Gateway Town Abaddon
The beginnings of a small town have sprung up around the Abaddon Gateway tower. Wide crevices in the ground have been spanned by bridges, and something like a paved road leads into the distance. Tents and a few more permanent looking structures dot the area, along with what looks to be a raised aqueduct under construction. Great metal ribs rise upwards and inwards, forming the frame off a half-finished hemisphere that will eventually enclose the tower itself and most of the town.
Local business seems to be done in tents and booths along a single circular road close to the edge of still-under-construction lifedome. The shops aren't huddled together as they are on Sinai, where space is at a premium indeed there are large gaps due to the terrain and the need to move heavy equipment, such as the giant steel-truss cranes. More permanent looking structures of stone and metal are on the next innermost ring, separated by a large gap (and plenty of fortifications) within the circumference of the growing dome itself. Groups of rifle-toting Offworld Legionnaires patrol the streets as well.
The sky is pink from the setting sun, which looks larger than it does on Sinai, and the sky is filling with scattered stars and the glow of one of the moons. There is no Procession, of course, which makes the sky seem a bit empty, as if the heavens were mirroring the desolation of Abaddon's surface.
Dr. Zerachiel and Dr. Caravelli chose to stay with the mages to study the odd vegetable golems, and the two Lapi does were conscripted into helping set up camp as well. So Tasha is only able to bring Akkers, Layth and Aaron along on her fact-finding mission.
"So many people and yet the world feels as if it were dead and gone. Great metal skeletons reaching to the sky as if declaring what once was. This place is … uninviting," Layth offers as his observation of the terrain thus far.
"It sure is alien," Tasha agrees as she pauses to look up at the sky. "The Procession looks li' it all gathered up an' became a planet, too, an' look 'ow big the sun is! Bu' it's so barren an' quiet, too. No' much like 'ome." She shakes her head, then resumes her forward trek. "The way I see it, we should find ou' about the people, an' 'ow they get along; wha' they believe in now, 'ow they see the worl'. Then we ought an' look 'ow we migh' be safe 'ere doesn' look like any ol' cloak an' 'ood will do 'ere, an' did you see those flintlocks? We migh' 'ave to get some o' those, 'cause a sword an' some fists isn' goin' to make anyone pause 'ere."
Aaron points to various signs along the perimeter of the dome that warn 'No Non-Humans Beyond This Point' in several languages. "Well, the Abaddonians aren't known for getting along that well with one another," he notes.
"We should get sand cloaks," Gabriel agrees, and points towards the merchant booths. "Someone must sell them."
"Depends on where you put the fist," Layth points out. He even pauses to look over the signs about non-humans. "Paranoia, or superiority complex?" the Amazonian wonders, then just shrugs it off.
The Vartan follows Aaron's gaze and nods. "It says no non-'umans in spotty too I guess the people are just as lonely an' dangerous as the res' of the worl'." She nods to Gabriel too, then flicks an ear. "If this were Sinai, I migh' know enough to know wha' a deal is 'ere. As i' is, I don' know if wha' they're sellin' won' just get us killed or no'. I wish we 'ad a guide we coul' trus', unless you remember wha' worked for your Expedition way back when, Gabriel?"
The first stall on the circular road is manned by a Naga, and shows racks of large leather cloaks. Spotting the Karnors, the vendor hisses in Standard, "Finesssst Abaddonian Cloaksss. Guaranteed to protect from wind and sssand ssstormsss. Carry ssshelter on your ssshouldersss!"
"Well, that snake looks honest," Gabriel offers with a grin and a shrug.
"That is the goal of every salesman," Layth points out, "They would not sell much if they looked dishonest."
"I never though' a Naga woul' look comfortin', bu' he looks friendlier than the 'umans with guns let's go look an' try and find out for ourselves," says Tasha. With a shrug, she heads on over, waving. "Wha' 'ave you got for Karnors, Lapi, an' a Vartan?"
"Depends on if they're selling to other salesmen or not," Aaron offers in a Lapi-whisper.
The Naga spins the racks around and plucks some cloaks of different sizes and cuts after measuring everyone by eye. They're all made of brownish-red leather, and have reinforced shoulders and large hoods. "Finessst Bandersssnatch leather!" the serpent assures. "Only 50 Marksss each!"
Tasha pauses, and leans towards the others. "Wha's a Mark?"
"Expedition currency," Gabriel notes, and then asks the vendor, "Do you take Sinaian shekels?"
Layth puts his hand over his eyes and nose-ridge.
Tasha nods slowly, then grins. "Fact findin' mission 'as revealed we 'ave no money," she mumbles, still grinning. She then tries to elbow Layth, adding, "Li' you knew wha' a Mark was!"
"Yesss, let me… jussst a moment," the snake says, and pulls out some sort of device made of paper discs fixed together, with various numbers and cut out windows. He fiddles with this for a few moments, and then declares, "That'ss… 300 Shekels each, at current exchange ratesss."
"Can we try one on first?" Aaron asks. This gets a frown from the vendor, but he does pass over the smallest of the cloaks to the Lapi.
"Of course we have money, we have Aaron, do we not? We can sell him for the cloaks," Layth offers as he tries to elbow Tasha back. "Or sell me, come to think of it."
"I didn't come out here without cash," Aaron grumbles, as the Naga helps him into the cloak. It reaches to within an inch of the ground, and the hood comes forward enough to completely hide the Lapi's face. The vendor shows off the interior pockets and 'zipper' fastener, as well as the cords to pull to almost completely seal off the hood and cuffs if needed.
