Sabaoth's Palace
Here rise the terraced levels of the palace of the Sabaoth, ruler of Babel, overlord of Ashdod, and symbolic leader of all Eeees, even those abroad. Huge hanging gardens, suspended in great bowls, seem inaccessible … except to those with wings. Most of the buildings of the city are built with brick and clay, but here the palace is solid stone, a testament to the wealth and power of the one who resides in it.
Brishen has been the guest of the Sabaoth, frequently attending dinners that could easily pass for banquets … and leaving one to wonder at what the celebrations must be like. Again and again, she must spend a great deal of time simply being prepared for presentation. In this idle time, she's gotten to be fairly well known amongst the palace beauticians and, thanks to her cheery attitude, well-liked.
The aides have been quite eager to pelt Brishen with questions not only about her family, and about her life in distant Rephidim (an exotic place to many of those here, some of whom have never even left the Palace during their entire lives) but about her personal dreams and aspirations as well.
Brishen giggles, ducking her head a little as one of several pairs of nimble hands reaches for an errant lock of curly hair. "Hey! Well… " She pauses, thinking, "Rephidim's a lot smaller than Babel, but it's pretty nice. I like the idea of never quite knowing where you'll wake up in the morning."
One of the Eeee, a reddish bat whose name translates as "Sunrise" (and who is often called such), comments, "I don't think I could stand that! I mean … where will your next meal come from?"
A brown, mousey bat tut-tuts as well. She squeaks, "But just flying back and forth? You're a heroine now. You have name recognition! Surely that should do you some good. You could be a shining star!"
Brishen grins at Sunrise, "From the Bazaar, usually." She glances at the mouseybat. "A… shining star?" Her eyes glitter a little, "I'm not sure what you mean."
The mousey bat, Snow-Ivy (whose locks tumble across her shoulders, adorned with a few white flowers in a way that suggests vines of her namesake) nods. "Someone everyone will adore! You could be … oh … an actress! Or a singer! Or a poet! Or maybe you could marry right, and … " She smiles dreamily.
Sunrise elbows Snow-Ivy. "REICO!" she hisses as a reminder.
"Oh, I'm not sure about that. I don't think my voice is all that wonderful." Bree giggles, nodding. "And yes, I think Reico would object to me marrying someone else."
Brishen slumps a little. "Though, it's not like we've discussed it. I guess we've been pretty much content with things the way they are."
Sunrise nods in a self-satisfied look. Snow-Ivy pointedly ignores the commentary on Reico, and latches instead onto the commentary about the voice. "Your voice? Oh, come now! You almost seem to sing just when you SPEAK! You certainly have a voice. Why, with a bit of training… "
Sunrise giggles. "Why don't you sing something for us, Brishen?"
Brishen sticks the tip of her tongue out. "I… " She dips her muzzle a little, "I'm not sure what to sing." She grins weakly.
Snow-Ivy shrugs. "Then just sing some made-up nonsense. A voice is a voice, after all, no matter what you sing. If you're good enough, ANYTHING can become a song."
Brishen closes her eyes, sniffing a little as a lock of curly hair drops down to tickle her nose. "Mf. Oh! I know… " She takes a deep breath, her voice quiet like still, swirling pools of water, "Lime and limpid green, a second scene… A fight between the blue you once knew… Floating down, the sound resounds… Around the icy waters underground." In the end, her tone is more poetry than song, but her notes are pure as drops of water filling a silent stream.
Brishen opens an eye. "How was that?"
Brishen is met with stunned silence from the beauticians. All of the chatter elsewhere in the chamber has silenced as well.
Brishen bites her lower lip. "That bad, huh?" She tries to curl her wings around herself.
"N-n-NO!" stammers Sunrise. Snow-Ivy shakes her head. Across the room, someone whispers, "… the voice of a goddess… " Another one murmurs, "Breathtaking!" "Like a dream!"
Wings slump, followed by mouse-furred shoulders as Bree slumps. "Whew." She tilts her head a little. "You know, it's hard to sing about colors you've never seen before."
Sunrise wipes at her eyes. "You paint them more beautifully than I've ever seen them!"
Brishen grins cheerily. "It's awfully hard for me to tell, Sunrise."
Sunrise shakes her head. "Trust me, Brishen. Just trust me… "
Brishen grins at Sunrise, "Okay, I will." She leans over a little and whispers to Snow-Ivy, "Do I really sound like a goddess?"