Guy Fox Day, 6104 RTR (7 Dec 2000) Envoy awakens in Caroban … as the Avatar of Inala.
(Caroban) (Elise) (Envoy) (A Dream of Seven Sisters) (Spheres of Magic)

Four days have passed since Envoy's ill-fated meal in Enchanted Cuisine. Although Envoy has opened her eyes a few times since the incident with the soup, she has shown no signs yet of lucidity. The Aeolun has had numerous visitors – friends from her student days, Elise and Cyprian, as well as Yffryn and the Dean of Dreams. Despite her apparent lack of progress, the Life Mage in charge of the infirmary has assured everyone that the Exile is recovering, and that he expects her to regain consciousness soon.

Between the tour of Caroban, and the Guy Fox Day festivities, the Ambassador – and, by extension, his entourage – have been thoroughly occupied with distractions. Though Dunbarre seems the perfect guest in public - complacent, whimsical, easily entertained, andfoppish – in private, he occasionally breaks character to roll his eyes at the mages' apparent reluctance to begin the negotiations for which he came.

Cyprian, with Mage Mystico's supervision, performed the ritual he and Elise had discussed. The poodle found that the presence of a third was just as well; due to her busy daytime schedule, the multiple-hour ritual had to be enacted late in the evening, and at Cyprian's suggestion, she gave in and slept through most of it.

The Sphere of Fire has just completed their display in honor of Guy Fox Day – which even Elise had to admit was most impressive – when a sudden wave of delight washes over her, leaving her momentarily stunned. As she blinks in the aftermath, the poodle guard notices all around her expressions of pleasure and bemusement that suggest the sensation wasn't confined to her alone.

Lieutenant Elise Antoine de BellefeuilleThe female officer lifts a hand to her temple as if the touch might help her get a better grasp on her senses. As soon as she moves to shake her head – another attempt to clear the emotions – she notices the change in the people around her. Certainly the celebration, though impressive, was not nearly so wonderful as to create this effect, and she immediately looks to the ambassador and the other guards surrounding him to examine their conditions.

While the other guards look disoriented, with a lingering, languorous cast on some faces, the Ambassador's expression barely alters. Of course, Dunbarre had already seemed enraptured by the celebration, applauding enthusiastically at every juncture.

Finding the others unharmed though disoriented, Elise decides to inquire as to the nature of this occurrence. Still jarred by it she keeps her hand to her head as she sidesteps closer to Lieutenant Jaskar. Without turning her gaze from the celebration, she questions him. "Whatever could that have been? Surely you felt that wave of emotion?" she asks him in whisper.

Lieutenant Jaskar shakes his head. "I wish I knew," he tells her, his voice equally soft.

Meanwhile, the Ambassador says to his current host, the Dean of Fire, "What was that delightful occurrence? Quite amazing! Can your Sphere create such effects?"

"I suggest we be on our guard, sir. I am suspicious that the College would employ such mind magicks," comments Elise. She, after shaking her head once more, let's her hand fall back to her side and resumes her parade rest.

The Dean takes a moment before answering, and Elise would say that he looks every bit as puzzled as the rest of them. "Uh, no," he replies. "A little bonus to the festivities from the Sphere of Mind," he continues, sounding like he's trying to convince himself. "Nothing to worry about," the vulpine mage adds, possibly catching Elise's quiet comment.

"Oh, of course not!" the poodle replies, beaming before he returns his focus to the continuing spectacle of fireworks and flaming creatures before them.

Dunbarre beckons surreptitiously to Elise as he leans forward.

Suddenly as if struck by a thought, Elise looks to Lieutenant Jaskar, about to speak, before she notices the High Ambassador beckoning her forward. She instead steps closer to him. "Sir, I advise great caution," she tells him quickly.

The poodle nods, grinning and applauding maniacally as the burning fox in the arena below runs around yelping comically and lighting everything else on fire, quite dramatically. He leans towards Elise and nods, saying only, "Go. Investigate it," quietly.

"Yes sir," responds Elise. Without a salute or so much as a nod she turns from the High Ambassador and departs into the crowd.

Caroban Infirmary
The Caroban hospital, probably the finest in the world, consists of a few floors for research and operations, and a floor full of private rooms, tailored for different species, most simply decorated like this one, with a beige ceiling, matching walls, and a brown floor. A couple of chairs for visitors, a sink with a basin of water and pitcher, and a bed for the patient are the only furnishings.

