Envoy dreams, finding herself in a room fashioned of mirrors, with four hand mirrors lying on a table. She looks into each of them and finds reflections of her various "aspects", as she envisions them … and when she has looked at the last one her "dragon" aspect she discovers that she has changed into the form of a dragon. She inspects the room some more, and finds that in one of the reflections is an image of a foppish fox … who sings her a song.
Envoy finds her way out of the room, though a mirror doorway, and finds herself transported to a new location … a partially collapsed temple with many Babelite idols in nooks about the room. She also finds the mirrors lying on the floor, accidentally looks into one … and changes into her "Child" aspect. She hears some voices and, frightened, hides, grabbing one of the idols that she thinks looks pretty. At last, she finds out that the other person is Elise, who is somehow in this dream as well. Envoy the Child is small enough to clamber through the fallen rubble that blocks off part of the temple chamber, and meets up with the poodle, just as some skeletons attack…