In which Pawtuxet meets several friends unexpectedly
(Rephidim Bazaar) (Chiaroscuro) (Envoy) (Pawtuxet) (Rephidim) (Roho) (Quest in the

The Bazaar
In the bright mid-day, the air is cool and crisp and full of the sounds – and smells – of a bustling street lined on each side with booths, vendors and customers – some loudly haggling over prices of the displayed wares. Occasionally a Zelak patrol wanders by to keep the peace and to keep a lookout for those with sticky fingers … and, to be sure, there are plenty shady sorts lurking in the shadows, regarding the passersby with hungry eyes. Or perhaps that's just a peddler over there, begging for a scrap of bread. In any case, it's a barrage on the senses – exciting and exhilirating, full of life and action.

Roho sits at a small table outside a bazaar tent, at the moment a rather amusing sight. He has his ears flattened low against the constant din of the bazaar, as he tries to eat a sloppy sandwich with some small dignity. He fails.

A few booths away, a black foxtauress is approaching as she randomly glances at the displayed items. Whatever the reason for her visit to the Bazaar, it seems to momentarily fall in the background as the smell of food becomes increasingly apparent.

Roho swallows the last mouthful of his meal, and stands up, wiping at his muzzle. He heads back towards the tent, thinking a drink would be nice after that.

Pawtuxet steps into the tent, guided by her nose, towards the source of the smell with amazing precision. After ordering a large portion of ruchrat stew, she looks around at the tent's other occupants.

Roho sniffs around as he enters the tent, taking in all the scents. He walks up to the counter, and orders a glass of senge tea. He gets his drink, then starts looking for a table to sit at that isn't already occupied.

Pawtuxet does not at first notice the entrance of the old fennec, but glances at him as he makes his order. Her ears prick up in the moment of recognition, which is when he turns from the counter and allows her to see his eyes. "Roho?" she asks, as a smile spreads over her muzzle. Pointless, if it hadn't been audible.

Roho blinks in surprise, then heads towards the voice. You can almost see the gears in his head turning as he tries to place it. As he gets closer, he catches her scent, and it becomes more familiar, "Oh! Hello, umm… I'm really sorry, I'm lousy with names, Pawtuxel? That's probably wrong… " He takes the back of a chair at her table and gives her a questioning look?

Pawtuxet grins and picks up her tray, after paying for her meal, then shakes her head, "No, you're almost right. It's Pawtuxet. Funny that I should meet you here. I haven't see you for ages!" She pushes a chair at the table aside, in order to sit down, then smiles at the fennec, "How's life been treating you?"

Roho smiles, "Sorry, Pawtuxet, right." He takes the seat opposite her, and takes a sip of his drink. "Oh, fair enough, fair enough really. Been travelling more in the past year than in the twenty before it, I think. How about you? The leg bothered you any?"

Pawtuxet says, "Not even the slightest." Then grin and adds, "Thanks to you, that is. A leg is a bad thing to injure… even if you have four of them." She munches on some of her stew, then looks back up, "I've been doing pretty good, otherwise. Although it's been a bit slow on the expeditions lately, but fortunately that's about to change."

Roho sips his drink again, "Oh? Planning a dig?" He smiles, "And I think your leg would have healed normally anyways, as long as you hadn't gone running on it or anything."

Pawtuxet chuckles, "I'll take your word for that, but it sure didn't feel that way, when I broke it." She pauses, chewing on another bite, then continues after a moment, "It's not a dig, this time. It's more like an investigation… reopening a previous case, so to speak."

Roho nods, "I see. Is this something that I shouldn't ask further about?" He takes another sip, and smiles at the 'taur.

Pawtuxet shrugs slightly, "Only if you'd like to hear about it. Personally, I find it very intriguing, not to mention interesting and mysterious… " She grins at the fennec, "Okay, you got me. This is was happened, and what I know."

Roho leans forward on the table, propped on his elbows, listening curiously with a slight grin…

Pawtuxet puts down her fork and looks at the fennec, "Well, a few months ago, I was travelling towards Rephidim, as passenger in an airship, after a fairly successful expedition. On our way, we needed to make a routine stop at the paquebot known as Little Rephidim West. However, upon getting there, it becomes clear to us that something is very wrong on board the floating construction, as we receive no acknowledge of our presence, whatsoever."

Roho nods, "Abandoned?"

Pawtuxet says, "We descend to have a closer look, and yes, find that the entire station is abandoned. Well, mostly, but we didn't know of that, at that point. A number of us are lowered onto the docks, by a cargo lift on the airship, me, and a few others. Mostly Savanites, and an unusual kavi that the temple is now looking for.""

Pawtuxet says, "We find that the station is covered in a thick black goo, which proves to be remarkably toxic." She sighs, wilting her ears slightly as she continues, "One of the Savanites, of those who got off the ramp first, is exposed to the black substance, which kills them almost immediately. The rest of us call to the ship, to have them send down boots, to make it possible for us to investigate.""