By the time Elise and Cyprian linked up and head for the center of the disturbance – Envoy's room in the infirmary – they find the Caroban Watch has already arrived. A white-furred Lapi wearing the Watch's insignia – an eye surrounded by the chart of the spheres – is deep in conversation with the Kujaku Life Mage attending on the Aeolun. Two others wearing Watch insignias also stand nearby, quietly.

As the poodle officer attempts to get further into the room where she might observe and ask questions she converses with the Mind Mage accompanying her. "That wave of sensation, what do you make of it?" asks Elise of Cyprian.

Stretching like a Khatta, Envoy stirs from her sleep … and actually purrs a little. After a few blinks to clear her eyes, she sits up and yawns expansively.

Whatever the rabbit from the Watch was about to say is lost as Envoy moves at last. Her ears drop flat against her head as she watches the Exile.

Cyprian tells Elise, his voice low, "That was a miracle. A miracle of Inala." As Envoy moves, he closes his mouth, green eyes riveted to her.

Elise notices the Exile stir out of the corner of her eye. Slowly she turns her head to watch Envoy, surprise crossing her face. The expression grows as Cyprian answers. "A … miracle? How, how is that possible?" she asks.

Envoy blinks a few more times, and then smiles to everyone crowded into the room. "Hello," she smiles, making eye contact with everyone in turn. "I don't suppose anyone has something to eat?" The Aeolun wiggles her toes and fingers, and rubs at her cheeks with a bemused expression. "I'm really alive now, after all. I feel wonderful!"

"Ask her," the black Eeee murmurs to Elise in answer. His expression seems masked, unreadable.

Turning towards the attending Life Mage, Envoy's smile gets even brighter. "I really wish to thank you for keeping my body in good condition," she says, and leans over to give the Mage a peck on the cheek.

Elise looks between Cyprian and Envoy for a moment,confused, before she settles her gaze on the Exile and steps closer to her. "Mage Envoy … what is the meaning of this? What has happened?" she asks her curiously, though with a air of authority.

The Kujaku mage's tail-feather fan thrashes at the unexpected gesture. "Mage Envoy!" he twitters. "Please … you shouldn't over-exert yourself. Now, just lie back, and I'll start another ritual to see how well you're doing, all right?"

The white rabbit flicks her ears to half-mast. "Ah… That's good," she says. She starts to ask something else, then glances to Elise. Her nostrils flare, and she folds her arms across her chest, hanging back for the moment.

"Elise!" Envoy barks, and gives the warrior a very warm hug. "It's so wonderful! My eyes have been opened by the Goddess, so that now I can appreciate and understand what I feel! Did you know there are different levels of pleasure? I didn't, before now!"

Likely not expecting to be hugged, Elise doesn't move to get out of the way, or any such thing. She does however look rather more surprised by the action and can only blink a few times in response.

The Kujaku's beak hangs open, and then he bustles into activity, rearranging his candles and powders. "I … must say … a remarkable recovery," he chirps absently.

"Remarkable. Yeah," The white rabbit says. Her ears have flattened back again, and she glances to her assistants, then says, "Mage Envoy, you studied the sphere of Earth, correct?"

Smiling to the Lapi now, the Aeolun nods. "Yes, the Sphere of Earth is what I am currently learned in, but I think I shall have to expand to others soon."

"It seems that you already have. Are you aware you were just the center of an extremely potent spell from the Sphere of Mind?" the Lapi asks.

"Miracle," Cyprian corrects.

The Lapi rolls her eyes at Cyprian. "Mage Cyprian, there's no such thing," she says patiently.

It takes Elise a few seconds before she can speak. "You … you are fine, though, yes? I … I do not know what to say to this … "

Envoy pulls back from the Gallee, and blinks. "Fine? I'm better than fine! Inala has chosen me to be her Avatar! And I'll need your help, Elise. It just won't do for me to go on wearing these plain old robes and such. I need to be beautiful!"

The Exile's words cause the warrioress to draw back immediately, her right hand shifting to rest on her sword grip. "Mage Envoy, you do not know what you are saying! You cannot be the Avatar of Inala! Do you not remember your purpose?" she asks the woman, her tone almost demanding.

The peacock leans over toward Elise. "Ahem. Lieutenant de Bellefeuille, please don't be so forceful with my patient. She's recovering from a comatose state. It wouldn't do to excite her… please?"

"No such thing?" the black Eeee retorts to the Caroban Watch officer. "The whole island moves at her wish, and there's no sign of a ritual, no other mages involved, and the apparent cause isn't even conscious! And you call that a spell?"

