The Wingnut Archives
Midsummer 12, 6107 RTR (Sep 13, 2007) Zahnrad takes Amelia to the Wingnut Archives to look up Abner's journals.
(Amelia) (Stonebarrow) (Sylvania) (Zahnrad)

Inside the hollowed-out tree that holds the Wingnut Archives, Zahn surprises Amy by making the walls move to bring up oldest documents. He finds Abner Wingnut's journals in a glass case with no obvious way of opening. After trying to pull it open and push the front away, Zahn starts looking for hidden doors in the surrounding shelves. Amelia 'thinks like a Wingnut' and does the most counterintuitive thing she can – pushes in on the glass. This causes the case to press in and then spring forward enough to be opened.

A quick perusal of the journal reveals that about thirty pages have been carefully removed from the journal after Abner recorded the completion of the dam – and which would presumably have explained why Abner went nuts and tried to blackmail the town. The accepted theory on Abner's beheading was that someone within the Clan allowed a Blacktail entry to take care of the problem – and that for generations the suspicion for that fell on the Kettenrads from within the Wingnut Clan.

Amelia notes that the situation isn't much different in her own Clan. Nobody ever admitted to killing Abner – they would have been hanged for murdering a Clan founder, after all. The Blacktails kept and preserved Abner's head to ensure nothing would happen to it, since he was still a very important person.

There is also a brief mention in the journal of an underground chamber below the Weavers, which 'would have made a good basement' if it was dry. This leads Amelia to wonder if in the haste to rebuild the town, the engineers used existing troll tunnels for the sewer system.

The two also think it might be a good idea to have Miranda ask Buffy if she remembers anything about Abner.


GMed by BoingDragon & Jared

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Today is 15 days before New Year's Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)