[Actual RP date: 27 Jul 1999]
Jynx and the foppish fox bard accompany Grandmother Martinette and her associates to the town of Ivory Sands, in the county of Northern Shore, at the northern edge of Sylvania. They stop in a pub called the Snark's Nest for a bit of breakfast, while some of Martinette's "lackeys" check on arrangements for passage by airship. Jynx notices some odd strangers in the pub, one of whom an old Khatta seems to take a notice in Jynx, but then seems to be "ignoring" him.
Jynx at last heads over to investigate, and learns that the old Khatta's name is Absalom … and he asks Jynx whether he has ever heard of the legend of Tyrne Dagh. Absalom refers to Jynx as a "chosen of Dagh", and himself as well … but this little conversation is interrupted, as a rat at the entrance makes a bit of a disturbance, drawing the attention of the sheriff. The old Khatta makes his exit, leaving Jynx with little in the way of answers.