Palace of the Spheres, Caroban
The Palace of the Spheres is a privately run hotel located in the commercial ring at the center of Caroban, taking a literal interpretation of the Spheres of Magic to serve as a theme for its structure. The building looks like a jumble of giant glass bubbles or lanterns raised and connected by stone trusses and bridges. There is no attempt to maintain the symmetry of the Chart of the Spheres, and while the larger areas may be themed after one Sphere or another making navigation easy if one is familiar with the scheme - there is no particular higher meaning to the arrangement of the smaller areas branching off to serve as quarters for visiting nobility, dignitaries, and other well-to-do persons passing through. It is a place of blue marble and misty-white glass, and deliberately free of magical showmanship, to provide an oasis of tranquility amidst the strangeness of Caroban.
Court of Air, Palace of the Spheres, Caroban
Built with perhaps a naive allusion to the Jade Palace, this great chamber is spherical, with circular balconies of varying diameter stacked one atop the other, branching out into suites built off of the Court, and crossways leading to the rest of the hotel. The balconies look out on the largest open area inside the palace The elements kept at bay by arches supporting plates of reinforced glass, but the clouds can nonetheless be seen to drift lazily by, echoed by a mechanical mobile of gauze and wire that simulates puffy, stylized "clouds" drifting lazily around the interior. Fliers can stretch their wings in the enclosed expanse, and parents can look down upon the Court of Chaos at the very bottom: the hotel's playground for children.
It's been another harrowing day for Lady Elise Antoine de Bellefeuille. While her friend Envoy is in dire straits, and Cyprian is off doing who-knows-what to try to help the situation, Elise has been duty-bound to accompany the Rephidim delegation. After all, strange things may be happening, but the Caroban Watch seems to be on top of it and Caroban might be touchy if there's an insinuation that they can't be trusted to do their jobs without a Rephidim "big sister" looking over their collective shoulder.
When Elise finally was allowed her freedom for the evening, she learned that Envoy was under close observation, with no visitors allowed, and that Cyprian was deeply involved in whatever was transpiring and similarly unavailable for the time being as well. However, just when it seemed that her evening would be forcibly free of any activity, save perhaps to catch up on sleep, Elise received word that she had a visitor from Rephidim on "urgent business" concerning "a mutual friend named Sabel".
The instructions on how to meet led Elise to this balcony overlooking the open area of the Court of Air. Her own accommodations are elsewhere, in the garden-like Court of Earth, which overlooks the austere Court of Mind which houses the hotel's library and music hall. The Court of Shadow would have been an obvious choice for a secret meeting, but the mere act of going there might have been overly conspicuous.
As it is, this little nook is secluded in a "hiding in the open" sort of way, not standing out the least apart from the many other nooks of this sort, and having its own sort of privacy in that even Eeee ears won't be picking up any conversations here, thanks to the rushing airs of the central chamber, and until parents start enforcing bedtime the distant mayhem of the children playing below.
The nook itself consists of a patio with a table and four chairs, with floor to ceiling windows looking out on the central chamber and its silent dance of artificial clouds. There are a few books for casual reading, and while there are places to put one's drinks, there's no table service in this particular area, unless one steps back out into the hall and waves down a hotel attendant.
Elise's solitude is broken by the opening of the door, and it takes a moment to place the face of the poodle who steps in a moment after. At last, though, it comes back to Elise It's Eustace do Varr, son of Arch-Inquisitor do Varr, and a fellow graduate of the Officers' Academy. He carries a leather-bound portfolio under one arm, and a barely restrained smirk on his face. Once the door is closed, he bows. "Greetings, Lady Elise de Bellefeuille. It is my great pleasure to be the bearer of news from Rephidim of new developments… " He fingers at the bindings holding the portfolio closed, then gestures toward an open spot on the table. "If I may?"
Surprise registers in the lady poodle's face, and rather than her usual Star and Anchor salute to a fellow officer, she simply inclines her head. "Yes, of course," she answers, uncertainty in her voice. After all, it has been many years since she last saw Eustace and she has no idea of his rank, or even social status, and thus is unable to find the proper way to address him quickly.
