Fools' Day, 6099 RTR (21 Oct 1999) Jynx and Zoltan meet in the City of Hands, and learn the location of the second "Boomer" weapon.
(Airship) (Heir to Blackshire) (Jynx) (Savan) (Spheres of Magic) (Zoltan)

An airship fashioned to look like a Creen drifts slowly down the Xenean Canyon, carefully navigating its way between jagged walls of rock. Ahead, a natural bridge cut through the rock spans the chasm, and marks the "gateway" to the City of Hands. The wilderness gives way to houses built into the faces of cliffs, and upon wide rock shelves, and a few peer down from the top of the canyon on either side. Some are fashioned of slabs of stone, others are merely huts, and some are built of wood or locally-made brick in the styles of a number of surface cities, all jumbled together in haphazard fashion. Intermixed with the new structures are ruins of the old: broken statues that still have stubborn bits of moss and vines partially obscuring them, toppled stones, and the occasional broken giant stone hand.

At the sight of the approaching, brightly colored vessel, a crowd of golden-furred cheetahs assembles – dotted here and there with a few Shigas, Rokugas and Kirigas. The trilling of Creen-flutes echoes off of the canyon walls, joining with a chorus of trills by real Creens that seem to have come out to vie for the attentions of the Great Creen that has returned to roost in its lair. (Or, it could simply be that they're out to snatch up the colored seeds and flower petals being tossed from the rock bridge by gleeful cubs.)

On the deck of the airship stand several cheetahs, a black Vartan, and a couple of jaguar-Khatta cubs. The Priest-Queen stands at the fore of the ship, decked out in a costume that is a montage of Rephidim-inspired ideals of what royalty would look like, intermixed with touches of the Savan: She wears long, flowing robes, crowned with a headpiece shaped like a twisting Creen that cradles a crystal gem set over her forehead, and holds a warpwood staff, the headpiece of which is a crystal orb that seems to contain a flaring star in its heart.

At her side stands her sister, Moon-Brow, wearing plainer garb that still denotes her status as one of the seven princesses (eight, if Cloud-Mark were to be counted). Just as Third-Vision's third eye is obscured by the crystal gem suspended over her forehead, Moon-Brow keeps her mark concealed as well, under the same plain woven leather headband that she wears whether at work or at formal occasions. If it were not for the stark contrasts between attire, and the care paid to fix their hair in such different ways, they could easily be swapped, and no one could tell the difference, even with the years' difference of age between them.

Twilight-Wing and Solitary-Light, trusted members of the Twelve, flank the Priest-Queen and Princess from behind – but given a more prominent position would be two jaguar cubs allowed the best position from which to safely wave at everyone … and the big black Vartan known to so many Savanites as the "Redeemer of Shadows".

( So much has changed since I've been here last, ) Zoltan thinks to himself as he carefully puts a hand on Pouncer's shoulder, lest she get a little too enthusiastic in her waving and tumble off the edge of the ship. The other cub is held up slightly to he can see over the railing and look down at the spectacle below. "Pssst, Pouncer. Do Creens eat bugs?"

Pouncer squeals, "YAHHHH! Creens eat blood flies and chigas, making them an in-val-able part of the e-cology of the Savan. They're members of the family of … " She looks up, crossing her hands behind her back as if standing up for a spelling bee or a quiz, reciting something she no doubt learned in Temple Scouts.

Enos bounces. "BWIDGE!" He points up.

The proud father gives the cub a pat on the head and then glances upwards at the stone bridge. "Get ready… I think they're going to drop Creen food on us."

The Creen-ship slowly glides under the stone bridge … and Moon-Brow's ears wiggle, as she reaches back and calmly draws up her hood. Sure enough, a cascade of multi-colored seeds and flower petals rain down on the ship, and Creens come after, seeking munchies.

Pouncer squeals, bringing up her hands to shield her from the light spray … but it's soon over, as the Creen-ship passes on through. Pouncer scrapes up enough seeds to make a handful, and offers some up to Enos. "Here!"

Third-Vision tries to look stately as she shakes a few seeds out of her robes, but she smiles, leaving the flower petals where they have landed in her mane.

Zoltan's wings unfurl a little bit to cover his head and he resists the urge to shade his children. They'll probably enjoy the rain of treats. He spends the next few moments picking little bits from his wings and his tail while a watchful eye focuses on the two cubs.

