Envoy pays a visit to Wynona at the "Hospitality Suites" at the Rephidim Temple, and informs her on current events happening in the outside world. While Envoy is there, a guard informs them that Wynona is being released. On the front steps of the Temple, Wynona opens a letter from High Princess Saraizadze of Babel, offering her a job. Wynona says that it's too good to be true … and Envoy reluctantly agrees that it would implicate Wynona as possibly conspiring with Saraizadze in sabotaging Zahirinee's pool in exchange for political favors … and that Wynona probably wouldn't survive the backstabbing political atmosphere of Babel anyway, and might be there just as leverage against Cryona. Wynona reluctantly agrees to the possibility. They both head to the School of Spirit, where Wynona is tested for any possible "spirit spies", but Dean Faust finds none. Lastly, they head to Envoy's apartment at the Earth Dorms, where Wynona gets to meet some of Envoy's fellow apprentices. At last, they head off to Zsofi's restaurant for dinner.