Eustace seems to excited with whatever news he's got to bother bringing Elise up to date. He heads over to the table and sets the portfolio down, and, loosening the straps the rest of the way, throws it open. Inside, there are sketches and diagrams, of many different styles and hands, so it's certain that this is not Eustace's work, and a great number of the pictures look like careful copies rather than originals. There are images of Sanguine Hall, pictures of the Sword of the First Ones, and all sorts of heraldry and crests. There are even some thumbnail crests that Elise recognizes right away the crest of House do Nell, the crest of House do Varr … and the crest of House de Bellefeuille. Eustace grins widely, as he starts arranging papers. "I don't know how much you've been keeping up with things back at the Officers' Academy, but, well, I suppose we've well, you've left quite a legacy. Or, Sabel has, at the very least… "
Elise places her left palm on the pommel of her sword, steadying it, as she leans over to review the papers. "I have been rather busy as of late, what with this delegation and other matters. I have not had time to return to the Academy to see what has changed." She glances between drawings and crests, finding her own and noting the familiar crests of others she has met. "What has happened?"
Eustace says, "Well … please humor me, but I need to back up a bit to give you some history. First off, well, you know the whole story about the Sword of the First Ones, and about Sabel, obviously. Well, Sanguine Hall was set up as a memorial, just as planned, and the story of Sabel has been quite romanticized. You wouldn't believe how many freshmen there were, hoping that somehow they could invoke her ghost … and ask her out on a date! When they started bringing in spirit mages, though, the board had to put a stop to it … but … eh, anyway… "
A wry smirk crosses Elise's face at the thought of freshmen attempting to draw up Sabel for a date, with spirit mages no less. She fondly recalls her days as a freshman as well. And though it was indeed stressful at the time, it hardly holds a candle to the goings on now. "How very odd. I had hoped the whole matter of Sabel would be put to rest, and that Sanguine Hall will become a quiet and respectable monument … " She shakes her head. " … but, go on?"
Eustace nods. "Well, in any case, some of the students started copying the whole story of the challenges of the Sword of the First Ones. Only there were enough of them coming up with the same idea that the student council caught wind of it, and they decided to formalize it. Basically, it would be challenges using blunt weapons, and proper practice gear, and a whole lot of rules of proper conduct, and whomever won would be the current holder of the 'Sword of the First Ones' or, that is, a replica that someone with deep pockets donated." Given how many 'deep pockets' there are at the academy, that hardly narrows it down.
Eustace says, "So, over the past few years, it's become sort of a new tradition. They restricted it to just the upper classmen, and it's a real honor to be holding the Sword of the First Ones when you graduate. Of course, it gets passed back into the "pot", so to speak, for the next class, but you get this little pin as a memento, and it's a real matter of prestige. Getting to hold onto it at all in the first place is pretty impressive, too."
"Very interesting. I am glad to see something of quality came from the story. I was worried for a moment you had come to tell me a student had been killed attempting to copy what we had done," comments Elise. She nods her head to what Eustace says, and smiles briefly but only briefly and the smile fades as fast as it came, for she is far too tired and stressed out to maintain it. "I am uncertain what Sabel would think of this, but as it is good, I can only hope she is pleased."
Eustace grins. "Well, I sure hope so, too. But here's where we get to the present. This hasn't been announced yet … so this is strictly confidential at this point … but the Temple is considering the formation of what they're tentatively calling 'Guardian Orders' basically, knightly orders. And one of those Orders may well be named in honor of Sabel Sanguine!"
Elise's ears perk at the mention of this. "Knightly orders? Now this is fascinating news," says the Templar. She glances around for a chair and finding one, pulls it forward, brushing her robes back as she moves to sit. "To think, a knightly order in the Sanguine name. Such a thing would add weight unimaginable to the promise I made to her. This is good news."
Eustace nods, and takes a seat himself, inspired by Elise's action. "Well, you see, some of the students were talking about forming a sort of 'honor guard' for Sanguine Hall. For a while, they were going to call it the Sanguine Guard, though there were votes for the 'Sabel Guard' as well, and various other proposals. Well, the whole thing just might be turned into a knightly order instead! I've been elected to a committee to help put together the requirements of the Order, and I thought, well, it would only make sense to come and consult you to see if you had any input, since you played such a major part in the whole story. And … who knows? If you get tired of following ambassadors around, maybe you'll even get yourself into the order as well." He grins.