Enos grabs a few seeds, spilling more than he manages to hold onto. He starts to carry them to his mouth, but Pouncer scolds him. "No! Hold it OUT! Like this!" She holds her hand out to demonstrate. Enos watches with curious eyes … ignoring the few seeds still in his hand as he watches Pouncer instead.

The happy cries of Creens foreshadow their approach by scant seconds.

"Here they come. Good thing the ship doesn't look like a big bug or they might eat it all up before we land." The Vartan winks down at the older cub and then holds up an arm to fend some of the more eager Creens off in case they decide to nip at his ears or hop on his head.

Soon, the ship is awash in Creens, as they flutter about and greedily gobble up seeds and petals. Enos squeals at first in alarm and then delight as he soon has a Creen on each paw … and if not for Zoltan's intervention, he'd probably have another on his head as well. Pouncer has several Creens eating out of her palm, while a few daring ones flutter about and pick seeds out of her hair without even landing.

Enos squeals happily … then looks a bit disappointed when the seeds are gone … and the Creens take flight just as quickly as they'd come. He hasn't long to be disappointed, though, for the Creen-ship approaches the city proper, and glides on over the palace court.

Replacing the ruins of the idols that were torn down by Third-Vision, there are now twelve stone hands – a commemoration of the Twelve-Times-Twelve, and a reminder of their role in protecting the people from the madness of the previous Priest-King.

The black hippogryph glances back at Third-Vision, "So if ship coming in isn't friendly you dump bug juice on they heads and Creens munch on them, right?" His ears wiggle.

Third-Vision smirks and shakes her head, furrowing her brow slightly at Zoltan at his notion. Moon-Brow's ears wiggle, and she signs, "That's a good idea!"

The Creen ship continues to glide over the court … then it approaches the cliff at the far side. It slowly rises toward a clearing at the top of the cliff.

Zoltan laughs heartily and then scoops up both of the cubs in his arms, placing one on each shoulder to look down at the city. "Almost there! You both been very good this trip."

Pouncer waves vigorously, and Enos does his share as well. At last, the Creen-ship reaches a circular platform at the top of the cliff … a platform that splits open, revealing the "garage" that the ship is kept in. The ship lowers again, gliding down into a large, cylindrical hangar, as the platform slowly closes above it like an iris. A short while later, the passengers and crew of the ship disembark … and Zoltan and his family are taken to the palace.

The interior of the palace hasn't changed much since he saw it last. Only minor little details here and there. In the throne room, Third-Vision takes her place atop a pile of cushions, and for quite some time, she is accosted by emissaries and messengers and attendants who have this or that business that has been neglected for too long (or so they think) in her absence, and simply couldn't be handled by correspondence.

In the meantime, Zoltan, Pouncer, Enos and Moon-Brow are seated, and some snacks and drinks are brought out for their pleasure … along with some entertainment.

Moon-Brow signs, "This was especially arranged for Pouncer and Enos." She winks to Zoltan.

The Vartan's head tilts sideways slightly at this but he keeps quiet for now, focusing instead on glancing at the hands of those signing to Third-Vision and trying to keep the cubs from making too much of a mess while they eat.

Suddenly, several lizards burst out from several doorways leading into the chamber. Amazingly, the guards aren't the least bit alarmed … and while some of Third-Vision's visitors are momentarily aghast at the antics, Third-Vision isn't surprised, either. The lizards rush about in a frenzy, each pair of them carrying a large (and apparently light) burden – each one in a different shape.

Enos points at one. "BAW!" At another. "TANGLEBANGLE!" At another. "PAWMID!" Pouncer giggles at the frantic lizards … some of whom run right up the walls and over statuary!

Zoltan's feathers poof out at the display, but after the display sinks in, he relaxes and nods in the direction of the Priest-Queen as a silent gesture of thanks. The fact that she's remembered what his children love despite their time apart and the distractions in their lives means a great deal to him.

Suddenly … two of the lizards make a big show of tripping over each other, and the ball-carrying lizards and the pyramid-carrying lizards collide with each other! They drop their cargoes … and the ball goes rolling! The pyramid hits the ground on one corner … and suddenly pops open. A giant BUG pops out! Or … that is … it's another lizard, dressed in a silly bug costume. He rushes about wildly, as the two lizards who were carrying him make a show of trying to catch him.

Pouncer squeals … then leaps to her feet. "I'LL CATCH IT!"

