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(New Character Arrival) (Brishen) (Darkside) (Jynx) (Master Long Tooth) (Necropolis) (Rephidim) (Silver Blade) 652: Undercover Khatta


34320 bytes
09 Nov, 1998

<+ E +>

2 Nov 1998. Jynx sneaks into Darkside, and runs into Ambassador Brishen.

GMed by Bambridge & Greywolf

(Airship) (Rephidim Bazaar) (Jynx) (Master Long Tooth) (Rephidim) (Silver Blade) 653: Fair Travels for Jynx


29665 bytes
11 Nov, 1998

<+ E +>

9 Nov 1998. Jynx journeys to Half Valley in search of his grandmother.

GMed by Bambridge & Greywolf

(Half Valley) (Master Long Tooth) (Mortal Wombat) 758: Mortal Wombat


15692 bytes
24 Apr, 1999

<+ E +>

24 Apr 1999. Master Tooth fights the fearsome Ryubushi!

GMed by Greywolf

(Master Long Tooth) (Nordika) (Mortal Wombat) 773: Whonk Kong Fuey


25402 bytes
07 May, 1999

<+ E +>

4 May 1999. Master Tooth battles the Master of the Wandering Roams.

GMed by Greywolf & Zoltan

(Master Long Tooth) (Nordika) (Mortal Wombat) 779: Cold Stone


14514 bytes
11 May, 1999

<+ E +>

10 May 1999. Master Tooth travels to (and fights in) the Vykarin Wastes.

GMed by Zoltan

(Master Long Tooth) (Nordika) (Mortal Wombat) 797: La Bataille de Nourriture


19521 bytes
26 Jun, 1999

<+ E +>

24 May 1999. Master Tooth battles a mime in Gallis.

GMed by Zoltan

(Chronotopia) (Master Long Tooth) (Nordika) (Mortal Wombat) 832: The General Gets Clocked


30351 bytes
26 Jul, 1999

<+ E +>

25 Jul 1999. Master Long Tooth faces off against a Chronotopian general inside Great Gretchen.

GMed by Zoltan

(Gallis) (Master Long Tooth) (Nordika) (Mortal Wombat) 918: Atilla the Hunter


16934 bytes
02 Nov, 1999

<+ E +>

Reckoning 8, 6099 RTR (20 Oct 1999) Master Tooth squares off against the Master of the Trapjaw Technique!

GMed by Zoltan

(New Character Arrival) (Legend of the First Stone) (Jadai) (Lilac) (Master Long Tooth) (Umeko) 1540: An Unpleasant Prospect


54314 bytes
18 Jan, 2007

<+ E +>

Reckoning 2 (morning), 6106 RTR (2 September 2006) Umeko, a young Jadaian noblewoman, is introduced to her future husband.

GMed by Bambridge

(Legend of the First Stone) (Jadai) (Lilac) (Master Long Tooth) 1541: Lilac, The Flower of Sylvania


9693 bytes
18 Jan, 2007

<+ E +>

Reckoning 2 (morning), 6106 RTR (2 September 2006)Lilac meets Master Tooth in the garden.

GMed by Bambridge

(Legend of the First Stone) (Jadai) (Lilac) (Master Long Tooth) (Umeko) 1543: Lilac: Dog-Eared Cat-Burglar?


16687 bytes
18 Jan, 2007

<+ E +>

Reckoning 2 (evening), 6106 RTR (10 September 2006) Umeko and Tooth conspire to learn more about the Artist Hakuu – and somehow talk Lilac into stealing from him.

GMed by Bambridge

(Legend of the First Stone) (Jadai) (Lilac) (Master Long Tooth) (Umeko) 1551: Curators and Cinders


51158 bytes
24 Jan, 2007

<+ E +>

Reckoning 4, 6106 RTR (22 October 2006) Umeko and Lilac meet up with Gibson and learn some startling secrets.

GMed by Bambridge

(Airship) (Legend of the First Stone) (Jadai) (Lilac) (Master Long Tooth) (Rephidim) (Umeko) 1552: Voyage of the Tung Lun


33831 bytes
14 Mar, 2007

<+ E +>

Reckoning 4-10, 6106 RTR (5 November 2006) Umeko changes her identity as she, Lilac and Gibson take flight for Rephidim.

