Jynx, trying to find any leads on the whereabouts of his grandmother, Lady Martinette, employs a disguise to aid his venture into Darkside. He finds a reptilian who is hawking "secrets", and pays 20 shekels for a tip that directs him into the Old City Cemetary. There, he runs into a strange multi-tailed vixen named Amaranth, who offers to help him for a price. Jynx is discovered by some Eeee guards, and taken to the Ashdodite Embassy. There, he is questioned by Ambassador Brishen Apparently the reptilian's "lead" was not worth the money. The meeting is interrupted as Master Long-Tooth, an ancient master of the martial arts, crashes into the building, intent on defeating "Shikouju" in combat, and indicates that he saw Lady Martinette departing on an airship. Jynx manages to get free largely due to his typically bizarre luck (good and bad), while Brishen's guards contend with the ancient unarmed combatant.