The Vartan hastily makes a grab for his daughter, looking back at Third-Vision to see if it's all right for her to rush into the display or better to play spectator.

Third-Vision seems a bit distracted, but Moon-Brow gives Zoltan a knowing glance and signs, "No harm!" She winks.

Relaxing, Zoltan releases the cub. "Go get it, shinyfur," he whispers.

Pouncer darts off, chasing the "bug", joining the lizards as they make the mad chase. The ball, meanwhile, rolls around, forgotten, while the other lizards have set down their shapes and have started arranging them and fitting them together into some sort of make-shift stage.

"Do you want to help your sister, Enos?" Zoltan whispers to the smaller cub. "Or you can stay here and watch with me if you prefer."

Enos just snuggles up in his papa's arms, and giggles at the scene, occasionally pointing at the shapes and reminding Zoltan what they are.

Meanwhile, a white kitten and her entourage come in through another entrance-way. Some cheetahs and lizards show them into the palace chamber, where they are seated not far from Zoltan.

An armored cheetah – instantly recognizable to Zoltan as Born-in-Shame – inclines his head to the hippogryph and his family as he passes, and takes a seat nearby.

The Vartan puts his arms around the younger cub and nods as he's reminded which shape is which. The arriving entourage catches his eye, but with a kitten in his lap he's unable to do more than turn his head in their direction. His face breaks into a grin as he catches sight of the armored cheetah and he scoots a little to make room around him.

Not far behind the white kitten follows a larger ebony colored feline. A pleasant look is on his face, and this seems a rare sight indeed.

Two cheetah girls over at the edge of the court, dressed up in fairly nice dresses, glance in the direction of the handsome (if somewhat short) black Khatta, and exchange ear-wiggles and subtle signs with each other … then they just turn and wave at the black feline openly.

Zoltan straightens up and ruffles his beak through Enos' hair before focusing back on Pouncer's "bug" chase again.

Jynx catches sight of the two cheetah girls out of the corner of his eye, and grins. Waving in return to them, he throws in a little bit of handsign. "I'm back!"

Pouncer manages to catch onto the big cloth "tail" of the bug, and hangs on for dear life as she is drug across the polished floor … "skiing" on her paws as the lizard scampers about, pulling her this way and that. She squeals gleefully at the ride, occasionally proclaiming, "GISH!"

Eve waves at Zoltan. "Hello, Baron Cambio! I'm a – " She drops to a whisper, remembering herself. "I'm a Duchess now!"

"Hello Feli," Zoltan scrawks to the black Khatta, grinning. He bows to the white kitten, "So I hears. You play was talk of scholars quarter for long time. Is Star Temple doing alrights?"

The black Khatta blinks as he hears the familiar name. "Cambio? Zoltan?" He looks around, and spies the Vartan. "Hey! Fancy meeting you here." He grins. "Yeah, the little brat is a Baroness now."

Eve mews, "Now, dear brother Feli, it is against court etiquette to refer to a Duchess as 'brat'. Please apologize." She bats her eyelashes and gives Jynx a sweet pursed smile.

Zoltan's ears flatten slightly. "She been perfect visitor to my shop for awhiles now, and Pouncer been enjoying new playmate. I can no think of better person to make a Duchess."

Jynx rolls his eyes, "Sorry." He pokes his sister playfully, then looks back up to Zoltan with a shrug. "She's still my little sister though, so I'll always see her as a bit different than most people. What brings you to the City? Visiting Third-Vision?"

Another member of Eve's entourage – a cheetah girl who is about Eve's age and size, apparently – sits down as well. When Jynx's not looking, she sticks out her tongue at the black Khatta, then goes back to signing things at Eve. Eve's returned signs are clumsy, and her friend has to make slow, deliberate gestures, but it looks like Eve is picking up on the language.

"Just came back from Babel; we accompanied Third-Vision from her stop on Paradys to here after some business theres. Now I just waitings for her to do catch up befores we get to business again." The Vartan grins sheepishly and pats the cub's head.

The black Khatta finally sits down near by Eve, and nods to the Vartan, not catching the little Cheetah's gesture. "I hope I get a chance to speak with her, as well as a few others here. It's been a while."

Zoltan takes a moment to whistle a few notes of encouragement at his daughter before nudging Enos towards the dropped ball. "What's that over there?" He focuses back on the black Khatta again, "You will. I knows her well enough to know that she always make time for those she care abouts."

