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(Airship) (New Character Arrival) (Kira) (Mira) 464: The Glutton


16027 bytes
07 Dec, 1997

<+ E +>

1 Dec. Eustace do Varr gives Kira and Mira headaches on the Glutton.

GMed by Greywolf

(Rephidim Bazaar) (Kira) (Rephidim) 514: Fray!


14833 bytes
02 Apr, 1998

<+ E +>

Jan 13: Kira fights in the Bazaar

GMed by Greywolf

(Rephidim Bazaar) (Francisco) (Kira) (Rephidim) 518: Open for Business


15151 bytes
05 Feb, 1998

<+ E +>

22 Jan 1998: Francisco oversees some work at his Bazaar stall

GMed by Greywolf

(Chiri) (Darkside) (Francisco) (Kira) (Rephidim) (X) 521: Take Three Pills Daily


11447 bytes
05 Feb, 1998

<+ E +>

23 Jan 1998: Chiri treats Francisco for a head injury

GMed by Greywolf

(Bambridge) (Rephidim Bazaar) (Envoy) (Francisco) (Galand) (Jynx) (Kira) (Rephidim) (Wynona) 537: Bonging in the New Year


36729 bytes
15 Apr, 1998

<+ E +>

31 Jan 1998. The New Year is rung in at the Bazaar Clock Tower.

GMed by Greywolf

(Rephidim Bazaar) (Jynx) (Kira) (Rephidim) 538: Day After Sale


10736 bytes
24 Feb, 1998

<+ E +>

1 Feb 1998. On New Year's Day, Jynx and Kira go shopping.

GMed by Jynx

(Aelfhem) (Airship) (Kensington) (Kira) (Roho) (Scarlet) (Spheres of Magic) 862: Aelfhem Relief Effort


18638 bytes
27 Aug, 1999

<+ E +>

32 Ring, 6099 RTR (26 Aug 1999) Scarlet and others travel to Aelfhem to aid the Aelfin.

GMed by Greywolf

(Aelfhem) (The Wand of F) (Kensington) (Kira) (Roho) (Scarlet) (Spheres of Magic) 863: Blind Fighting


16654 bytes
27 Aug, 1999

<+ E +>

32 Ring, 6099 RTR (26 Aug 1999) Scarlet's adventuring party is ambushed by Eeee pirates.

GMed by Greywolf

(Aelfhem) (The Wand of F) (Kensington) (Kira) (Roho) (Scarlet) (Spheres of Magic) 864: The Trouble with Dragons and Magic Wands


32133 bytes
27 Aug, 1999

<+ E +>

32 Ring, 6099 RTR (26 Aug 1999) Scarlet tries to pacify the dragon. She gets squished. It goes downhill from there.

GMed by Greywolf

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