Leaving the Cabin of Doom, the travellers decide to bypass the occupied village of Gormless and head for the town of Vagrant, deep within the Wandering Woods. Along the way, Alptraum goes hunting and decides to try out the spirit dagger on a wild boar to see how many trapped souls can be released. The boar explodes messily as a result!
They next come upon a wide, open and flat patch of land with a spring in it. Something about the place makes them uneasy, and they begin to notice a low vibration in the ground. Lilith and Alptraum take to the air while the others hide, and spot a huge dust cloud approaching up one of the clear 'lanes' through the woods.
When the dust clears, they find that the village of Vagrant is made up of giant wooden tortoises with house-trees growing from their backs, inhabited by wood nymphs. Tulani finds out that one of the creature belongs to Mrs. Doom, and suggests they try to reunite the pair.
In payment for letting them sleep in the shelter of the village, Alptraum plays music for the nymphs on his recorder.