New 2, 6106 RTR (24 Jul 2002) Anisa, Aaron and Calligenia arrive in Olympia.
(Aaron) (Anisa) (Nordika)

After several hours on a barge, the Lapis are happy to finally dock at the shabby little pier near the Elysia Yacht Club – at least, most of them are; Aaron has to haul Calligenia's wagon to the base of the cliffs so that it could be brought up by caravan to the airship docks.

This leaves Anisa and Calligenia to their own devices, along with a few copper shekels and instructions to find the Amazonian girl some clothes to wear for the trip back to Rephidim. Afterwards, they are to meet up with Aaron at the elevator. Luckily, the route is simple and sprinkled with shops along the way.

Finding a shop that offers off-the-rack clothing, however, is proving difficult. Most stores only do custom tailoring, and a few simply refuse the does service. This brings Anisa close to her boiling point until they finally find a shop that might have what they need.

Fedor's Fashions
Large windows in the front of the shop and skylights in the ceiling allow for favorable lighting here. The shop is large – nearly 500 square feet – and filled with shelves and racks of clothing. The clientele consists mostly of spoiled, rich teenagers who contrast sharply with the portly old Rathani behind the counter. The clothes are almost all made of zolk or zolk blends, and the store sports fitting rooms and even giant standing mirrors that let the customer get an all-around view of herself.

So far, Calli has been somewhat subdued, aside from the occasional whispered comment about the vulnerability to attack of most of the estates and villas that they've passed. Once inside, however, her ears perk and her eyes light up at the sight of so much colorful fabric.

"This looks like the jackpot!" Anisa exclaims to the younger doe, then adds in a low mutter under her breath, "I still can't believe what jerks those other merchants were." Turning to Calli, she makes a sweeping arm gesture with a small grin. "Well, have at it! Anything in particular catch your eye?"

There are fashions from Gallis, Olympia, Abu Dhabi and Rephidim represented in the mix, and the young Amazonian is overwhelmed by them all. "What would be best for an airship voyage?" Calligenia finally asks.

"Just about anything, really," the older doe responds, "although you might want to get something warm – those wind drafts can get pretty cold when you're in the air." She idly peruses some of the outfits herself, more absentmindedly than anything. "I have a Ha'cloi from Abu Dhabi that works nice for that, but you might also want to grab some Rephidim stuff. It'll come in handy when we get home."

Calli nods, and finds a silver zolk jacket. "Like this?" she asks, offering the jacket up for inspection. It's clearly a feminine cut, with ruffled cuffs and collar hinting at a Gallisian origin.

Anisa squints an eye at the vest, and winces ever so slightly. "Well… it'd pass and everything, but that's a Gallee vest; it's a bit flashy by Rephidim standards. If you like it, though, no one would object, I'd imagine." The doe looks for the price on the vest, to make certain.

The price on the heavy paper tag is seven coppers – that is, seven hundred shekels.

The white doe frowns, her suspicions confirmed. "That's … uh, a bit out of our price range. How about this?" She quickly ushers Calli over to a rack of Rephidim style clothing – dresses, shirts, pants and all. "These are nice, and better for where we're headed too."

"Alright," the chocolate doe agrees, and begins looking through the clothing with the look of one dealing with the unfamiliar and alien. "What are these for?" she asks, pointing to the buttons on a woolen overcoat.

Anisa fights hard to hide her grin of amusement. "Those are to keep you closed up, so to speak. They're a little bit less, er, open, up on Rephidim you see. You have to cover up everything."

"Oh, I see," Calli says, smiling as she figures out how the buttons work. She goes on to select some pants and shirts similar to Anisa's. "It is strange to see so many clothes in one place," she comments. "How does one know if they will fit?"

"You try them on," says Anisa, as she walks towards the changing rooms. "Go in one of those, slip out of your old stuff, then try them on real quick. That way, you know if you have the right size or not."

Calli hesitates at first, since there is a large male Savanite slave standing near the entrance to the fitting rooms. Apparently he is too busy holding a thick stack of clothes and a dainty looking purse to pay attention to the Lapis, so Calli rushes past him into one of the curtained booths.

Anisa lets a small chuckle, and leans against one of the racks as she waits for the younger rabbit to finish. She idly peruses the wares – a lot of it just too "girly" for her tastes.

"Excuse me?" asks a female voice with a Rephidim accent. "Do you speak Standard?" asks a gray-furred poodle girl from across the rack. Flanking her is a tall black Kattha, although they both look to be about sixteen years old.

