18 May 1999. Jynx arrives in Blackshire Village only to be challenged to a duel.
(Heir to Blackshire) (Jynx) (Nordika) (Scarlet) (Spheres of Magic) (Mortal Wombat)
Blackshire Village
Blackshire Village is built straddled across a river, though most of it lies on the same side as a road that meanders alongside the water. The cottages are spaced fairly far apart, and are surrounded by a much larger area consumed by fields, before the surrounding woods take up the rest of the domain of Blackshire. In the central square is the best example of any trouble put into long-standing architecture, in the form of a non-functional fountain which has a statue of a noble-looking Khatta carved from black marble, standing in its center.

It is quite dark outside, as Jynx finally arrives in the village, having walked a distance from the edge of the bog and into town, accompanied by a lantern to drive away the fuzzy nasties that lurk in the wilderness.

Things look fairly calm, and many of the lights have gone out … though there are plenty of lights in the schoolhouse, of all places, and the sounds of cubs reciting their numbers and alphabet. Curled around the fountain in the center of the square is a three-headed dragon … sleeping and looking quite content.

"At last ve meet," comes a voice from the direction of the Blackshire Inn … a deep and resonant voice with an accent even deeper than that of Sheriff Darken.

Jynx raises the lantern up to get a better look at the dragon, then gives a small start as the voice emanates from the inn. The cat turns to look at the source. "Um, meet who?"

Standing outside the inn is a tall, broad-shouldered human, dressed in Sylvanian finery, decked out in a white shirt, black vest-coat, red sash, and trousers that betray well-toned muscles underneath. Behind him stand two pale-skinned, black-haired beauties (well, by human standards, anyway) in slippery-looking black gowns that are just a wee bit too revealing to meet the approval of the villagers, surely. They hang on each arm of the tall human, but he lightly shrugs them off as he steps forward. "I im Count Vlad Tempest … Master uff te School uff te Grip uff Death. I challenge you, Shikouju, to unarmed battle!"

"Shikouju?!" Jynx blinks as the situation slowly sinks in. "Oh Dagh," he mutters under his breath, "another one of these jokers… " The feline puts his hands up, palms facing outwards in defense. "L-Look friend, I'm not Shikouju, I think you have the wr-wrong cat… "

Count Vlad's two lady companions reach up to slide his vest-coat off of his broad shoulders, as he holds his arms back. Then, he adopts a vaguely heroic-looking pose, as his eyes seem to glint in the light of the lanterns.

In the meanwhile, Jynx backs away. "Are you deaf? I said you have the wrong guy!" He slowly slides his paw to his dagger, just in case the crazy human decides to get… well, crazy.

"Let te contest begin!" booms the deep-voiced human. "I am te greatest fighter on all uff Sinai, and te School of te Grip of Death is te mightiest vay uff unarmed combat! I shall be granted te boon uff te Emperor Potentate, once I haff bested you … and te rest of the champions uff te Schools uff te Martial Arts uff Sinai!"

One of the women hisses, "Now, dahling, no veapons permitted! Bare hands only!"

The black Khatta just shakes his head in puzzlement. "Emperor Potentate? What are you talking about?" He backs away, nearer to the dragon. "I'm not fighting anybody!"

The Count puffs out his chest, laughing loudly. "Ha! Tell tat to Master Long Toot, uff te School of te Open Artritic Paw uff Severe Drubbing! But … if you are indeed possessed uff a yellow streak … or just too old for tis sort of ting," he smirks as if at a joke, "… ten announce loudly unt clearly tat you surrender … tat you forfeit tis challenge."

"Master Long Tooth? Are you in cahoots with that coot?" The feline backs away from the strange human, looking for a way out. "And do I look old to you?" The cat stops as the last part of the man's words process in his mind. "Forfeit?" The Khatta blinks, then shrugs. "Okay, I forfeit."

The Count frowns. "I im, indeed, disappointed."

Suddenly, a golden light appears from somewhere far above, breaking through the overcast night sky. It bathes the two non-combatants in its glow, as a booming voice proclaims, "Count Vlad Tempest, Champion of the School of the Grip of Death … is victorious by default, over Shikouju, Champion of the School of the Sable Palm." The voice has a touch of a hiss to it, and an Imperial accent … plus a hint of disdain (though that's very Imperial, too, really). Then, the light just as suddenly fades.

Jynx shrugs. "Well, get used to it pal; life's full of disappointment – " He freezes at the strange light, and looks up at the sky. "Wha-… what in the name of the Star was that?"

The Count smirks. "You did not tink tis vould happen vitout an audience, did you? Te mages uff te Emperor Potentate are among te best on Sinai. He has Scrying Mages to vatch the conflicts. He has Mages of Illusion to provide te announcements. Unt … he has Chaos Mages to increase te chances tat te various champions of the Schools shall run into each other. Don't vorry. You're bound to meet a few more before tey bother to pull your name out of te enchantment."