"I … I am honored," responds the poodle. She reaches out with a hand and traces the drawing of the Sword of the First Ones, brows narrowing as if considering something. "You are welcomed to my counsel as needed, assuming of course I am not needed elsewhere, which is so often the case. I find the idea very intriguing. With the Knights Templar distancing themselves from Rephidim, I had hoped a new order would be formed to replace the skilled warriors we lost."
Eustace nods, sobering a little. "Well, you see, that's exactly what's going to happen. The Knights Templar are old news. This is something to keep under your cloak, too, but they're going to be disbanding the Order of the Bounded Star and Anchor. Of course, they'll offer all the Knights positions in the Temple elsewhere probably the Elite Guard, the Inquisition, and so forth. Maybe even the new Orders. But the new Orders aren't going to be some vague organization answering to itself - They're going to be formally part of the Temple hierarchy."
The poodle officer frowns slightly. "And what of religious matters? There will be conflict between those who worship the First Ones as we do, and the previous Knights Templar who worship the Star," inquires Elise.
Eustace mirrors Elise's frown, then says, "Well, I don't really see any need for conflict. Star-worship is perfectly fine in the Temple … just so long as you properly venerate the First Ones. It's those fanatics who insist on only worshipping the Star that stir up so much trouble."
"I see. Well, that is a matter that I cannot comment too greatly on at this time. I have been away, and I cannot for certain say how the Knights Templar will react. We shall see." The lady poodle lifts her hand from one drawing and places it on another, running her hand along the listed crests. "I assume Arch-Inquisitrix Esther has been informed? And shall I offer my suggestions?"
Eustace runs a hand through his hair. "Well … I don't really know who all has been informed. I mean, as I said, this is fairly low profile right now. She might have, but I can't be certain of that. The Orders won't be answering to the Inquisition, in any case. They'll be either falling under the Guard, or else possibly being treated as another division entirely, answering to the Bridge. And, by all means, offer your suggestions!"
The officer nods. "Well then, I shall have faith. I am certain the Temple will see that all is handled, assuming these plans are put to motion. Anyway, my ideas … " Her hand is lifted and meets her other to be folded neatly upon her lap, and she turns to face Eustace. "First and foremost all Knights of this order should be competent, or most preferably, an expert in their weapon or weapons of choice. It would not do to simply have an order that is nothing more than show. In the same manner, we cannot have unskilled persons assigned to a military order. You and I both know how the nobility can arrange for their children to positions they choose. This cannot be one of them, they must be tested for martial skill worthy of the order."
Eustace nods. "Oh yes. Of course. Oh … and another thing is that we've been wanting to keep something of the pomp and glory of the Champions of old, but this would be more something of identity. You wouldn't give up your name and wear a mask, and swear a vow of silence, abstinence or whatever. No, you'd get a grand title of some sort, capturing the spirit of your purpose as a champion of the cause of Rephidim and the Temple and all it stands for. But we'd be passing up the term 'Champion', to avoid confusion, and use something new … such as 'Guardian', seeing as this is sort of an extension of the Guard."
"A fine idea. There is no need to use the terms of old, if this is to be a new order," agrees Elise. "I might suggest variations on the title 'Guardian', such as 'Defender', or 'Warden'. And an associated thing, as something protected. And example would be … 'Guardian of the Flame'. Or 'Defender of the Sky'. And of course, the uniform and armoring would reflect what it is they symbolically defend. In this manner, old suits of the ancient Templar armor can be reused, without needing to use the old color scheme of identifying Lances." The poodle woman taps a finger against her hand, thinking. "Also, I would suggest avoiding the assumed passing of the title to one's children unless they are as I said before competent."
Eustace nods emphatically. "Indeed!"
"Furthermore, since Golgotha is mostly abandoned and will cease to be used if the Knights Templar are disbanded anyway, it would make a fine base of operations for training. The facilities are already there," suggests the poodle woman.
Eustace nods. "Definitely a good idea. Although … we might want to rename it. Perhaps redecorate it a little. I'm not so certain if having the place resemble a skull would set quite the right mood."
The female Templar smirks slightly. "It is a bit grim. I think that perhaps we should steer this order to be something the people put faith in, not something they are to be frightened of. As the Inquisition provides the necessary fear, so should this order be our visible 'champions' - something the average citizen can look to for inspiration, as well as protection." This suggestion causes Elise's smirk to form into a smile, and she nods, obviously getting into this idea. "I would also suggest mandatory training against magicks, if only slight. If I have learned anything, it is that magic and the oft-related ghosts are something many of the Guard are unprepared for."
