Flying Above Aelfhem
The crescent-shaped fertile valley that describes the heart of Aelfhem spreads out below, a mosaic of lush green foliage, the magenta and pink leaves of sugarfirs, and the sparkling blues and browns of pools that reflect the sky and the river that winds its way through the forests. Stains of black mar the beauty of the countryside, however. A crater on one of the mountainsides is surrounded by the charred remnants of sugarfirs caught in a forest fire. On another mountain slope can be seen the broken and burnt remains of a crashed airship. Here and there, patches of burnt forest and cottages bear testament to the recent troubles visited upon this peaceful place.
Captain Mountainglade's hot air balloon cautiously glides just over the tree line, coming in by following the river rather than cresting the ridges that describe the crescent valley. The reason for his caution is soon evident, as a great three-headed dragon soars through the air on six wings, shrieking with a voice that crackles with electrical energy and rumbles with thunder.
The Aelfin captain works the controls of the airship by himself, having left his wife in the relative safety of Aelfhem rather than having her hazard the dangers of getting past the rampant dragoness in order to visit Rephidim. In a quiet voice, he explains, "I will have to give the signal to the monks on Sacred Mountain to create a distraction, or else the dragon will attack us as soon as she spies us."
"Ohhhhhhhm," chants a rat from one of the three cabins located at the points of a triangular deck surrounding the central hub of the ship. The curious mercenary Earth Mage sits upon a heap of dirt his only "luggage" brought aboard the ship other than what we wears on his scrubby little back, and carries in his hole-worn satchel.
A tiger-striped tabby Khatta looks up at the dragoness with exotic green eyes, holding her polearm close by, even though it would provide little in the way of defense against such a creature even without Scarlet to dissuade any thoughts of fighting her "daughter". She regards the sleek creature with a look of respectful awe … though her stance still shows self-confidence. After all, she wasn't hired to deal with dragons.
Standing quietly along the highest of the walkways between the three cabins, Scarlet leans on her staff, watching the dragon fly by. She is dressed in the impressive robes of an arch-mage once again, as well as a gray hooded cloak that has hidden her face for most of the trip. Besides her few words to the captain and the mercenaries she has hired, she has remained silent for quite a long time.
Roho shows little recognition of the dragon's passage. Aside from the words of his traveling companions, he wouldn't even know it was there. He concentrates instead on going over his provisions. He had to pack up his medical kits pretty quickly, as the offer of the job came up very suddenly. He starts going over a third bag of supplies.
Thunder rumbles through the valley again, as lightning arcs from the mouth of one of the heads of the rampaging dragoness.
Captain Mountainglade waits until the rumble dies down, then rushes over to a large horn mounted on the deck. He takes a deep breath, places his lips to the mouth of the horn … wipes his brow … then blows for all he's worth! The horn blares and echoes through the valley … and it momentarily catches the attention of the three heads of the dragons.
Roho lets out a startled squeak at the sudden blast of the horn. A scalpel he was holding flies up, and then plunges straight down into the deck between his feet, vibrating as the blade sticks in. He wipes his paws on his breeches, and wrests the instrument back up.
Captain Mountainglade backs up, wiping his brow. "Please, please let the monks respond quickly… "
A sigh breaks the silence of the Aelfin girl as the balloon settles from the shaking of the thunder. She lifts up her left hand for a moment and reveals it to those who have been watching her to be wrapped in a black silken ribbon. Frost covers the paw as well, unnatural frost that does not appear anywhere else on the airship or her person. She stares at this for a moment before looking up once again to the dragon and watching it.
The dragon starts to wing its way closer to the hot air balloon ship … but then another horn blows from a ruined-looking structure once some sort of fortress up on one of the hillsides. The dragon abruptly alters its course, and flies shrieking at the fortress!
The Aelfin captain scrambles to adjust the stoves in turn, running down the walkways and ducking past anyone with the misfortune to be in the way. "Sorry so sorry! got to hurry! oops! excuse me… "
The girl's head suddenly jerks up. She quickly removes the hood of the cape to free her head so she can call to the dragon from the airship. "No! You must not harm them! Please!" she shouts as loudly as her voice will allow.
Roho stows his gear as he notices docking preparations coming to a head. He grabs one of the railings, and hangs on tightly.
The balloon skims over treetops … and then a clearing breaks into view. Mountainglade quickly lets air out of the balloons, forcing a fast descent. "Hold on tight! This is going to be a somewhat bumpy landing!"
The Water Mage continues to plead to the dragon until the warnings of the Captain Mountainglade catch her attention. She quickly kneels down where she is and wraps her arms around the railing.
The Khatta mercenary's tail bristles, and she holds on tight to the railing. The "ohm"-ing rat seems to be oblivious to the whole thing, still meditating on his mound of dirt.
Roho grips the railing tightly, his other arm clinging to his equipment.
The balloon rushes down to the ground, the central dangling cargo net and suspended central cabin touching first and digging up grass as it skids. Then, the frame touches down, one corner first, causing the ship to lurch to one side for just an instant, before the whole thing comes to a quick rest. It's not a crash landing … but far from soft. Definitely not a three-point landing.