Across the room, the lizard performers have set up their stage, and the "bug" is now on top of it, singing … the "gish" song. Pouncer is clapping and joining along, dancing about.

Moon-Brow signs to Jynx, "What have you been up to? Have you been keeping your balance in airships?" She wiggles her ears mischievously.

Jynx smiles to Zoltan. "Good. It feels good to hear that you're cared about." He looks to Moon-Brow, and grins back. "Oh, this and that. It's a bit of a long story."

Enos taptaps on Zoltan's shoulder. "Baw," he informs the hippogryph, nodding solemnly, and pointing.

Moon-Brow doesn't seem satisfied, and signs, "Have you been traveling? I have been thinking about seeing the world. I was curious whether you were headed anywhere special."

Zoltan folds his arms behind his back, casting another glance at Third-Vision to see how she's faring with the staff.

Third-Vision occasionally sneaks glances over toward the stage and Pouncer's little performance with the lizards, but for the most part, she's still swamped.

Born-in-Shame signs in bold, almost violent gestures. "Lord Kurai smote many Gallees single-handedly, in a glorious battle against all odds! The Star burned brightly, shining the way to victory!" He smacks his breastplate in a salutary sign.

"You could say I've been traveling a tad," the black Khatta replies with a grin. "All over really, I've even got my own place now!" He puffs up his chest in a bit of pride. "And you're welcome there any time. As for where I've been… " The Khatta proceeds to tell about his various travels and adventures: the Stone of Calderas, Morpheus, the inheritance of the castle, and the wars and magic that came along with it. He blinks at the warrior cheetah, and grins sheepishly. "Oh yeah, there was that too… "

Moon-Brow raises her eyebrows, looking quite impressed.

Born-in-Shame signs, "Now, I shall find a new quest worthy to be pursued."

"Warrior, eh?" The Vartan looks impressed and gives Jynx a nudge on the shoulder. "You had spunk of warrior in you. Could tell." He looks over Born-in-Shame and then drops his gaze, looking thoughtful.

Jynx just grins, and looks down as his ears turn red in embarrassment. "Born-in-Shame was a very worthy companion; I hold him in the highest regard for all the times he helped me out."

Born-in-Shame proudly continues to sign his praises of Jynx's fighting prowess. "… and he fought with such agility that it seemed as if he went airborne as he sought out new enemies!"

The Vartan's face looks grim. "There may be such a quest in future depending on what I learns here. But it one that there might be no coming backs from depending on where it lead."

Born-in-Shame breaks off from his signing, and shifts topics, nodding to Zoltan. "And what quest might this be?"

Jynx blinks, and looks up to Zoltan, "Yes, what do you mean?"

"I sign to you of it later. I prefer not to sign of such things when there are eyes of innocents that might see." The Vartan points towards the Priest-Queen. "When she done there, you all find out."

Born-in-Shame nods solemnly.

The dark Khatta frowns, but just nods in reply. He turns to look at Third-Vision. "What's she going to talk about today?"

Sunny – Eve's Savanite friend – gets up, and bows her farewell to the others. "I will go now. It is so good to see you again!" She and Eve pat palms, and then Sunny sprints off, out of the chamber.

The crowd of lackeys and emissaries around Third-Vision seems to be thinning. Hopefully she'll be finished soon.

Meanwhile, the lizards have finished their little number, and are hauling the shapes out of the palace. A couple of them give Pouncer a ribbon "badge", improvised from a piece of their costumes. One of them pauses to scrawl on the ribbon, "Master Bug Catcher". Pouncer then gleefully comes back, showing her badge to Enos. Enos dutifully informs Zoltan and Pouncer of all the shapes again as they go by.

Jynx's expression lightens as Sunny runs off. "Glad to see she's doing alright."

Zoltan takes a moment to oooh and aaah over Pouncer's bauble before pointing her towards the white kitten. He hustles Enos to his feet and draws himself up as well, signing to the Khatta and the armored cheetah, "There going to be a ritual soon. And I need you to swear you no tell others what you see or find out abouts."

Jynx frowns, "What sort of ritual?"

"Scrying," the Vartan responds. "Need to find something."

Pouncer heads over to Eve, and starts showing off her ribbon and talking at a Kavi's pace about her exploits. Eve giggles and nods encouragingly.

Third-Vision claps her hands, and waves away the rest of those waiting to meet with her. "Later," she signs. "It is time for other matters."