Envoy blinks between Cyprian, the Watch captain and Elise. Looking hurt towards the poodle, she says, "Of course I remember my mission, Elise, and this is just the reward for carrying it out by meeting all of the Beauteous One's challenges. As for Mind Magic, though … perhaps it is simply my own inner well-being that is now showing itself that you are reacting to."

To the others gathered around, though mostly to the Lapi, Elise warns, "You have no idea what you are dealing with. If what she says is true then perhaps she has brought the Sisters from the dream world into reality."

"Miracle," the dark bat repeats firmly.

Waving a hand in a gesture of stating-the-obvious, Envoy says, "Oh Elise, they were always real. You were mistaken, Cyprian … Inala really is the Goddess, although I can't speak for the lesser Sisters yet."

The white rabbit looks from Elise, to Envoy, to Cyprian, then shakes her head. "I'm not going to argue with you," she says, in a voice that sounds far from convinced. "I do need to know what's happened here. What's all this about sisters and dreams?"

The Templar focuses her gaze on the Lapi and, while pointing her left hand at Envoy, explains. "The Realm of Dream. That trap, which has devastated the Mages of Dream, is also the realm of the Seven Sisters. As far as I am aware, they only existed in dreams … now … " she sets her gaze again on the Exile, "I am not so certain."

Envoy smiles affably.

"Ah," pipes up the Kujaku. "I should note here that the Dean of Dream was going to try to enact a spell of some sort while Envoy still slept. It might actually be of some use now, but I had to forbid it at the time, given the delicate nature of my active rituals, and Mage Envoy's uncertain state. Now that Envoy is awake, however… "

"I have no objection to letting the Dream Mages examine me," Envoy says, still smiling. "It will help them to realize the futility of trying to command the Kindly Ones."

The poodle turns and shakes her head. "Envoy, you cannot be serious about this. Any gift of the Seven Sisters demands even more in return! Can you not recall our journey through the dream realms of Inala and Blakat? The goddesses are not your allies, Envoy."

The white Lapi glances amongst the various people, then puts one hand against her forehead, shaking her head slowly.

The Aeolun's expression seems to flicker briefly at Elise's argument, but soon returns to the look of amused pleasure she's had since waking up. "There's no need to be jealous, Elise," she finally says.

The Kujaku flutters his fingers across his beak, then whispers to the Lapi, "I am thinking … this might be more the realm of a Mind Mage. Mmm-hmm. I think these delusions indicate that this has ventured outside of my sphere."

"I should not have left you alone," comments Elise sadly."You have … have … you have lost your way in a hall of mirrors. What of Morpheus? What of the nature of the goddesses? They are wicked, Envoy. You must shake yourself of this."

"Asceticism is no way to live, Elise," Envoy lectures. "I was bound by that delusion as well until Inala showed me the way. She will do all that she can to help Morpheus."

The Lapi nods in concurrence, then whispers back, "But if the poodle's right, and this happened in dreams – maybe Dean Ssrithiri should be contacted."

Away from the Exile turns the poodle, her gaze settling on Cyprian. "Surely you cannot believe what she is saying?" she inquires of him.

The Life Mage Kujaku nods agreement. "It's the least we could do. I do feel so bad about chasing him out earlier. I owe it to him at the very least to let him know about this latest development promptly."

The black mage's face remains unreadable, and he answers, "I'm not sure what to think." He glances to the rabbit and the peacock, and adds, "Perhaps we should get a clearer sense of the situation before we add any more people into this mix?" his tone pleasant, agreeable.

Envoy basks in all of the attention, and thinks about what a more flattering robe should look like.

The Kujaku raises a feathered eyebrow at the mage, then leans back toward the rabbit. "Well … he is a Mind Mage, is he not? No sense ruffling feathers or scales… "

A nod from the Gallee. "I concur. She has just awakened, and though Dream may well be involved, this, in my experience, is currently a matter of the Mind," mentions Elise. She then steps out of Cyprian's way and turns to face Envoy again.

The Aeolun smiles coquettishly to the dark bat. "Should I be disappointed that you're only interested in my mind, Cyprian?"

Cyprian bows, gallant, to the Exile. "The mind is the ultimate reservoir for all pleasure," he answers, a smile playing on his lips.

The Life Mage hmms. "I … shall see to getting something for Mage Envoy to eat. Don't … let her go anywhere." He bobs off to the doorway, his train sweeping behind him.