"I guess we do 'ave money! Tha's another useful fact, an' glad of it," Tasha says with relief. She proceeds on over to the booth and leans forward, taking a look at the cloak clearly made for a Vartan by the way the hood detaches at the shoulders so wings can be inserted. The wing space is then further covered by longer stretches of leather that help cover the hole without restricting movement too much.
"This is thick and heavy enough to turn a knife," Aaron notes approvingly.
"Plus, they cost 500 shekels on the other side of the Gateway," the Lapi asides to Layth in Skeek.
"But not a bullet I assume," Layth observes as he moves closer to Aaron so he can examine the make. The comment on their value on the other side causes the buck to raise his brow slightly. "You're a sly one," he replies in Skeek, "A sixty percent profit when we return."
"I'll let you tell Calligenia about it," Aaron replies.
Gabriel also seems to approve of the cloaks. "They match the ground color, so can provide some camouflage if needed."
Tasha holds up her cloak and turns it this way and then, then asks her compatriots, "Wha' do you think? Sounds li' you like 'em? Shall we get 'em then?"
"A sure way to have her fawn over me moreso than you and thus save yourself," Layth teases the buck. Louder, he asks, "How is the weight bearing on the shoulders? If they are too heavy it will strain the neck and shoulders."
Aaron fishes out his money purse. "It seems to be spread out pretty well across the shoulders and back," he notes. "Heavy, but thick leather isn't going to be light. There are stiff sections along the upper back that seem to help, but I wouldn't want to try any fancy moves in this."
"Aisha won't be able to wear something this heavy and still get far though," Aaron notes.
"Feels fine t'me, bu' I'm no' tiny an' flimsy li' Aaron an' Aisha," Tasha teases. She scootches over to Gabriel, and adds, "No' my usual choice o' outfits, bu' you'll 'ave to endure i' if you don' wan' my fur to get all gritty an' sandy."
"You prefer tourissst cloaksss?" the vendor asks. "Lighter, good for riding… not good for being outdoorsss too much."
"Mm," Layth muses then heads to the Naga to find one in his size. The buck turns out to be a bit more difficult to fit since a Lapi style would not fit his size well, nor do the Jupani sized ones. The human-sized and cut ones turn out to fit well enough and aren't split for a tail. He tries it on then nods in agreement to Aaron. "Aisha would not fair well under the weight, but it would provide her some exercise. We shall have to be prepared to suffer the complaints," he says.
"Flimsy?!" Aaron bristles at Tasha.
"Also touchy," Tasha adds, grinning at the bunny.
"We can get some for the does later," Gabriel offers. "I wouldn't want to carry extras around just yet." To Tasha, he says, "I could endure having to comb you out too you know."
"Just do not try such when she is drunk. She kicks," Layth notes to Gabriel.
With a grumble, Aaron pays the vendor, and asks him, "Is there a moneychanger nearby?" The snake nods, and adds a little map to the back of the receipt he makes out for the cloaks.
"I… will keep that in mind," Gabriel says, nodding to Layth.
Tasha smiles at that. "I'll keep tha' in mind then," she tells Gabriel. She then shoots Layth a look, as if she were considering kicking him right now. A put-upon sigh, and then she glances at the vendor and asks, "Tha' reminds me do they sell those fancy flintlocks aroun' 'ere?"
"Firearms?" the vendor asks, looking shocked. He glances to either side suspiciously, and then says, "Weapons cannot legally be sold to civilians," he hisses.
"Oh, really? Tha's no' like Sinai at all," the Vartan remarks perplexedly, ears going askew. "It seemed li' such a dangerous planet, too. On Sinai, you coul' buy a sword from the market," she then informs the vendor, trying to calm him. "I didn' mean to cause a stir!"
"Our populationsss are consssentrated into cities and sssettlementsss," the Naga explains. "Each hasss guardsss and soldiersss for protection." After saying this, the Naga gets a suddenly sad expression on his face.
"What troubles you?" Layth asks the Naga. "Did you lose your home in the recent … incident?"
"Oi, I didn' mean to bring up a bad memory," Tasha apologizes, leaning over to pat the Naga's hand consolingly.
"We have gotten word over the wirelessss that it isss safe to return now," the vendor notes. "My mate hasss gone to see what remainss of our home. Many of the refugees will be returning soon, I think."
"We are with a group from the Mage's Guild to assist in the recovery," Layth explains quietly. "If any of your family needs tending to, there are now life mages here to assist. If you wish, I can leave you with directions to the camp."
"Wha's a wireless," the Vartan asks, head cocking to the side.
"We are fine," the vendor says, "but thank you for the offer. I will ssspread the word. Not all who came here were able to ride the railsss, and had a hard journey." The snake blinks at Tasha then (which involves two sets of eyelids it appears). "Ah… I do not know how to esssplain it. Sssignals that fly through the air?"
"Li' 'ow me mum tells customers to quiet down an' stop fightin' by throwin' a mug at 'em?" Tasha glances at Gabriel for confirmation, blinking.
"I apologize if this is too personal to ask and do feel free to denying an answer if so … but what exactly happened?" Layth asks the Naga. "We have heard stories and seen some unusual plant growths, but you were there. Anything you remember may aid in helping the victims of the incident."
"He must mean a radio set," Gabriel says. "Ummm… invisible rays of light that… " The captain seems to flounder at that point. "It's a machine. You talk into one end, and you can be heard miles and miles away through another machine."
