Dance Pavilion
Set up just outside of town, this large open-sided tent can accommodate at least a hundred people. Benches surround the square wooden dance floor that sits in the center, freshly polished and lacquered, and a tier of raised benches off to one corner seats the musicians.
The shops of the festival have closed up for the evening, and most everyone has eaten by now. The children have finished wrapping the maypole already, and the majority of those in attendance are adults. The Frog Princess and Maidens have a bench all to themselves, and new outfits better suited to dancing: simple white peasant blouses with green suede laced-up bodices and long green skirts. The mayor stands in front of the musicians (middle aged Skeeks all, not an otter in the bunch) and introduces the Stonebarrow Morris Men, who will perform the traditional spring dance to get things started.
"Ech, vhat a dull party so far," mutters Djivan, the gypsy Skreek as he makes his way through the group. He's dressed relatively well; his clothing clean and without holes today. He tugs the bandana around his head to adjust it as he peers about.
Looking decidedly uncomfortable in the large gathering, Zahnrad too is making his way amongst those gathered. He's dressed in a clean pair of pants (no shorts! No pockets!), and a neatly pressed shirt. His normally unruly mess of hair has also been brushed and braided back. "Can't believe I'm here," he mutters.
The Morris Men take to the dance floor: two Kadies (one of them obviously Duncan Blacktail, Amelia's older brother), two Lapis and two Akwavi Emmett Oggton and Berk Sniffler. All of them are dressed in colorful, baggy outfits with handkerchiefs tied around their knees and elbows, and rows of glass bells stitched to their leggings. The Kadies and Lapis carry long wooden staffs, while the otters hold oversized, multicolored handkerchiefs.
Olivia swings her legs distractedly as she sits on the bench with the rest of the 'Frog Court.' After looking around a bit, she whispers to Amy, "Hey look, Zahn got cleaned up for you! You're such a good influence on him." When she spots Djivan in the crowd, as well, the insides of her ears turn slightly red.
"He probably thinks it's all a nuisance," Amelia replies, and gives Olivia a curious look when she notices the blush.
The musicians play a jaunty, spirited folk tune, and the dance begins. The music is nearly drowned out by the stepping and stomping of the dancers though, each of their movements meant to create the greatest ringing of their bells possible. The staff-men smack their staffs together and against the floor, spinning and stepping in well-choreographed precision. In between the swinging staves, the otters leap and tumble while flailing their handkerchiefs around.
Zahnrad attempts to put his hands in pockets as he looks around. Sadly, he ends up just stumbling instead because he forgot that he doesn't have any. He doesn't look pleased by this and coughs. He meant to stumble, yeah. The Kadie then just stops and watches as the dance begins. It's hard to say if he's amused … or just dumbfounded.
Djivan, meanwhile, is watching the dance. To himself he mutters, "Ech, that's not much o' a dance. Makes me t'ink dey tryin' to squish a bunch o' bugs."
The mayor returns to the bench next to the Frog Court's, where his wife and Erik and Julia von Richebeau sit. Erik is apparently trying to explain the historical and cultural significance of the dance to his mother, who just looks… bored.
"Yeah, well, anything that takes him away from his beloved workshop is probably a nuisance for him. Still, there's more to life than building stuff he just hasn't figured it out yet," Olivia comments and grins. "I'm sure you'll do your best there!"
"Have you discovered more to life than just creating art then?" Amy asks Olivia, smiling widely.
Olivia glances briefly at the gypsy Skreek and blushes a little more. "Maybe," she says cryptically.
Zahnrad glowers at his pocketless pants, then makes his way around the edge of the crowd while the dancing goes on. He's heading toward the frog court, but he's not exactly being fast about it.
The energetic dance finally winds down, leaving the Morris Men panting and sweating. The crowd cheers them as they shamble off of the dance floor whether for their performance or because it's finished is anyone's guess.