"I'm a Mind Mage, too," the white Lapi asserts to the Life Mage's fleeing back, still studying the scene.

"And a very lovely one at that," Envoy says to the Watch mage.

The rabbit blinks at Envoy's sudden attention, and squirms. "Er, thank you."

Meanwhile, Elise stands off to the side, watching the scene intently with a look of agitation. She keeps her right hand positioned on her sword grip and for the moment says nothing more, allowing for the Mind Mage to act uninterrupted by her.

"Do you think I should wear my hair differently, Elise?" Envoy asks the poodle while running her fingers through her golden curls. "I would like it to highlight the symmetry of my features, if possible."

The poodle glances at Envoy for a moment, but does not respond.

At this last comment from the Aeolun, the two Mind Mages exchange looks. Then the rabbit says firmly, "All right, Mage Envoy. Would you mind accompanying me to Watch Headquarters? I think it would be best if you were examined in more detail, after your ordeal."

"If it is permitted, I would accompany you, mages?" requests Elise.

"Will there be food there?" Envoy asks, looking excited at the prospect of going outside.

"I think that would be desirable. It seems that you might beable to answer some questions as well," the Lapi comments to Elise, a hint of irony in her voice. In answer to Envoy, "Yes, we'll have food for you." She gestures to the door. "After you."

The armored poodle inclines her head to the Lapi mage. "Thank you. Mage Envoy is also my … yes, my friend," she adds. She then waits for the others to depart before her, falling back to the last of the line as is usual when accompanying officials.

Envoy swings her legs off of the bed, and walks towards the door, trying to sway her hips and shoulders like an Abu-Dhabian dancer.

The Lapi's two associates fall in just behind the Aeolun, their expressions a mixture of confusion and strange fascination as they watch her move. The Exile's motions possess an odd grace and sensuality that seems entirely unlike herself prior to her latest episode. The Lapi rolls her eyes and follows the entourage, with Cyprian and Elise falling in behind her.

The doors exiting from the hospital swing open to the cool evening air, and a part of Caroban's extensive Gardens. The Guy Fox Day festivities continue, with fireworks lighting up the night, drowning out the everyday spectacle of the Procession. Distant music filters past, borne by the light breeze.

"I imagine we should be glad she does not think herself the Avatar of Sunala," comments Elise in a whisper to Cyprian. The poodle then makes the sign of the Star and Anchor across her chest, just in case.

With a gasp, Envoy stops in her tracks, then turns to face the fireworks. "Aren't they beautiful? And the music!" She practically swoons after taking a few deep breaths. "The garden too … it smells so wonderful."

Cyprian makes no apparent reply to Elise, but as Envoy stops to enjoy the evening, he does, too, and a light washes over his face – perhaps just a reflection of the fireworks. "It is a pleasant evening," he admits, as if noticing it for the first time.

The watch members take a moment to enjoy the evening, too, smiling at Envoy's apparent joy.

"You know, when I was first made, it baffled me that people would actually ignore most of the input they received, be it their own heartbeat or the sound of their clothes rustling when they moved," Envoy says. "Now, I feel that way again. It's such a waste to ignore the majority of life as it happens."

Elise, however, does not seem in the least bit changed by the festivities. "We should go," she tells the others in a raised voice. "Mage Envoy must be famished, we should not keep her from her meal."

The guards right behind her murmur an almost remorseful agreement, but the white rabbit blinks for a moment, then shakes her head. She turns to Cyprian, "What is that glamour on her, anyway?"

Cyprian shakes his head. "We need Dean Viscoi," he tells the rabbit. "And Lady de Bellefeuille is right, of course."

Instead of waiting for Cyprian to answer, Elise speaks up. "It is the glamour of Inala. You would be well advised to keep careful watch over your own thoughts and feelings. That goes for all of you," she explains.

The rabbit folds her arms across her chest and studies Elise. "I don't recall seeing you around the campus before. What sphere did you study?" she asks the poodle with saccharine sweetness.

The Templar shifts her gaze to the Lapi, giving her a stern yet reserved look. She inclines her head slightly. "I may not be a mage, but Mage Envoy and I have encountered the same paths. I walked with her on the path of Inala. I … know full well that glamour she carries … "

Envoy smiles and puts a hand on the Lapi's shoulder, whispering, "It is too fine a night to mar with bickering, don't you think? This is a joyous occasion, after all; you should not deny yourself."