"Oi." Tasha blinks a few more times, then just shrugs. "Abaddon is pretty desolate, bu' the technology is amazin'! Tha' mus' mean there's one tha' 'as wires, too. I'll 'ave to 'ave a look'it tha' later."
"It… was very frightening," the Naga relates. "First, the power died, and the air began to chill. That had happened before, sssso there was no panic. We bundled up the young and waited. But then the city began to shake, and… the dome broke!" Here the man hisses incoherently for a moment. "It had stood forever! Before the Celestial Empire was born! And it broke! You… you cannot imagine… We fled the dome, and waited outside. We thought it was an attack by one of the other factions. But instead there was a jungle when the dust cleared, and… and if you went in too far, you would come back twice… "
"The plantlike replicas that were recovered," Layth muses. "Will the dome be completely repaired or will the Empire relocate?"
Tasha's ears and brows steadily rise as the story is told, until it looks like they might well detach from her head. "Oi!" She covers her muzzle. "Tha's somethin'! Somethin' bad! I'm sorry it 'appened to you, bu' at least it's over now? Can you recover?"
"The newsss claimsss that the dome is bigger now, that it has grown into something from legends," the man says. "But there are still sssome dangerousss areas. It can defend itsself, and provide for us… it isss confusing. I withhold judgment until I hear from my wife."
"Always bes' to listen to your wife," agrees Tasha.
Layth pauses and rubs his chin in thought. "Would outsiders such as us be allowed to visit?" he asks. "I am most interested in seeing what happened with my own eyes."
"I do not know," the Naga says, shaking his head. "You are mages? Maybe this is some kind of magic? It is hard to believe, but… the priestsss say it is the spirit of the celestial ship reborn."
"Alas, no. I am a bodyguard for some who are visiting as part of the Mages Guild and Master Lightfoot is an Apothecary," Layth explains.
"Hmmm, a magical city-plant," Aaron muses, rubbing his chin within the hood of his cloak.
"A magic city plan' ship," Tasha corrects. "Doesn' tha' sound familiar? O'course our magic city ship tried to kill us."
"It sounds like the Imperial bio-reactor went wild," Gabriel says. "Assuming it survived all this time. The Imperials claimed it was immortal though, a divine power… "
"Bio-reactor?" Layth asks Gabriel, "If you have knowledge of this … thing, would it be helpful if you visited this place?"
Tasha raises a brow at that, glancing at Gabriel. "So it's li' … the engine … tha' reactor or … atomic battery? Only, … it was alive some'ow," she asks.
"Err, knowledge and understanding are different things," Akkers notes, raising his hands. "I know of it. The Imperials never let any Terrans see it. It was generally believed to be some sort of Sifran artifact. Each of their motherships had one for power. I can't personally imagine how a plant could power a starship though."
"Plants power Lapi," Tasha points out.
"The Holy Seeds are all-powerful," the vendor interjects. "Even if… ours was stolen and thought lost until recently… "
"No matter how much I ate, I do not think I'd have the strength to carry a city between stars," Aaron notes.
"You do not think our recovery of the crystals from the Fenris somehow triggered this awakening?" Layth asks with an actual hint of worry in his voice. The buck then blinks and looks back to the Naga. "Stolen? How did it return, then?"
The Naga hisses low for a moment, and then says, "The Expedition recovered it from the lair of he who ssstole it two generations ago. Or so they claim! When it was returned to usss, it was a dead husk. But… they say it was the Seed coming back to life which created thisss new city for us… "
Tasha shakes her head at Layth. "I don' think it's tha' complex. Li' Gabriel an' the Naga said, there's a lot more than the Sinai artifacts, some from far, far away, all over the … universe? Is tha' the word? Oi, anyway, it may jus' be coincidence, though we should 'ave ours looked at when we 'ave them safely transported to the scientists."
"Curious," Layth says as he bobs his head to the Naga. "Thank you for this information, it does give us a better idea of what to expect to deal with. If there is anything we can do to help, please contact us at the mage's encampment. We are here to help and foster better relations with the guild, as well as do some research into other artifacts."
"We haven't checked to see if our artifacts are even active still," Gabriel notes quietly.
"Ssso long as you are not here to conquer usss all," the vendor says.
"S'true," Tasha agrees. "They'll jus' 'ave to sit tight until we're settled in 'ere. An' we still need to … Oi, tha' reminds me." Looking up, the Vartan inquires of the vendor, "Is there any way to get to Sheol? The moon? Li', another tower?"
"I am a Lapi; I am hardly an object of war and aggression," Layth claims.
The moon in question is a red blotch near the horizon.
To make sure the vendor knows exactly where she means, Tasha points at the moon with a finger. "Tha' moon."
The Naga looks at Layth, and notes, "I know nothing of your kind. Asss for the moon… who knowss?" The man shrugs, and says, "Perhapsss the Titanianss can take you there."
Tasha makes a face at the idea of Titanians taking her anywhere. "Maybe in a pile o' pieces," she mumbles.
"Perhaps we should move on? We have taken up enough of this kind Naga's time with our endless questions," Layth says.
"We should get to the moneychanger, in case they close up for the night," Aaron agrees.
"I agree, les' see wha' else we can find." Shouldering her new cloak, Tasha gives the Naga a friendly smile and then turns to Aaron. "Lead on, flimsy bunny!"
Layth bows to the Naga. "Thank you, most kind serpent of the red sands," he says, "You have honored us with your answers and time. May we be worthy of such gifts."
"The world isss changing," the Naga replies, returning Layth's bow. "We mussst help each other to get through it."