Stepping up once more, the mayor announces, "And now, as a special treat, we have a performance by Miss Liliana and her troupe of traditional Gypsy dancing!" He claps his hands together to get the crowd going as he backs up to his seat again.
"Heh, Lily will show 'em vhat a real dance is like," Djivan comments quietly and makes his way towards the Frog Court. He eyes Olivia and waggles his whiskers.
"Pay close attention," Amelia informs the Maidens. "I think this dance is the perfect workout for staying limber."
Olivia watches the dancers jingle and jangle their way off the dance floor. At the announcement, she says, "Oh! Lili didn't tell me they'd been asked to dance for the Festival, too! I guess she and the mayor got along all right whenever she finally met him."
"Maybe Erik talked him into it," Amy suggests. "He seems to like 'balance', and since we had a group of men dancers, one of all women would be needed too."
Olivia hmms quietly at this information. "That sounds fair enough. Good to know!"
It seems several of the gypsies have been moving around the outskirts of the dance area. Upon being introduced, they move some of the lamps that light the area, effectively dimming the stage some. Alongside the stage the musicians of the troupe have slipped in. There is a tinkle, then a gentle crash of cymbals … followed by a melodic sound from a stringed instrument. Then, in split pairs to the music, the dancers glide out onto the dance floor. Each step they take is deliberate and timed to meet exactly with each chime of the cymbals. With each step, their hips sway and snap to one side, then the other. The first pair are Lapi does. Each are dressed in flowing and colorful dresses. Around their waists hang colorful sashes from which dozens of sparkly bits hang and tinkle with each hip sway. Their tops expose their midriffs and are equally gaudy and colorful. And … to top it off they both have color-streaks dyed into their hair.
Olivia's eyes widen at the gypsies and she breathes, "Wow! I wish I had my sketchbook with me now! This would make a great painting!"
"Just come to their practice to paint them," Amy suggests. Most of the onlookers have gone silent especially the local Chalk bucks, who seem mesmerized by the dancing does. Even Mr. Tarr, the Korv, forgets to relight his cigar as the shiny bits dazzle him.
The two Lapis dance in perfect time. Their hips snap from one side to the other at each chime. They roll their arms with fluid grace, and now and then roll their midsection as well. But, for the most part through all of it, their upper torso moves very little. After a minute or two of the pair, another group dances out onto the stage to join them. This time it's two Rath'ani's. They're dressed very similarly, except for their ringed tails, which are lined with small chimes that jingle with the snake and snap their tails about. The two are wearing finger cymbals and snap them in time to the other musicians.
Olivia glances sidelong at Amy and says wryly, "Well, I would have gone to a practice if I'd known they were having one for the Festival! Still, it's a good idea for later, perhaps. If they decide to stay any later, that is… "
Several of the out of town merchants (largely Rath'ani's themselves) lean forward to watch now. Except for the foppishly dressed one who runs the traveling beauty salon.
Amelia leans closer to Olivia to whisper, "Given all the extra food and drink from the festival, they'll probably be partying tonight after being so down on their luck."
Olivia nods at this. "That's true. So at least there's tonight and maybe even the morning. After that, I dunno. Lili hasn't said anything to me about any later than that. Do you know? You took dancing lessons with her after I met her, after all."
The group syncs their steps up, and dances and twirls around the stage. Their clothing flows and whips around gently, the dim light reflecting off the array of colors. Another pair dances in from the sides … this time two Skreek ladies. Again, they're dressed much like the others … except for the array of multicolored rings and strips of tied cloth on their tails.
Frowning, Julia von Richebeau pulls one of her hat pins and pokes Erik in the shoulder when he seems to be too entranced by the dancers.
"I don't think they're leaving anytime soon," Amelia says. "They needed some repairs made, and one night of eating well isn't enough, I imagine, to overcome their weariness."
The six spread out on the dance floor, spinning and jingling in time. They've now arranged themselves such that the pairs are split, and the dancers' species vary uniformly. The group continues on for many minutes … then both the music and light begins to dim … until the dancers are shadows moving on the floor. They stop. And from the center back of the stage, a noiseless figure moves forward and into the center of the group. Silence hangs in the air.
