this."
Captain Sendrick hmmms thoughtfully a moment. "Jerfir! Zepik! You two come with me." He walks over to the assembled Temple-sent group.
Chiaroscuro looks up as the captain approaches…
The whales don't seem to wave back to Envoy.
Naomi turns away from the railing, and goes to stand to one side of Roho, watching the captain with some apprehension.
Envoy points out the mammals to Chipper, "Look, we can ask them about the goo."
"Envoy, Waashu Biter," Sendrick says, as two Vartans come up behind the captain, "Head down to the paquebot and tie up the lines. Zepik'll fly you down.", he notes to the mongoose, pointing to the darker-coated of the Vartans.
Roho smiles at the Rath'ani's approach, then turns back out seaward, enjoying the fresh air. Belowdecks can be very stuffy.
Envoy salutes and jumps over the railing before spreading her wings.
Chiaroscuro nods, glad he wore his 'exploration' clothes, thick and protective. "Yes, Captain." He pads over to the Vartan, who drops to a knee and sets him in a light harness, before flying over the side of the deck.
The waters foam green closer to the paquebot, showing the strands of kelp and algae that have attached to the station's base. Tiny silver fishes dart between the blades of the plants. Up closer, the half-year that has passed since the station's abandonment shows in the deterioration of the wooden arms, with holes apparent here and there in the sides.
Envoy catches one of the mooring lines as she lands, and waits for the Vartans. She doesn't know what to tie it to.
The two Vartans flap down to the deck, securing ropes and instructing Envoy and Chiaroscuro how to help. Though the constant calls from above of "No, the other way!" and "Now pay attention, Kavi!" from Sendrick seem to serve that purpose as well.
The four mooring posts surround a wide and flat planked area presumably, once the airship has been secured between these by the use of the lines, cargo can then be safely unloaded into this area.
Next to the wide dock, two tall wooden doors of some sea-soaked black material lead into the wooden arm… And from there, toward the central core.
Pawtuxet intently watches as the airship is being secured. "Mmm, breakfast… " She wags.
Naomi watches the operation with interest. "I wonder if anyone would miss anything from a trinket shop down there."
Envoy eyes the doors suspiciously. They're black, and the killer goop was black too…
Up closer, Envoy and Chiaroscuro notice that the edges of the dock are still stained with a gray-greenish liquid that doesn't look much like seaweed. Where the sea has washed them away, the wood is a lighter color.
The Vartans finish their work quickly, and soon, fly back up to the deck, leaving Chiaroscuro and Envoy down on the dock.
Roho chuckles, "I'm not sure, Naomi, but try to remember what we're here for, okay?"
Envoy asks Chipper, "Is this how it looked the first time you came here?"
The sea washes around the dock, forming a quiet sussurus.
Naomi shuffles her feet, a tiny bit disappointed. "Aww… well, I guess there'll be time for shopping later." She idly fiddles with a vial of some powdered herb in an apron pocket. "Do you have your medical bag, Doctor?"
Chiaroscuro shakes his head. "Indeed, no… all this,", he gestures to the dock, "was plastered in the black goop. It appears to have disappeared somehow… " he leans down to sniff carefully at the wood of the dock, then wrinkles his nose. "Though the stench is still here, foul as the deepest depths of Sheol."
Envoy scrapes at the wood with a little bone tool, and drops the sample into a glass tube.
Roho nods and smiles, "Of course. Do you need something?"
The landing deck readies, so other crewmen can disembark… but apparently not quickly enough for Sendrick. "You two get moving, while the rest get their 'break-fast'," he says sneeringly.
Naomi's whiskers twitch. "No, not yet. Something smells strange, though. I might need something to settle my stomach later." She shakes her head, and glances over at Pawtuxet. "Any idea what they're doing down there on the dock, Lady Pawtuxet? I can't make out what they're saying."
The poodle reaches out and grabs Mircus by the tail. "Except for you. Get your maps together and get down there."
Roho nods, "I noticed the smell. It's been getting stronger for a while." He squeezes his assistant's shoulder, "Let me know if you need anything." He stands up, and heads towards the center of the deck, waiting to hear if he's to go down or stay aboard.
