The party splits up again. Naomi and Pawtuxet prepare the weapons for movement. Chiaroscuro and Mircus crawl through the vent system to the roof, from where they contact the Blaze of Glory and update them. Then the two return to the paquebot, to rejoin the others. Meanwhile Envoy, Roho, and the Eeee survivor Dalagask go to the primarly airlock, where Envoy's lack of 'respect for the dead' causes Dalagask to flee and attack her ad Roho. Eventually it is explained to Dalagask that Envoy is a Exile from a different culture, and the three then continues to the paquebot's large airlock. Here, all seven rejoin, and discuss their next action: Envoy wants to return squid corpses she found floating in vats into the water, but the others decide using poison on squids is the best way, and so prepare for that. Chiaroscuro takes a cannister of poison and tubing, and goes through the airlock with Pawtuxet, quickly releasing poison into the water…