Olivia begins to reply to Amy but is caught by the silence and looks to the dance floor instead, waiting to see what will happen.
The elder poodle woman instinctively clutches her purse to her lap, certain the dimming of the lights is for nefarious purposes.
From the center of the floor comes a sharp chirping sound! Red eyes appear on the dance floor at the center … and then the tent then floods with light as the shades on the lamps are withdrawn. The six dancers are in a circle, half-bowed to the figure in the center. It's Liliana … looking a bit different this evening. Her fur shimmers a glossy black and the red striping and patterning has been enhanced. It's now bright red and glittering. Her clothing is a mix of translucent silks of red, silver, and gold. Her ears … lined with shiny, jingly earrings. And as for her waist, a silvery sash from which hangs a myriad of charms. All in all, her clothing doesn't conceal much at all. Another chirp from her, and the music begins again … and at a faster pace than before. The other dancers hold still as the Eeee begins her bit in the dance a fluid, fast, and snakelike dance, showing the Eeee obviously has extensive and subtle control over every muscle in her body.
Olivia smiles as Liliana appears and watches her performance with awe. "I'm just not that coordinated," she confesses in a whisper.
"Ooooo, I'd like, kill for that getup," Midge Sniffler whispers. Julia looks shocked, and then faints… falling backwards off of the bench. Erik doesn't even notice.
"I'm taking some lessons from Lily," Amy whispers to Olivia. "You could try some of the moves, I'm sure."
"Er, I'd probably look pretty silly doing it, too. All of my coordination is really in my hands, for weaving and sewing and drawing. Stuff like that. Getting my whole body to move in that way might be beyond me!" Olivia grins.
"They do a lot with just their arms and hands too," Amy notes. "And if Rath'ani can do it, Skeeks should be able to, I'd think."
Lily's performance draws in the attention of the otters especially, who can appreciate limberness of that caliber.
"Hmm, I dunno… " For a few moments, Olivia writhes her hands and arms around in a parody of what Liliana is doing, trying to match her movements. Her hand motions look okay but her arms flap around like the wings of a drunken bird. She stops, shrugs, and grins at herself. "See?"
Liliana has command of the floor for several minutes, her body rippling and swaying in perfect time to the music. Her wings rustle as she moves, but they never move or get in the way of her dance. The Eeee chirps … and the two Lapi does join in the dance with her. They move in time with her, but it's obvious they're not quite as flexible as the Eeee is. They slide against each other as they dance … and even occasionally wink to the men in the audience. Another chirp, then the Rath'ani join … then another chirp and the Skreeks join. For the final two minutes, all of the dancers are moving to the music and jingling in time. The speed increases, the sound level increases … then there's a sudden crash of cymbals again. All the dancers slip down to their knees facing inward toward Liliana. They arch their backs as they bend backwards to fold themselves enough to look out at the audience. In the center Liliana as dropped down to one knee, her wings curled around her form like a cloak. Her eyes look out from the shadows, shimmering bright red. "T'ank vou," she says melodically and a bit, well, like a hissed whisper … and the dance is over.
The crowd cheers, and a few people even toss coins onto the dance floor. "Morgan will certainly have his hands full tonight," Amelia whispers to Olivia, and winks.
Olivia blinks in surprise at the Kadie girl. "Lili… and Morgan?" she gasps in surprise. "Wow, she didn't tell me that, either!"
The dancers get up (oddly, still in time, heh). They all curtsy to the crowd, then go about gathering up the 'donations'. "Oh," Liliana calls out to the gathered crowd, "Ve vill be free to dance vith anyone vho vishes. Vell, after a few minutes of rest, anyvay."