The poodle reaches out and grabs Mircus by the tail. "Except for you. Get your maps together and get down there."
Envoy pokes at some of the greenish sludge with her scraper.
Chiaroscuro nods back to the Captain… "Let's go inside, Envoy… be careful, though." He squeezes her paw lightly with his, and steps nimbly towards the doors.
Pawtuxet shakes her head to Naomi, "No, not really. Although when we were here the first time, the deck was covered by the black goop. That seems to be gone now, or so it looks from up here."
Naomi's brow furrows a bit beneath her fur. "Black goop? What kind of black goop?"
Envoy looks up at the large doors while depositing the nasty smelly sample into another tube. "Do we knock?"
Mircus, asleep until grabbed, yelps in surprise, nearly falling over. "Whuu? Get the maps? I already have them." He looks rather indignant (for someone just awoken again)
The doors look like they're meant to be grasped hard and slid open in their tracks. They resemble any other warehouse's main loading doors.
Pawtuxet says, "That's one of the things we came here to find out. It was highly toxic, and appeared organic. But where it came from, or who was responsible, we never found out."
Sendrick grumbles, "Then why are you wasting my time jabbering at me? Join the Kavi and half-Aeonian already." The poodle calls out a few more commands to his crew, and heads down belowdecks for his own breakfast.
Mircus pats down several pouches and (after shooting a glare at the captain when he's not looking) heads towards the doors.
Chiaroscuro shakes his head at Envoy. "We pull, if I recall… " He grasps the door handle with a gloved hand, and begins to pull…
Envoy takes the handle of the other door, and tries to drag it open as well.
Naomi squeaks, "T-toxic? What happened?"
*Grrrnch* The door moves an inch and seems to be stuck. The accumulation of grime in the track suggests that it needs to be cleaned out somewhat more regularly than once a year.
Envoy peeks through the crack, to see if anything is waiting to jump out and eat them.
Chiaroscuro hmms, frowning… pulling harder on the door, trying to get it to budge further.
Pawtuxet explains to Naomi, while watching the events below, "When we investigated the paquebot last time, the first person to leave the ramp, was a Savanite. He died in a matter of seconds, after touching the substance. Erf."
Naomi wrings her apron, a few packets of dried leaves and seeds falling out. "I… I'm not so hungry any more… " she quavers. "B-but I think I'll go belowdecks anyway… "
Envoy says, "We could wedge something between the doors to use as a lever, Chipper."
Envoy waves to Mircus as he approaches.
The door squinches over again… another half inch. The strength of one mongoose doesn't seem to be enough to overpower jammed runners.
Chiaroscuro hmms… "It is that. or clean the tracks somehow… "
Pawtuxet's ears wilt slightly at Naomi's reaction, "I'm sorry," she says, "I didn't mean to upset you. I thought everyone had been briefed on this. Breakfast does sound like a good idea, though,"
Envoy nods and goes to check the exposed part of the runners.
Naomi edges backward from the rail, her large eyes firmly locked on the dock. She nearly trips over a coil of rope, then bumps into Roho. She manages to turn her yelp into a slightly strained, "Hi! Um… Hi, Doctor! Yes, breakfast! Would… would you like to get breakfast with Lady Pawtuxet and I?"
The greenish-gray goop looks to be the majority of what's blocking the tracks, and darkens in some places.
Mircus pads up and peers at the doors, muttering about the captain under his breath. "Need some help?"
Roho nods and smiles, "Perhaps a brief breakfast would be a good idea… it doesn't seem that anyone needs any particular medical attention yet."
Envoy looks up to Mircus, "Do you have a pole or stick?"
On the deck, crew members mill about, work on the deck, or head below. The idea of breakfast must appeal to some of them, too.
Naomi laughs nervously, and says, "Oh, well no… no-one told me more about the mission than that it was for supplies. B-but that's okay, Pawtuxet! I'm sure there's nothing… (ulp.) … nothing to worry about."
