Envoy, with the aid of two Dream Mages assigned by Arch-Inquisitor Melchizedek, journeys into the "land of dreams" again, and sees the world of Morpheus, and the apparition of the entity of the same name. Morpheus seems agitated, indicating that there has been a lot more dream activity as of late. Envoy tells Morpheus of her encounter with Deus ex Machina on Fortunatis, and tries to find out if Morpheus can help her somehow locate the "boomer" on Sinai. Morpheus reveals that he doesn't know as much as Envoy hoped he did, but he offers to see if he can shape some crystal on this world into a shape that Envoy can use to "cage in" the boomer. Before they can pursue this idea, though, a crowd of little impish copies of Morpheus appear, calling out his name, and swarming him. Despite Envoy's attempts to fight off the imps, and Morpheus' cries of protest, the creatures disappear with him, and the Exile wakes up.