Several Lapis are already crowding together to form a line for the chance to dance with one of the gypsies. Erik finally notices his mother passed out, and mutters, "I didn't think she'd drunk any of the hard cider… "
Liliana approaches Erik's table. The Eeee literally drapes herself over the table and smiles at him. She reaches out and pats his cheek, cooing, "T'anks for letting us dance."
The mayor steps up again, and in his booming (for a Skeek) voice, announces that the dance floor is now open. The musicians begin playing familiar dancing music now.
"Oh, it was my pleasure, really!" Erik says, almost falling backwards himself. "You really added… excitement… to the evening!"
"I didn't know women could move like that," comes Zahnrad's voice from behind the Frog court table (how he got there … well, must have been in the low light." Then the voice of Djivan, who is apparently next to him, says, "Pah, vhat? Do vou live in a cave? vomen can move in many … interesting vays."
Olivia smothers a laugh at Liliana's teasing and thinks Julia would be furious if she knew her son was being petted by a gypsy… if only she were awake to see it, of course.
Amelia turns around to grin at Zahn. "Did you like it? I'm taking lessons from Lily myself."
Liliana draws her fingers over Erik's muzzle, then winks. "Oh, glad ve could … entertain," she says with a grin and then eases herself off the table. "Now, vhere did Morgan get to?" she mutters.
Zahnrad looks like, well, an animal in a trap. "Er, uh, like that?" he babbles, "I, er, uhm, heh, yeah, I liked it."
Djivan, meanwhile, is standing behind Zahn and making faces over his shoulder. He then rolls his eyes and steps around the Kadie.
Olivia jumps a little at the sound of voices behind her. She faces Djivan and says archly (although clearly teasing), "Seen a lot of that, have you? Are you sure I'm safe to be around you, then?"
"It's going to part of my daily workout," Amy says, and Midge and Parsley seem to be considering it as well.
Zahnrad looks like either he's excited … or ready to run screaming. "Uh, well, you'll have to show me sometime," he says meekly.
Djivan slinks up and over to Olivia. He drapes his arm around her shoulder and says in a mock sweet and innocent tone. "Vhy, vou are as safe as de babe in de mother's arm," he says.
A few couples step onto the dance floor mostly husbands and wives. One corner is left relatively clear as people leave plenty of room for the large Titanian and Rhian dancing together. The wolf doesn't even yelp when Dr. Fether accidentally trods on his toes or kicks his shins.
Without missing a beat, Liliana calls over to the frog court. "Ves, saf' as a babe, meaning a good lookin' girl, and mother … bein' some guy vho's family had a bad sense of names." She grins and winks.
"You look very dapper tonight, Zahnrad," Amelia says, and holds out her hand, palm down, towards the Kadie. Parsley and Midge have already been swept into the dance by eager partners.
Off to the side, the gypsy does have started talking to some of the local Lapi bucks. The Rath'ani dancers are talking to the merchants, and apparently have decided on a dance order … as they're heading back onto the floor.
Olivia mimics Liliana's gypsy eye-rolling motion by passing her hand over her forehead in that dramatic way of hers. "I think I agree with Lilly," she says, grinning.
Zahnrad looks at Amelia dumbly for a moment … then seems to remember something. He reaches up and takes her hand lightly unto his … his fingertips against her palm and thumb on the back of her fingers. "Ah, thank you, Amelia," he says, sounding nervous … then actually leans in and kisses the back of her hand. "You look quite beautiful tonight as well."
Djivan puts his hand to his chest and sighs. "Vou all vound me. I am deeply hurt by such statements!" he bemoans. "Vhy, more vounds like tha' and I migh' need to be … resuscitated," he adds, then waggles his ears at Olivia. "So, are vou mine tonigh'?" Behind him, Liliana is making gagging motions.
Amy's ears blush, and she stands up to let Zahn lead her to the dance floor. She pauses to whisper to Olivia, "I think your beau is cute… but don't do anything I wouldn't do."
Zahnrad does, his instinctual dexterity helping him not look too awkward, at least. "I'll try not to mess up. It's just like dodging flying bolts … only without the bolts … and the screaming," he whispers to Amelia.