Roho leans forward further, "How did they die?"

Pawtuxet says, "Once we were able to move about the area, we saw that it was everywhere… floor, walls and ceiling." She pauses to think, "I'm not sure how they died, really… I was standing on the opposite side of the ramp, and couldn't see too well for the others. I just remember that they stepped into it, and were dead a moment after."

Roho nods, and sits back in his chair. After a few seconds, he takes a nervous sip, "I'm sorry… that must have been awful."

"It certainly wasn't a pleasant experience," Pawtuxet agrees. "They should have been alot more careful. We all should. It wasn't until this happened, that we realised in how bad a state the station was. Not that there was any severe destruction, but the black goo was everywhere and there was no trace of the workers or the inhabitants. Every single one had disappeared, except for two kids whom we found deep inside the station."

Roho rasps, "Were the children still alive? And do you know where the goo came from?"

Pawtuxet smiles and nods, as she resumes her meal after pausing during her story, "The children were alive and well, although very frightened. At least until understood we were there to help them. We had no idea what the black stuff was, and we still don't. I believe that's why we're being sent back, to find out more about its origin."

Roho nods, "When are you going back? And where are the children, with the Temple?"

Pawtuxet's tailtip twitchies slightly, as she continues, "They were taken care of by the temple, and given a new home. Since they were the sole survivors, their parents were missing and presumed dead. I would've loved to take care of them, but I suppose I'm away too often for that to work." She finishes her meal, and pushes the tray further onto the table, "You know, now that I think of it, the inquisitrix who contacted me, did mention the need of a doctor, or someone with medical knowledge."

Roho finishes his drink, "I see. Would I be working for the Temple, if I were to apply?"

Pawtuxet thoughtfully scritches her chin, "Hm… I suppose you would, since they're financing the expedition." She cocks her head, "You're interested in coming along?"

Roho shrugs, "Perhaps… it definitely sounds interesting. And I would enjoy helping solve it. The question is, would the Temple be happy with a freelance doctor, or would they want one of their own? And would blindness interfere?"

Chiaroscuro and Envoy walk together into the tent, Chiaroscuro carrying one of Envoy's new purchases… a painting in a frame. The mongoose turns to Envoy… "I think this was the restaurant here… "

Envoy nods quietly, seeming a bit preoccupied.

Roho turns as the two enter, noticing the unmistakable scent, "Envoy?"

"Good question. Questions, rather," Pawtuxet says. Then shakes her head, "If they had a doctor though, I don't think they would still be looking for one. And I could probably convince them, that your blindness is no obstracle for your skills. If you'd like me to try."

Pawtuxet looks around with a puzzled expression, "Who?"

Envoy looks up at the familiar voice, "Doctor Roho, and Doctor Pawtuxet! It's nice to see you again."

Chiaroscuro's ears perk, and he looks towards Roho… then Envoy. "Yet someone else you know, it seems.", he says with a grin.

Chiaroscuro blinks as he sees the fox'taur… "And someone *I* do… Pawtuxet?"

Envoy heads towards the pair's table, "You know Pawtuxet, Chipper?"

Roho scootches his chair over, "Have a seat, Envoy. And… ?"

Pawtuxet gets up and turns around with a large grin, "Hi! My, it's been a while since I saw either of you. It's almost too much of a coinsidence."

Envoy says, "Roho, this is Chiaroscuro, an Exile friend of mine. Chipper, this is Roho, a doctor I know."

Roho smiles and offers his paw to Chiaroscuro, "A pleasure… "

Chiaroscuro smiles… "A pleasure to meet you, sir.", he says, shaking Roho's paw. He grins at Pawtuxet. "Indeed… I was not expecting our paths to cross again."

Envoy sits down and fingers an egg-sized chunk of amber on a string around her neck.

Pawtuxet moves a bit to the side, to give the two space for sitting down. She smiles, "I wasn't really either, although I won't say that I mind. Funny that you should show up here… I was just telling Roho about Little Rephidim West, the paquebot where we, eh, met."

Roho nods, "It's a strange story. And she says the Temple has not yet found a doctor."

Chiaroscuro looks at Pawtuxet confusedly. "Little Rephidim… oh! The place with the black goop."

Pawtuxet grins at the mongoose, "So it's Chiaroscuro? You never did tell me your name, although I've since heard you referred to, as the Waashu Biter."

Pawtuxet nods, "Exactly. The Temple is preparing a second expedition, to find out exactly what happened. And they're looking for you, too."

Chiaroscuro blushes embarassedly! "Ah… "

Envoy blinks, "Why would you bite a waashu, Chipper?"

Chiaroscuro blinks at Pawtuxet… "The Temple? Looking for me?" He seems to be ignoring Envoy's question… or trying to.

