Zoltan travels to the far-off land of Shabar a large Forbidden Zone on the continent of Ur, near the Ashdod Territories. There, escorted by the Black Lance, Zoltan is granted an audience by the Champion of Amber an elderly human warrior who is physically blind, but who has strange visions. For this reason, the Champion is sought out by many knights who seek direction in their quests … and Zoltan seeks direction in his quest to deal with the power known as Necropolis, which seems to have some sort of hold over his adopted daughter, Pouncer. The Champion advises Zoltan concerning how to fight Necropolis, and loans him the use of the Amber Mask to aid him in finding out the undead agents of Necropolis. Zoltan also asks about his father, Cambio Herbir … and learns that the other black Vartan is yet alive. With much to think about, Zoltan leaves with the Black Lance, returning to Rephidim.