"Well, uh, I'm yours for a while, anyway. I have a responsibility, though. D'you remember that human who was in your camp a while back? Well, our local witch has charged me with looking after him until she can gather a conclave of other witches to deal with him, or something like that. So I have to keep him out of trouble until then," Olivia explains.
The current dance is… well… folksy. There is a lot of linking elbows, twirling around and reversing of positions. Even Erik is on the floor now, having been dragged there by a wolfess as black as he is, wearing a very sturdy looking dress and heavy boots.
"Oh, pish. Responsibility is for people vho are old," Djivan says and waves his hands dismissively. He holds out his hand and grins, asking, "So … shall ve dance?"
Olivia takes his hand but reminds him, "And responsibility is also for those who have a witch to answer to! But I will dance with you, as long as you can lead. I'm, er, not especially good at this… "
Djivan slips his hand around Olivia … and puts it right on her butt. "Oh, I t'ink I can lead vou, yes," he says and winks. Before she can protest … or slap him, he's leading her onto the dance floor. "Jus' remember, no one is lookin' at vou out here an' everyone looks silly anyvay, so jus' go wit' it."
While Zahnrad and Amy are dancing, Zahn says tentatively and quietly, "Uhm, Amy… ?"
"Hmmm? Yes?" Amelia replies, smiling to Zahn.
Olivia follows the Skreek but gives him a look of determination. "I think it also fair to warn you that I'm not about to be led anywhere I don't want to go," she says in mock-dulcet tones. The grin she gives him is a challenging one as he sweeps her across the dance floor.
Zahnrad looks really nervous. "Uhm, I was wondering if you'd like to spend the evening at my place," he says … then quickly and quietly adds, "I don't mean do anything! I just remembered you like backrubs, you've had a long day helping with the Market Day, and I thought I could help you relax a bit. If not, I understand, of course."
"Oh, that'll be fine," Amelia says, perking up. "It'll give me a chance to learn your door code and move some of my stuff in. I sorta need to spend more time up at the dam anyway."
Djivan just gives Olivia the sweetest and most innocent grin ever (not). "Oh, vell, it's my job to make sure vou vant to go," he says with a wink. The Skreek then spins her, holds her in close … and off into the dancing they go!
Zahnrad almost stumbles at that. "M … move stuff in? W … why?" he stammers quietly to her. "Not that I mind! I'll, hm. I guess I'll have to fix the old bed."
Olivia's reply is lost as she tries to concentrate on the dancing and her less-than-perfect footwork. "Mmph, this is hard," she mutters. "I don't know how Lilly got so good at it!"
"I'll explain later," Amy promises, keeping the dance moving along. The wolf currently tossing Erik around catches Zahn's eye and waves to him, since Orfull Wrot is supposed to come by the workshop after the dance.
"She been doin' it for like ten vears or more," Djivan tells Olivia. He's actually a decent dancer, so he's keeping Olivia from looking too bad out on the floor. "Plus' I t'ink Eeee have a natural tendency t' be slinky."
"Uh, right," Zahnrad says, looking at Amelia with a puzzled expression. "Won't your family wonder… ?" he asks, then notices the wolf. He waves to her when he gets a chance, remembering he was going to show her the engine design. "And oh, yeah, I'll be showing my engine design to the Titanian, so I guess you could figure out where to put stuff while I'm doing that."
Olivia smiles at Djivan in between counting steps. "While Skeeks do not! At least I don't, anyway. So, um, was Lily born to the tribe or did she join you later?" she asks, trying to make polite conversation.
"The machine wolf?" Amy asks, a look of understanding coming over her face. "Oh, right… that makes sense," she says, and smiles. "We can all head up together."
"Lily? Oh, she vas born in de tribe. But, heh, vell. How she was conceived is a bit o' a story. She vas conceived in dis weird place called 'Worms' where all vour fantasies come true," Djivan explains. "She tol' me about it once, jus' cause it vas funny. Apparently, her parents were caugh' up in de moment."