Mircus shakes his head at Envoy, "No, but there might be one inside… "
Chiaroscuro hmmms… and turns, spitting onto some green fluid, off to the side of the dock and away from the doors
Nothing unusual happens.
Pawtuxet nodnods in agreement wif Naomi, "It all seems pretty quiet, right now. Chances are, that nothing has moved on the station, since we left it."
A broad wet black back breaks the surface of the water nearby, some large seagoing creature barely touching the open air before splashing back down again.
Naomi nods, the herbal packets completely forgotten. She hurries through the hatch as quickly as possible.
Envoy hmms down at the clogging glop, and doesn't want to risk her gloves scooping it out by hand. "I'll go get a mop from the airship."
Pawtuxet smiles and nods to Roho, "Care to join us, doctor? I think Naomi skipped ahead."
Envoy flies back up to the deck of the Glorious… the Blaze of Glory.
Roho smiles, and follows along behind Pawtuxet.
Chiaroscuro idly leans down to look at the dock more closely… careful not to touch anything, and the hair on his tail standing up.
Envoy finds a mop, and flies back down with it.
After about a half-hour's worth solid cleaning, with help from a few of the crew (Savanites pulled from their beds, mostly), the door tracks are cleaned out enough to open.
At last the doors are cleaned out sufficiently that there's a chance they can be opened successfully… A Savanite looking rather nervous and white in his ears twitches his whiskers at Chiaroscuro, waiting for the command to start pulling on one of the doors.
Chiaroscuro nods to the Savanite. "Let us do it, on three. One, two… " He grips the handle tightly, planting his feet. "three!," he says as he pulls on his door.
Back on the Blaze of Glory, the three others of the party have just finished breakfast and are gearing up to join the ones on the dock.
The doors creak open and vent a horrific stench, a greenish cloud that visibly puffs out of the loading area behind them. The Savanite gasps and chokes silently, stumbling backward…
Envoy covers her muzzle with her gloved hands.
Naomi finishes nibbling a piece of hardtack, a mixture of disgust and resignation on her face. "I'm sure I saw a vermite skitter past the galley," she complains.
Chiaroscuro covers his muzzle with his sleeve, holding his breath and moving backwards…
Envoy watches the cloud, wondering if it contains chlorine.
Chiaroscuro coughs, trying to keep the green gas out of his nose and mouth, hoping it dissipates quickly…
The cloud begins to dissipate as it hits the strong sea breeze, revealing the abandoned loading area, crates everywhere. It looks as if some sort of battle was fought inside, as piles of greenish-gray goop slop over the wooden boxes, and many of the larger boxes have been smashed open to reveal strewn trinkets and cloth and preserved foodstuffs. The floor is broken in places, the water apparent through the holes.
The slave, which Chiaroscuro and Envoy vaguely remember as named 'Topper', coughs fitfully, struggling backward. He looks greenish, though that might be the effect of the cloud hanging in the air.
Envoy hmms, and sniffs the air before going further. Those piles of sludge might be the remains of the dockhands, after all.
Envoy says, "Don't breathe in, Topper!"
Topper coughs.
Chiaroscuro notices the coughing Savanite, and rushes over. "DOCTOR!", he calls to the ship. "Come down! We may need you."
Envoy goes to the Savanite, and tries to drag him back towards the landing platform while keeping her nostrils and eyes shut.
Topper curls up tight, his hand clenched over his nose and muzzle, and twitches.
Envoy opens one eye. Topper's current posture isn't conducive to easy moving.
Naomi's ears prick, her head turning so she can glance over the rail. She nudges Roho, an urgent look on her face. "I think I heard the others shouting from the Paquebot."
Envoy beats her wings, trying to clear the gas quicker from the immediate area.
Topper coughs unhealthily.
Mircus stands back at a safe distance, trying to keep both out of the way and out of harm's way. That definately doesn't look like something he wants to breathe.
Roho stands up at the call from the paquebot, and nods at Naomi, dropping a half-eaten biscuit. He grabs his bag, and hustles up to the deck.
The sea breeze washes through the loading area, cleaning it out. The green haze to the air starts to thin away into transparency.