Pawtuxet nods, grinning slightly at his reaction to the nickname, "Probably in relation to the paquebot, but I'm not really sure. I was told they'd been looking for you, for a while."

Envoy watches Chipper to see how he responds to that comment.

Chiaroscuro thinks for a moment… muttering "I wonder why they did not just tell me when… " he lets his voice drift off, and thinks… "Who in the temple asked?"

Pawtuxet says, "Officer Nuttenbolschen… you mean, you've already been seeing them?"

Roho sits quietly, listening. He tries to stay out of Temple discussions.

Envoy blinks at the mention of her… well, not quite enemy.

Chiaroscuro sounds the name out. "Nut-ten-bolsch-en… " He looks at Pawtuxet with a raised eyebrow, looks to Envoy… then says to Pawtuxet "I have not talked to this Nuttenbolschen… "

Pawtuxet nods to Chiaroscuro, "Well, it was from her that I learned they wanted to see you. She didn't say exactly why." She glances at Envoy, having noticed the surprised reaction, "You know her, Envoy?"

Envoy shakes her head, "I know the family though."

Chiaroscuro strokes the slight scruff of fur on the end of his chin… "I see… Officer Nuttenbolschen… and you say she wants to see me because of the incident with the black goop?"

Pawtuxet nodnods to Chiaroscuro, "That's what she said. Although I think there might have been another reason… she was excited to hear that I'd met you after the incident, and disappointed that I didn't know your name. Also, she said they'd wanted to talk to you, for a while."

Envoy hmms.

Roho rasps, "Well, Envoy, you're involved with the Temple from what I understand. Do you think they still need a doctor for the upcoming expidition?"

Envoy says, "They always need a doctor. The ones that work for the Temple itself don't seem to leave it very often."

After a long pause, the mongoose speaks… "Did this Officer say how I could contact her?", he says in a thoughtful voice.

Pawtuxet shakes her head at the question, "No, just that I was very welcome to let you know they were looking for you. I don't remember so well… I didn't really expect to run into you, like this. Do you have any idea, why they're interested in you?"

Chiaroscuro shakes his head. "No idea… " he tilts his head.

Envoy says, "Maybe because of his resistance to poisons."

Pawtuxet's left ear pricks up, "Interesting… that certainly would come in handy, in a case like this. How come you didn't mention that, back when we were on the station?"

Chiaroscuro says, "Well… it is not as if my language was at its present facility, Lady Pawtuxet."

Pawtuxet's left ear returns to its former position, "Oh, that's true. Sorry, I'd forgotten about that."

Chiaroscuro looks around the restaurant… fairly full of the regular bazaar mix of lower and middle classes. "This… may not be the best place to discuss these matters, Lady Pawtuxet. Perhaps we all could adjourn to your home, or mine?"

Pawtuxet nods, "Good idea. Either would be fine with me, and I'm done with my meal, anyhow." She looks to Roho and Envoy, "Any preference?"

Envoy says, "How big is your place?"

Roho stands, "Preferrably, whichever's furthest from the Bazaar. I can't stand this place."

Pawtuxet says, "It's fairly big, and not way far from here."

Roho nods, "Very well, then shall we?" He pushes his chair in.

Envoy stands up as well.

Chiaroscuro nods… "One moment first… " He rushes quickly to the order window to get his and Envoy's lunches.

Chiaroscuro returns with two packages, and nods… "Ready to go now."

Pawtuxet smiles and nods to the mongoose, as she gets up and stretches briefly.

Envoy whispers to Roho, "Why do you hate the Bazaar?"

Roho whispers back to Envoy, "All the confusing sounds and smells… it's much easier for me to move about someplace not quite so busy."

Envoy whispers to Roho, "Oh, I understand. Because your hearing and scent have had to become more sensitive, you've lost some of the ability to filter out their noise."

Roho whispers, "Something like that, yes… "

Chiaroscuro perks his ears to try and catch Envoy's and Roho's whispers…

Envoy quietly asks Roho, "Is Zoltan upset with me?" as she watches Pawtuxet stretch.

Roho whispers back, "I don't know about that… he's hard to read."

Pawtuxet returns to the group, after returning her tray to the counter, "You ready to go?"

Envoy nods to the vixentaur.

Chiaroscuro nods. "I am, Lady Pawtuxet."

Roho smiles, "I'm ready, Pawtuxet."

Pawtuxet steps forward and pushes the tent canvas aside, "After you, then."

Chiaroscuro walks along next to Envoy, carefully toting her picture as he exits the tent.

Roho walks out the tent, into the bazaar air. His nose can almost be seen to wrinkle, even from those still in the tent.

Envoy trots along as well.

Pawtuxet hophops after the group to catch up with it, having exited the tent as the last.


GMed by Chiaroscuro

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Today is 7 days after Reckoning Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)