Aaron leads them on, using the map the Naga drew. They eventually come to a building made all of poured stone. It looks more like a military bunker than a shop, and has the thin windows of a fortress. There is also an armed Karnor guard standing at the entrance, constantly checking something on her wrist. A sign above the entrance has various symbols, beginning with the star and anchor, followed by another star and anchor (but with two vertical bars) and ending with a tight circular spiral.
"Karnors an' the Star an' Anchor, this looks promisin'," Tasha remarks as she beholds the money changer's bunker. "Though, tha's no' quite the Star an' Anchor I know still comfortin' though."
"Translation of the emblem?" Layth asks as an aside to Gabriel. He then nods politely to the guard.
"That's the symbol of the Expedition," Gabriel notes, indicating the double-spined star and anchor symbol in the middle.
"Do you think you would still hold rank with them?" Layth asks.
"Open your cloaks please," the guard recites in Standard when it's clear the group is heading for the building.
"We'll find out in due time," Akkers notes. "My commission expired some millennia ago, after all."
"As you like," Layth says to the guard and spreads his arms, and cloak, wide for inspection.
"Looks li' we we meet the Expedition early, maybe we should investigate while Aaron changes 'is money?" Pausing, Tasha unshoulders her cloak and holds it open. "Nothin' on me, ma'am. Nice to see another Karnor, though!"
The guard leans into sniff at Layth, then nods and gestures for him to head inside. She gives the same inspection to the others, and doesn't act any different when Gabriel's turn comes around.
Layth drops his arms and lets the cloak settle before moving towards the door. "I am not sure I have ever been sniffed before," he comments to Aaron.
Inside is a small room with some benches and a light fixture in the ceiling. A thick glass window over a sliding shelf is in the center of the far wall, and a human woman dressed in a severe looking outfit is on the other side of it. Despite looking like a cross between a schoolteacher and an accountant, she has a bright pleasant smile and long pink hair.
"She was sniffing for gunpowder most likely," Aaron says, and then smiles and steps up to the window.
"How may I help you?" the woman asks in Standard.
"I do not think I have ever seen someone with pink hair before, either. Is that normal for humans?" Layth has to ask Gabriel since Aaron is busy.
"I sniffed you lots o' times," Tasha casually remarks. "It's 'ow we with real noses know people, it is." She returns her cloak to her shoulder as she passes inside, telling Gabriel, "Well she didn' see anythin' odd abou' you, so maybe tha's a good sign?" When Tasha gets a look at the woman behind the counter, she flicks an ear. "I wun'er if I'd look good with tha' color hair?"
Aaron says, "We would like to exchange some shekels for local currency. Can you tell us the current exchange rates and fees?"
"I'm partial to your current colors," Gabriel notes with a grin.
"Then I'll keep them," Tasha says, grinning back.
"Well, right now you can get one full Imperial Coil for every five shekels, due to… trade disruptions that have lowered its value slightly. The current exchange for shekels to Expedition Marks is six-to-one, with a one-shekel fee per every ten Marks… "
"Is tha' good? Cap'n Eyeshine never let me 'andle the books," inquires the Vartan, leaning in a bit.
"How much money will we need, and should get get a mix of currency in case we travel between settlements?" Layth asks the others.
"Shekels don't have a lot of value beyond the Gateway," Aaron notes. "Still, the rate seems reasonable for what we've seen." Turning to the woman, he produces a gold shekel. "We'd like 75% Marks and 25% Coils, after fees… "
"I 'ave no idea," Tasha answers Layth, shrugging.
Layth's brow arches when he sees the gold coin. He says nothing about it, however.
The woman doesn't blink at the coin either, but does test it with some sort of liquid on the other side of the window. "I'll get you a mix of small and high denomination notes," she says, and vanishes into another room.
"If these cloaks are worth 50 Marks each, I'd guess a decent meal would run around one or two Marks," Aaron says. "With over 600 we should be okay, if we don't go on a shopping spree. I trust Layth will keep Aisha in check… "
"I will tie her up and carry her around as necessary," Layth promises.
The woman returns with several leather wallets, and divides the paper notes between them, while keeping the Imperial currency which is also paper but circular so that it looks like coinage in a separate pouch. As Aaron signs the receipt, he asks, "Can you tell us about transport to New Zion?"
"And can you tell us abou' New Zion itself," Tasha adds over Aaron's shoulder.
"The train comes twice a day," the woman says cheerfully, and passes a schedule through the window slot. "Oh, New Zion is the greatest city on Abaddon! There are plenty of museums and libraries and theaters, and… well, lots of sights and activities!"
"Are the people pleasant and accepting? We noticed many signs outside that were … forceful about people like us not being welcome," Layth asks.
"Well tha's sounds li' fun," Tasha agrees. "Y'see, my boyfrien' an' I 'ere," she pulls Gabriel over, "'ave come back af'er e's been away a while. E's an' ol' military officer, an' lookin' to meet with the government, as I am. Migh' even wan' to join, if I'm able. I use' to pilot an' airship back 'ome do you 'ave airships?"
"Oh my, the Expedition is nothing like the Kampfzengruppe," the woman says. "Those people are just… ugh. They're worse than the Silent-Ones with their sense of superiority. I'm not being immodest when I say the Expedition is the most enlightened civilization on Abaddon. I'm sure the children will love to see giant talking bunnies especially, and Jupanis fit right in with Karnors… mostly!" The woman does give Tasha an odd look though, as if just noticing her wings. "We don't mind hybrids either. Why… oh, uh… well, we like everyone!"
"And we have lots of aircraft, even within the city itself," the woman notes with a hint of pride.