Envoy takes an experimental breath, and leans over the Savanite to check him over.
Naomi scoops up the packets she lost, trailing after the fennec.
The fallen slave gasps for breath, but once dragged clear of the warehouse, starts to look healthier. He hyperventilates, a hand over his chest.
Pawtuxet gets up and hastily follows the doctor onto the deck.
Chiaroscuro sets an arm under Topper's armpit, and starts dragging-pulling him to his feet. "Come on… let's get you to the doctor."
Two crewmen herd the two foxes ond the Rath'ani onto the platform, and start wheeling down the landing platfrom, from the ship to the dock, at double-speed. The ride is bumpy and fast, but ince a crewman's life… (even just a Savanite's) is on the line, they push the speed.
Topper coughs not quite so unhealthily, but still in bad shape.
Roho listens to the sound of the water approaching, and when the platform is close enough, he jumps from it to the dock. The boards creak a bit beneath him, but he ignores that and runs over towards the party, "Who's injured?"
Naomi scurries after Roho, fumbling around in her apron for various pills and cheat notes, and trying to ignore the smell from the dock.
Envoy says, "Over here, Roho! A Savanite breathed in some of the gas."
Chiaroscuro calls, "Over, here, doctor… this crewman.". He helps keep the Savanite upright, while making sure to take deep breaths of his own, clearing out any gas.
Mircus peers at the downed Savanite, and sighs. Nothing he can do to help here. He glances to the now-open doors, wondering just how safe it would be to wander into the paquebot.
Roho arrives at the small group, and nods at Envoy. He drops into a crouch beside Topper, and presses a large ear to his chest. "What kind of gas was it? Is it the smell in the air now?"
Topper wheezes, breathing fast, still not able to stand up much less sign anything.
Pawtuxet departs the ramp more carefully, and heads towards the party gathered around the poisoned Savanite.
Envoy says, "Yes, it smelled nasty like this."
Envoy says, "Topper hasn't coughed up any blood though."
Roho sits Topper down on one of the wooden supports for the dock, pushing his head forward until the Savanite is resting with his head between his knees, doubled over. He says, "Slow, easy breaths, if you can… " He reaches into his bag, and selects a few herbs, which he hands to Naomi, "He'll need a broth made of these… you'll have to use the stove on the ship, it'll be faster anyways."
Naomi takes the herbs, and hurries back up the dock to the platform. "Right away, Doctor!" She is hoisted back up, and disappears into the ship.
Pawtuxet sniffs the air inquisitively, as she approaches, "The smell is different… very different, to when we were here the last time. I think something has been here, after our visit."
The dock is nearly motionless in the water, the slow rise and fall of the waves tilting the entire paquebot only slightly. It looks as if the warehouse has cleared out, but the dark interior, surrounded by crates and pierced through the floor by occasional holes, looks quite ominous.
Envoy leaves the crewman in Roho's care, and looks back into darkened warehouse. "We'll need lamps or torches."
Roho stands up, as Topper's breathing slows, "Okay, you're gonna be okay." He speaks to the group as a whole, "If he's had a lethal dose, he'd almost certainly be dead already, gases act much faster than liquid or solid poisons."
Mircus glances at Envoy, "Err… If I remember where those shutters are, it might help… " He pads towards the doors, sniffing at the air and watching where he steps.
Chiaroscuro pads over to gaze into the room, and nods to Envoy. "That would help." His ears suddenly ring as a now-familiar voice yells from the ship, "WHAT'S HAPPENED WITH MY CREWMAN?"
Roho continues, "I can smell the poison in the air, I don't think the gas is deadly. But I don't want anyone going in there without a mask of some kind." He grins slightly, "Though, after this little event, I probably don't need to tell you that."
Pawtuxet's ears flatten at the yell.
Inside the ship, Naomi is standing impatiently by a stove, staring at a pot of water, which seems to refuse to boil fast enough. While she waits, she mutters to herself, "Inhalation, breathing pause, acidic vapour was the cause. If no blood is brought up, steam herbal broth, but just one cup."