Olivia ponders this. "Worms, huh? From the sounds of it, it's a place devoted to, er, romantic fantasies?" she guesses.
"Yeah, Orfull … oh, ack, that could've sounded like I had a date or something," Zahnrad says, looking embarrassed. "Yeah, I wanted to show her my engine design … which is different, but has similar concepts, to hers. I wish I had access to the materials she does … ack. Sorry. This is our night and I'm talking about work." Zahn then promptly leans in and kisses her cheek then concentrates on dancing decently.
"I don't mind, silly," Amelia says, giggling at the kiss. "I'm here all the time, but the Titanians are only passing through."
"Vorms … vell, all I can say it is a place vhere any fantasy vou have can happen. Any fantasy," Djivan says in a whisper. "Never been dere m'self. After Lily was born, dey quit going. I t'ink dey were worried about after affects."
Olivia lowers her voice, too. "How very odd," she muses. "What kind of after-effects do you mean? Well, besides that of her mom getting pregnant!"
Zahnrad glances around briefly, looking to see how many of the Blacktails may be here. "Okay, good," he says. "And oh, I need to tell you about Parsley later. She was asking some nosy questions about … monsters."
"Monsters?" Amelia asks, and glances over to where Parsley is dancing with a middle-aged Rath'ani gentleman. "That's unexpected."
"Vell, don' know. May not be any. Dey jus' didn' want to find out. Dey couldn' be so recklass, not wit a kid," Djivan says and shrugs lightly. He grins playfully and pulls Olivia in close. "An' enough about dat. Romance' in in de air! Hm, an' stale fish."
"More about what her sister, Clover, does. She goes deep into the warren where people aren't supposed to go. She may have found … something," Zahnrad whispers, the Kadie's cheek against Amelia's cheek.
Olivia giggles at this. "Well, what d'you expect, being so close to the water and all! Plus the odd rain of herring we get around here," she notes.
"I haven't seen Clover around for awhile, come to think of it," Amy notes.
"Herring rain? Vell, dat sounds fishy," Djivan says and nods sagely. He then lightly nips Olivia's eartip (and thankfully not near the piercing).
"Yeah, strange. And oh, reminds me, I fixed the sound horn. I need to get that back to Doctor Pike. Maybe we can learn more from those cylinders," Zahnrad says.
Olivia squeaks under her breath at the nip. She comes nosetip-to-nosetip with Djivan and murmurs, "I thought we were supposed to be dancing?" She arches an eyebrow at the gypsy and her eyes sparkle mischievously.
"Voices from the past," Amelia says at the mention of the recording cylinders. "Eerie."
Djivan grins mischievously. "Ve are. An' I must say, I been behavin' myself remarkably," he says and wiggles his whiskers.
"If this is how you behave yourself, I'm afraid to see you at your worst!" Olivia teases.
"Yeah, they do sound strange to the ears … oh, er, eerie as in creepy, not ears, er, heh," Zahnrad babbles. Maybe his brain broke from dancing, in public, with Amelia.
Djivan smiles slyly. "Oh, vou wouldn' be seein' much if I was misbehavin'. Nor vould you probbaly care," Djivan says ominously.
"Then perhaps we should just go back to the dancing, eh?" Olivia grins, shaking her head. "We are in public, after all. Don't want to scare off everyone else!"
Djivan just grins at that. The dancing goes on for a few more minutes … then the rise in volume signals the end is near. Both Zahnrad and Djivan dip their respective partners down at the sound of the final note … BONK. Unfortunately for both Olivia and Amelia, they were too close together and their heads collide at the end of the dip. Oh well, at least their toes survived the dance, if not their heads.
Olivia oofs! and tries not to fall out of Djivan's arms. "I thought… I was supposed to be… the clumsy one here," she groans, just feeling the lump rising on her head.