The rat rolls out of his cabin, bumping against the railing. "Ohm?" He cracks open his eyes, trying to adjust to his new surroundings. "Chka! Sludge hist made it! Yatah!"
"Captain, not your best landing, but the effort is superb," Scarlet tells the Captain, her first words to the crew since she boarded. Using her staff, she pushes herself back from where she fell in a heap against the railing and stands up to dust herself off.
The captain breathes a sigh of relief. "Please … accept my most sincere apologies. There's no telling how long the monks will keep the Guardian of Storms distracted. It was necessary to land quickly."
Roho disentangles himself from the railing, groping around for his staff. He doesn't seem to find it right away, but fortunately seems to still have everything else. "Um… little help here?"
The tabby Khatta warrioress smirks at the fennec, then raises him up with a firm hand.
Roho stands a little shakily, then smiles. "Thank you, ma'am… Have you seen a staff anywhere? I'm a little lost without it."
The Khatta simply shakes her head in response … not a veryuseful one for a blind fennec, of course.
Scarlet tilts her head slightly and nods to the Captain. "Guardian of Storms? Is that what she has been named? I regret I did not give her one myself… but… somehow that is fitting. For my daughter." The girl smiles a little bit as she turns away from the captain and checks to see if her equipment is still intact.
The captain looks more than a bit alarmed at something, then folds his ears back and goes about to securing the airship down, and rolling out the gangplank. "Welcome to Aelfhem!" he proclaims to the passengers.
The rat is the first to scamper down the gangplank, not having anything to gather up and leaving his pile of dirt in the cabin. "Chka! Greetings to da Mooder Urt! Mwa!" He drops down to all fours and kisses the ground several times.
The lady Khatta strolls down the gangplank, taking in her surroundings warily. She idly twirls her weapon in one hand, then slides it into a sheath on her back when she sees all the (apparently) harmless Aelfin congregated at the fringes of the landing area. "I am ready for whatever danger we may face, Mistress Scarlet," she purrs.
A lady Aelfin cries out when she sees Captain Mountainglade, and rushes up to him. The two Aelfin embrace, the captain momentarily putting aside his routine post-landing chores.
The Mage now departs the balloon after she seems satisfied that her belongings are intact and where they should be. Upon passing the other Aelfin, she pauses to smile at him a little. "You know, I am a Mage now. I made it. But I never imagined I would return home like this. I am glad to see you again, however." She inclines her head to the man and proceeds down the plank to the awaiting mercenaries, where she taps her staff on the ground before addressing them. "There will be no harming the dragon, Keeper of Storms, unless I give the order. This is absolute. You may, however, engage any pirates that pose a threat. I do not care what you do with them."
Roho follows behind, his pack shouldered that being all he brought. He carefully follows the railing as he disembarks.
Scarlet adds, "If you have any questions, now is the time to ask." She does not seem to notice the other Aelfin yet however.
The rat nods. "Any pirrits on da ground is SKUSH " He one hand against the other, as a fist into palm, for emphasis. " by Master Sludge!" He smiles confidently, showing off his sharp rodent teeth.
The Khatta just nods her head, smirking faintly. "As you command, Mistress."
"Good. 'Skush' is a fitting end to them," Scarlet tells the Skreek with an approving nod. "My warrior, I will need you to defend the Skreek and myself when we cast spells. Do not leave our side, or you may lose your source of payment," she tells the female Khatta before turning to Roho. "Do you have any questions?"
The Khatta makes a predator's grin. "When do we see some action? That's all I need to know."
Roho nods, "I just need to know where I can start setting up a field hospital. Were we planning on basing out of here, or elsewhere?" He chuckles, "And, um, also, have you seen my walking staff? I lost it in the, er, landing."
An elder Aelfin makes her way through the small gathering of villagers at the fringe of the landing circle. She holds a large (three foot) staff, which drips with shiny stones and feathers and fetishes bound to the top. "Welcome back to Aelfhem, good child," she says, looking to Scarlet. "Would that it be under less grave circumstances."
The girl tries to smile to the mercenary and the blind man but it comes off forced and obviously fake. She does however hand her own staff to Roho. "Please use mine. I will need it returned, however." She then turns to face the elder and curtsey before greeting her. "Honored elder Winterhind. I have missed seeing your face and hearing your wisdom. I thank you for referring to me as a good child, but I fear I am tarnished. But we can discuss that when our problems have been dealt with one way or another. Anyway, I came to help you, and to save my daughter. I and my magic are at your disposal."
Roho smiles. "Thank you, milady." He tests the new staff. Fortunately, he's about the same size as most Aelfin. He leans on it, and listens to the proceedings.
The Winterhind says, "Thy presence is a boon, for we are in great need for help in this trouble time. But take heart, in that the ones that wert at blame for this hath been taken and put in bonds. A trial shalt be held, to present them with the charges against them."
