Buying and Selling in Olympia
New 2, 6106 RTR (24 Jul 2002) Anisa, Aaron and Calligenia arrive in Olympia.
(Aaron) (Anisa) (Nordika)

Anisa, Aaron and Calligenia travel by boat to Parthos, capitol of Olympia. Calligenia gets some odd looks, as Olympians don't have much favorable contact with Amazonians, but a clothier shows a different opinion, when Calligenia agrees to sell a woven-hair dress she wears – and make arrangements for further trade with Dianus. So, a shopping trip for Rephidimite clothes ends up becoming a shopping spree, as Calligenia is offered a full wardrobe for the trade. Anisa, Aaron and Calligenia then go up the cliffs in a rope elevator to the city proper, to arrange for airship passage back to Rephidim.


GMed by BoingDragon

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