Eustace hmms. "True. And we don't have the College Esoterica down the street, so to speak, to go to when we run into magical problems anymore."
"Exactly. I do not suggest mage hunters, merely training to identify, resist, and combat acts of hostile and unlawful magic, as well as ghosts, specters, and what other haunts that an elite force might be assigned to counter," explains the Templar. She then lifts her head slightly and while looking to the stylized clouds above, considers other suggestions. "Has it been decided if the order will be based around, for lack of a better term, lances, or are these to be individuals?"
"Individuals," Eustace says with certainty. "We aren't going to try to hold to any artificial size requirements, so we don't end up inducting a member who doesn't meet all the credentials, just to fill up an incomplete 'set', so to speak. We don't want to end up with another Magenta Lance, after all. No, each Guardian will be an individual. He or she may well have some Guards assigned to provide assistance, and might even have the same ones assigned if it's going to be a regular requirement. Or, of course, a Guardian may find retainers outside of the Guard. Something like this will have to leave some room for personal style."
A nod. "That simplifies things, certainly. I had heard reports that the Knights Templar had difficulty maintaining their lines." Another tap of the finger against her hand, and she shifts her gaze to Eustace again. "There is a matter that concerns me. There are several outposts controlled by the Knights Templar; are you aware of what will become of these?"
"Oh," Eustace says, "Well, all Knights Templar holdings go back to the Temple with the disbanding of the Order. Some of the outposts will be sold, if it's determined that they serve no strategic purpose any longer, and the proceeds can be used toward equipping the new Guardians. As for other outposts, those of importance will be guarded by a branch of the Guard from now on. They're trying to become a bit more organized about all of this. The old system allowed for far too much corruption."
"I cannot say how glad I am to hear it. I had always wondered about these problems within the system, though it had not been my place to question tradition," Elise comments, nodding faintly. She unfolds her hands and places a finger again on the book, pointing to the Sword of the First Ones. "There should also be a code of conduct. As our elite order of knighthood, we should expect great things from those who join. Beyond the laws that exist, there should be a moral code, and a required level of etiquette."
Eustace nods. "Of course! There have been several drafts for such a code. If you feel compelled to write up one of your own and submit it to the Committee, I will make certain that it's considered along with the others. Of course, we might end up just borrowing bits and pieces we like. We are a committee, after all."
The poodle woman tilts her head, eyeing Eustace. "Just be certain you are careful. There is a saying about creations made by committee, you know," she warns him, though in a tone that might hint at teasing. She levels her head and smiles again. "I cannot think of such a code now. It has been an exhausting day, but I will be certain to write my contribution up as soon as I am able even if I need write it during my brief lunch breaks."
Eustace grins. "Splendid! You don't realize just how much this means to me. I mean … well, I traveled this far to consult you, now didn't I? This is positively monumental. We're talking about a new tradition, after centuries of the old one. We are going to leave our mark on history here, and perhaps be at the beginning of a new era for Rephidim, starting a new tradition to inspire the people!"
The lady poodle watches Eustace, and though smiling the more for his enthusiasm, shakes her head. "I am pleased to be a part of this. In fact, I consider it quite an honor. But remember, it must be handled carefully. You will help lay the foundation for a developing order; be certain it is a strong one, Eustace. If you must delay for perfection, then take that delay. Do what you must, research what you must, and I will assist as I can. And if we are careful, then may the First Ones guide our hand and help us unto a path to create something truly splendid," she says.
Eustace nods. "Oh, you can be sure of that. I realize that whatever we do, it's going to stick with me … for good … or ill." He sighs a bit at the latter notion. "But, any road, we'll get it right. We've got spirit."
"And that is important, along with good judgement and knowledge," comments Elise. leaning back and folding her hands again in her lap she reviews the binder again. "Are there any candidates selected, as of yet?"
Eustace shakes his head. "There are lots of names, but I'm not privy to that. That's not really my role on the committee. We haven't even decided yet what the selection criteria will be, after all."