"They have? Wonderful news, simply wonderful. What of the boy Baddock, that murd… boy, that was with the pirates? And I trust you will allow me to attend the trial. Also, I will need the location of Keeper of Storm's lair. I plan to go there," Scarlet tells the Winterhind with a genuine smile. The news that the pirates are captured seems to have cheered her up quite a bit. "Oh," she adds shortly, gesturing to those behind her. "These are the mercenaries I have hired, as well as a noted healer. They are also at your disposal."
A shriek echoes across the valley, as the three-headed dragon soars overhead once more. The distraction at the monastery has evidently ended, and the dragon has returned to her loud rampage. Several of the gathered Aelfin instinctively scatter for the supposed safety of their cottages … though the Winterhind stands her ground, looking sadly upwards. "The lair doth lie in the Monastery on Sacred Mountain, in the Sacred Grove. The monks shall show thee the way. The human child, Baddock, wast taken as well, and shall be duly tried for his many crimes, at so young an age."
The Winterhind looks at Roho, then adds, "If thou dost wish to help with healing, then thou shalt head to the Monastery as well, for many monks were struck down by the pirates."
Roho nods, "Very well, highness. I will go with them."
"Thou shouldst be careful," warns the Winterhind. "Though many pirates have been put in bonds, there is no telling whether there might still be enemies hiding in the woods, driven to ground by the rampages of the Guardian of Storms."
Scarlet mirrors the Winterhind's actions, for she lifts her gaze to the dragon and does not scatter in the face of its roar. "Winterhind? That dragon, she is … my daughter. In fact both dragons likely came here because of my influence not long ago. You see, I tamed Ashtoreth, Keeper of Seasons, and created the other by my hand. Perhaps I should be tried as well, for all of that. But if you decide on that, I ask to be able to finish my mission here and to speak to the boy."
Scarlet says, "I do not fear the pirates. I have become a Mage, and I will defend my people from the battlefield if need be."
The Winterhind says, "Thou cannot see the boy at this time, for he is being held in solitude to ponder his evil ways. If there is anything thou canst do to tame the Guardian of Storms, then please do so."
Scarlet lowers her head to face the Winterhind once again. She inclines her head respectfully to the elder. "Then that is what I will do." She turns towards the mercenaries and puts her free hand upon her chest. "Please, though I may ask you to follow me to her lair, I ask you not follow me inside. Hide where you can, but do not interfere even if I am attacked."
The Khatta female frowns. "If you get eaten, I still expect my full pay." She looks around, as if trying to figure out just who would handle that part of the deal.
A brightly dressed Korv glides down from above, breathing a little heavily as he comes in for a landing. "Whoo! That vessel t'were pretty quick, fer a weird lookin' balloon crewed by lil' white powderpuffs. Harr… " He jingles as he lands, folding his wings to shift the sabers on his belt.
Roho chuckles, "If she's eaten, I think pay may be the least of your worries at the time." He turns at the sudden flurry of noise, ears pivoting quickly!
The rat chitters at the Korv, "Tah! Ye not gettin' et by da big boom dragon, eh?"
The young Aelfin standing beside the elder turns to the new arrival and lifts her right hand in greeting. "Welcome, mercenary. I am glad you kept up with us. Do listen in; there is much to say. Dear healer, would you fill our avian friend in on what he should and should not do?" The girl then turns to the Khatta and smiles to her. "I will give my iron to my people, and they will pay you should I fall." As soon as she is done speaking, she unhooks a bag that jingles with the sound of metal and offers it to the Winterhind. "Please hold on to this, honored elder."
"Sorry I be late, ladies an' gents," rasps the newcomer, grinning around his beak. He approaches with a jaunty step. "That balloon t'was a mighty big target, an' Sludge seemed ta need more room fer 'is dirt anyhows. So, what're we doin'? Lizard problems, eh? We kin make short work o' it, I'll warrant."
Roho chuckles, heading up to the Korv. "I'll fill you in, while they continue preparations." The soft tones of the doctor's voice explaining the current situation mix with the raucous caws of the Korv as they go over the details.
"Mutter, mutter… whisper, mutter… leave the dragon ALONE? Why, that's a fine kettle o' squibbit iffen I's ever did hear o' one… "
Scarlet shakes her head slightly. "There will be no attacking the dragon. If I find anyone doing so, I will send the others to deal with you. I realize this may seem odd, but you must understand, that dragon is my daughter."
The Khatta nods … but as soon as Scarlet is looking another direction, she looks to the Korv, holds her index finger up to her triangular ear … and then orbits the tip around it, rolling her eyes. She then shrugs and rubs her thumb across her palm, grinning.
Kensington makes an odd snurking noise through his beak. "Well, uh… They says th' weird traits skip generations."
The Aelfin looks around for a moment longer and gestures to her party. "Come. Time is wasting and her peril increases for it. If you are all ready, we will depart for the dragon's lair immediately."
With that, the adventurers make their way through the valley and up the slopes, heading toward the Sacred Grove, and the monastery built in its heart.