"Let it rest, Mage Clover," Cyprian says, a warning note in his voice, while the white rabbit directs a rather apprehensive look towards Envoy.

"Uh … of course," Clover says. "Um, look, Mage Envoy, your glamour won't work on us. We're trained Mind Mages. You may not be aware of this, since I understand you did not study the sphere, but this kind of manipulation is unethical on unwilling targets."

"Glamour?" Envoy asks, looking a bit hurt. "I am certainly not trying to manipulate you, merely pointing out the wonders of the world around you that you seem to be missing out on."

"At any rate, we should move Mage Envoy to where she can be better … assisted," the poodle reminds everyone.

Cyprian nods, prodding the nearest of the lower-ranking Watch attendants. "Let's move, Kiyo," he murmurs.

Clover shakes herself, then does the same with the other attendant. "Right! We can enjoy Watch H.Q. soon, too. It'll be great, Mage Envoy. You'll love it."

Envoy smiles expectantly. "And there will be food too. Maybe even donuts?"

"Try not to become distracted the rest of the way. Though the world may be beautiful, we have our duties to uphold first and foremost. That includes the safe recovery of Mage Envoy," mentions Elise. The poodle woman waits for the others to begin moving again, tapping anyone on the shoulder who looks to not be paying attention.

Moving along again, Envoy asks Elise, "Surely, you don't want to turn me back into that passionless automaton I used to be, forever guessing at what I was feeling and what it meant?"

The poodle woman perks her ears and glances again to the Exile. "You should discover these thoughts and feelings on your own, Mage Envoy. The Child I knew was not passionless. The Dragon understood. And the Seeker never ceased to try and find what was lacking," she responds in quiet words.

"I'm pretty sure we've got donuts," Clover mutters, rubbing her forehead again. Ahead along the garden path, a massive Naga accompanied by a fox'taur appear, garbed in the gray robes of Dream, heads bent together in quiet conversation. They don't seem to have noticed the party, though they're approaching them.

Breaking off from the group, the blue dressed Templar begins walking faster, so that she is on her way to pass the group and thus intercept the approaching Dream Mages.

Envoy waves to the approaching Dream Mages. "Helloooo!"

Cyprian looks sharply towards the two approaching, and moves forward to steer the troupe down a side path. "This way will be quicker, I … think." He falters at Envoy's call.

The Dream Mage pair looks up from their conversation to beam at Envoy. "A pleasant surprise, indeed, Mage Envoy," Ssrithiri says. "Wonderful to see you up and about again, after your ordeal."

"Wonderful is certainly the word, Dean Ssrithiri," Envoy says, bowing. "I've been blessed by Inala herself!"

Elise continues to walk forward and at her current course will pass her party and walk to the approaching Dream Mages. "Dean of Nightmares, there you are! I have been looking for you; it would seem I have free time!" she tells the Dean, her voice raising to try and drown out Envoy's.

The Dean of Dreams pauses, tilting his head at Envoy's words, then gives a nod to Elise before commenting to the Aeolun, "Blessed by … Inala?"

Yffryn smiles and waves cheerily. "Oh! Mage Envoy! I was so worried!" She pads forward at a lope. "You're recovered just in time for the Guy Fox celebration, too!"

Clover interrupts, "It's quite a long story, Dean. Mage Envoy appears to be the focus of some potent ritual. We're taking her to Watch H.Q. for examination by Dean Viscoi."

Envoy hugs Yffryn, and comments, "My, you have such soft fur!"

"Wouldn't do to keep him waiting," Cyprian continues, smoothly, gesturing for Envoy to continue down the side path.

Yffryn giggles. "Oh – Can I come along? And, why thank you, Mage Envoy. I'm not often told that."

"I am afraid Mage Envoy has not quite recovered. She will need some time to rest, and it would be best if the ordeal were explained later," mentions Elise. She changes course to intercept Envoy and to take her hand, with force if need be, and lead her down the side path. To Mage Yffryn, she shakes her head. "I am afraid not."

Yffryn's eyebrows raise, as she looks scandalized and more than a little shocked by Elise's brusque denial.

Envoy gets dragged along, admiring Elise's strength.

Elise frowns, shaking her head. "Excuse me, Mage Yffryn. The recovery of my friend has been a great trial upon me. Forgive me," she tells the Dream Mage even as she walks Envoy off.

"I am sure Lady de Bellefeuille does not speak for the Watch," the Dean says, eyeing the white Lapi. "If Mage Envoy has endured some kind of trauma in the dream world, it will surely be most appropriate for us to accompany them. Is that not so, Officer Clover?"