GMed by Bambridge

(Legend of the First Stone) (Lilac) (Master Long Tooth) (Nagai Empire) (Umeko) (Xander) 1610: Sometimes you need a Vacation from a Vacation Cruise


63237 bytes
15 Jul, 2007

<+ E +>

15 Harvest RTR 6106 (Feb 11, 2007) The journey to the Viper's Hold begins … and does not go smoothly

GMed by Bambridge

(Legend of the First Stone) (Lilac) (Master Long Tooth) (Nagai Empire) (Umeko) (Xander) 1614: You're Hired!


39496 bytes
16 Jul, 2007

<+ E +>

10 Harvest RTR 6106 (Feb 17, 2007) Kin, Lilac, Xander, and Master Longtooth arrive in Viper's Hold.

GMed by Bambridge

(Anisa) (Legend of the First Stone) (Lilac) (Master Long Tooth) (Savan) (Umeko) (Xander) 1622: Holy Ship!


66821 bytes
25 Jul, 2007

<+ E +>

8 Harvest 6106 RTR (evening) (Mar 18, 2007) Lilac raids the damaged airship to gather clues about the attackers.

GMed by Bambridge

(Anisa) (Legend of the First Stone) (Lilac) (Master Long Tooth) (Nagai Empire) (Umeko) (Xander) 1624: A Journey into Desolation


98957 bytes
26 Jul, 2007

<+ E +>

7 Harvest 6106 RTR (Mar 30, 2007) Kin, Lilac, Anisa, Gibson, Xander, Longtooth, and Long-Shadow head out into the Desolate Band.

GMed by Bambridge

(Anisa) (Legend of the First Stone) (Lilac) (Master Long Tooth) (Nagai Empire) (Umeko) (Xander) 1631: Even Those Who Win, Lose


89528 bytes
26 Jul, 2007

<+ E +>

6 Harvest 6106 RTR (Apr 20, 2007) Kin, Umeko, Xander, and Lilac find the Razer's camp.

GMed by Bambridge

(Anisa) (Legend of the First Stone) (Lilac) (Master Long Tooth) (Nagai Empire) (Umeko) (Xander) 1635: It's all Perspective


62687 bytes
28 Jul, 2007

<+ E +>

5 Harvest 6106 RTR (May 05, 2007) The group gather to discuss plans and experiment with the mask they recovered from the women.

GMed by Bambridge

(Anisa) (Legend of the First Stone) (Lilac) (Master Long Tooth) (Nagai Empire) (Umeko) (Xander) 1642: Gods and Devils


64447 bytes
29 Jul, 2007

<+ E +>

3 Harvest 6106 RTR (May 13, 2007) Kin infiltrates the Razer's camp in disguise as a handmaiden.

GMed by Bambridge

(Anisa) (Legend of the First Stone) (Master Long Tooth) (Nagai Empire) (Umeko) (Xander) 1646: Dagh, Sand, Sand, and More Sand


69722 bytes
29 Jul, 2007

<+ E +>

2 Harvest – Harvest 2 6106 RTR (May 25, 2007) Kin, Anisa, Gibson, and Master Long Tooth head for the Imperials.

GMed by Bambridge

(Anisa) (Legend of the First Stone) (Master Long Tooth) (Nagai Empire) (Umeko) (Xander) 1662: Ladies and Generals


46297 bytes
29 Jul, 2007

<+ E +>

Harvest 3 6106 RTR (Jun 04, 2007)Lady Umeko Tsuguri meets with General Diamondback

GMed by Bambridge

(Airship) (Legend of the First Stone) (Lilac) (Master Long Tooth) (Savan) (Spheres of Magic) (Umeko) (Xander) 1684: Recovery


34634 bytes
19 Dec, 2009

<+ E +>

Harvest 6, 6106 (Evening) RTR (Jan 21, 2008)After their trying battle, Umeko and her friends get checked in the dreadnought's infirmary.

GMed by Bambridge

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