Tasha just grins when the woman notices her wings. "Me da' was a Jupani," she explains. "Oi, you 'ave aircraft? I once saw a titan, are they li' that?"
"Well, I suppose that will do," Layth says a bit uncertainly. With a look to Aaron, he asks, "The children are going to climb on us, pet us, and pull our ears, aren't they?"
"Well, only the Silent-Ones really use titans anymore," the woman admits. "We have some in the museums, and maybe some working ones still for parades, but they're far too expensive to actually use… "
"I'll be hiding behind Tasha," Aaron notes. "You and the girls can be fussed over. Maybe we can charge to let children ride you around," he jokes.
"Don't suggest that to Aisha. She will use it as a way to obtain shopping funds," Layth says in all seriousness.
Tasha nods to the fact titans are too expensive to use somewhat sadly. "Well, i' was fun while i' lasted," she says, trying to sound cheery. Biting her lip, she then asks, "'Ow abou' learnin'? Can you learn 'ow wireless talkin' an' titans work somewhere?"
"Are the Silent-Ones that unpleasant to deal with?" Layth asks the woman. "The Savanites of Sinai are usually pleasant enough."
"Wireless… " the woman starts to say, then seems to understand and notes, "Well, there are technical schools and military training, of course… "
Glancing at Gabriel, Tasha asks, "Do you think I'd do well in a technical or military school?"
"They aren't unpleasant, exactly," the woman tells Layth. "It's more that… well, they don't want to be dealing with you. They keep to themselves, and see the other races as inferior. Sort of like the Imperials, but the snakes at least don't act like it to your face."
"Mm," goes Layth, "Delightful."
"Sinaian spotties are friendlier, aye, bu' tha's af'er many years o' slavery. Maybe they're jus' 'appy no' to be treated li' dirt anymore, Layth, an' this is wha' they were li' before slavery? If tha' ever 'appened," Tasha suggests to Layth while Gabriel considers.
"As for schooling, I suggest cooking school," Layth jokes to Tasha. "Less chance for dangerous explosions… "
"Oi, I already know 'ow to cook a bi'. You don' grow up with a mom tha' 'as a tavern an' not know 'ow," Tasha insists. "I's jus' you bunnies all eat veggies an' we don' get much call for tha'."
"Though the danger to our stomachs may be worse," the buck considers.
The outside guard leans in through the doorway and taps at her watch. "Cindy, it's nearly time," she points out. The woman behind the window gasps, and asks, "Is there anything else you need right now?" to the travelers.
Aaron looks to the others as he hands out the wallets. "I'm good," he comments.
"I'm am unworthy of being called good, but alas there is nothing more you may provide to correct that," Layth answers as he tucks away his wallet.
Tasha takes the wallet, putting it in her cloak pocket. "No, I'm fine. I jus' 'ave to wait an' see the res'. Good nigh'!" Tasha smiles at the clerk, then snatches Gabriel's hand.
"I wonder what the hurry is about?" Aaron asks, but the human has already shuttered the window. The guard looks impatient.
As Layth heads to the door, he asks the guard, "Is there some problems that arise at certain hours we should be aware of? We only just arrived and forgive us, we know little of this world."
"What?" the guard asks, blinking at Layth. "Oh… it's nearly time for The Show! If we're late, we won't get good spots to watch from!"
"I jus' though' i' was closin' time," Tasha admits to Aaron. "I don' 'ave a lot of experience with business."
"The Show?" Layth inquires. "Is it interesting?"
"It sounds interestin'," the Vartan agrees.
"It's… The Show!" the Karnor girl says, a bit flustered. "It's the only entertainment there is out here."
"Can you take us to this Show?" Layth asks next, "Even though we are not worthy of your consideration, we would be forever grateful."
"Just… follow the crowd! I have to wait for Cindy to finish locking up," the guard notes and gestures outside.
"Should we walk with the guard, or just follow the crowd?" Layth asks the others.
"Don' listen to Layth, we're all very worthy," Tasha interjects. She then tugs Gabriel's hand, and tells him, "C'mon, we don' wan' to miss The Show, now do we?"
"Follow the crowd I suppose!" Aaron says, following after the wolves. There is a general stream of people outside, all heading off towards what might be an airfield.
Layth dutifully follows along. "She's still impulsive and easily distracted," the buck mutters in Skeek to Aaron.
"I 'ope it's an air show," Tasha tells Gabriel, tail wagging and sounding excited.
"We're on another world… hard not to be!" Aaron replies, joining the exodus. There are campfires visible ahead in a large circular field of packed earth. It's only when they get closer that they can see the Nagas, as they're almost all bundled into leather cloaks that make them blend in with the ground, especially now that even Sheol has set and only the naked stars provide any other light.
"I can't imagine an air-show at night," Gabriel comments as he's dragged along.
Layth pulls the hood of his own cloak up to conceal his species. He can't help but have this nagging worry of what this 'show' just might be. "I hope this doesn't turn out to be something horrible," the buck comments.
"I smell beer up ahead," Aaron notes. "And… uh… corn?"
"You're always such a stick in the mud Layth, 'ave some fun for once," Tasha calls back to the now concealed bunny. She then lifts her nose and sniffs as well, and grins! "I do smell beer an' corn! 'ow abou' tha', Gabriel, this worl' 'as beer! And corn."
The crowd isn't entirely made up of Nagas, but they seem to be the majority almost certainly all refugees. There is a pocket of humans and Karnors setting out folding chairs and some sort of cooking apparatus, and even a small group of robed and masked Silent-Ones.