The Lapi turns to look at the canine and feline companions, giving a small relaxed smile. "Every now and then, I suppose. What can I do for you?"

Looking relieved, the poodle asks, "Is your mistress Tizhan, by any chance? I've never seen quite that style of clothing before."

The doe arches a brow. "My, er, Mistress? How do you mean?" She flops an ear. "You mean in the changing room?"

"Yes, the other Lapi," the poodle says, her smile looking slightly forced now.

Anisa smirks at the poodle, returning to her lean on the rack. "My mistress you speak of, is from Amazonia, she isn't Tizhar. Why do you ask?"

The Kattha lets out a squeak and looks shocked, while the Gallisian simply looks confused. "Amazonia? I've never heard of that nation."

"Not many people have, it seems," the doe comments. She looks over the Gallee's shoulder to the Khatta. "Your associate there seems to know, though."

"Your joke is in very poor taste," the Kattha says, her Olympian accent obvious. "Nobody enters or leaves Amazonia; it is a land of barbarians."

Smoothing back her ears, the rabbit shrugs. "Maybe they are, maybe they aren't, but that's where she's from. She's not that barbaric at all, if you ask me."

Calligenia chooses that moment to come out of the fitting room, and gives the Kattha a suspicious look while approaching Anisa. "These clothes are too big. Can they be tailored?" she tells the white doe in Skeek.

The poodle seems oblivious to any tension in the air, and tries to get a closer look at the fabric of Calli's skirt.

"I'm not sure," Anisa says as she takes the clothes. "Let's find someone who works here and find out." The doe looks about for any sort of fitting area, occasionally glancing at the Khatta. "You might want to grab a dress or two as well; my clothes aren't exactly the norm." As she looks about, she spies a young Rath'ani boy near the mirrors, who has several tape measures draped across his shoulder.

The Kattha relaxes slightly, seeing that Calligenia isn't some huge armored monster, and whispers to the poodle, "The white one is pulling our tails."

"Ah, that looks to be the ticket. Follow me," the white doe says in Skeek. "You don't happen to know that Khatta by any chance, do you?" She says this out loud, figuring the other duo aren't capable of rodent-speak, and swivels an ear ever so slightly at them.

"I certainly do not know her," Calli assures Anisa. "Everyone knows the felines are murderous barbarians that eat their children."

Once he sees the girls coming his way, the raccoon boy stands straighter and smiles to them. "Good day, ladies," he says in Standard, and executes a slight bow.

Anisa blinks at Calli's remark. Shaking her head, she turns to the raccoon. "Hi. We were wondering if you could alter these for my friend here? They're a bit too big for her."

"Alterations can be done overnight," the boy explains. "But we have a wide selection of sizes. If you let me take her measurements, I'm sure that I can find similar items that will fit her."

"That sounds reasonable," Anisa says with a nod. "Calli, he's going to need your measurements," she tells the Amazonian in Skeek. "Is that okay by you? We don't have time to alter these, but he can find stuff like it."

"I suppose it is alright," Calligenia says. "I have been measured before," she notes and steps forward. She keeps her back straight, and raises her arms. Then she notices the mirrors and her eyes go wide. "Magic!"

Anisa laughs, and shakes her head at the teen. "No, just a mirror. Get used to them; you'll learn to love them when you get to Rephidim. Or hate them I guess. Sometimes I hate them. Come to think of it… " The doe trails off, chuckling to herself. Crossing her arms, she stands away so the tailor can do his job, and takes a glance over at the poodle and cat.

Using a cloth measure, the raccoon quickly measures the lengths of the doe's limbs and the circumferences of her neck, shoulders, waist and hips. The poodle is still watching the Lapis, but quickly turns away when she sees Anisa looking back. The Kattha has moved on to a different rack already.

"Yes, I think I know of several petite styles that will suit you," the boy says to Calligenia, not really aware that she won't understand him. To Anisa he asks, "Do you need your measurements taken as well, miss?"

"That Gallee liked your skirt," the white doe says to Calli. "She said she thought you were 'Tahzian', or something." She turns to the raccoon. "No thanks, I'm just an escort. She doesn't speak Standard though; you'll have to let me translate for you."

"Oh, I hadn't noticed. Forgive me," the raccoon says, sounding genuinely apologetic. "I must say though, I have never seen such a material as her clothes are made of. It looks very soft."