Naomi mutters, "Nah, that sounds wrong… Anchor over Star!"
Mircus' ears flinch at the captain's shout. Despite the stench in the air (and the doctor's advice), he's not coughing, so he decides it's likely safer inside than out and heads inside to look for those shutters.
Chiaroscuro turns to Mircus… "Could you… Oh, I will do it." He dashes back shipwards, to explain to the Captain.
Envoy returns to the ship as well, looking for cloth to make masks.
Naomi can be seen hurrying from the ship, trying to stir a bowl of soupy yellowish stuff and keep from tripping over her skirt at the same time. She nearly plows Sendrick over as she darts to the platform, squealing, "Look out! Hot soup!"
The warehouse looks even more as if it had survived a battle on the inside. The map-making Rath'ani sees several sets of stairs leading up to catwalks that circle the inside of the huge room, passing wooden shutters that can be closed against storms… And are presently closed against the daylight. There looks to be no system to the damage that has been done to the floor, but the Rath'ani sees blackish water rising and falling beneath the holes, the deck some three feet above sea level.
Roho meets Naomi at the platform as she reaches the dock, "Thank you, Naomi… " He takes the steaming broth to the Savanite, and then takes off his cloak. He drapes it over Topper's head, creating a tent for the steam. "Breathe that for a few minutes. When the coughing stops, drink it slowly."
Sendrick growls, but doesn;t have time to yell at the Rath'ani, due to Chipper's lightning-last recount of the story. He nods grimly. "Get my crewman back on board. You can risk your own lives, but until it's safe, I'm not risking any of my crew."
Mircus glares at the holes in the floor, "They really should update those maps more often. . changing the building and not the map's a bad idea. ." Feeling a cough coming, he starts up the nearest set of stairs before he can change his mind; after all, the captain's still out there somewhere.
Naomi says, "What's wrong with him, Doctor? I don't know if we got to breathed poisons in class!" She shuffles through her crib notes, scattering little papers and accidentally fumbling the spoon she took from the bowl. It bounces off the dock and lands in the water. Ploonk!
The stairs creak alarmingly but hold; the nearest shutter seems to have a simple rod arrangement where the rod is pulled down to close the shutters, pushed up to open them, and another sliding peg can be inserted to lock the rod into place.
Envoy returns with some painters masks from the cleaning stores. They're fairly flimsy, made of paper and gauze.
A fin passes through the water near the spoon and then flukes splash upward sending a spray of sea foam over Naomi and Roho.
Topper wheezes, but starts to breath more easily as he takes in steam.
Naomi wails, "Oooohhh, YUCK!"
The slave blinks up at Roho and starts to sign something hesitantly, before he remembers that the doctor can't see it.
Roho explains to Naomi, "Whatever was used to poison the paqubot has been decomposing… it smells organic. It's made a gas, but I don't think it's deadly anymore. That brew should just soothe the crewman's throat, and the steam will soothe his windpipe."
Mircus almost chokes back a cough, as he quickly opens the shutter and tries to catch a breath of fresh air before moving on the the next. The stench is horrible. . Just one or two more shutters for some circulation and he's leaving.
Light spills liberally over the floor of the warehouse and puffs of green emit from the shutters, not visible immediately to Mircus from inside.
Envoy comes over to Roho, "Should we use filter masks anyway?"
Chiaroscuro rather than have the two cremen winch up the platform and back down again, quickly shinnies down a rope, and back to the dock.
Mircus coughs again. And again. On second thought maybe he'll leave immediately. .
1Naomi's whiskers twitch. "Organic? Some creature could have made that stuff? It might still be around!"
Roho nods at Envoy, "It may be stronger inside, and their may be more solid poison as airborne dust."
Roho rasps, "Actually, it may be a good idea to paint the masks with some of the medicine, it'll keep the effects from accumulating… "
Roho sighs and shakes his head, "And someone with a mask go in and fetch that fool Mircus, please."
From inside the warehouse is heard a loud thud.
Naomi trembles a little, water dripping from her fur.
