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(Planet Abaddon) (Envoy) (Space) 1828: Paging Dr. Daedalus


16576 bytes
20 Sep, 2012

<+ E +>

Landing 3, 6106 RTR (Sep 20, 2010) Envoy seeks out Elsa Daedalus in New Zion

GMed by Jared

(Planet Abaddon) (Legacy of the Fenris) (Tasha) 1859: Questioning the Inner Self


26483 bytes
11 Sep, 2012

<+ E +>

Landing 15, 6106 RTR (Jul 13, 2011) Tasha takes some of her free time to confront her 'inner self,' the figure within her mind that has guided her along the way.

GMed by BoingDragon

(Aaron) (Planet Abaddon) (Legacy of the Fenris) (Tasha) 1861: Off To Expedition City


65577 bytes
13 Sep, 2012

<+ E +>

Landing 16, 6106 RTR (Aug 06, 2011) After recovering from her hangover, Tasha embarks on her journey to Expedition City on on of Abaddon's immense locomotives.

GMed by BoingDragon

(Inner Demons) (Morgan) (Madame Natasha) (Stonebarrow) (Sylvania) 2284: The Witch's Path


29247 bytes
31 Jul, 2012

<+ E +>

15 First Ones, 6107 RTR (Sep 01, 2010) Isolde takes Morgan and Natasha on her rounds to show the Mage what witches do.

GMed by BoingDragon

(Inner Demons) (Morgan) (Madame Natasha) (Qing) (Spheres of Magic) (Stonebarrow) (Sylvania) 2285: Community Spirit


41491 bytes
02 Aug, 2012

<+ E +>

15 First Ones (Midnight), 6107 RTR (Sep 05, 2010) The witches, Natasha and Qing participate in a spirit-transfer, and meet the spirit referred to as 'You Know Who'

GMed by BoingDragon

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Today is 15 days before New Year's Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)