"The woman who looks like an unshelled, mutant Vykarin?" Calli asks Anisa in a whisper, turning her head to look back towards the poodle.

A little candle flickers in Anisa's head, as she suddenly realizes the reason for the poodle's interest. "Oh, that. You can only get that from where she's from. If our other companion were here, he could give you a bit more information on it." At Calli's words, the doe nearly breaks out into laughter, but manages to clasp her hand to her muzzle before it gets out of hand.

The young Rath'ani begins to lead the does to a section with clothes that will fit Calli better. If anything, they are more feminine than the others – clearly meant for younger girls. "These will fit your friend," he says, "although we may need to add a belt or sash. Where does she and this material come from, if I may ask?"

"It comes from … the land of the Angors, if I remember right. It's a pretty obscure place. She's from a place near there." She turns to Calli. "These clothes are usually for a younger crowd, but they should fit you well. Is that alright?" She changes her volume to almost inaudible. "Also, is it okay if I say you're from Amazonia? That Khatta seemed to be alarmed at the idea… "

"Xavier made me promise I would not kill anyone," Calli whispers back, "so perhaps it is best not to say out loud that I am Amazonian." She holds a skirt against her to check the fit. It would probably be full-length on a child, but only reaches a little past the doe's knees – although it matches her slender hips and waist.

"Angors!" the raccoon hisses quietly. "It has been generations since Angor wool has been available in Olympia. Your friend must be from Dianus?" he asks in a whisper, brown eyes glittering.

Anisa inwardly winces, having already told the Khatta. "Alright then, I'll keep it a secret. That looks good on-" The doe is cut short by the Rath'ani, and folds her ears back in embarrassment. "Um … that depends. Is that a good or bad thing?"

Reflexively rubbing his hands together, the boy whispers, "It is very good if she would be willing to sell those clothes. My master is sure to want them! And any more she may have."

At this, one of Anisa's ears stands back upwards, and she cocks it in curiosity at the raccoon. "You'd … want to buy them?" The rabbit's other ear splays out sideways in contemplation. "How much would you be willing to pay?"

"Uh, well… that would be up to my master," the boy replies, gesturing with his muzzle to the older Rath'ani manning the counter.

The white doe turns to her companion. "Tell me something – how partial are you to the clothes you have on?"

Calli's ears bob at the strange question. "They are disposable," she says. "I had planned to replace them after all. Why do you ask?"

"We may be able to afford some of the higher priced stuff after all," Anisa says, turning back to the raccoons.

"Is she willing to sell?" the boy asks anxiously.

Anisa nods to the boy. "I think she will, if the price is right. This stuff isn't cheap, after all."

"I will fetch my master!" the boy says, and rushes off to the counter to whisper to the old Rath'ani there. Anisa can hear the conversation – but it's in Olympian. Calligenia perks her ears to eavesdrop however, pausing in her clothing search.

"What are they saying?" Anisa whispers to the younger doe. "Sorry, it kinda… slipped out… "

The older Rath'ani is making his way over now, followed by the boy, when Calli tells Anisa, "He said that I may be willing to sell some genuine Angor clothing from Dianus. Do you mind I if I handle the negotiations, Anysia?"

"Um … that is … " The older doe scratches her ears in confusion, then shrugs. "Go ahead. Be careful though, you can never tell with merchants… "

The shop master bows to Calligenia and whispers something in Olympian. The practicality of the doe's low neckline becomes apparent as she draws out an ornate bronze dagger with the symbol for Clan Hydron on the hilt, and presents it for the old Rath'ani's examination.

The two continue to haggle in quiet Olympian, and Calli even lets the old man feel the texture of the fabric. "Is … are you really from Amazonia?" the apprentice whispers to Anisa.

Anisa looks on in confusion, zeroing her ears in on the conversation in a vain attempt to follow along. The younger raccoon startles the rabbit slightly. "Well she … that is I… we're… um, yes." Not wanting to taint the deal by appearing as an outsider, she doesn't let on that she's a Rephidimite.

"When I was a little boy, I wanted to join a caravan to Tizhar in hope of seeing one of the legendary raiders," the raccoon admits. "Your friend is a tough negotiator."

Slowly, a smirk forms on the older Lapi's mouth. "Yeah, that's what her clan is known for." The doe crosses her arms.

"Forgive me for saying so, but you seem awfully… small… to be Amazonians," the boy says.

