Tasha takes Gabriel, Layth and Aaron to the merchant area outside of the Gateway dome to try and do some fact finding. Gabriel suggests getting cloaks, which they find at the first booth being sold by a Naga. As they get fitted, Layth talks to the Naga, and the group learns about the strange disaster that befell the Imperial Life Dome, and also that the word has come that it's safe to return and that the new Dome is even better, somehow, although the shopkeeper reserves judgment until he hears back from his wife.
They get directions to a moneychanger also, since Shekels won't be much use if they go to New Zion. While Aaron handles getting the local currencies, Layth wonders about the human clerk's pink hair. They ask her about New Zion (where she's from) until the guard interrupts, telling the clerk that it's almost time for The Show.
Curious, the group follows the crowds to an airfield, where lots of the Naga refugees are staying and a few other groups have congregated, including some Silent Ones and a gathering of Expedition humans and Karnors. They join up with the Expedition group, who seem happy enough to have them and share their beer and popcorn.
The Show begins when a group of Titanians bring out a huge holographic projector and play an episode of a cheesy space opera. When Layth wonders to the pink-haired girl if the show was made locally, she claims that the Titanians brought it from another world.
Because their spaceship still works…