The black Khatta just blinks, "But I'm not who you think I am!" He throws his paws to the sky in frustration. "Everyone keeps thinking I'm Shikouju, but I'm not!" Hre glares at the human. "When will you stupid idiots learn?"

The Count frowns severely. "I do not take kindly to being called an idiot, young Khatta. I demand an apology."

Jynx puts his dagger back into its sheath, walking away from the Count as he continues his search for his companions. "Remember that comment I made about disappointment? This is one of those times." He turns his back on the human, walking away.

"Tsk. A pity," says the Count. "Your grandfather was far more polite. It seems that though his blood flows in your veins, you need to be taught a lesson, still."

"Grandfather?" The feline turns to face the human. "How did you know my grandfather? And if you knew him, why are you after me?!" The cat fumes once again.

"Because," hisses the Count, "by fate or fortune, vord has gotten out about Shikouju, sole known student uff te School uff te Sable Palm. To prove my superiority, I must best all contenders … unt it suits me just as well tat you have forfeited … but you haff insulted my honor, unt care not to apologize."

"But I'm not Shikouju!" Jynx retorts, "And I know nothing of this stupid Sable Palm stuff!" He looks back at the Count, crossing his arms. "If you didn't want to be insulted, then you shouldn't have come out here looking for a fight!"

The Count's eyes flare angrily. "I haff been more tan patient vith you, brat. Now ten … DEFEND YOURSELF!" At once, he springs into motion, leaping through the air with seemingly super-human strength and agility, turning in mid-air to bring his left heel on a collision course with Jynx's gut!

The black feline's fur bristles out at the sudden attack, and he quickly tries to roll under the attack! "Hey! W-wait… !"

Feline agility pays off again, as the black Khatta smoothly rolls out of the way. The Count, however, manages to maintain an amazing amount of grace as he lands on one foot, then spins about to face the feline again. His suit doesn't seem the least bit messed up by the exertion. He strikes another "dramatic pose", and looks as if he's about to make another attack.

Jynx springs to his feet as fast as he can, reaching a paw for his dagger, as he swivels to face the human. "Look, monkey boy, I don't have time for this!"

Both of the women hiss at Jynx in a way that hardly seems human. Their eyes seem to burn with an inner fire … and, frankly, so does Jynx's dagger! Ow ow ow! He nearly burns himself on the dagger in his hand!

"YEEOWCH!" The black cat fumbles with the dagger like a hot potato, then quickly tosses it painfully aside, sucking on his singed paws. "Uh… okay… th-that was nice… " He crouches down, looking about for any escape route.

The Count makes a mock "shame shame" expression, as he wags his finger from side to side … then snaps it into an attack pose, as he dives in again, bringing in a thrust with his taut open hand!

As for avenues of escape, a flat-out run would be one option … or perhaps diving into the fountain (except that it's non-functional and presently empty), or perhaps hiding behind the dragon … or, well, there's always the tried and true method of screaming for help. Plus, there's the inn that the Count just came out of.

Jynx makes an attempt once again to dodge the human's attack, instinctually slashing out with his claws as he dives.

Jynx's dodge is well planned, but his attempt at slashing at the same time leaves him just a tad bit off balance, as the Count adjusts his attack at the last moment to grab one of the black Khatta's arms and wrench it behind his back in a maneuver that spins the cat around. His right arm is pinned behind his back, and at an angle that hurts fiercely! Plus, those fingers dig into his furred flesh like talons!

The black Khatta's fur stands on end, and tears spring to his eyes as he struggles to free himself from the human's grip, claws flailing wildly. Frustration and anger build up until the Khatta can no longer think. "Lemme GO!" It starts off as a hiss, but ends up in a roar.

"Say you are sorry," hisses the human in Jynx's ear.

So far, Jynx's flailing is to no avail. The Count seems capable of avoiding the claw-slashes. Perhaps he's fought more than just other humans before.

Jynx just continues to tug at his arm, tears still springing to his eyes as the pain worsens. He barely even hears the human's words. "Let me go!!"

An armored feline rushes up to the scene. The three-headed dragon still seems unfazed by all the ruckus – roaring included.

The detente continues, as the feline is unable to break the human's grip. The pressure increases … along with the pain, of course.

The Aelfin doesn't pause; she dashes as fast as she can after the cheetah, still mulling over the answer the knight gave her.

The feline grits his teeth, seemingly going to last out the attack, until the pain just becomes too much. "Okay, okay! I give!" The cat's tail trashes about madly. "I'm sorry!!"