Anisa shrugs. "We come in all shapes and sizes; some are just bigger than others." She grins at the raccoon. "Just don't make us mad."

The boy cringes and bows his head, pleading, "Forgive me if I have offended you, Warrior!"

Giggling slightly, the white doe winks at the young Rath'ani. "Don't sweat it, we're not here to fight anyways."

The boy exhales in relief and straightens up, only to turn towards the shopkeeper and Calli in shock as he listens to their conversation.

Anisa's smile fades at the sight of the raccoon. "If you don't mind my asking … what are they saying?"

"I … I think my master has gone mad," the boy says, wringing his hands together. The two negotiators appear perfectly calm however, and the old Rath'ani flicks out his hand and snaps his fingers towards his apprentice, barking a few words in Olympian that send the lad rushing out of the shop.

The white doe's expression turns into a frown, and she lowers her arms to her side. "Um, Calli," she whispers to the Hydron, "what's going on?"

The doe flashes a quick smile, and interrupts her conversation with the old man to say, "Don't worry, Anysia, everything is going fine."

The frown doesn't fade, however, and Anisa backs nonchalantly away from the exchange.

A few moments later, the apprentice returns with what is probably the old man's entire family: a half-dozen raccoons covering at least three generations. He hustles them through a door next to the fitting rooms, then turns back to smile as if everything was perfectly normal.

By this time, the white doe is absolutely confused, and nervously takes her brush out of her pocket. "I hope that's a good thing."

The negotiations finally end, it seems, as the old man bows to Calligenia and heads for the back room himself, sending the apprentice to watch the counter after having a few quick words with him. For her part, the Amazonian doe looks happy. "I think that went well," she tells Anisa.

"What did you do?" The older doe asks the Amazonian. "I suppose the whole air of secrecy is out the window."

"Oh, he will keep things secret," Calli assures Anisa. "Otherwise he wouldn't be able to have future dealings with my Clan, since trade with Amazonia is illegal in Olympia. For now though, he agreed to tailor a complete wardrobe for me within the next hour, as well as anything we want from the racks."

Anisa does a double take at the smaller doe. "Seriously? Anything?" The rabbit looks incredulous. "What did you promise him in return?"

"My clothes, of course, and the promise that he will be considered first for any future distribution of Angor fabrics in this region," the doe says. "There is apparently something called a 'black market' that sells the material at very high prices and in limited quantities. We can easily outdo that."

The white Lapi just stares at her companion wordlessly for several seconds, then a grin spreads on her face. "And here I was worried that you might have trouble adapting." She throws an arm around the other rabbit's shoulders, and leads her to stroll down the clothing aisles. "In that case, I may nab a few things as well!"

Since Aaron had taken the wagon on ahead, it was left to the does to transport their loot on their own. Or at least, it would have been left to them if Fedor hadn't provided four matching leather trunks and two of his sons to help carry it all.

"Aaron told me you might attend my business classes with me," Anisa says to Calligenia, "But I get the feeling you'd be a bit too advanced for that." Switching to Standard, she turns to the raccoons. "How are you boys holdin' up back there?"

"Just fine, Miss," the oldest son pants. The elevator platform is less than a block away now, and Aaron can be seen waiting on a bench next to it. He appears to be napping.

"I understand barter," Calligenia says, "but your currency system will take getting used to."

"I don't think you'll have a problem with it. It's not that different, really." Anisa spies the buck up ahead. "Would you look at that lazy ears? He's probably been dozing like that all afternoon." Dropping back, she takes one of the trunks from one of the raccoons. "Thanks pal. This'll wake him up. Hey Aaron, catch!" She tosses the trunk at the buck.

"Whu?" Aaron snorts, jerking awake in time to have the trunk land in his lap. "ACK!" he grunts.

Anisa grins. "Have a good nap? We're back and ready to go. Hope we didn't keep you waiting too long. We had a bit of a layover."

"Are you sure that was necessary?" Calligenia asks Anisa with a giggle. Her tailored Rephidim-style business-suit makes her look like a young noble.

Aaron pushes the trunk aside, and groans. "I was having a nice dream too. How did you manage to fill an entire trunk anyway?" he asks.

"We'll tell you later. For now, just help these guys. I'm sure their backs are about to break." Anisa takes one of the trunks from the other raccoon, lightening his load. "When does the airship leave?"

