The Market Festival Dance
20 Unity, 6107 RTR (15 December 2004) Dancers perform and couples dance after the Market Festival closes down for the evening.
(Amelia) (Olivia) (Stonebarrow) (Sylvania) (Zahnrad)

A grand dance pavilion has been erected outside of town, and townies, travellers and gypsies congregate.

The town Morris Men kick off the entertainment with their traditional (and noisy) folk dance, followed by the femail Gypsy dancers who put on a well choreographed and enticing performance, with Liliana in the staring role.

After these acts, the dance floor is opened, and couples start dancing. Zahn takes out Amelia, and Djivan takes out Olivia.

Between the flirting and awkwardness, the two couples plan the rest of their evenings.


GMed by BoingDragon & Jared

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