Yffryn gives Officer Clover an earnest, hopeful look.

"Uh … er … " Clover looks around to the others, but Cyprian avoids eye contact, maintaining his carefully neutral expression. "Sure," she finally accedes, weakly.

Yffryn positively beams. "Thank you!" she murrs sweetly, and pads along to catch up with Envoy. "If Mage Envoy is not well, I'd be willing to give her a ride, you know. It's the least I could do."

"Ooooo!" Envoy coos, "I'd like a ride!" She sounds almost childlike in her glee.

Elise leads Mage Envoy over to Officer Clover, and holds Envoy's hand to her. "I would appreciate if you would guide Mage Envoy for me. I am … obviously not well, and I should not concern myself with these matters," she tells the Watch officer.

Clover accepts the hand as if the Exile were a young child needing a guide. "Uh … all right. You may go now, but please report to the Watch tomorrow morning for questioning."

"Of course." With a nod to both groups, the poodle officer gives her good-bye, and turns to walk off toward the crowd and the festivities in the distance.

Envoy blinks at Elise, and asks, "What's wrong Elise, is it something you ate?"

As the poodle walks away, she reaches to run a hand through her hair. "Be well, Mage Envoy. I will see you soon," she tells her.

The Aeolun looks briefly confused, before returning to her happier state.

Caroban Watch Headquarters
Fashioned something like a Chronotopian city watch station, but with the characteristic arcane touches that pervade most everything on the mage-dominated island, the Caroban Watch Headquarters is positioned in a strategic position near the center of the island. All manner of exotic materials are incorporated into the construction – all manner, that is, of materials with magic-resistant properties, such as warpwood, thistlebark, and even hints of Abaddonian steel and articles of Sifran crystal here and there. The cells are designed to thwart the most determined efforts of an Earth Mage to reshape them, or a Fire Mage to blast through them, and the meeting rooms are warded against all manner of Scrying and elemental spies, to ensure privacy. Most everything has runes on it, despite an otherwise largely utilitarian appearance.

Dean Viscoi, as it happens, is not only not waiting for them, but has not even been summoned yet. Dean Ssrithiri, as ranking College member, requests permission to interview Envoy and determine more on the nature of her condition. With several Watch Officers, Yffryn, and Cyprian looking on, he does so.

Envoy, for her part, munches on a cookie and makes various mmmmm and awwwww sounds over each bite.

Ssrithiri watches Envoy eat with a strangely intent look of fascination on his face. "Now, Mage Envoy, would you mind going over for me exactly what has transpired most recently in the Dream Realm?"

The Aeolun recounts the final challenge of Inala, and how she won the supreme gift of becoming the Goddess' Avatar.

Cyprian raises his brow as Envoy briefly mentions the fox's loss, but not his exact fate. Ssrithiri makes no inquiry on the subject. "Wonderful. Do you believe that by empowering Inala, you have freed the realm of Dream Magic from the ritual which has imperiled it? Or do you think this was only a first step in doing so?"

Envoy blinks at this question, and seems to put extra effort into thinking about it. "Umm … the latter, I think." Having answered, she goes back to thoroughly enjoying her cookie.

"Would you like a pastry?" one of the watching officers asks Envoy, offering a tray as the Exile finishes her cookie. The Jupani offering it has an entranced expression on his face.

Smiling gratefully to the Jupani, Envoy brushes her fingers across his hand before selecting one of the pastries. "Thank you, sir, I believe I would."

"I see. Truly, I think this is more a matter for Dream investigation than Mind," Ssrithiri says, steepling his fingers and studying the assembled. "Despite the potent display of mind magic earlier, her case history shows far more evidence of dream tampering."

The wolf smiles back, not even seeming aware of his own expression. He hovers in the same place long after Envoy has taken one of the delicacies, watching her face.

Envoy nibbles on the pastry, and smiles to the large Naga mage. "I didn't realize you were so familiar with my case," she hisses in Imperial, although with a bit more throatiness than usual.

The Naga's scales ripple in a motion suggestive of either embarrassment or pleasure. "Yffryn informed me of the events you had mentioned to her," he replies in the same tongue. "Of course, the matter is of the utmost concern to me." Resuming Standard, he clears his throat and asks those assembled, "Are there any objections to my conducting some diagnostic rituals?"


GMed by Rowan

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Today is 18 days after New Year's Day, Year 30 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6129)