"A few hours," Aaron says, shaking his head at all of the new luggage as he helps load it onto the elevator platform. "And what about my back? I had to pull that wagon around you know."

"Whine whine, moan moan – you'll survive." Anisa makes room for others on the platform. "You'll be happier when we fill you in, trust us. Don't you like Calli's new outfit? I think she'll knock em dead when we get back upstairs."

Once all of the trunks are on the platform, the Rath'ani brothers bow to Calligenia and Anisa before heading back down the street. "It's very handsome," Aaron admits, before deciding to stare up the cliff side to see how far down the elevator itself has come. "I managed to get two cabins this time, so you girls can have some privacy. I'm sure you've missed it by now, Anisa!"

"And how," Anisa says, stretching her backs. "Still, I got used to Amazonia style, so it wasn't so bad. I might kinda miss it. Anyway, it'll just be nice to have my own room again. I hope Mama hasn't turned it into a storage closet yet."

Calligenia looks up… and UP… to the descending elevator as well. Her ears droop back and she begins to shake at the sight. "We go up on… that?" she asks.

Looking to the smaller doe, Anisa gives a sympathetic frown. "Don't worry Calli, it's safe. If you keep your eyes on the lift, you'll do just fine."

It takes a few more minutes, but the elevator finally berths and the teamsters begin unloading it. Several of the passengers look ill and have to be helped off of the platform, which does little to allay Calligenia's fears. "Well, up we go!" Aaron says jauntily, and makes a sweeping gesture with his arms. "Ladies first."

Anisa glares at Aaron, and turns to the smaller doe, offering her paw. "I'll help you; just hold on to my hand, okay? I promise nothing bad will happen."

The rest of the passengers and luggage get loaded, but it appears that the ride up will be less crowded than when Anisa and Aaron first rode down. Most of the luggage goes into the center to help balance things, and Calligenia practically drags Anisa there to sit on one of her trunks. "I don't like heights," she says.

"So I gathered," Anisa says in Standard, then switches to Skeek. "It only takes a little while. Wanna talk to keep your mind occupied?"

"Yes, I would like that," Calli agrees. Aaron leans over to whisper something to the teenager, but she shakes her head in answer to whatever he said. "I will overcome this on my own, thank you," she tells the buck.

Anisa arches a brow, but dismisses the whisper. "So what's Hydron like? You guys are a lot different from the other clans, quite a bit different."

"Well, we are descended from the original Lapis that lived in Dianus," Calligenia explains. "When the Amazonians invaded, we weren't driven out like the rest. So now we pretty much run most of the city and nearly a quarter of the agricultural land around it."

"Why were the Hydron spared?" Anisa pulls out her brush, and works on her ears. "The Amazonians don't exactly strike me as charitable."

"Well, once they decided to keep the city, it was obvious that they needed people that knew how to maintain it," Calli says. "The Amazonians conquered Dianus, and then we conquered the Amazonians … at least, that's what my mother likes to say."

Aaron smirks, sitting on the other side of Calligenia, but doesn't say anything.

Anisa smirks as well. "You've certainly done well for yourselves, and it's no surprise." She offers her brush to the other doe. "I'm curious; what all do you know about the outside world? Like with the Khattas – what do you think of other races?"

Taking the brush, the other doe seems uncertain what to do with it at first. Finally, she tries brushing her own ears like she's seen Anisa do. "I don't really know much, I'm afraid. Just that they must be inferior, since the Amazonians killed or drove them out, and that most of them are savage carnivores."

The white Lapi's ears wilt at this comment, and she shakes her head. "It's not exactly like that, except for the meat eating part. Most of the other races are alright; I have a lot of non-Lapi friends. You'll see when you get to Rephidim. Here, let me show you how to do that." Taking the brush, Anisa starts in on the other doe's ears.

The Amazonian relaxes, more used to this sort of grooming. When a gust of wind shakes the elevator, she doesn't even flinch – although Aaron nearly bites through his lip due to her digging her claws into his left leg.

"How much do you know about Rephidim?" Anisa asks the younger doe. "And how long are you planning on staying, if you don't mind me asking? I hope Xavier informed you somewhat." She keeps in on the chocolate doe's ears, noticing its soothing effect on the girl.

"Oh, I don't really know anything it seems," Calligenia says. "Most of what you told me on the boat goes against all the legends and stories I've heard, and Xavier hardly ever talks about it."