"One of us has to be the responsible one," Layth mutters.
"The humans have the food and drink, I think," Aaron notes, his sensitive nose twitching.
"Well, we can ask them what's going on then," Gabriel suggests as they get closer.
"One o' us does no' 'ave to be borin'," Tasha insists. She then nods to Aaron. "You don' 'ave to tell me, I 'ave a Jupani's nose!" Squinting her eyes, she begins to put her advanced vision to work finding beer. "I think i's tha' way," she points, "bu' we 'ave to talk to the 'umans if we're goin' to get close."
Layth can't help but glance towards the Silent-Ones as they approach the humans and other Karnors. "I am not boring, am I?" Layth asks Aaron absently.
"Humans talk all the time," Aaron notes. "Getting them to stop is the trick. As for you being boring… you've got two girlfriends, Layth!"
There is a burst of tiny explosion sounds from the human-Karnor group, and the smell of butter. From across the field a square of light appears. It's actually in the next field over, where all that can be made out is enormous dark silhouette. A cheer goes up from the Nagas about then.
"I smell butter," Tasha informs the group. "This planet is lookin' better. I havn' eaten since before we left Sinai!"
The light flickers as figures move through it. By the time the group reaches the Expedition gathering, it's clearer that the ones coming from the light are Titanians from both their size and mishmash clothing of various uniforms, animal parts and armor. There are six of them, carrying a heavy disk-shaped object between them that is about four feet across.
"Is this some sort of strange game?" Layth asks, "Involving some of the most dangerous creatures alive? This is entertainment?"
As the wolves set the disc down in the center of the field, one of the humans notices the newcomers. "You're almost late… oh, you aren't Margie and Cindy?" he says.
"They're right behind us," Aaron says. "Wanted us to save them some good seats."
"Dangerous times are entertainmen' all over our worl' Layth, don' you remember tha' arena?" Tasha remarks as she watches the Titanians approach. When the humans address the group, Tasha cants her ears towards them, then glances their way. "Margie does'n' 'ave wings, aye," she says with a smile. "Where's tha' smell o' beer comin' from?"
The human waves over one of the Karnors, who carries an ice-filled bucket full of bottles. "Save one for Margie, otherwise she'll get growly."
"I know 'ow it is," Tasha says understandingly. She walks up to the ice filled bucket and takes a look.
One of the Titanians stands on the disc and howls, waving his hammer around in the air. Half of the crowd does its best to howl back at him. Layth hears hurried footsteps behind him as Cindy and Margie finally catch up.
The bottles look just like bottles on Sinai. They're brown, but have metal caps. There are no labels though.
Unsurprisingly, Tasha pauses in her search for beer to perk her ears at the howling and then takes a moment to howl back!
Layth's head tilts. "Incoming Margie," he comments to the others as he steps aside to avoid being run over in pursuit of beer. And in an attempt to be more 'fun', the buck even reaches for a beer while he has time.
"Pass me one of those," Margie demands as she gets there. Cindy is out of breath, and actually puts a hand on Layth's shoulder to keep from falling over.
"That thing almost looks familiar," Gabriel mutters as he watches the Titanians. The one with the hammer steps back and yells out, "Showtime!" before bringing his hammer down on some part of the disc. A great beam of light shines up from the center then, and beings to spread out into a cone while the air above it ripples and glows.
Tasha stops howling to begin passing out bottles to any who reach for one, with the first two going to Layth and Margie. When no more hands are incoming, she grabs one for herself and Gabriel, and walks back over to him. "Looks li' the beer's sealed inside," she tells him, before popping the top into her mouth and trying to pry the lid loose.
And out of instinct, Layth reaches over and around the human, then actually holds most of her weight until she steadies.
Another bucket is passed around, filled with hot-buttered popcorn.
"I didn't bring my churchkey," Gabriel says apologetically, and then pops the cap on his own beer with his teeth as well.
Music booms out from the center of the field, and glowing letters appear in the air above the disc, reading, "Zebulon Schwartz, Space Privateer!" The words are only up briefly before they are shot to bits by a series of fanciful looking spaceships engaging in battle…
Cheers go up from the crowd, even if most of them end in hisses.
"It's like being at the old college grounds on Rephidim when the mages put on the fireworks shows," Aaron mutters, mesmerized.
Tasha pulls the lid out of her mouth as she looks up at the show. "Vartans would love this," she says exuberantly. "I 'ope it's all like this! Light an' noise!"
"I would prefer less noise," Layth mutters to himself. He proceeds to use his buck teeth to open his bottle, then stops short of actually drinking from it. Instead, he offers it to Cindy.
Despite Tasha's wish, a story of sorts intrudes on the action. From the bridge of his pirate ship, Captain Zebulon leads his crew of humans and Karnors in desperate battle against… Titanian raiders! Whenever one of the raider ships explodes, the Titanians in the crowd cheer and whoop!
"Thanks, I need a drink after that run," the woman says, taking a swig before offering it back. "I'm Cindy, by the way. Cindy Keller."
"It tells a story?" Tasha sounds uncertain what to think about this, cocking her head. perhaps thinking beer would help, she takes a long draught. "Is Captain Zebulon li' a hero? I didn' know they 'ad privateers in space."
"They don't," Gabriel says. "It's… a space opera."
"That explains the overacting and exaggerated expressions," Aaron notes.
"A space … opera?" The Vartan takes another swig, perhaps needing the extra mental lubrication to comprehend an opera in space. "'Ow does tha' work? I always though' operas were hoity-toity things poodles got up to in places where I wasn' welcome."