Begrudgingly, the others file out … though several mages gathered at the edge of the audience chamber remain.

"Looks like she's done," the black Khatta says aloud.

Zoltan kneels down in front of the white kitten, "Duchess Kurai? Would you mind the company of my children for little whiles? We abouts to do something long and boring and I think cubs would prefer to play outside with friend instead. I woulds be most grateful if you woulds grant them you company. Pouncer especially miss you these past weeks."

Eve gets up, smiling. "Sure! I can show them my airship!"

Pouncer bounces excitedly. "Can we? Can we?"

"Watch you brother," the Vartan waves a finger at hisdaughter and nudges the boy cub towards her. "And you tell me all abouts ship when you get back?"

Jynx nods to Eve, "And you watch them closely. We'll be back in a little while." He gets up from his seat, stretching his tail.

Pouncer nods enthusiastically … and with that, the two girls and the boy cub pad out of the chamber. In the entrance way, a Titanian butler and maid can be seen waiting there, and accompany them on out.

Once the others are gone, the mages move into place. Twilight-Vision casts a glance over to Moon-Brow. Moon-Brow nods in return, then turns to Zoltan. "Here. Let us move to the edge of the room. The servants will pick up after us."

As Twilight-Vision rises from her pile of cushions, several cheetahs and lizards pick them up and move them aside, clearing the floor.

Jynx follows Moon-Brow and Zoltan, casting curious glances at the mages every now and again.

Zoltan brushes a few stray seeds from his feathers as he moves where pointed. "You remember what happen to Himar, Feli?"

"You mean that weapon, the one that destroyed it?" The black Khatta signs in return. "I remember, yes. What does that have to do with this?"

"There's another weapon just like it out theres, and we not know where it is." the Vartan signs. "You starting to understand better now?"

Jynx's eyes go wide as his ears set back. "Another one of those things is out there?" His tail bristles at the thought. "How do they know this?"

Some lamp-stands with bases of warp-wood are set up at different parts of the room, the staves locking into holes in the floor. No circles are drawn … as the channels and patterns cut into the floor appear to constitute a magic circle of sorts as it is. Instead, crystals of different colors are set into notches at key locations. Light from the lamp-stands filters through the crystals, casting strange patterns on the walls and ceiling.

"Prince Boghaz confirmed. Sabaoth stole two of weapons from Paradys; and only one was ever found… hard way. We gots where it is narrowed down to few places, but one of them is more dangerous than Bosch," Zoltan signs back, taking a seat on the outside of the circle.

The black Khatta watches the mages set up. "More dangerous than Bosch? Is that possible?" He looks back to the Vartan.

The mages begin their slow, ritual dances about the edges of the palace chamber.

Zoltan shrugs, "Sometimes people manage to leave Bosch alives. Never met anyone who go to Aeztepa and return alives, not without extraordinary means that is… and even then there instant death all arounds."

Jynx fumbles with the new sign, "Aeztepa? I don't think I've ever heard of that place. Is it a Forbidden Zone?"

The Vartan nods, "Remember killer fox that cause all problems back in Rephidim months ago? It was spawn of Aeztepa and was able to cause all that damage from thousands of miles away, if that give you any indication of danger it gots."

The black Khatta grimaces with a nod. "That's a good indicator. What are they going to do with this weapon when they find it? I mean, what if they accidentally set it off?" He watches the dancers intently.

Some servants set up some cushions in the alcove where Jynx, Zoltan, Born-in-Shame and Moon-Brow watch. Moon-Brow signs, "This will take a long time."

"I going to look for it. Boomer is in hands of Babelites who is loyal to Sabaoth. They mights not even know war is over." Zoltan settles into the cushions and smiles at Moon-Brow, one ear flicking in an odd way before dropping back into his grim stature. "I just need to be completely sure of where it is. Aeztepa is no a place to go lightly."

It's only a while into the ritual … but some of the lights cast by the crystals move about in different patterns. Someone not paying terribly much attention wouldn't notice, probably … but rather than the random flickering of reflected flame, there's a bit of an order to the patterns of scattered light cast on the walls and ceiling. To one not trained in magic, though, it's not orderly enough to make any true sense out of, alas.

Jynx's frown just deepens, and he sits on the other side of Moon-Brow quietly, watching the ritual.