Envoy begins to hand out the masks as she makes her way towards the warehouse. "Mircus, are you okay in there?"
Roho strains his ears, to hear if Mircus is still moving, after the thump… he meanwhile takes the dregs of the medicine, and starts to pour it into the masks…
Chiaroscuro's ears perk at the thud from inside, and he grabs a mask quickly, heading to the doors…
Pawtuxet's ears prick up at the thud and she walks to the entrance, "Mircus?" When there's no answer, she bounds inside.
There looks to be a broken staircase several of the steps at the top are punched through, and crates have fallen over in a heap, stirring up a cloud of dust.
Roho turns to Naomi, "Did Pawtuxet have a mask?"
Topper wheezes and sits up, ears flicking around. He rubs at his eyes.
Naomi scratches her head. "I… I don't know, she took off too quickly. I didn't see."
Chiaroscuro fits the mask over his muzzle, and follows Pawtuxet along…
Roho mutters something under his breath. He says, "Watch the crewman," as he grabs three masks, tying one on himself and heading inside.
Envoy chases after Pawtuxet as well, "Don't forget your mask, Pawtuxet!"
Naomi takes a mask, tying it on and trying to keep up with the spry old fennec. "W-wait! Doctor, wait for me! Be careful!"
Roho catches up with Pawtuxet, and huffily hands her one of the masks, "Please listen next time, I don't want you passing out, too. Now which way did Mircus go?"
Mircus staggers to his feet behind one of the crates, coughing and hacking in the dust. Leaning against a crate, he just stands there, complaining about upkeep on this place…
Pawtuxet looks around, unable to locate the Rath'ani at first. Then she spots him…
Mircus peers at Pawtuxet approaching, opens his mouth to say something… and promptly collapses to the floor.
Naomi claps her paws to her muzzle. "Mr. Mircus!"
Pawtuxet takes the mask from Roho and says, "Over there… a little to your right and ahead," then snaps the mask over her muzzle and proceeds towards Mircus. She lifts him up, quite easily, seeing that she's a 'taur, and turns to head back outside.
Roho heads towards Mircus, helping the Rath'ani to his feet and giving him support, "Come on, you need to be out in the air… and tie this on." He presses the other mask into Mircus's paw.
Chiaroscuro pshews as Pawtuxet reaches Mircus, and stars heading out, grabbing Naomi insistently by the arm. "Come on… let's not have you pass out too," He says with a urgent tone."
Naomi adjusts her mask, and nods at Chiaroscuro. "Good idea, Mr. Waashu Chewer." She follows along, still rather skittish.
Pawtuxet doesn't hesitate and is soon back outside, in the relatively fresh air. She coughs and takes a few deep breaths, to clear our her lungs.
Chiaroscuro sighs, mumbling "Just 'Chipper', please, Lady Naomi?" as he guides her back out to the dock.
Naomi ohs! "Sorry, I'll remember next time!"
Roho unties the mask from his face, and turns to Naomi, "Okay… Naomi, can you handle things down here? Keep Mircus breathing, but not too fast, and try to get him to sit up if he can. And please, don't let anyone go back in there unmasked! I'm going back to the ship, there's more herbs there, I'm going to make a larger batch of stronger medication. I think we're going to need it." He heads to the landing platform.
Naomi nods at Roho. "Yes, Doctor. I think there's some of Topper's broth left over."
Topper coughs once more, but seems to have recovered. He dizzily stands to greet the others, letting slip the cloak in which the medicated steam was being contained.
Pawtuxet puts Mircus down, but keeps him sitting upright. Well, leaned back a little, as she sits down herself, to support him. She calls after Roho, "Bring some for me, too. I also caught a few whiffs of the gas."
Roho calls back down as he's hoisted aboard, "Topper needs to finish that… and Mircus needs the steam."
Mircus just sags against Pawtuxet, still hacking (and sneezing). "… some of the… *sknz!* … up… *hack!* … nose… "
Envoy holds out a little glass jar towards Mircus, and asks, "Could you sneeze into this, please?"
