The airship transports Brishen to the Ashdod city of Babel. Enroute, it transforms from a non-descript trading vessel, to one of the Sabaoth's ambassadorial ships. The courier is likewise transformed on her arrival, from her tattered courier clothes into long flowing tresses that would honour nobility. She is brought to the Sabaoth's chief advisor Thath, and goes with him to see the Sabaoth himself. The ailing Eeee ruler unexpectedly requests a private audience with the courier who has saved his medicine. In the course of their discussion, Brishen reveals that Rephidim citizens are largely ignoring, and have even forgotten the war with Babel. This enrages the Sabaoth, and he vows that he will bring terror to the sky island's inhabitants. His coughing fits return, and Bree is sent from the room, only to faint when she finally realizes what she has done.