"Of course," says the lady poodle. "Would it be fair of me to ask the general occupation and experience of the committee? Of course, I do not expect nor want any names, considering you mentioned I am perhaps a candidate."
"Well," Eustace says, "we're all graduates of the academy. I can tell you that much. And I can say that you'd hear a few familiar names. But that's about it for now. Sorry about all the hush-hush secrecy. As we get a chance to sort out more, you'll be more in on the loop, I promise."
"If at all possible, it may prudent to request a committee member from each of the branches of the Temple, as either direct participants or as advisors. I would warn against giving them too much say, however, as any representative from a branch is bound to desire that this new order answer to them in some fashion, or other problems that come with too many people. But I definitely do suggest them as advisors. Also, perhaps one of the previous Knights Templar on good terms with the Temple could advise as well. And, speaking of possible manipulation, I would suggest you consider having this an independent branch that answers to the Bridge. In this way, manipulation from other branches can be minimized," suggests the Guard officer.
Eustace nods. "Well, actually, what you say matches some of the concerns that have been mentioned. This is one reason why there isn't going to just be one Guardian Order. There may well be several. There won't just be one body of elite knights that could fall under one branch's command all that easily, but several. There may be a bit of rivalry hopefully friendly between them, but that's probably for the best." He grins. "I'd imagine that it could be turned to sporting purposes!"
Elise nods her head a little, lifting her hands and folding them on the table as she leans forward to review more contents of the binder. "Competition, when friendly, is an excellent way to motivate people to do their best. An aerial joust, perhaps." She smiles again at the thought, though quirks at the idea of losing such a exchange. "Well, are there any specific areas you can use suggestions in? Or is there an area that you would like further covered?"
Eustace shakes his head. "Really, I just want you to give it some thought … and pass along any ideas you come up with. Be sure to keep it discreet, though. This is still confidential." He pulls out a packet from the portfolio and passes it to Elise. "Here's some contact information for me. Oh yes… " He grins again. "You might also want to consider what you might pick for a 'theme' for yourself, should you be inducted into the Order. You never know!" He winks raucously.
While accepting the contact information, Elise just shakes her head, smiling. "As if guarding the High Ambassador in his entertainment were not enough, surely you jest." She cocks her head to the side and, eyes, partially shaded, adds, "Seriously, I do not mind my work. Though I must say I have wanted to do more to be more, in the service of the Temple. Upon my return, I was to apply for the Elite Guard. Now … " She holds up the information before tucking it away in the folds of her robe. "… there may be a new path for me. And I cannot help but say, I find the idea grand indeed. I will consider what you have said and write my contribution to the charter entries as soon as possible."
"Splendid!" Eustace says. "In any case … I've taken up enough of your time." He starts to tidy up the papers and to tuck them back into his portfolio save for the packet he gave Elise, of course. "I must confess, I didn't come here wholly just to visit you. I'm out on my vacation, truth be told. I plan to see a few sights here on Caroban, then I'm off to Gigi. But they'll hold any messages for me in Rephidim until I get back."
"I imagine I will not be free to handle this matter in depth until my return trip to Rephidim. My duties here are time consuming, and I have gained a great deal of respect for the High Ambassador after all this. It is an exhausting duty no matter how easy it might appear. If it becomes necessary to contact me, I will either be with the Ambassador and his honor guard, in my quarters or here in the library, or else with Mage Cyprian discussing matters of magic and what-have-you," says the noblewoman. She glances down, being certain her papers are secure, then moves to stand from her seat.
Eustace nods, and takes one last check to peek under the table for any errant papers that might have fallen loose, then, satisfied, closes up the portfolio and buckles the straps. "Best wishes on your work here, then." He snaps off a salute, then turns for the door.
"To you as well." The salute is returned with practiced formality, something Elise has gotten a great deal of opportunity to perfect in her stay at Caroban. For a moment the woman stands there and after Eustace walks a few steps she adds something, "And Eustace, I must say, you have changed since last I saw you. For the better."
Eustace grins. "I'll take that as a compliment. Until later!" And with that, he opens the door and slips out, making swift steps down the curving corridor.
Alone again, the lady Templar takes a moment to reach up and brush her hair from her face, before using the same hand to rub her right temple. "A knight … as if, from a fairy tale. A new tradition. What a wonderful thing to be a part of," she whispers quietly to no one in particular.