Several hours later…

The ritual just keeps going and going. The mages have to take turns in order to be able to keep it up. But the lights cast on the ceiling and walls begin to flicker some more … and move.

The reflected images start creeping upward along the walls, congregating toward the center of the domed ceiling.

The Vartan's tired eyes start to water as they focus intently on the lights. He tries to imagine them as shinies dancing over his head to keep from getting too bored, but it's still an effort not to fidget or cause too much of a disruption.

The lights continue to drift upward, and start merging with each other. They're … forming some sort of pattern … a shape?

Every now and then, Jynx begins to nod off, only to be reawakened by the sudden gravitational pull. After one near bonk, he wakes up entirely, watching the lights change. "What's happen-" *YAWN* "-ning now?"

Moon-Brow politely taps on Born-in-Shame's armor. No response.

"Ritual's apex. Air starting to get that feeling," Zoltan signs back, straightening himself out to study the images forming around him.

The lights continue to converge, making an image out of the different colors. It … it looks almost like Rephidim, floating in the sky? But it's so blurry…

Zoltan squints, scowling at the image as though he would will it into focus with his own gaze.

Jynx squints at the image, his already sleep-blurred eyes not helping any. "Is that… home?"

The image slowly focuses a bit more. It's a sky island, definitely … but not Rephidim. Instead of a single mountain in its center, it has a raised ridge that takes up more of the island … but with a bowl-shaped crater in its center. The bowl is full of greenery, including plants of all sorts of colors. In fact, they seem to shift colors now and then.

The Vartan tilts his head slightly, "Doesn't look quite like Rephidim, or Paradys."

The image slowly "zooms in", the edges of the sky island disappearing at the fringes of the domed roof, as the imaginary viewer "moves in" toward the sky island. Some structures can be made out, built within the bowl crater, and outside of the ridge as well. They look like fortifications, with a distinctly military aspect to them.

The Khatta's jaw hangs open in curiosity. "Wow. Whoever's there, they don't seem like the friendliest sorts in the world."

There are also some other, smaller buildings. Or tents, perhaps, near some sort of storage sheds.

Zoltan rubs his temples, trying to remember anything he might have heard during his airship travels about an island like this.

Suddenly, a wispy spirit appears in the "view". It looks like a flying snake … but … ghost-like. No, it looks more like a flying Naga, holding a sword. It looks like it's swinging at the "viewer" … but it is evaporated as a white, ghostly hand reaches out and dissipates it with a touch.

Jynx flinches at the sudden scene, "What in Dagh's name was that?"

Moon-Brow signs, "Warding spirit. Sphere of Shadow."

The Vartan's feathers bristle. "Snake… the Nagai."

Born-in-Shame slowly leans over, his armored form resting on Moon-Brow's shoulder. She winces at the sudden weight on her, and struggles to push the armored cheetah over in the other direction.

Jynx looks to Moon-Brow with a furrowed brow, "Someone put it there?"

Moon-Brow doesn't catch Jynx's sign, wrestling with the slumbering warrior. At last, Born-in-Shame sways the other way … then nearly falls over. However, as he stumbles to catch himself, it's evident that he's finally awakened. He shakes his head.

The black Khatta looks away from the duo, suppressing a bristle.

"Could they have detected what happen to they ward?" Zoltan signs to Moon-Brow.

Moon-Brow signs, "It is possible. But that is always the risk."

The "view" continues to move in … and the buildings are more readily visible. There's a flag flying – the emblem of the Golden Serpent. This is undoubtedly Nagai territory. And the only sky island claimed as property of Nagai would be …

"Fetiss!" Zoltan growls, straightening up in his seat. "Hrrr, is worse than boomer being in hands of Babelites."

Moon-Brow's eyes go wide. "The Nagai have it?"

The image begins to flicker and fade, and the view stops moving in, as if meeting some sort of resistance. Some of the mages seem visibly agitated, even frustrated … but despite their best efforts, the spell sputters and dies.

The flickers of light shoot outward, landing back on random points on the ceiling and walls, where reflected through the crystals.

"Apparently. Although they not as suicidal as bats, this still look no good. I no can fight whole island." Zoltan taps his beak, pondering.

"So the snakes have it?" Jynx openly bristles this time. "Those cold-bloods creep me out. And you know they have a bone to pick with the City."

Solitary-Light heads over toward Third-Vision, bowing his head and clasping his hands together, then putting his hand to his chest in an apologetic sign. Third-Vision just quietly nods in return.

