Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bat...
New 15 6097 RTR (16 Feb 1997) Wynona awakens in a land of beauty and strife.
(Aelfhem) (Spheres of Magic) (Ur) (Wynona)

Wynona, still alive, awakens some time after the destruction of the Lalee- Papu, finding herself amidst creatures known as the Aelfin, in the land of Aelfhem, far away from Rephidim and the Himaat. In exchange for the care she is given for her broken arm and bruises, she is asked to go on a short journey to the mountains, to search for dragons.

Wynona does not find dragons – but she does find an Eeee settlement which has been at war with the Aelfin for several generrations. She is taken captive, but it appears that the Aelfin are going to attack. Still not sure whom to trust anymore, Wynona resorts to attempting to cast a spell to belay the battle. As is not uncommon when "Wrong Way" Wynona is involved, the spell is interrupted and things go awry.

Once more, Wynona is rescued by the Aelfin, along with an Eeee warrior who is taken prisoner. She is then faced with some very difficult decisions that could affect not only her future but those of all within the valley.

Note: This represents Wynona's first adventure as a PC, rather than NPC.


GMed by Lynx

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