Before Scarlet's eyes is an odd scene … a tall human in noble-looking garb is holding Jynx from the back … and holding the feline's arm twisted painfully behind his back. But then … as the cat cries out, the human abruptly lets go.

A golden light appears again. "Contest results the same: Count Vlad Tempest, Champion of the School of the Grip of Death, is declared the victor over Shikouju, Champion of the School of the Sable Palm." And then the light fades again. Several shutters slam shut at the unnatural display of magic.

Jynx drops to his knees, and clutches his injured arm close to his chest in pain, eyes squeezed shut and teeth gritted.

"JYYYYNX!" Scarlet cries out as she spots her friend being attacked. The girl skids to a stop and clutches her staff with a shaky hand. "You bully! Attacking Lord Kurai! Are… " She pauses and glances around as the voice resounds again. "What was that voice? It's certainly magic."

The Count walks away, as his two female companions slide his vest-coat back onto his shoulders. He turns. "I will spread the word, young Khatta, that Shikouju is no more." Then, he smirks wickedly. As he walks away, disappearing into the shadows, a loud, near-maniacal laugh can be heard, echoing eerily through the night, as the mists close about to consume his form and that of his companions.

The Count is gone.

Still on his knees, the black Khatta clutches his injured limb close to his chest, trying to get the pain under control. Eyes still squeezed shut, his tail finally starts to stop its thrashing, and slowly, his eyes open. As they are revealed, it is plain that the whites are bloodshot from pain and tears, but mostly from embarrassment. Still looking at the ground, the feline's expression starts to contort into one of anger.

Born-in-Shame signs, "Are you all right? Were you robbed? Should we give pursuit?"

A few shutters come open, as curious villagers poke their heads out to survey the scene … now that the coast seems to be clear.

"You, you… meanie! Come back here so I can give you what for!" Scarlet yells after the vanished form of Count Vlad. She shakes her head a bit, and turns to walk over to where Jynx is resting. "Lord Kurai, are you well? If you are hurt, perhaps we should take you to lay down?" the Aelfin asks him worriedly.

The ebon feline gets back to his feet, expression only altering when he gives a small wince at his arm. "No," he simply signs to the cheetah, not even replying to the Aelfin as he begins to make his way back to the boundaries of town. He looks… well, like a cat with injured pride…

Born-in-Shame signs, "Should I grab the bard? He's passed out in the inn."

Jynx just gives a small nod to the cheetah, not even glancing back.

The girl frowns some for a moment, before she turns from Jynx and walks off towards the other side of the square. "Shikouju?" she can be heard asking herself as she walks off, presumably to wake the dragon.

The sound of wooden wheels scraping on dirt and rocks and broken cobbles echoes down the street, as a wooden wagon is pulled into view, towed by a large Rhian who munches idly on a piece of straw sticking out of his mouth, a couple of lanterns dangling by ropes from poles above his head – each of the lanterns threatening to bang against his noggin with every bump.

The black Khatta turns his head to see look at whatever it is causing all the noise, and to see if his companions are coming as well.

Scarlet seems to have moved away from Jynx. In fact, she seems to be peeking from around her dragon at him. The noise doesn't distract her from this pose, either. She seems quite intent on staring at the Khatta.

The wagon comes to a halt at one end of the square, turning so that the sign on the side, "Madame Xanadu – Knows All, Tells All" can be seen by the lantern light. The Rhian calmly extinguishes the two dangling lanterns, as the town square has enough illumination of its own from the lanterns hanging by the cottages.

Born-in-Shame seems to be standing at attention, as if awaiting orders, or something like that.

Jynx grimaces; it's the crazy Korv again. He sighs, and looks to the cheetah and Aelfin. "Are you two coming? Hurry up! And get that dumb fox too."

Once addressed, the Aelfin's head pops back behind the dragon. She walks over, hugs the blue dragon head and closes her eyes. "Shikouju, and a Savanite from another world. Who are these people?" the girl whispers nervously to her dragon, more to comfort herself than to get any answer.

Born-in-Shame ducks into the Blackshire Inn to scoop up the catatonic fox, then follows Jynx out of the village, for the barge to take them back to Blackshire Keep.

The Aelfin climbs up on Ashtoreth, taking a seat on the saddle that she bought earlier. She gives a quick glance to her two mysterious fellow party members and the sleeping fox before patting the dragon on the purple head. In a whispered voice, she gives the hydra a command. "I need to get away for awhile and consider this turn of events. Ashtoreth, take me to the crater."

The black Khatta just blinks as Scarlet boards her new pet, and shrugs – wincing as he is reminded that shrugging may not be the smartest thing to do right now. His face once again turning somber, the feline turns on his heel and heads back to the barge. The pain he feels in his arm is no match for the embarrassment he feels, and only one thought runs through his mind: revenge.


GMed by Greywolf

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