Moon-Brow's ears flick. "Careful, Feli. Don't use 'cold-blood' as a derogatory term. We have many Jingai among us now. They are our friends."

Jynx sets his ears back and nods as he is scolded. "I suppose that's true. Still, the Nagai aren't known for not using their advantages."

The Vartan snorts through his nostrils. "Empire is mostly talk; having to resort to dropping boomer on City no seem like they style unless they gets really desperate. Besides, it was Naga that warn me abouts boomer in first place."

"They can still use it as a bargaining chip," Jynx whispers aloud.

Moon-Brow's ears pale, and she broods quietly.

Born-in-Shame is at last awake enough to sign, "What happened?"

The black Khatta frowns at Moon-Brow's reaction, and sets his ears back awkwardly.

Assistants move into the chamber, disassembling the "magic circle", and restoring the palace chamber to its usual state. The mages gather toward one side, gesturing amongst themselves about the portents of this.

Zoltan taps his beak again in thought. "I know few things about how boomer work, and way to protect pieces of City of it get dropped, but that only maybe. I thinks that this something I need to take up with them. Boomer was stolen from my lands and is my property."

"How will you convince the Nagai of this, though?" signs Jynx. "They might deny it."

Moon-Brow signs, "There is a crucial part we missed. We do not know where Fetiss Sky Island currently is floating. But that should be easier to locate than the 'boomer' specifically." She looks over to Third-Vision, then signs, "Third-Vision will no doubt have her seers find that out as well."

Third-Vision, happening to be looking this way at the time, nods in agreement, and returns to conferring with Solitary-Light.

"If they deny it then they gets wary and no dare drop it, either that or they try to kill me for finding out. Either way it mean I probably going to have to fight them. Better I consider diplomatic approach first if all paths lead to same place." Zoltan answers. "I sure that Babel has word or two to say to them as well for circumstances of how it get into their possession."

Moon-Brow signs, "They'll probably have a good story. I can imagine… " She pauses, then continues, "… something along the lines of noticing a suspicious vessel and intercepting it, then 'confiscating' the weapon and locking it up for safe-keeping. And study."

Jynx nods, "Sounds about how their bureaucracy does it." The cat's tail thrashes behind him. "Have anyof you ever been to Fetiss?"

"Unless it happen to be flying over Nagai lands they gots no business intercepting anythings. Still, this probably something I need to report to Temple. I no think they bring out Intimidator for this one like they do last time, but it no speak very well for them on terms with Rephidim for hiding such powerful weapon." Zoltan adjusts the cushion under his rump. "As a Squire of the Knights Templar it my duty to report these things, and then we see how things go from there. They mights restrict me from retrieving boomer, or send me to fetch it."

Moon-Brow signs, "There's the matter of proof. The Twelve-times-Twelve are not recognized by the Collegia Esoterica. The Temple would not easily accept testimony based on their findings, without risk of offending the Mages' Guild. It would be hoped that you would reach the ears of someone who would have the sense to break protocol, rather than a bureaucrat who might think this will all go away, for the sake of politics."

Jynx gives a bit of a snort, "Good luck finding that in Rephidim or the Empire. Maybe one of the Templars, but I don't know how much political clout they have."

The Vartan grinds the edges of his beak together, "I reported first boomer. Surely that speak some weight with Temple. Inquisitor Azrael is good, and Arch Inquisitor Melchizedek."

"If that no work… then I go to the knights," Zoltan adds in sign. "But they ultimate loyalty is to the Temple. If Temple tell them to stay, I no sure what happen."

Moon-Brow nods. "Well, you learned of the boomer's existence by other means, yes? Perhaps invoking the name of High Prince Boghaz will lend this more credence."

The black Khatta shrugs, looking a bit nervous at Zoltan's reaction and raising his paws in defense. "I'm just speaking from my own experiences and observations. There are good eggs in the Temple yes, but there are others who may try to use this to their advantage somehow."

"That true for anything, Feli." The Vartan looks like he's about to sign more, but decides instead to stick to the matter at hand. "So it back to Babel then. Hrrr, wish I could make stop in Himaat along way… Some of those green crystals woulds come in handy rights about now."

"Green crystals?" Jynx signs in question.

Moon-Brow signs, "I meant that you could mention your trip to Babel already. I doubt you'd have to visit there again to bolster your case."