"I didn't think there'd be much to talk about of interest to most Amazonians," Aaron admits, looking out of the Lake of Languor.

Anisa pulls a bit of loose fluff from the teen's ear. "Well, anything you wanna know before we get there?" asks the doe. "We have quite a bit of time, and not much else to do."

"What are your festivals like?" the girl asks. "And what sort of sacrifices do you make to your Sky Gods?"

One of the Vartan "lifeguards" shoos some young Gallees away from the railing, where they were leaning over and spitting over the side.

Thinking for a bit, the older doe shifts her brush to Calli's head fur. "We have a lot of festivals, actually. Usually, there are parties and parades, and in some of them you give gifts. Actually, we don't really make sacrifices – or at least not that I know of. The Temple might, but they're pretty secretive as it is. Usually, festivals are an excuse to party."

"That sounds fun, at least," the girl says. "Our own festivals are rare. You don't have Gladiators, I gather from the way you reacted at the Coliseum. What do you do for entertainment instead?"

"Lots of things," replies Anisa. "You can go shopping in the Bazaar, or go see a play at the Opera House. Sometimes people play games in public, or go to a club and relax. There's lots to do there, I can't even think of it all." She grins. "Rest assured that you'll get to experience most of it."

Aaron perks an ear towards Anisa, and whispers in Standard, "And here I thought you found Rephidim dull, Anisa." He can't help but grin at the doe.

The white rabbit rolls her eyes at the buck, and gives him a wave of dismissal while smirking. "When we get home, I'll give you a tour," she says to Calligenia. "You'll get the hang of it in no time."

"I hope so," the Amazonian says. "I need to learn your language and everything else that I can about your culture."

"Why don't we start now?" Anisa says, smiling. "We're stuck here for a bit anyway, might as well make something constructive out of it."

"Alright!" the doe exclaims, looking eager. Especially since it means she can face Anisa and not have to look at the scenery.

There are enough items on the elevator for Anisa to identify in both Skeek and Standard, so that Calligenia at least picks up some of the common nouns before the lift docks at the top of the cliffs. The lesson continues as the Lapis move on to the airship itself – a large passenger ship that is a distinct improvement over the vessel that first brought them to Olympia.

The does are shown to their cabin, which has two bunks, a washbasin under the large porthole, a closet and a small water-closet as well. Anisa's luggage is already there, and the porters carry in Calligenia's trunks.

"I'm just across the hall," Aaron tells Anisa. "And I've brought some Tears just in case Calli gets … eh … too nervous."

"And these are 'bunks', not a hard word to say," Anisa tells the younger doe. "The cabin's small enough. I don't think she'll have a problem, but thanks," she says to Aaron in Standard. "It's probably best that we eat down there too, instead of above decks."

Aaron nods. "Well, we'll be launching in an hour or so, and then they'll be serving dinner. It would be good if Calli came and socialized with the other passengers, or at least observed it, but it can wait until she feels more settled."

Calligenia sits on one of the bunks and bounces on the mattress a bit. "You actually sleep on these?" she asks incredulously.

The white doe nods. "Only if she's up to it, I'm not gonna force her to do it if she isn't feeling well. We'll see you in a bit." Closing the door to the cabin, she smiles at Calli. "Yep! Pretty comfy, eh? Not as soft as having a coney next to you, but it'll do in a pinch. Do you want the top or bottom bunk?"

"Bottom please," Calli says. "You won't fall off, will you?"

Hopping effortlessly to the top bunk, the small doe looks down at Calli, and grins while swinging her legs. "Nope! There's plenty of room, so I don't have to worry about slipping." She nods to the water closet. "That's the bathroom, minus the bath, and if you want, we can cover that porthole with something."

"That's alright," Calli says, trying to sound confident. "I can't fall through glass, after all. I will not be afraid." Then, after a few breaths, she adds, "But if you get afraid you can come sleep with me in the bottom bunk."

Setting her ears sideways, Anisa grins at the youngster. "Of course. Anything you wanna do? Xavier wants us to go up on deck in a bit and socialize."

"But only if you want to," the white doe quickly adds.

"I wouldn't mind looking around while we're still on the ground," Calligenia says, grinning.

Anisa leaps down from her bunk, and lands in the middle of the room. "Alrighty then, in that case let's grab the flopear." She comically offers her arm to the other doe. "Let's go bug him."


GMed by BoingDragon

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Today is 18 days after New Year's Day, Year 30 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6129)