"Errr… it's just entertainment," Gabriel notes. "Not to be taken seriously. This looks like something done weekly… "
"Well, I li' the music an' the lights," Tasha admits. "An' Cap'n Zebulon looks li' a fun cap'n. Maybe I coul' star in space operas when we get to New Zion?" She holds her hands up expansively, beer and all. "Tasha! Spaaaace Traveleeer!"
"I am Layth. I also go by my birth name Chrysanthos or its abbreviation Chrys if you prefer," Layth tells the human while he watches the odd chaos. "We just arrived today as part of the Caroban troupe for rendering aide to the refugees. I'm sure it was obvious we are, alas, clueless when it comes to this world."
The battle rages on until the plucky Karnor engineer (with a really weird accent) fixes whatever it was that was keeping them from escaping and the ship zooms off in a dazzling special effect that causes one of the Silent-Ones to lift his mask and vomit.
"Layth is a pretty name," Cindy notes. "And you're a giant bunny! That's pretty cool… "
The story moves forward, and it's clear that the audience is supposed to be familiar with the characters especially since half the crowd calls out particular characters' catch-phrases even as they're uttered. Zebulon rescues his girlfriend from the Titanian Warlord and is about to destroy the enemy ship when the girl, with the odd name of Fallopia, throws herself across the control panel and claims, "You can't fire, Zeb! Warlord Crackjaw is… my father!"
"Amazonian Lapi is the general description for my kind," Layth notes quietly to Cindy, "We're … well, the durable and calm Lapi, unlike Master Lightfoot." The last bit includes a nod towards Aaron. "I assume your haven't seen our kind before, then. I suppose Lapis rarely travel here."
The Titanians in the crowd gasp in surprise! The Nagas gasp in disbelief. The Silent-Ones… check that their ears are clear.
"I 'ope Warlord Crackjaw isn' my father," Tasha remarks, having taken some time to get seated comfortably. "Mum said 'e was some sort 'o noble, bu' not a warlord. You'd rescue me from a warlord, wouldn't you, Gabriel?"
"It's mostly the cat people that trade here," Cindy admits. "If there have been Lapi, I probably just haven't met them."
The image freezes on Zebulon's shocked expression, and everything fades to black. A voice booms out, "Zebulon Schwartz, Space Privateer is brought to you by NanoCleanse Mouthwash! Strong enough for a Karnor, but made for a human!" Again, half the crowd repeats the catch-line, and the audience is treated to a battle between animated, gas-spewing bacteria and tiny silver robots armed with glowing swords and ray-guns.
"Mm, I was raised by a Khatta trader, but he never prospered enough to be able to travel here as well," Layth comments. As for the show, well … he's trying really hard not to groan at parts for either being completely silly, or just plain bad. "And forgive me for asking, but do humans normally have pink hair?"
"I'm still no' quite gettin' this," Tasha says, scratching her head as the bacteria fights nanobots. "Bu' I do like these fight scenes."
"Well, I'm a fluke, because my mom has green hair and my dad has brown," Cindy explains. "I get my hair from great-grandmother… "
"I wonder how they got this?" Gabriel asks.
"Maybe it's some sort o' relic from a ol' wrecked ship," Tasha suggests, proving one beer isn't enough to dull her senses. "Tha' looks li' one o' the machines I saw on your ship, on the bridge, doesn' it?"
Finally, the projection shuts off, and there is a cheer from the Nagas, and various things thrown through the air, and apparently two of the Titanians are having a wrestling match over something…
"I didn't know humans had green hair, either," Layth admits, "I have had little dealings with humans. Forgive me for asking … but doesn't your kind often get cold without more extensive, ah … body covering?"
"I forgot my cloak!" Cindy realizes. She's not exactly exposed in her normal clothing, which actually seems like something a noble might wear if all of the gaudy and frilly bits were removed. "Margie will let me borrow hers though, I'm sure. She's got thick fur… "
"Holographic projector," Gabriel notes, scratching at his chin. "But it didn't look all that old. And I'm sure we didn't bring along any recordings of a show like that… "
"Until you leave the gathering here, borrow this. I don't get cold easily," Layth comments as he takes his cloak off then drapes it around Cindy. It's now he finally takes a drink from the beer he opened earlier. "Is it possible they are recording new shows here?" the buck asks.
"Thanks," Cindy says, snuggling into the cloak. "Recording? We've got movie cameras, and now they've got color, but nothing that's… like this! Floating in the air, and with depth? The Titanians bring it in from some other world."
"Maybe New Zion made the show," Tasha suggests, looking to Gabriel. "Is i' possible they can make holowhatsits an' shows like that?"
In the middle, Aaron overhears both conversations easily. "Wait!" he says, turning to Layth and the human. "Weren't those Titanians stranded here with the Expedition?"
"You're most welcome," Layth tells the human and puts his arm around her again for support. "If I may ask, how far apart are the various settlements here? Can they be walked or is transport the best option? Are there dangerous creatures outside the settlements?"
"Oh no, they showed up a few years ago in their spaceship," Cindy tells Aaron, then turns her attention back to Layth. "The best way to travel is by train or airship. Taking a surface vehicle is safe if you know the route, but there are all kinds of dangerous creatures and plants and weather… "
"Does their ship still work?" Layth asks.
"Oh yeah, they land for a few days and then disappear for weeks or months," Cindy notes. "They've been parked here for a long time now though, since all the refugees showed up. They've been doing The Show every night for… wow… maybe a quarter year now?"