Naomi checks on Topper, and takes a small measuring cup from her apron, filling it from the broth bowl. "Now drink this down, Mr. Topper, you're not doing yourself any favors avoiding it." She borrows the bowl and cloak, for Mircus to breath over.
Chiaroscuro heads back aboard with the doctor.
Topper droops his ears but, like a good slave, starts breathing his medicinal steam again.
Mircus doesn't really appear to notice Envoy's request… or much else, really. He doesn't resist the cloak and steam, either. .
Naomi tries to drape the cloak over Mircus' ears, trying to get him to hold the bowl. "Breathe deeply, long regulated inhales and exhales. Be careful not to spill it if you cough very hard."
A Vartan, the one called Zepik, flaps down. "Cahptain Sendrick sahys to get Tohpper bahck on board. Ahnd he wants to talk with the rehst too."
Mircus reflexively holds the bowl. He's still coughing under the cloak, but nothing's drizzling out from under the cloak, so he's probably not spilling it…
Naomi looks back at the ramshackle building worriedly. "We'd probably better go, yes. I think Topper can walk with some help. Lady Pawtuxet, can you take Mr. Mircus on board?"
Envoy looks around to see that things are in order, then flies back up to the ship.
Pawtuxet nodnods to Naomi, then gently picks up Mircus again, hoping he at least won't spill the bowl's contents on her, and gets up herself. She proceeds onto the ramp and waits for the rest.
Topper wobbles over to the platform.
Naomi take one of Topper's arms over her shoulders, and supports him somewhat as they totter back to the platform.
The crew and the landing party are reunited aboard. Sendrick stalks back and forth. "What do you think you were doing? You knew it was contaminated by First Ones only know what!" He huffs.
Envoy says, "You told us to open the doors, Captain."
"You're not going to go down again until the healer, Roho, has finished making enough of his whatever-it-is to treat masks for all of you, and spares besides. And when you do go down, I expect that you will all observe maximum caution. I want you to have eyes in the back of your heads, and in your feet, and on your tail for that matter." The poodle waves off Envoy's comment as irrelevant. "I do not want to return to Rephidim with with dead crew and expedition members to explain- or an empty cargo hold for that matter. Is that understood?"
Envoy nods, and feels the back of her head. He doesn't really expect them to grow eyes back there, does he?
Naomi checks her tail. Eyes would ruin the pattern!
The poodle sighs. "That was a figure of speech. Dismissed." He waves his hand negligently at the others. "And get that Rath'ani to sickbay at once."
Envoy hmms, "I wonder if there are any biscuits left over from breakfast?"
Naomi helps Topper to the hatch. "Only if the vermites on Captain Barnacle-Head's bucket haven't eaten them yet! Hmph!" She assists Topper through the hatch to the infirmary, hopefully before the Captain can reply.
Pawtuxet nods to Envoy, "Yes, but only the boring ones, I fear. Roho and I had the others." ;)
The Captain stalks up to the wheelhouse and grumps.
Envoy says, "How could food ever be boring?"
Envoy heads belowdecks to check the galley.
Pawtuxet heads belowdeck and into the sickbay, still carrying the Rath'ani, whom she carefully places on one of the beds.
Roho greets Pawtuxet at sickbay, where he's just finished preparing two spaces and a large pot of the medicine. It's going to be a difficult expedition, he can see that already…
later on…
In the infirmary, Naomi takes hold of a quill, and dips it in an inkwell. She sets the silk bookmark aside, and makes herself comfortable by the desk. "Ready when you are, Doctor."
Roho relates to Naomi, "Physician's log, 7 days past Ring Day. One case of bad inhalation poisoning, one moderate, and several minor. Mr. Mircus, and the Savanite Topper are both under constant care for now, having inhaled a greenish organic gas from the paqubot. Recovery is expected to be complete, even though Mircus is believed to have inhaled solid dust. Also treated Lady Pawtuxet and Lady Envoy for minor inhalation. The captain has restricted everyone to ship until masks are prepared for all landing parties." He pauses, thinking, then adds, "The masks should be completed by morning. Hopefully, these will be the last of the casualties. End of log."