Roho is abandoned by his brief companion Bhuz, as he ventures into an apparently "haunted" wood. There, he encounters a couple of Eeee one a very young mage's apprentice, and the other a somewhat older spellcaster by the name of Wynona. They pay a visit to Master Zahirinee, who possesses special powers by virtue of an enchantment upon a perfectly smooth and undisturbed lake. Zahirinee offers a boon to his guests to provide an answer to any one question. Roho turns down the offer, while Wynona at last decides that she must learn about the fate of the Lalee-Papu. Master Zahirinee takes Roho off to tell him of a dastardly plot against the Sabaoth of Babel, while Wynona chats with the little apprentice Skiree … and attempts to help Skiree locate a toy airship she lost … though with unexpected and undesired results.