The Vartan grins at Jynx and pulls a crystal shard from his tail, showing it to the Khatta. "See?" He nods at Moon-Brow. "I thought you was suggesting I go and petition him for support. I should still probablies get back to Rephidim soon either way. We see how plan go from there. If I can gets just a few warriors on my side then we gots a chance."

Moon-Brow nods and stands. "Shall we call it a night, then? I'm sure Third-Vision can make arrangements for passage back out in the morning."

Jynx squints at the crystal as he stands up from the cushion. "What's so special about it? Is it magic or something?"

Some of the courtiers and functionaries make their way back into the palace chamber. Along with them comes Eve. She bounces along. "Hello!" Following behind her are Enos and Pouncer, and two cheetah cubs – one of them Sunny, another one of them someone else. "Feli! Lord Feli Kurai! The Duchess of Blackshire wishes to make a special request of you!"

The Vartan ties the shard back into his tail. "It broken offfrom gateway that lead us to Abaddon. There pits in Red Cliffs where boomer was dropped, and bottom of each was a crystal that gots buried. Somehow it have power to keep boomer from sending you away. Is not much more I know abouts it than that." He brushes himself off after securing the shiny. "As for tonights, hrr… yes. Gots much planning to do."

The black Khatta turns to his little sister. "Special request? What are you talking about?"

Zoltan winks at Moon-Brow before turning to the Duchess and her entourage, grinning.

Eve points to the two cheetahs accompanying her, while Enos and Pouncer rush up to Zoltan and give him hugs. "This is Sunny, and this is Last-Daughter. You still have that castle, don't you? And all that land?"

Sunny and Last-Daughter curtsey to Jynx.

Last-Daughter then rushes up and throws her arms around Jynx, hugging him tightly!

Jynx blinks, and then oofs as the little Cheetah hugs him. "Last-Daughter! I didn't even recognize you!" He grins, and hugs the little Silent-One back. "Yeah, I still have my castle… "

"Lesson of life, Feli. Always do you best to make you family happy, otherwise they make lots of friends and gang up on you," the Vartan scrawks, pulling himself up to his hooves and letting the two cubs dangle from his arms.

Eve beams. "Well … they don't have slavery in Sylvania, right? And you own part of Sylvania, right? And now that all the monsters are gone, there's plenty of places to live, right? And you wouldn't mind a few people coming to visit, would you, right?"

Eve adds, "There might be a bunch of people interested in moving up that way!"

The black Khatta smirks at the Vartan, "Hey, they were my friends first!" He turns to the kitten, arching a brow. "Just how many?"

Eve mews, "Well, maybe it won't be Blackshire Village anymore?"

Zoltan eases the cubs back down, "What? Why so many?"

Eve claps her hands. "Oh yes! And there was this nice Shiga who wants me to buy stock in a project to build a rail road across Sylvania! He assures me that the swamps won't pose any problems at all. I bought up half the shares in his company! I'm an entrepreneur now!"

Eve looks to Zoltan, then lowers her voice to a whisper. "Well … Maybe they just like cooler temperatures? One of them mentioned something about it getting too hot down here."

Jynx blinks at his little sister. "Well… who all wants to move out there – a what? What's a railroad?" The Khatta's ears droop in confusion. "You're in a business now?"

Moon-Brow frowns, looking away, but then turns toward Jynx. "I think it'd be a wonderful gesture, Feli. The Savanites needn't all be confined to a single city."

The black Khatta looks a bit taken aback, but soon comes to with a start. "W-well, I don't suppose why not." He shrugs, then grins. "The more the merrier. It's a bit of a bleak place however."

The Vartan's expression mirrors that of Moon-Brow's, but he can understand the concern behind it. After hearing about the boomer, he'd like to get his own children back to Rephidim as soon as he can as well.

"Yay!" squeals Eve, and she – along with Sunny and Last-Daughter – hugs Jynx.

Jynx oofs! And promptly falls over under all the kittenish enthusiasm. "Okay! Okay! That's enough, thanks!" He says while laughing. "Now – OOF! – be careful!"

Eve stops hugging Jynx. "I'll go tell everyone!" She rushes off. "Hey! First-Dawn! Setting-Sun! He said 'yes'! I told you!"

The black Khatta stands back up, dusting himself off while grinning. "Well, looks like I'll have a few new neighbors soon." He shrugs. "I hope the people of the village don't mind."


GMed by Greywolf

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