Gabriel makes a choking sound and puts his beer down as he hears this.
Tasha's ears swivel and flick. "Are you hearin' tha'? Abou' the Titanian space ship tha' still works, Ga- … I 'see you do!" The Vartan pats Gabriel's back to help him clear his throat. "I' migh' be our means to Sheol!"
"Curious," Layth comments and thinks. "Speaking of ships, you are from New Zion, correct? Do you know many legends and stories from the old days? Have you ever heard any tales of an old exploration ship named the Fenris?"
"I don't remember much ancient history," Cindy admits. "I was more into economics. Never expected it'd lead me out here though… "
Tasha pats Gabriel again, then begins to stand up. "I'm goin' to go ask the Titanians abou' their ship," she tells him.
"Ah well, still no answers about the odd wreckage we uncovered. Pity," Layth muses, then shrugs. "So, will there be more of The Show, tonight, or shall we return to our respective homes?"
"They only do one showing a night," Cindy says.
The Titanians are already starting to lug the heavy projection system back towards their ship.
"Mm, ah well, I suppose this means we should all part ways," Layth says as he watches Tasha head after the Titanians. "Or perhaps we'll watch Tasha get into trouble," the buck mutters. "Shouldn't that wait until morning, Tasha?" he calls after her.
"They're pirates, Tasha," Gabriel says, holding onto her hand. "I don't think we should approach them at night."
After unlatching the hood, Tasha slings her coat over her arms. "I've never been one to wait, Layth," Tasha tells the Lapi, grinning at him as she pauses to wriggle the heavy garment on. "At the leas' maybe I can get us a meetin' with their cap'n for later." She shrugs into the coat, then attaches the hood and is off!
Layth just rubs his forehead and sighs. "Suicidal, that one," he complains to Aaron.
"We'd better follow her?" Aaron asks Layth. Akkers is already trying to keep up.
There are two Titanians lagging behind the rest, mainly because they're dragging two other unconscious ones that are even bigger than they are.
Layth pats Cindy's shoulder and tells her, "I'll be back for my cloak. I have to make sure my friend doesn't get herself killed, or worse." He pushes back his ears and then follows after Aaron, Tasha, and Akkers.
"Be careful!" Cindy calls after Layth. "Don't let them eat you!"
Tasha hurries up to the two slower Titanians and skids to a stop, waving a hand. "Oi, Titanians! I 'ave a question! Abou' your ship!" She glances at the two men the others are carrying, then walks right over and grabs one's arm, "I'll 'elp, 'old on!"
"Ey! No grab lady! He married!" the one doing the pulling says.
The other Titanian stops to see what's going on, letting his own unconscious burden drop to the ground.
"No grab li' that," Tasha insists, pointing back at the lagging behind Gabriel. "I already 'ave a man! I jus' wan' to talk to your cap'n!"
"He no hear now," the Titanian explains, and nods towards the wolf he's carrying. The unconscious one is dressed all in green… or well, everything is painted green, even the furs.
"Can you tell us when he will be around so she can speak with him?" Layth calls out, "I fear if you do not, Tasha will follow you until you do … and believe me, she could wear down even a Titanian!"
"The green one's your cap'n?" Tasha drops the other man's arm and scratches her head as she looks at the painted Titanian. "I see 'ow tha'll be a pro'lem. When's 'e goin' to be awake?"
"Morning mebbe?" the Titanian says, looking to his companion, who just shrugs. "Get up when he get hungry. Or coul' try first mate… "
"Try in the morning, Tasha," Layth suggests.
"I'm relen'less," Tasha adds, nodding to Layth's call. "Hm, the firs' mate isn' the other one is 'e?" She points at the other unconscious one.
"Ya!" both upright Titanians say in unison. "Fight for ship, alla time. Bonk 'emselves good! Lots fun for crew."
Tasha peers at the two unconscious men and bites her lip like she's thinking or up to something. "Oi, alrigh', I'll be back later." She looks up and smiles at the Titanians. "You 'ave fun, you two, good show, aye!"
"Blow ups good!" the Titanians agree, and then go back to dragging their unconscious leaders back to their ship.
"Blows up good," Tasha repeats as she turns back to her own crew. "Well, t'marra."
"Mister Akkers, make sure to get a good leash for this one, otherwise you will find yourself dragged into doom. This is just her first attempt," Layth tells Tasha's Karnor companion. "And now I suggest that we all head 'home' and get some sleep. Now if I'll excuse me, I need to recover my cloak."
"That went… well," Gabriel says. "I didn't know they could actually talk that coherently."
"Yeah, and we'd better not tell the girls about The Show," Aaron notes. "They'll be upset we didn't go get them for it."
"I speak the language o' loud," Tasha insists. "I don' li' 'ow they keep blowin' up good ships, bu' Titanians an' me un'erstan' each other on loud." She then sticks her tongue out at Layth.
"Aisha would have hated it, but I imagine Calligenia would have approved," Layth notes.
"I dunno, the romance was pretty sappy," Aaron notes. "Aisha probably would have liked that part."
Layth just mutters.
"Back to the camp then," Gabriel says. "I hope they have someplace for us to sleep other than that tent full of dead monsters… "
"Calli also un'erstan's loud," Tasha agrees. She retakes Gabriel's hand and swings it a little. "I'm sure we'll fin' somethin'."
"Is that really any scarier than a tent full of Tasha?" Layth quips as he seeks out the bearer of pink hair to recover his ridiculously expensive cloak. "And I am not boring," the buck thinks to himself, "Preferring to live is what sane people do!"